Are We Missing out on Life’s Experiences With Screens?

Long gone are the days where simplicity, enjoyment, living life at the fullest extent, enjoying and experiencing life without the use of smartphones, tablet screens and so many more. Are we really missing out on life’s experiences? Everything in life has its limitations, and in today’s society, people tend to go overboard with posting everything and anything they see. They are not really experiencing life, they are merely trying to capture anything and everything to share on social media networks, capture photos and share them on photo sharing sites.

Long gone are the days where people used to go to concerts and shows where everyone’s eyes and attention was looking at the stage without wanding lights coming from smartphones and tablets. Now with thousands of people capturing moments with their devices, these concerts and these special events in a person’s life is being video taped by the videographer’s of the concert, venue, and even when people witness a wedding or a reception.

I understand that you want to keep your personal memories too, of which taking pictures and everything and that is fine, but always wanding a device isn’t really the same as actually witnessing something happen before your eyes. Some moments are meant to be lived without screens, and where down the road you can remember it in your mind, and the good times to remind yourself and those who you lived those memories with.

I mean yes, special and beautiful events such as babies when they are born, their actions, and everything else need to be documented and everything, and there are moments in a person’s life that should be kept private and not for the world to see. Do not worry if you tell someone what your child did, or said that they will not believe you. They will. You do not need to always have proof or a video of something.

You really do not have to be in competition with the world and join a popularity contest because you want to be the first ones to capture something and put so many hashtags, and post something for the sake of posting something. It should never be that way.

People have the perception that if they do not capture, video, then post it on social media, the internet, tweet about it, that some people think that they are lying without providing proof that things actually did occur. I think that everything has its limits and not everything should be published online. Some things should be kept a secret, things should be kept private. Unfortunately, privacy is non-existent in today’s world because of these devices.

When people travel and explore the world, people will always have that force of habit to document every moment with screens, but the world has become smaller and people are more familiar with everything because people do research and look up videos and get more curious to find things out all the time, but the important thing to remember is that it is not fair to capture something, and then the soon to be traveler going to that place will see what it is all about and then that person or person’s will not be surprised anymore. It will all be spoiled for them

Some things are meant to be left unsaid, some things are meant to be explored without having people always telling others about something. People need to experience and form their own opinions.

I am all for and support smartphones, video, cameras, tablets and other devices, and I have them as well, but there is a limit and a lot of people now have crossed that limit. Screens have become addicting and it is so on the rise, that some people cannot go 5 minutes without looking at their phone. They bring it with them to bed, they check messages before bed, waking up, during meals, at work, during cooking meals, tending to their families, even while driving. Nobody should have their phones or other devices while driving. That is not only dangerous but very ridiculous.

In the past before all these devices came out, how do you think people passed their time? There was twice as much homework to do after school for the students, school times were longer, there was no use of devices, people had to make their own games and toys to physically play with, not one of those gaming consoles, people were outside playing, enjoying the true essence of life, more love, respect and family time, people didn’t have the luxury of instantly finding information, where they had to jet off to the library to find books, encyclopedia’s without the use of the internet or software.

With all that being said, people need to put their screens down and look up to enjoy life more, to witness things, to observe, and to capture the beauty of the world with your eyes. Not with screens. They shouldn’t be your eyes. Be more social, talk, take a pen and physically write without the use of keyboards and keypads.

Think about it. Experience life, put down your device and do it right now.

I Want To Be Your Moon Because I Want To Shine Brightness On Your Darkest Days Of Your Life

In life, we all have our moments of darkness when unfortunate things happen to us such as losing a loved one, being bullied by others, when we lose a job, when other bad things happen, and I am sure we all have our problems in life and we just want to find ourselves after such a terrible ordeal we’ve had in our lives. Do you ever wonder when you will find brightness even in the darkest hours and days of your life? Do you have feel like you will never find that light again because of the unfortunate things going on in your life? Your loved ones will help guide you and your true friends will stick by you too. I know this is going to sound strange coming from a blogger, but I am also here too. I want to be the moon to you because I want to shine brightness on your darkest days of your life, I want to be there for you, and if you have anything you want to talk about and if you have something on your mind that you want to share and everything, I am here to listen and I will do the best of my ability to give you advice and get you back on your feet.

This morning, I found this quote on Facebook and It is such a powerful quote and it got me to think about how so many people in this world now are living in darkness because now there are so many problems happening in our world and it keeps on increasing. Never forget Me Talin Orfali, I am here for everyone and I want to be the moon in your lives. Never forget these words I say to you because I mean it and stick by to my words especially when it comes to making a difference in someones life, making positive and happy changes to ones life. It is what I am about and it is my life’s motto. I am very passionate about people, and I detest discrimination in every way. I have always told my family and friends, that I am here for you in your darkest days and in the brightest days, and they know that they can confide in me and tell me everything that is going on in their lives and they do tell me everything and that makes me feel great because they know that they can always trust me.

Anybody can trust me because I never share anyone’s problems with others and I keep it all to myself and when people request that they don’t want something shared or a secret to be told to anyone, I never blab and I never open my mouth to anyone because that is not my style and that is not how I was raised. I keep all that to myself and nobody ever knows about it because it is not cool to blab out things that were told to me in confidence. Now my friends respect me more because of that and because they know they can trust me. I really like that and I want to be the same friend to you all and I want to do the same not only for my family and friends, but I want to do it for you all too. If you have anything that you need to talk about, never hesitate. I want to make positive and happy changes in this world.

This world is in dire need of a make-over and I want to be one of the people to make a difference and I want to help the community around me and eventually all over the world. I know I keep bringing up that I want to get on television shows and having these big dreams of one day making it into the big world, but I have my reasons and the reasons being is that I want to do this for humanity and for society and as a human being I want to get out there and do my part in the world, I want to know and feel to myself that I have done my duty and my part in the world, not because I need to do it, but because I want to do it. There is a big difference in needing and wanting and I really want to do it, I really want to get out there and do this for our world and our lifestyles. It is very important to me and I will not give up no matter what comes in my way and whatever obstacle there will be to prevent me from doing so, and that will not stop me. I will always find a way to be the moon on the darkest days of people’s lives, because that’s just my style.

Violence and Gun Violence – When Will it Stop?

In recent news, where the unfortunate happened at an Oregon College in US, where gunman Chris Harper took the lives of 9 people, shooting and killing them when after the suspect was also killed. So many senseless and inhumane acts of violence, and gun violence. When is it going to stop? Does the unimaginable have to happen, so that we can see change, take preventative safety and security measures? So many shootings and killings have happened in the last little while.

Columbine, Sandy Hook, African American Church in Charleston S.C, Aurora Colo Movie theatre, TV news Reporter Alison Parker and her partner Adam ward and Alison who was interviewing Vicki Gardner in August, 2015 who survived at Lake Moneta, Malls, Shopping Plaza’s, on the streets, and anywhere else. You are really not safe anywhere in this world anymore.

Not only in US, but around the world. I can’t even imagine how someone can have the thrill of shooting and killing innocent lives or anyone for that matter. It needs to stop. I know it is easy to say that, but to act on it is a different story. I know the solution. Stop with the wars in the world, initiating violence, stopping on influencing killings of anybody at any age, Absolutely 0 Tolerance on bullying physically and emotionally, putting more supervision in schools, workplaces and other places, taking guns off our streets, educate people that violence, barbaric acts and gun violence is not a joke, nor a thrill. It is a dangerous act that can lead to permanent damage and even worse, can kill someone.

People who lead our world, Presidents, Prime Ministers, and those who govern our world, need to really think about what they are doing, the pressures they put on people, initiating wars, sending innocent troops who have loved ones they leave for years and many months, sending war weapons and vehicles, not taking care of their own countries and people to live and let live. They need to be positive influencers in our lives and they need to make great and positive changes, we need leaders to govern our world who will do it because they want to, and they need to be personable, loving, kind, respectful and do great things for our people and in our world, to make it a better place for all of us. That is a leader. Not someone who is greedy and who promotes violence.

Violent video games of guns and violence also influence as well. Some people who play them may think, hey, if they can shoot and kill people in a video game, they say we can try it in reality and see what happens.

Also, some people get bullied so much physically and emotionally that one day they may reach out to guns and officially snap and kill people uncontrollably at the environment that they were bullied and abused. It all starts with the way people are brought up and who influences them to think its okay to bully others, who promote violence, mental and domestic abuse, allowing them to treat others terribly.

So many people go through so many things in life and we must help them. Include people in our circle, respect each other, give a helping hand, an ear to listen, be kind to one another, love each other, smile, give kind gestures and be the change in the world. Many people want change, but it all starts with how our actions, words that need to be positive, to be great role models, to initiate goodness, not talking behind people’s backs, spreading rumors, to stop making fun of others for the way they look, to stop judging and gossiping about people and things we really know nothing about.

I am absolutely heartbroken and devastated for the victims families, friends, colleagues. Senseless deaths and loss of innocence is so terrible. So many lives that could make a difference in our world, who had so much more life to live, who those people were important and loved by others, families and friend circles that will never be the same again, the grief, mourning and the loss is just completely unbearable. My thoughts and prayers go out to everyone who has lost loved ones due to another person’s disgusting and barbaric acts.

It needs to stop and it needs to stop now.

Not Knowing How To Appreciate Somebody Really Hurts

When people who do not know the definition of appreciating you (me), or even think about you (me ) and only approach you (me ) only if they need something done, or anything from you (me), do not worry, what goes around comes around. Let nature take its course.

I always say this, people who are far away are always sweeter than the ones who are near and the ones who are near always get used, get volunteered into things, and expect so much more from, thinking you have time and can do things quickly. Unfortunately that is how it is. People do not realize I have feelings too, and I have so much going on for me too.

I am not complaining about doing things for others, and going out of my way to do so, but there is only so much you can do and then not be appreciated for it is absolutely hurtful.

This past week and for a while now, I have been so hurt beyond repair, my heart is aching so badly, to the point where I think about what happened when I go to bed, when I am sleeping, when I wake up, when I am going about my day, when I babysit, during when I am working, and even during my happy moments where I try to take it out of my mind. It is still there. I cried for many days and I have been so upset, disappointed on how people can be this way to others, especially if they are your own flesh in blood or whoever they are. It absolutely hurts like crazy. I really do not want to discuss what happened, but it hurts emotionally and mentally. It killed any spirit that I have left.

Its not so much about being chosen to be part of something precious and beautiful, it is the principle behind it and something to show gratitude, but unfortunately some people are not gifted with being thoughtful, and being appreciative toward others.

Well, I am not doing it anymore. Not going to allow others take advantage of me and take me for a fool. I really do not have time and energy for it anymore. Time to look after myself and go after what makes me happy, be with those who appreciate, love me for who I am, what I am passionate about and what I love to do with my own time. I have put my foot down. I am so tired of crying and being so hurt. Enough is enough.

CBC Music Contest – Vote for My Friend Tatevik Sarkisyan

Vote for Drellander – You can vote once a day.
Biographical Info — Copy/Pasted –  Credit to: CBC Searchlight competition – Tatevik Sarkisyan

Tatevik Sarkisyan is a singer/songwriter/producer/performer based in Toronto, Canada. Her main genres are pop and jazz but she also writes dance music, Latin beats, rock’n’roll and country.

Drellander was born Tatevik Sarkisyan from Armenian parents in Moscow. She began her musical journey at the age of 6 as a choir lead and piano performer at school concerts.

She came to Canada at the age of 16 and became known in the Montreal local community for performing a classical repertoire in 8 languages. At 19 she developed a passion for song-writing and presented to a small audience her first musical composition “Time”.

The singer/songwriter/producer now has more than 160 written songs behind her in a variety of styles.

Tatevik has received great reviews for her work including praise from tenor and McGill voice coach Franco Tenelli who says: “One of Tateviks greatest gifts is a beautiful voice that can be used in almost any style of music including classical and pop. In addition she is also a composer and excellent songwriter. This versatility is a unique gift itself and ensures us we have a real talent.”

At 24 Tatevik moved to Toronto and took on the artist name “Drellander” which sounds like “dreamlander”. In 2004 Tatevik collaborated with writer/film director Robert Wilson on a short film A Dying Fall that aired on CBC in July 2006 and won first place at WorldFest Houston. Tatevik’s multiple credits for this film include art direction, craft services, make-up and wardrobe, contract management as well as playing a small part in the movie. Tatevik worked with Robert at Tamerlane Productions until 2009.

In 2011 she recorded her song Oasis with indie music producer and Indie Week judge Dave Thomson of Digital Underdog Productions and released it on iTunes and Amazon via CD Baby. She also produced a music video for the song (directed and edited by Robert Wilson) that is now available on YouTube.

Tatevik launched Drellander Productions in 2012 and is currently looking for funding for her album. She secured a non-exclusive worldwide publishing deal for her songs with the Canadian publisher Jan Cooper Publishing after Jan Cooper represented her at Midem 2012 in Cannes. In the same year she had a performance at the prestigious Mod Club in Toronto organized by Landmark Media. Her song Oasis was promoted with a 2 week radio blast in Canada and US by Avala DSF (currently under Five2Eight umbrella). In February 2013 she was approached and signed with A & R Select to promote her music on radio, in magazines,TV shows, films and commercials in the US. The week of Aug 12, 2013 “Oasis” had spins on CBC Radio. It played on the CBC Radio programs “Mainstreet” (P.E.I.) and “The Bridge” (Windsor, Ontario).

Oasis is the first single from Drellander’s much anticipated debut album. As A & R Select says in their press release: ” Oasis is a metaphor for finding true love. Its message is inspiring, hopeful and creates a deep connection due to its relatable subject matter. This single has an arrangement of that of a movie soundtrack. It incorporates the depth of her skills, the passion of her writing, the beauty of her voice and has a mesmerizing effect on anyone who has the privilege to experience her music.”

In addition to being trained in music and having collaborated with some of the greatest classical voice/piano/composition teachers and performers such as Tamara Goulina (U of T), Eduardo del Campo (McGill, San Francisco Opera), Franco Tenelli (McGill, Metropolitan Opera), Vania Angelova (University of Montreal), Alexandre Solopov (McGill) and Nina Larionova Shishlova (Bolshoi Theatre), Tatevik has also studied science at McGill University and is a graduate of Touro College business school. She now teaches music and voice and her youngest student is 5 years old.

Tatevik is currently working on a few projects. Recently she co-wrote a ballad with producer/sound engineer Sean Michael Paddison called “I love you anyway” that is to be recorded and released this year. Sean has worked on a wide range of projects, including Grammy-winning, JUNO-winning, billboard charting singles and worldwide airplay. He is currently working with Chris Hau. Drellander also plans to record 3 of her original songs: a pop/classical duet “I can see a lifetime (when I look into your eyes)” with renown opera singer Franco Tenelli, a dance hit “Let the rain fall” with Montreal based producer/sound engineer Michael Makhin and another ballad “I’m so in love with you” with Toronto based producer/songwriter/manager/mentor Peter Linseman. Peter has written, produced & released dozens of national & international singles over the past few decades . He is managing the careers of TV Star/country pop artist Kate Todd and dance pop artist Stephanie Braganza. Peter made international history by writing/producing We Will Fly for Laure Shang, a successful single in China. He has also written & produced for Tanvi Shah (India – 2009 Grammy & Oscar Award winner for Jai Ho from Slumdog Millionaire), international dance pop artist Sarina Paris, international pop & Latin artist Rosita Stone. Peter is a Country Music Association of Ontario (CMAO) founding director, SIPO Foundation founding director and is an Accredited Juror for FACTOR.

Tatevik says: “I believe that my life purpose is to make people smile. Music is the perfect language to communicate emotions and share the love I have for people and life in my heart. Music is universal. It’s the language of feelings and it’s the only language that can break cultural barriers.”

This year Tatevik is participating in CBC Radio’s Searchlight Competition for Canada’s Best New Artist! Voting starts March 31st, 2015. Searchlight Link

Music Video for Oasis at

Press Release & Demos: Press/ Audio

Press Coverage – Touro Mercury Article

Searchlight Link:



iTunes Link:

Jango Radio:

Influences: Beatles, Frank Sinatra, Elvis Presley, Ella Fitzerald, Nat & King Cole, Diana Krall, Gloria Estefan, Celine Dion, Patricia Kaas, Modern Talking, Pet Shop Boys, Europe, Whitney Houston, Sarah McLahlan, Tori Amos, Mark Anthony, Laima Vaikule, Calibri, Brian Adams, Queen, John Bon Jovi, Belinda Carlisle, Lauren Christy, Leann Rimes, The Pretenders, The Righteous Brothers, Depeshe Mode, Roxette.

Favorite songs: The time of my life; If I could spend my lifetime loving you; Color of the night; Circle in the sand; I will always love you, You’re always on my mind, Yesterday, I’ll stand by you, Black Velvet, Mercy, Someone like you, Power of love.

In addition to being trained in music and having collaborated with some of the greatest classical voice/piano/composition teachers and performers such as Tamara Goulina (U of T), Eduardo del Campo (McGill, San Francisco Opera), Franco Tenelli (McGill, Metropolitan Opera), Vania Angelova (University of Montreal), Alexandre Solopov (McGill) and Nina Larionova Shishlova (Bolshoi Theatre), Tatevik has also studied science at McGill University and is a graduate of Touro College business school. She now teaches piano and voice and her youngest student is 5 years old. She is also trying herself as a life coach by sharing inspirational & educational messages & various self help techniques with her friends.


Celine Dion
Mariah Carey
Whitney Houston
Lady Antebellum
Mark Anthony
Regina Belle
Brian Adams
Sarah McLahlan
Leann Rymes!/artists/Drellander

Tatevik will definitely appreciate your vote.

Thank you!

The Purpose of Blogging – Why do we do it?

In the past few blog posts with the subject of communication and along the lines of what is relative to that, the way we feel, how we get our words and points across to the world and how we do it to reach out to others, and to share with the world our points of view, opinions, suggestions, to raise awareness on issues, to advertise, promote, social issues, recipes, tips, organizational ideas, simplifying life and so much more. We all have our own perspective and our own purpose when blogging and writing about our life. The question is why do we do it? Why do we spend time with writing? Why do we post our blog entries?

To answer those questions is quite simple. We all have a voice and existence in this world and there is just so many stories, journeys, experiences, moments, memories, being helpful, useful and beneficial information about life, travel, food, the holidays, situations, issues to address to the world and things that happen to us to share, to give our insight, and so much more. We spend time writing is because it gives us a boost, and the most important thing is how we feel, and how we want to communicate to the world. Blogging is a therapeutic yet rewarding feeling. It is like writing in our diary, but a virtual diary that we want to post public. We post blog entries to contribute something, an idea and something to share with the world.

Now with this being a virtual diary, there comes responsibility and thinking before we press the post button. There are private issues and things that should not be published of real private matters in ones home, in ones personal life. back in the day and maybe until now people have a personal and private diary, and I am sure you do not want certain people to open it up and unlock your diary of real personal things that you do not want people to see, its almost like the same thing with public blogging. You do not want to post private matters for the world to see, so always be mindful and think before you post something so personal.

Never keep your blogging private. It defeats the whole purpose of writing and expressing to the world. If you want to keep some of your writings private, make a diary, and keep it for yourself in hiding, but hiding a blog is pointless. Somehow no matter how private a blog is, somehow it can always be seen in a way.

Never stop blogging, never stop writing and most importantly never lose your purpose and perspective on why you started blogging in the first place. Never give up what you enjoy doing, never ever let anybody tell you to stop doing what you are good at. Well, nobody is perfect, however that should not define anything. You are in control of your own destiny, your own goals you want to attain from blogging and writing to the world. Remember you do not have to be a perfect blogger, its how you feel and what you want to accomplish. The beauty of blogging is something that is indescribable and the future of journal writing which is now.

So, what is your purpose? Why do you do it?

Communication Style – What is your Type?

As we go through life from the moment we are born, communication is and will always be a vital asset in our day-to-day lives. We need communication when we speak to our family members, boyfriend, girlfriend, wife, husband, partners, groups, friends, colleagues, our bosses, fellow students, teachers, traveling, in social media, sending e-mails and so many different types of communication.

I attended a seminar “Inspire For Tomorrow” at my Armenian Community center and it was about communication, and I learned so much in a couple of hours. It put things into a new perspective, it gave me new light, new ways to deliver our speech, our stories, and so much more. There are several ways you can communicate, but here are 4 styles of communication, that I have observed in my life and my thoughts on it all:


The DriverSomeone who is direct, to the point, detail oriented, who speaks their mind, who produces results, attaining goals, gets into competitive situations, taking charge and being in control, wasting no time to beat around the bush.

The RelaterSomeone who cares about a situation, who can connect with others by thinking of the other person first, who’s relationships and friendships mean the world to a person, someone who is relaxed, and feel cared for, becoming silent, introspective and withdrawn, being helpful, coinciding with others, comforting others.

AnalystOne who always seeks data, second guesses people, making decisions after analyzing a situation, testing people, giving people to focus on interpersonal and communication skills, those who despise making mistakes, double-checking everything, not being able to trust situations and people until doing further research on a person.

– ExpresserSomeone who recognizes emotions, who expresses feelings, and what that person wants to say, the over sharing person who keeps on talking, and beats around the bush, making a small story into a big one, gets excited, giving feedback, boring people because of overusing communication, explaining ideas to the core then saying things out of turn which then makes it into an argument and problems can arise of sharing too much information.


All those 4 styles have good and the bad, but we must find a way to be consistent when we communicate with others, using the right tone, words, following up with someone privately about something that you feel is gone wrong, not announcing it in a public, group setting, taking up issues with the person directly, instead of involving others in the mix. People will appreciate it when someone brings the other person to the side and discuss with them a problem, situation or something going on, then finding a solution to the problem, solving whatever issue, and finding the right words, tone to express those feelings.

We must always think about how we are going to present ourselves, no matter where you are, whether it is about self-regard, being assertive, emotional self-awareness, self-actualization, independence. It could be a beautiful thing, but it is in the way we utilize it all.

Communication is a never-ending learning process, and nobody is perfect and makes mistakes, however to always learn from them and progressing to do better, to improve in relationships, friendships, is something that is imperative. If you believe you have made a mistake, do not worry, focus on the future and make it better, improve the way you speak to others, always ask for advice, always have a mentor, someone whom you can talk to a person whom you can trust if you are unsure of how to deal with a situation if you are unsure yourself. It is always good to ask, then to stay silent.

Always be confident, express your ideas to others, be in communication, always tell a person how you feel about something without offending them. There is always a way to go around it. How do you normally handle situations that are presented to you? What have you learned from it all?

Why is communicating and expressing yourself so important? Everyone has a voice, everyone has something to contribute to the world, that is why everyday in technology, and things of the world are being invented, new innovations, new concepts, context, perspectives, theories, discoveries are being made across the world, because many people communicate, and want to get out what they feel is right for the benefit of the world and its people. Each one of us can make a difference in this world, and communication is one of them and we begin just doing that. Without that everyone would not have a voice and this world cannot continue to move forward. That is exactly why Communication is key and so important in our daily life.

So no matter how we express ourselves, the most important thing is the way we do it and a way where it will not hurt others, and where we can find common ground with everything in our lives.

How do you communicate? What is important to you to get across to others? Best wishes to you in your journey. We can all do something positive, say great things and to avoid messy situations, by just changing our tone and the way we communicate.

Never Apologize for The Way You Feel

A lot of the times in life we go through many feelings, emotions, and sometimes we tend to apologize for what we are feeling and telling people our emotions. You have every right to feel what you are feeling, You never have to explain yourself to anybody. Never be ashamed of your feelings. I know they say that you have to express your feelings everytime and tell people exactly how you feel, however sometimes you cannot control feelings, you cannot explain the way you feel due to a certain situation. I know no matter what you have to tell someone how you feel, and not keep anything inside of you, but some circumstances say otherwise. It depends on the person and whom you can confide into easily.

If you keep on living your life on other peoples terms and the way they want you to feel, the way they want you to live your life always telling you what to do, forcing, commanding you to do something is not somebody you want to associate with. Find the path and the people who can relate to you, do what you feel is right for you. Sometimes you need to get out from the norm, and do what is best for you. If you keep on living your life to please others, to always try and impress others, to always keep proving yourself and working hard for other peoples approval, you are not going to get anywhere in life and all you are going to do is just live for other people.

Sometimes you need to put your foot down and say, okay enough is enough. People talk so much about you and your life, gossip, spread rumors, put words in your mouth and what you should do with your life, however sometimes people need to look at themselves in the mirror first before they point fingers, criticize and belittle you. Some people have nothing better to do, than talk smack about other people, when they need to sort out their life and what they need to do. Remember nobody full knows you and about your personal life and what you are going through, and you never have to explain yourself to nobody.

Ignore people who talk so much bogus about you, and ignore people and block them out of your life. Life is too short. Be happy, be you, live your life on your own terms and your own comfort, and do not worry about anything else. People are always going to judge and point fingers. Don’t let it affect you and your life, well-being and who you are. True, compassionate and understanding people will be there for you every step of the way without explaining yourself. Remember others opinions of you, do no matter. Its how you make an opinion of yourself that matters. As long as you feel good about yourself and bring yourself up with good thoughts, confidence, the way you are is what matters the most.

People will always do and say mean things, but never let that take control of yourself.

I have realized a lot of things in the last little while, that you cannot expect people to understand you, your feelings and be on the same page as you, not everybody will be your friend and agree with you. I recommend that people should never stop being themselves, be who you are, feel what you want to feel. In the end we are all human beings in this world, we do make mistakes, we do wrong in social issues, we tend to sometimes associate with people whom we always have to try to fit in, do things to stay in the loop, however you never need to try to fit in, try so hard, and try to stand out, because there will be people who will appreciate you for you and there will be people who will love and cherish you and the memories shared and will share in the present and the future.

Wishing you the best with everything and remember never apologize for the way you feel. Always be thankful and just go on with life. There is only so much you can do and life will never give you more than you can handle.

The Benefits of Writing and Blogging in Social Media

All of us in this life have something special and incredible to contribute to this world, and whatever it is, each and everyone of us are gifted with something great. In this day in age with social media, blogging, writing and contributing to the digital world with our thoughts, words, feelings, emotions, issues, and other things is something so fabulous and the rewarding feeling of stepping out to social media and the benefits from it all is something that some people do not realize what an impact an individual puts on other people reading and engaging into peoples blog sites.

There are people always searching for something, and it is quite easy to get to a website/blog that has the topics that person is looking for when blogs are put as public and visible to search engines which I recommend people do, because what is the point of writing a blog to keep it private? I truly believe that when you sign up to write a blog, it is imperative to post it as public. There can be people reading the blog and then offer insight, comments, recipes, interests, music, about family, friendships, world issues, topics, hobbies, health, love, organization ideas, notes, tips, travel and so much more. You just need to moderate comments coming to your blog and everything will be alright.

The benefits of writing and blogging is something that is very important to me and my life. I have been writing for 12 years now, and so many articles written for my local community, for websites, for other social media sites among my WordPress blog of course. I saw so many benefits from it from not only engaging into other peoples blogs, and following people, but it makes the world a much smaller place and easy to interact and reach out to other people.

You do not need to be the perfect writer, or have the most perfect blog, you do not need to be 100% in your Blog writings, it is however you feel the need to write your blog and how you know it, how you want to express yourself to other people. Just make sure that your blog and what you write is something that you should always be careful and think about before pressing the submit, send, post button. Also with Social Media comes the social responsibility of the content we post, and what to post. Always use your discretion and if you are unsure about posting something, do not post it.

Enjoy your blogging journey, take in the benefits. You never know who stops by your blog, it can be someone famous, professors, preachers, and whoever is looking for information, inspiration, positivity, or whatever their heart desires. It is an amazing journey to go through. Even if you cannot blog everyday, no matter how many times you write, its amazing. There is no time limit or rules. Besides you make your own rules when it comes to your blog, but like I said use disrection and make wise decisions on what to post, and you will see the benefits soaring and you will see a whole new world to social media and blogging.

We are all in this together, we all have something to contribute and to share around the world. We all have different perspectives, opinions, suggestions, advice, feelings, emotions and so much more to give. Once we join social media, blogging, and the virtual/digital world, we can always do something fabulous with it, make a difference in this world and making everyone welcome to it. It is the way we handle it and the way we control it.

Blogging is a beautiful and incredible thing. Thank you to my fans, supporters, family, friends and so many others. Without my readers, blogging would not be possible. So again I say thank you.

Just have fun with it, do what you do, and enjoy the benefits of your social media journey through blogging and much more. many best wishes to you all.

Make It a Happy World – Start With Yourself

In order to make a positive, happy, and optimistic difference in the world, you first must have to make a difference within yourself to be more happy, optimistic and positive, because if you lead a negative, pessimistic, unhappy life, that is all that you will spread to the world and that will not help anybody, and it will especially not be good for you. Instead of moving forward, you will always go back. Don’t go back, you are not headed that way anyway right?

– Take time just to spend time with yourself, think of all the great qualities you have and utilize them to the world.
– On a sheet of paper, write down 10 good things about yourself and what you can do to make this world a better place, and put that somewhere visible in your home, on your Fridge door, in your room, in the room you are mostly, wherever you want. Then use those 10 good things, get out in the world and do it, once you do it, you will see the world-changing to a better place for us all.
– You have the power to make life better for you, you just need to live a little, live life to the fullest, and when you least expect it, something good will always come in front of you.
– life has unexpected twists and turns, sometimes it can be unfortunate, but in order to rise above it all, refer to the 10 things you write about yourself and go from there. You will see life in an all new light. Because things go bad for you some days, that does not mean that everyday will be bad for you. Get up, dust yourself off, and get going.
– As you go down that road of life, stop and admire its beauty, smell the beautiful flowers that blossom your life, appreciate, be thankful, show gratitude, smile, keep your head up high, be honest with others and yourself.

Be yourself always, and never ever be someone you are not. Besides everybody else is taken, so take yourself, be who you are. You are enough. Make the World happy, but start with yourself.

Being Negative on Social Media All the Time – Not a Good Idea

In the last decade or so, since I have been involved social media websites, began to view Peoples profiles, news feeds, status messages, quotes and everything these particular people post about life, about struggles, always something negative because that is all they associate themselves with, instead of making things better for them. Now, let me tell you why it is not a good idea to post negativity all the time on social media websites:

Reason being is that everybody even if you think can’t see it, they can, and it does not make you look good in other peoples eyes when you constantly update statuses and post photo quotes on very negative things. It begins to be too much and people will then start thinking, this person is seeking attention, always wants people to comment, retaliate, saying things will get better, have faith, look forward in future and everything, and it also makes that person look like their life is totally bad, that nothing good is ever coming to that person. Well, life is what you make it, and if you keep going in circles always looking for negativity, and no positive outcomes, then that is all it is going to be.

I know it is not in my business, it’s easier said than done in some case, or my place to criticize, and to bring this topic up because I may not know what is going on personally in people’s personal lives with situations like this that arise, but life is not entirely bad as people think it is. When you start thinking positively, with good thoughts, being optimistic, looking forward, smiling, and doing good things to benefit others and yourself, you will see that life is beautiful, you will then discover a whole new world of being happy with yourself and whom you are.

There comes a point in life where you need put your foot down, and say enough is enough. I cannot be depressed all my life, I cannot be unhappy, miserable and then because I am miserable, unhappy, depressed and negative, that I have to make everybody else around my circle the same way. You have to make your life and the way you want your life to be. You cannot do this to yourself. It is not good. Especially always seeking attention on social media websites. It does not lead a good impression on yourself and that is not good.

Some people will never learn and change their ways unfortunately, and I know people like that and it saddens me. In order to change your outlook on life to a more positive, optimistic approach, you gotta do everything and anything to create your own happiness, to create your own smiles to stand up on your own two feet and put your foot down and say, “Hey, why am I doing this?” You cannot blame anybody else. Your attitude on life is the biggest thing. Change your attitude and life will change. I guarantee you.

Ok once, twice, three times you post something and you need help with getting advice and everything on what to do with a certain situation is fine, but if you keep on posting the same things all the time, day in and day out about a certain subject especially on relationships, friendships and everything, people will then think, this person has not learned anything we tell them, this person just keeps going in circles with just hearing and reading our advice, but in goes one ear and out the other. Don’t waste your time writing the same negativity day in and day out and don’t waste other people’s time for them spending their time to write to you.

People do care, and want the best for you, that is why they write to you in the first place, and that is why they want you to do better, be happy and steer to the right direction. It will one day come to a point where those people will stop writing to you because you do not seem to understand anything. If you post something on social media websites, it is there for people to see, and people will retaliate, people will respond or choose not to, but they will see it. Don’t drive someone to a point where they no longer will give a care. Think long and hard before you post another status message or post something that is negative.

Empower people by posting happy thoughts, and goodness. Once you start looking for positivity, optimism and happiness, you will see how life will change, but it is totally up to you! Make the good impression on yourself. best wishes!

Life is Too Short — Keep Smiling and Be Happy

In life no matter what it throws at us, and the obstacles along the way, never ever lose hope and faith in anything. God is always there with you every step of the way and you may not realize it, but he is and among everything else. Nothing is impossible in life, because (I’m Possible) – Be positive, happy, keep smiling, let go of negativity, let go of the past and keep going forward. You will run into bad days, you will run into unfortunate things, things will not always be perfect in life, but You are not going to go back to yesterday, so look forward to the present, now, tonight, tomorrow, and future.

If you keep leading a negative, unhappy, depressed life, that is all that it is going to be for you. You will keep going around in circles with nothing new in life to look forward to. Don’t do this to yourself, and don’t spread that negativity and unhappiness to others and make everybody else miserable around you, just because you are miserable. Snap out of that. You are only doing this to yourself. Life goes on, everyday is a new day. I know it is easier said than done, but you have to. It is the only way to move forward. I know that everyone has their own personal issues to deal with, but above all that, the ball is in your court to make life better. Do not depend on anybody else for your own happiness. In the end we are all individuals, we are all one person. If we do not make the effort, and go for our own joy, happiness, positivity and optimism in life, things will always be the same, and that is why we become miserable.

Be kind, love each other, respect each other, be nice and help each other, give your hand to someone in need. This is the only way this world will go into the right direction.

Keep smiling, be joyful and look toward a bright future. It is up to you. Best wishes

Have We Become An Over-sharing Society on Social Media?

Since social media has come into today’s society for several years now, with an easy and instant way to communicate to the world about our every move, and everything that goes on in our lives. The question is, have we become an over-sharing society? Is it necessary to post every single thing that we do on a daily basis? Do we think a few times before clicking on the submit, send, post buttons? Things, that we do on a daily basis that are so common in this world, and things that we on social media platforms do not need to know about. Too much information is being transmitted through the world in an instant and some that should not even be. Once you post something, even for a few seconds and delete it, It is on the internet forever, and it very hard to delete it, because the internet has cached files and once you go on any search engine, it is very easy to see what you post. I have seen a lot of things on social media and it has become a very concerning thing.

I know we are free to post what we want, but some things should be kept private and even very personal matters in one’s life should not be shared to the world, especially when it comes to family life. I know although it is good to post to educate others on situations and everything and if you are going to post something, generalize on a topic, issue or subject, do not make it personal about you and your loved ones.

Here are examples of common things that we do that should not be shared for the billions of people around the world to see:

*****— I just went to the washroom — I just took a shower — I am now going out for a walk — I did laundry — I just cleaned the house — I did some gardening outside — I just changed the oil on my car — I took my car for a car wash — I am going out to eat with friends – *****

Those are the things I am talking about. Not just writing things online, but also photos and videos that are necessary. Nothing is kept private anymore unfortunately, but things should. I know you want to document everything in your life, you want to do everything to look back to those memories and enjoy it, but there comes times where you need to leave all technology behind and just focus on the moment and the memories to make, so you can replay them in your mind. Sometimes with technology we miss things happening in our lives with screens constantly in our faces.

There is more to life, than to post every aspect of it for the world to see on social media. Yes I am guilty of posting and doing things like that myself, but I know my limit and I am always within it. Always take responsibility, be responsible, and be smart.

Yes, there are great and positive ways to use social media and it is all in the way you use it. Always ask, do research and think before you post. Is it thoughtful, helpful, inspiring, nice and kind? Always THINK – BEFORE – YOU – POST
Enjoy your social media journey, but limit yourself, and do good things with it.

The Right & Wrong Way to Use Tinder – The App – Finding Your Match

Recently, I discovered a new App called Tinder to find the perfect match, and so I decided to give it a try. So as I was discovering and playing around with it for a bit, It shows Men or Women close to you and you can play around with the settings as to how many miles or kilometers you can stretch out your search, and the age bracket you want to search for. If you swipe left it will be a nope, if you swipe right it will have a green check mark and a heart on the bottom. You can even click on the X Button or the Heart Button for yes. Tinder connects to your facebook, and picks some of your likes and interests among with your pictures from Facebook. However, it will not post your real full name. Just your first name and your age, I did notice some things that were wrong about how people are using it. Here are the wrong and right ways to use Tinder.

1. 99.9% if not 100% of the time people are not going to like and will swipe left or click on the X if you do not have a profile picture, and it shows up blank. We want to see pictures maybe more than one.

2. Your Tinder profile should be 100% you – Only have pictures of yourself on your profile, Not pictures with your friends, especially for men who have pictures with a Girl, and for Girls who have pictures with a guy. Not going to happen for you. Review your photos that have been uploaded from Facebook’s generated app, delete the ones you have with your friends, and solely put up pictures of just you Alone. Nobody else. Besides your on Tinder for a reason. right?

3. Spice up your profile, describe your interests, what do you enjoy?

4. If you are currently seeing someone and are in a relationship, you should not be on Tinder. Unless the reason is you are looking for a friend who can be a match with you, but other than that, delete your profile page.

5. I know the old fashioned way is to go out in the social world to look for your match and that sometimes online matches can be something that a lot of people may not trust, but Tinder is a great app to start.

6. Do not put up fake pictures and lie in your interests. The truth always comes out. So save the hassle.

7. Posting pictures of you with a cigarette in your mouth, looking scruffy, dirty and your pants below the buttocks will not get you brownie points with the ladies or the ladies for the men vice versa. Post up presentable and great pictures. Then that will guarantee a swipe right.

8. The only way to find out if someone liked you back is when you swipe right and its a match, but if you like somebody else, and they haven’t found you yet, or they didn’t like you back, you won’t find out about it. Remember this app is 100% about matching, but don’t give up. There is that fish in the sea that wants you too.

9. start with a hello if you match with them, and say thanks for swiping right. then see where the conversations lead. Be yourself, don’t try so hard, and don’t start talking about personal things right away. Speak in general.

10. If your match starts on wanting to do the deed right away in the first conversation you have then, there is the block option. It will go into good use.

11. if you physically meet up with anybody on Tinder for the first time face to face, always a good idea to have someone come with you, and stay a little bit from the distance, but always having your eye on them or actually going up to meet that Guy or Girl. can’t be too careful.

Well, enjoy Tinder and follow these simple steps. it will guarantee you a match. If you do not have Tinder and want to upload it to your Smartphone, go to the app store in your phone and get started with it. Have fun!

Justin Bieber – Take Responsibility For Your Actions

In recent events, Justin Bieber was arrested for driving under the Influence (DUI), and Drag racing with a rented Lamborghini in Miami, Florida, and just before that He had thrown eggs at his neighbors home, causing financial damage to the property and more. Police searched his mansion and found drugs and all kinds of things, as well as he was caught urinating in a bucket in a restaurant I believe and so many other stupid things he has done in his so-called career as a star which he is anything but a star.

Hardworking ordinary citizens have 2 jobs to survive and make ends meet to provide for their families and themselves, while this Justin BIEBS Idiot spending 75,000 bucks like pocket change in a strip club, drag racing a Lamborghini, his huge mansion in LA, all his super duper expensive cars, and his spending habits, doesn’t give a crap about anybody but himself. Fans gave him all that attention, money and fame.  These teenagers and younger people take his stupidity and learn to do these things because of him and other idiots like him. That is why this craziness never ends, that is why teenagers and young adults say, if Justin Bieber is doing this stuff and getting away with it, we can do the same, and that makes it “COOL” to do stuff like that, when it really isn’t. It is so stupid, dumb and ridiculous. Stupidity will never stop when Idiots like Justin Bieber are on our TV screens. Our Society is doomed because of people like him.

Fine example, Look at the way he dresses and portrays himself. It is beyond disgusting, horrid, inappropriate and distasteful. He needs to learn manners, learn respect, learn how to be a proper human being with morals, common decency. He does not know what he doing most of the time. Yes, people make mistakes, and no one is perfect, but there is no excuse for his behavior, there is no excuse in the excuse book that can amount to anything he has done. For heaven sake, there are teenagers and little kids who look up to you, be a good example, be the bigger person, spread love, cheer, and be a good person, spread positivity, we would like to hear good things, and inspiring things . Justin must take responsibility for his actions, he needs to cut himself out from the entertainment industry and our TV screens, and really spend time and think about what he is doing and how its effecting a lot of teenagers and kids who are so vulnerable to these things.

What if when he was drag racing and doing stupid things in Miami, killed someone or injured somebody or may have caused a serious crash or something, or crashed into a business, building or something? Thank Goodness nobody got hurt during his stupidity. There is no excuse for that bad behavior to go for a joy ride in the middle a street. Its not even a race track. They are streets where everyone shares the road for heaven sake and for his father to block off the area, so he can do his stupid thing and boom getting caught. I am glad he was arrested. He needs to learn a lesson, and driving with an expired license and having his license revoked. Yeah very smart(sarcasm).  There is no excuse for drinking and driving and sitting behind the wheel of a car after heavily drinking.

He needs to see what drinking and driving does to families, and the victims of it. He needs to watch videos, he needs to get educated heavily, and for once stop his crap. I mean no offense to fans, but he really cannot sing, and his songs are just not anything special. Selena Gomez, girl you can do so much better than the biebs. I suggest those who are fans of him, stop supporting him, stop being on his side. There really is nothing good about this kid that I have seen so far. He needs to get his act together, he needs to own up to his acts and be a man, be mature, and stop this madness. . I am just so angry about this situation. I cannot believe our society is so saturated with these things.

Its not funny. This is serious stuff. Nothing to joke about at all. I am done with this Justin Bieber stuff. All I know is, that kid needs to be disciplined big time, social workers, police, put him on a curfew, house arrest, or something. This kid is out of control. Well, enough ranting. His disgusts me. Enough said.