The Hard Truth & Sad Reality of Social Media – Devices That Consume Us

The sad reality of how smartphones and other devices are consuming us and face-to-face human interaction and communicating is diminishing and at a rapid rate. We need to set limits within ourselves to go offline, explore our world around us, connect with humans at a personal level, show emotions, and develop our personalities.

This is the fact and the hard truth and it has become a huge problem in our society, when we prioritize what’s on our screens, and play with apps. We no longer need to do any critical thinking anymore, we no longer need to learn the basics, even mathematics, spelling, counting. Everything is done for us and there are apps for everything.

We are putting smartphones and devices first in our lives, and physical communication with people second. Even paying attention to our families and friends have diminished. I see it happen far too often where people get together at restaurants and coffee shops and they sit around not talking, but they are on their phones and showing no emotion, and no personality. It is so sad. Why have we come this far? Why do we have to do this 24/7?

Here I am talking about this on a social media blogging platform.

We have become so dependent on these devices that we even ask Siri and Alexa to do basic chores around the house like taking down decorations for example, but we know that it won’t happen that way, but maybe one day. I wouldn’t put anything past it. Screen time is consuming our time at a very alarming rate.

So much of our lives are going by and we don’t realize it. Spend time with your loved ones and create memories without these screens. want to take pictures? Buy a digital camera and take pictures and then look at them later. Smartphones have made it easy to take pictures and to share instantly too

Our brains are no longer functioning without these devices that we stare at for hours and hours a day. People cannot even put these devices down when driving, walking, and even shopping. This has become a big disease and it is running people’s lives.

It’s very serious. I am very concerned about the coming generations.

These images are so powerful and the description exactly and spot on of what these devices are doing to us. Hopefully, it will make people think about their actions and take these matters seriously. What can we do to combat this? How can we take a break from this all?

I am definitely making changes in my life. Life is too short. 

I Want To Be Your Moon Because I Want To Shine Brightness On Your Darkest Days Of Your Life

In life, we all have our moments of darkness when unfortunate things happen to us such as losing a loved one, being bullied by others, when we lose a job, when other bad things happen, and I am sure we all have our problems in life and we just want to find ourselves after such a terrible ordeal we’ve had in our lives. Do you ever wonder when you will find brightness even in the darkest hours and days of your life? Do you have feel like you will never find that light again because of the unfortunate things going on in your life? Your loved ones will help guide you and your true friends will stick by you too. I know this is going to sound strange coming from a blogger, but I am also here too. I want to be the moon to you because I want to shine brightness on your darkest days of your life, I want to be there for you, and if you have anything you want to talk about and if you have something on your mind that you want to share and everything, I am here to listen and I will do the best of my ability to give you advice and get you back on your feet.

This morning, I found this quote on Facebook and It is such a powerful quote and it got me to think about how so many people in this world now are living in darkness because now there are so many problems happening in our world and it keeps on increasing. Never forget Me Talin Orfali, I am here for everyone and I want to be the moon in your lives. Never forget these words I say to you because I mean it and stick by to my words especially when it comes to making a difference in someones life, making positive and happy changes to ones life. It is what I am about and it is my life’s motto. I am very passionate about people, and I detest discrimination in every way. I have always told my family and friends, that I am here for you in your darkest days and in the brightest days, and they know that they can confide in me and tell me everything that is going on in their lives and they do tell me everything and that makes me feel great because they know that they can always trust me.

Anybody can trust me because I never share anyone’s problems with others and I keep it all to myself and when people request that they don’t want something shared or a secret to be told to anyone, I never blab and I never open my mouth to anyone because that is not my style and that is not how I was raised. I keep all that to myself and nobody ever knows about it because it is not cool to blab out things that were told to me in confidence. Now my friends respect me more because of that and because they know they can trust me. I really like that and I want to be the same friend to you all and I want to do the same not only for my family and friends, but I want to do it for you all too. If you have anything that you need to talk about, never hesitate. I want to make positive and happy changes in this world.

This world is in dire need of a make-over and I want to be one of the people to make a difference and I want to help the community around me and eventually all over the world. I know I keep bringing up that I want to get on television shows and having these big dreams of one day making it into the big world, but I have my reasons and the reasons being is that I want to do this for humanity and for society and as a human being I want to get out there and do my part in the world, I want to know and feel to myself that I have done my duty and my part in the world, not because I need to do it, but because I want to do it. There is a big difference in needing and wanting and I really want to do it, I really want to get out there and do this for our world and our lifestyles. It is very important to me and I will not give up no matter what comes in my way and whatever obstacle there will be to prevent me from doing so, and that will not stop me. I will always find a way to be the moon on the darkest days of people’s lives, because that’s just my style.

A Day In The Life in Cuba – The Reality

In life, one of the most incredible experiences is travel. I believe that when you travel to see the world, different lifestyles, realities, different people, places is something that is such a great thing. You become more aware, educated, informed and get in touch with your personal self to get a better understanding than what you hear in the media and pictures, also to change your perspective on things of the way your life is and in your own backyard to appreciate, count our blessings, and to be grateful for everything you have in life where others are less fortunate and do not have much. For example, in Cuba.

I have traveled to Cuba 13 times in my lifetime. I have traveled almost all over the island and have seen cities, and towns along the way. I have spent time with the locals, and met families, and have seen the way people live their day to day lives with the bare minimum. Some people make about $12.00 – $30.00 a month. Maximum 35 if they are lucky. Most people work in the resorts and touristic parts, some who are teachers, doctors, room makers, cleaners, bartenders and more.

A lot of people nowadays are so picky about what they want to eat, some people have a fridge full of food, pantries full, stomachs full, and they still are trying to figure out what to make. I admit, I am one of them, but It is really an eye-opener when you see the world. Not only in pictures, but when you see it with your own eyes. That is a whole new ball game. Well, some people in this world unfortunately do not have that option. Cuban people get a certain amount of food per month or every 2 weeks and that they need to space out how much food to eat during the day, some have to struggle to make their own food.

As I was going through towns from Cayo Santa Maria, back to Santa Clara where the airport is to come back home, I saw some of the most saddest things I had ever seen, there are run down buildings that look like they will collapse any minute, people walking around the streets with heavy bags, people cutting grass with machetes or some sort of cutter, some people going somewhere with horses, busted up cars, and it just made me tear up and think to myself, how can people live like this day in and day out? I teared up and so did the person who was sitting next to me and I overheard 2 ladies behind me saying that, we shouldn’t complain anymore and be choosy about everything we have. This really opened up my eyes one of the ladies said, and the friend of hers or whoever it was said, yes that’s true, you are right.

I have been through towns and cities in Cuba, and some of the conditions of the homes the Cuban people live are terribly sad. It breaks my heart. They don’t have proper windows, the roofs of some of the houses are coming apart, a lot of the houses are the size of a 14 to 17 foot place and some of the houses are even smaller than that. Can you imagine a family of 5 living there? Well, I met this family of 5 and they live in such a small house and they have to go outside of the home to use the toilet and to shower they have buckets inside the house and there is running water outside, so they have to go out to get running water then come back to wash up inside where there is just a drain.

In Cienfuegos, Cuba when I went. I had met an entertainer and then he invited my family and I over to his house, so the next day we took the taxi over to his place. We met his family and I remember how hospitable they were with us and so friendly. So, we took them a few items we do not need anymore and they were so happy. So the mother of the entertainer made us a whole table full of food, and started preparing the day before when the entertainer told them we are coming over. The dinner we had was so delicious and it was probably their months worth of food for us for that night. It was done without our knowledge or else we would have refused and if we did, they would get offended, so we ended up eating all of it as we were hungry. They then served us coffee and then we went back to the hotel.

They were so incredibly friendly and we got to see how they lived the whole day. They struggle so much with the deplorable conditions they live in. Some places though are really nice. It depends on the monthly salary as well. Again, I came to my resort and I just thank my lucky stars. I showed a few Cubans my pictures from my Camera, and they have never even seen an airplane in their lives, they have never even seen a camera, let alone the type of clothing I was wearing. It absolutely broke my heart to pieces.

I will continue to visit Cuba. I really like the people there and they are so friendly, witty and energetic, but for some people you can see the sadness and depression in their faces and you can tell some of them don’t have much, and some show they are happy, but they are not. The desperation can be seen. They love it when you give them shoes, clothing and anything else. For these people I will donate and give them the shirt off my back. Put yourself in their shoes and see what its like, but some people don’t realize.

I see them working so hard at the resorts, non-stop and they have to travel long ways to make a Buck which is a Peso there. There are people who come to these resorts who travel there, and I see how rude the guests can be to them and waste so much food on their plates, demand things from them. I mean at the end of the day, they are human beings just like us and deserve to be treated with respect and to have patience. Those Cubans see it and they said, I wish I had this much food at my home and I can see the frustration and sadness in their eyes. I am very observant when I travel. Some of these tourists don’t realize that, however I do and I am compassionate and patient with them. I put myself in their shoes and I go from there.

Moral of the story is that you should always be thankful for what you have. You never know what someone else is going through and people in this world do not have anything, so we must stop begging for more, being desperate for buying the next newest and latest smartphones, or super expensive things that really suit no purpose in life. Some people are so spoiled to the fullest extent. It is unbelievable. We should always count our lucky stars because people in this world aren’t so lucky.

Have you been to Cuba or anywhere else and have seen the way people live?

Do you travel to other destinations to see other peoples reality and what it is like?

Would love to hear from you.

Picky Food Eaters – This is an Eye-Opener

There is something that I need to address. Everyday it is a struggle to figure out what to cook, and there are those who ask, “What are you cooking today?” “We are eating that again?” “Why don’t you make this instead?” “I don’t like this, I don’t like that”, well some people do not know how hard it is, especially when it comes to picky eaters, those who waste so much food and those who don’t like to eat many things.

People have no right to complain, and also there are so many people in this world who go to bed hungry, who do not have sufficient amount of food to feed their families, malnutrition, and can barely get enough bread and butter on the table. Some people in impoverished countries and in our own backyards struggle with that and some people live off only a small quantity of food per month and even worse starve to death in this world.

I know due to certain health restrictions and non-permissible foods in someones diet or allergies or illnesses, irritants to someone which is understandable, but other than that people should not make a fuss over what to consume.

Because some people have resources and ample amount of choices of food and an array of ingredients to cook with and our fridge, freezers and tummies are always full and that is how picky eating comes to play. In life growing up if we did not eat the food our parents, grandparents made for us, and if we were fussy and picky, we would be sent to our rooms or somewhere without eating. People should not complain at all for food.

Just take a closer look to people who do not have that necessity or barely. What are they supposed to say? People should be fortunate and thankful that they do have that necessity, however some people take it for granted and are not thankful. This is really an eye-opener and our attitudes, pick and choosiness and other Things need to change in the world for the better.

Now to my readers,

Do you have picky eaters at home? would love to read what you have to think about all this.

It all starts with how we implement change in our society.

The Disrespectful Generation

What a rude and disrespectful new generation of teens we have today. I was standing in line at Tim Hortons coffee shop to order, and out goes these 3 teenagers who came in together from a nearby high school with their backpacks and without even saying excuse me to me, they charged their way through to get in front of me, shoving me and my handbag to the side where there were other people behind me too. I said, excuse me you all budded in front of others and myself and nearly tipped me over. The back of the line starts there. I said wait like the rest of us are.
They said to me, isn’t this a line too? I said No, go behind the line. If you want to get by next time say excuse me or something or better yet, don’t bud in line when others are waiting to order too. I don’t think it is fair at all. Who do you think you guys are? I said to them learn to show respect to others, some manners and proper etiquette and common sense, then I ordered my drink and out I went and then I went by them again before I left to my car, I saw them look down on their smartphones and not even looking at each other and I said put your smartphones down and get some real intelligence and smarts and learn how to behave, then I walked right out. I am not afraid to confront these type of people.
They need to be taught these qualities and nowadays there is not enough interaction, and some of these people lack in social skills and manners of which they were not taught, or they are taught and think that they are invincible and think they can do whatever they please because they are young and under 18. Shouldn’t work that way at all. Manners, respect, Attitude,  etiquette, common sense should be enforced and taught to people at all ages. If these people are not taught these qualities when they are little toddlers to little kids by 5-6 years old, then they will grow up thinking it is okay to treat people this way and bud in the line and think its socially acceptable, but it is not. I am disgusted by some of these teenagers these days and whoever else, doesn’t matter the age.
I was taught at a very young age before I was 4 years old to learn to respect others, manners, and proper etiquette. It all starts when you are very young. That will stick with you for the rest of your life. I know we are all born with different personalities, but our personality grows with how our parents, guardians, care-givers teach us about quality of life instead of quantity.
Respect to be Respected,
Be nice so people be nice to you,
Be kind so people be kind to you,
it is as simple as that.

We Need Responsible and Great Leaders to Govern Our World.

In the last couple of days, On my Facebook newsfeed I saw something that I just can’t undo and  can’t bare the sight of seeing that little boy’s body washed up ashore. it has broken my heart to pieces. Just absolutely awful. I cannot stand seeing my newsfeed flooded with that image. So horrible. RIP to the little boy and his family who tried to get to Canada and escape from horrid conditions of the Refugee status when they tried to get away from life in the Middle East to come to North America. I just cannot fathom seeing those images any longer.
When is this going to end? When are we going to have better leaders to move the world forward in a positive, and happy way with allowing people to live and let live without greed, barbaric acts, cruelty, and disgusting inhumane actions? It has to stop. Innocent lives are at stake and many lives have been taken away for utter stupidity and for no reason at all. Actually There is no excuse in the book to kill others.
I do not think we will ever see a day when we will have genuinely good people to lead our world and to allow people to build a future, a foundation and a life in healthy, great conditions. People should never have to get into this predicament, but unfortunately it has come to that point and has been for several years now.
It is easy to want to become a leader, but a leader must possess many qualities that will help, empower, and be good role models for the citizens of our world. It is easy to promise, and say a few words during speeches in the media, however to keep promises, and to work on a better future, positive, and being serious about what you stand for is absolutely imperitive. Greed, Violence, Dictatorship will not get anybody that far in life. Trusting people these days are so scarce.
Unfortunately money talks greater than anybody or anything else in the world.
I know a lot of us if not all of us in the world, want to live in a better world, that we can all live without worry and go on about our lives without being in a limbo. A lot of the world’s problems begin with the leaders that do not show enough compassion, who do not prioritize, who worries about other countries rather than a leader that needs to take care of his/her country instead of sticking their nose into places that do not belong, they can focus and create a better country with many opportunities, finding cures for disease/illness, helping people in impoverished countries, making sure each person is well taken care of.
I just cannot understand how this world continues to go backward and not move forward to a better future. I know that my expectations of a great world is a lot with having responsible leaders to protect our people, but I do not think that is asking much at all. People wouldn’t have to work twice as hard, they would allow more family/personal time, not allowing people to be stressed out about a fast paced life, having a great leader giving more to people’s pockets, and so much more to a world that we can all live comfortably.
All I can really say is God help people in need, and punish those who kill, show bad examples to our people, our world, and who destroy our people and our world.
What kind of world would you like to see?
What are your expectations?

High Heels and Parties – The Logic of Shoe Removal

In our lives a lot of us if not some, we tend to care so much about how our appearance looks when we go to parties, gatherings and other functions. Well, that is important, but one thing that doesn’t make sense is that some wear really uncomfortable high heels and some are so high that you see people not able to walk, but they will suffer the pain, anguish and discomfort just to make a statement and then take their shoes off almost halfway through the event. People want to look great in them and look taller.

I know high heels look so great, and its something that some value and are so into, however wearing high heels can pose dangers to posture, health of the legs, back and also strains. Especially when women who are pregnant and wear extremely high heels and I have seen it and I just think to myself. That is not right. Comfort should be #1 when When looking for footwear. It is so important to feel comfortable. I mean if you can pull off wearing heels and you are committed to wearing them, by all means go ahead, but in the long run, comfort rules everything else.

Why go to parties and bring extra footwear, and bring extra stuff you do not need, or bringing flip flops and flats to wear when from the beginning if you wear comfortable shoes, you do not have to worry about changing your shoes and you can be carefree all night. I am not telling you not to wear heels. You are free to do and wear whatever, but just looking out for your best interest.

When I get married hopefully someday, I will be wearing flats as a bride and my bridesmaids will also be wearing flats, because we will be up on our feet almost all day and I want my bridesmaids, maid of honor to be as comfortable as possible and enjoy the day and have one less thing to worry about when they say, My feet are killing me, I want to change into flip flops or flats. Do not want any of my girls to be uncomfortable. Who cares about Heels? If some brides are so worried about the shoes to be high, you have to think about the whole day process during the wedding ceremony, taking photos, standing a lot and dancing at the reception party, then also getting dressed and stuff in the beginning of the day. Its so important to be comfortable always and not put unnecessary strain on the body. Especially when you are part of a wedding party and when you are participating in standing up a lot.

This also means for conventions, and businesses as well. Also actresses and filming movies and TV Shows. I do not see anything wrong with wearing flats or small heels.

I myself, cannot wear heels. It has to be completely flat or just a small heel of a couple of centimeters in length, but I cannot believe people can wear 3-4-5-6 inch heels and a lot more higher. It is crazy. My back and my legs hurt by just looking at others walk in them. My feet hurt with just wearing an inch or less sometimes..

When I was a teenager and graduating grade 8 and 12th grade in High school, during my prom, I wore huge heels and at 17-18 years old, I began to feel uncomfortable. I said to myself, why should I suffer in pain and discomfort? I began to wear flats after that age. I just cannot stand wearing heels. Not going to damage my body, my health, my posture for the sake of wearing them.

Do you wear heels? Are you against wearing them? or do you love wearing them? Would love to hear what you have to say as well.

Make It a Happy World – Start With Yourself

In order to make a positive, happy, and optimistic difference in the world, you first must have to make a difference within yourself to be more happy, optimistic and positive, because if you lead a negative, pessimistic, unhappy life, that is all that you will spread to the world and that will not help anybody, and it will especially not be good for you. Instead of moving forward, you will always go back. Don’t go back, you are not headed that way anyway right?

– Take time just to spend time with yourself, think of all the great qualities you have and utilize them to the world.
– On a sheet of paper, write down 10 good things about yourself and what you can do to make this world a better place, and put that somewhere visible in your home, on your Fridge door, in your room, in the room you are mostly, wherever you want. Then use those 10 good things, get out in the world and do it, once you do it, you will see the world-changing to a better place for us all.
– You have the power to make life better for you, you just need to live a little, live life to the fullest, and when you least expect it, something good will always come in front of you.
– life has unexpected twists and turns, sometimes it can be unfortunate, but in order to rise above it all, refer to the 10 things you write about yourself and go from there. You will see life in an all new light. Because things go bad for you some days, that does not mean that everyday will be bad for you. Get up, dust yourself off, and get going.
– As you go down that road of life, stop and admire its beauty, smell the beautiful flowers that blossom your life, appreciate, be thankful, show gratitude, smile, keep your head up high, be honest with others and yourself.

Be yourself always, and never ever be someone you are not. Besides everybody else is taken, so take yourself, be who you are. You are enough. Make the World happy, but start with yourself.

Being Negative on Social Media All the Time – Not a Good Idea

In the last decade or so, since I have been involved social media websites, began to view Peoples profiles, news feeds, status messages, quotes and everything these particular people post about life, about struggles, always something negative because that is all they associate themselves with, instead of making things better for them. Now, let me tell you why it is not a good idea to post negativity all the time on social media websites:

Reason being is that everybody even if you think can’t see it, they can, and it does not make you look good in other peoples eyes when you constantly update statuses and post photo quotes on very negative things. It begins to be too much and people will then start thinking, this person is seeking attention, always wants people to comment, retaliate, saying things will get better, have faith, look forward in future and everything, and it also makes that person look like their life is totally bad, that nothing good is ever coming to that person. Well, life is what you make it, and if you keep going in circles always looking for negativity, and no positive outcomes, then that is all it is going to be.

I know it is not in my business, it’s easier said than done in some case, or my place to criticize, and to bring this topic up because I may not know what is going on personally in people’s personal lives with situations like this that arise, but life is not entirely bad as people think it is. When you start thinking positively, with good thoughts, being optimistic, looking forward, smiling, and doing good things to benefit others and yourself, you will see that life is beautiful, you will then discover a whole new world of being happy with yourself and whom you are.

There comes a point in life where you need put your foot down, and say enough is enough. I cannot be depressed all my life, I cannot be unhappy, miserable and then because I am miserable, unhappy, depressed and negative, that I have to make everybody else around my circle the same way. You have to make your life and the way you want your life to be. You cannot do this to yourself. It is not good. Especially always seeking attention on social media websites. It does not lead a good impression on yourself and that is not good.

Some people will never learn and change their ways unfortunately, and I know people like that and it saddens me. In order to change your outlook on life to a more positive, optimistic approach, you gotta do everything and anything to create your own happiness, to create your own smiles to stand up on your own two feet and put your foot down and say, “Hey, why am I doing this?” You cannot blame anybody else. Your attitude on life is the biggest thing. Change your attitude and life will change. I guarantee you.

Ok once, twice, three times you post something and you need help with getting advice and everything on what to do with a certain situation is fine, but if you keep on posting the same things all the time, day in and day out about a certain subject especially on relationships, friendships and everything, people will then think, this person has not learned anything we tell them, this person just keeps going in circles with just hearing and reading our advice, but in goes one ear and out the other. Don’t waste your time writing the same negativity day in and day out and don’t waste other people’s time for them spending their time to write to you.

People do care, and want the best for you, that is why they write to you in the first place, and that is why they want you to do better, be happy and steer to the right direction. It will one day come to a point where those people will stop writing to you because you do not seem to understand anything. If you post something on social media websites, it is there for people to see, and people will retaliate, people will respond or choose not to, but they will see it. Don’t drive someone to a point where they no longer will give a care. Think long and hard before you post another status message or post something that is negative.

Empower people by posting happy thoughts, and goodness. Once you start looking for positivity, optimism and happiness, you will see how life will change, but it is totally up to you! Make the good impression on yourself. best wishes!

Life is Too Short — Keep Smiling and Be Happy

In life no matter what it throws at us, and the obstacles along the way, never ever lose hope and faith in anything. God is always there with you every step of the way and you may not realize it, but he is and among everything else. Nothing is impossible in life, because (I’m Possible) – Be positive, happy, keep smiling, let go of negativity, let go of the past and keep going forward. You will run into bad days, you will run into unfortunate things, things will not always be perfect in life, but You are not going to go back to yesterday, so look forward to the present, now, tonight, tomorrow, and future.

If you keep leading a negative, unhappy, depressed life, that is all that it is going to be for you. You will keep going around in circles with nothing new in life to look forward to. Don’t do this to yourself, and don’t spread that negativity and unhappiness to others and make everybody else miserable around you, just because you are miserable. Snap out of that. You are only doing this to yourself. Life goes on, everyday is a new day. I know it is easier said than done, but you have to. It is the only way to move forward. I know that everyone has their own personal issues to deal with, but above all that, the ball is in your court to make life better. Do not depend on anybody else for your own happiness. In the end we are all individuals, we are all one person. If we do not make the effort, and go for our own joy, happiness, positivity and optimism in life, things will always be the same, and that is why we become miserable.

Be kind, love each other, respect each other, be nice and help each other, give your hand to someone in need. This is the only way this world will go into the right direction.

Keep smiling, be joyful and look toward a bright future. It is up to you. Best wishes

Words of Wisdom to get through Challenges of Trust & Friendship

We go through life trying to seek friends that are suitable for each and every personality trait and always want to feel the sense of belonging in the world, Some if not all of us want that in our lives, but the most important thing is to Find those whom you can be yourself with, and whom you can freely express yourself, where you can be comfortable. Once you feel and can do that, you know you have found the right people to be with. Remember it is not about the quantity of friends you have, it is the quality and the right people. Instead of having 100 pennies, keep the 4 quarters instead. Choose your circle wisely, make the right choices and never be afraid to address something that is going wrong, and work hard to fix problems and not to take the easy way out. There will be disagreements, but those problems and disagreements will be the true test to see someones true colours, to see if they will work hard to fix it or that will be the Que to walk away from something great. Sometimes people do not want to work things out, no matter what it is, so they take the easy shortcut and not give things a chance. When you keep doing that you will not get anywhere in life with anybody. So fix a problem before it gets bigger, and tell somebody like it is and do not be afraid to express yourself.

Be careful who you trust, think before you trust, analyze before you trust. The most important person to trust is yourself, the decisions you make, and the people you make them with. The ball is in your court to decide on what you want to do in your life, however you can make you decisions, but listening from those who have had experience in life, getting tips and advice does not hurt at all. It will actually help you and guide you to the right path in life. You may think you know best on how to run your life and who to spend your time with, but always remember people do care and want the best for you too. It is up to you, but listening, taking people’s words and utilizing them for your life won’t hurt either especially when they are family and very close friends. Best wishes and do and feel what is right.

Smartphones and Tablets — Have They Taken Over Our Lives?

As mobile devices serve a good purpose in life to communicate with others with texting, calling, spending time with apps, and having fun with them, but there should be limits. I feel that human face to face communication is diminishing, and that mobile devices have gone out of control. Social skills and speaking is deteriorating as our tongue freezes up and cannot come up with conversations instantly, whereas it is easier to communicate with texts and writing messages, but I prefer the old fashioned way, where people come together, enjoy, create memories, laugh, talk and do fun things together, to put the phones down and actually verbally do the talking instead of the fingers. I know that it is a personal mobile phone and you can be on it 24 hours a day, but you do not need to be on it constantly.

I feel that smartphones and tablets and the constant changes to technology and gadgets are taking over some peoples lives and they can’t seem to put them down at all, they wake up with it, go to bed with it, they use the washroom with it, they eat dinner while being on them, they use it while at a coffee shop or restaurant among friends 90% of the time people get together and do not look at each others faces, and its just overwhelmingly taken over. what is the point of getting together with people when all that will be done is looking at screens? Where do we draw the line? Its become so bad that when people are physically together, they text each other when they are beside each other, and they communicate with their phone instead of looking at each other and moving their mouths.

I too have a smartphone mobile device, but I know my limits. I do enjoy my mobile device too, but I do not let it control my life, or my way of living. I will not let a screen device take over my life and who I am. Some people need to know limits, and when to put down the phone, like when someone is talking to you, when you are among a group of people, when you are in the washroom and so on and so forth. I sometimes go more than 12 hours without looking at my phone, I sometimes don’t look at it all day, as I do not let it control me.

Although mobile devices are important to have for emergencies and to contact people instantly, but some people overuse it to the point where things get out of hand and disrespecting others who are trying to talk to you when your head is so into that device, and its not healthy especially the radiation it produces. From your point of view, do you limit your use? What are your opinions about this issue? I would love to hear from you.  Know your limit and be within it.

Spreading Rumors – Like Playing Broken Telephone

Have you ever been in a situation where you have been a victim of somebody else spreading a nasty rumor about you, which is not true? Have you ever been in a situation where someone else has come to you and spread rumors about somebody else? Well, spreading rumors is not a good thing to do, no matter what it is. I am sure a lot of us know the game “broken telephone” The more someone says something to so many people and how word of mouth goes around, many people understand it in different ways and in the end what someone says gets misinterpreted, misunderstood, and a whole new different story gets told. In the end the person getting the information will say it amongst everyone and it will be totally different.

I never believe in anything people tell me, unless I see it with my own eyes, hear it with my own ears, requesting proof, evidence, but I never ever spread rumors about somebody else or get involved in somebody’s business. It is not a great thing to do. Spreading rumors could result in consequences, it can ruin relationships, friendships, trust and can put yourself in a compromising position with friends, family and other people. It is not a good thing to do. Many media writers, and some tabloid magazines and sites will write and do anything to make that quick dollar and they do not realize it can do damage to someones reputation, and they do not even care. Maybe they do deep down, but in the end all they want to do is make money out of it, and the people high up in these places request to have false information spread out to the world, but they do not know how wrong it is. Even if it is wrong, the bottom line is that they always cover their butt with something and they do not want to admit it.

In this day in age in social media, social networking, entertainment and other tabloid websites lead us to believe whatever they write and say, but how do we know for sure what is real and what is not? It is super important to know and be aware of what we post. Especially online where information can be transmitted in seconds and everyone in the world can see and view what is written. We must always think about what to post, then post it. Sometimes it can lead to consequences too. The internet and social public places can be easy places where things can be spread like wildflowers. So be cautious.

So in future, we should always analyze things before we are quick to believe in something we read online, or something that is heard from other people. Unless there is real proof about something, or unless you witness and hear it for yourself, you should never be quick to judge, but judging is in human nature and that is something automatic that most people do, but I think it is time to step back and think if it is real or not real. These days, trusting this society and what has become of it, is something that needs to be thought of before we actually think its real. I have learned it the hard way. I now, do not trust easily and believe everything I hear easily. I am very careful and I am not naive anymore, like I used to be many years ago. Some things have happened where its been an eye opener for me, and that taught me so much about certain people and their actions. So in future, do not believe everything you hear, and do not fall for things quickly. Unfortunately many people fall for it. So use your judgement wisely and be very careful with what and whom you trust. All the best. That is all for now.



How Electricity Plays a Huge Role In Our Lives

As you may or may not have heard in the news in last few days, Toronto, Canada and areas outside of Toronto was hit with a crazy  Ice Storm, that left the city and a lot of areas without power, knocking down tree branches on wires that connect transformers for power. As much as over 360,000 customers or more were without electricity and it can take anywhere around 72 hours and as much as a week to restore power in some areas. This Ice storm is known to be one of the worst weather disasters in history for the city of Toronto and areas. For the past 24-48 and even more hours have been left without power and all the food in peoples freezers and refrigerators have become spoiled and whoever started with their Christmas Dinner preparations, I am so sorry that they are going through all that and I surely hope that those peoples dinner plans will not spoil and that they will be able to salvage the food for their Christmas Gatherings in their homes.

It is times like this where people really think about how essential, important and how valuable electricity is to all of us.

I am so Thankful to the Hydro Electrical workers of Toronto and areas for working around the clock, and taking time out of their Christmas vacations that they had planned with their families to ensure that everyone gets power back into their homes as quickly as possible, so that others can have a Christmas, so that others can have electricity back. Whatever the cost of a hydro maybe every month, I can say it is well worth it, because some people do not realize that electricity is one of the most important things and which make life easy for us all with basic things like doing Laundry, cooking, listening to music, which keep our phones charged, which keeps our computers turned on, that heat up our water supply, which keeps our lights on, heats the house and so much more.

Let us take this time to really appreciate, and keep with the Christmas spirit and always be grateful for what we have and lets be thankful to the Hydro workers who are working extra hard to get everything going again. Reach out to those and lets help each other get back up on our feet. God bless and I hope everyone gets power soon. My prayers, thoughts are with those effected by this Ice Storm.

The Toronto Ice Storm and Areas Around – Be Careful Out There

On Saturday December 21st, 2013, on the first official day of winter, a terrible ice storm hit the City of Toronto, GTA, and areas around, where over 300,000 homes were and are still without power, knocking down tree branches, trees, sparks from hydro electrical wires, and making it very dangerous for driving and being out and about. Many places have closed stores, restaurants and even churches were cancelled as Sunday approached. Many trees and other surfaces have thick layers of ice due to the rain, freezing rain and ice pellets that hit the ground.  Many people have put their skates on and started skating on the roads and on their driveways in the city, many pictures show that trees have been toppled on cars, driveways, and roadways creating havoc, blockage and so much more. Winter has hit Ontario, Canada very early this year and it has been a month of active weather with snow, sleet, and very cold conditions. We are officially in winter now, and we still have about 3 more months to deal with this all. This is the first time Toronto has been hit with an ice storm and it is the worst in History as it has been reported on television today.

Hope that people can get electricity restored in time for Christmas. This is not something people want to deal with before Christmas begins. Hopefully food in peoples fridge does not get spoiled, and hopefully people’s plans will not be put on hold. I pray that everything goes back to normal. Electricity is something that is so important and of value to people. I cannot imagine how people used to go without electricity back in the olden days. I want to say to people to stay safe during this active winter weather, and if you do not have to drive out if its not so important, please stay indoors, keep warm, and keep off the roads, and if you know any elderly people who live around you or have elderly people in your family, do keep in touch with them to make sure they are okay, and if they need anything or need to be with anybody right now, its a good idea to look after them and as well as anybody else who needs anything.

At times like this it truly shows peoples great heart and love for others to help them during this difficult time in this terrible ice storm. Its very great to be seeing people helping each other on the news on the residential streets, and giving each other a helping hand with clearing off the tree branches from the streets, and so much more. Hope all goes well and things will workout for the better in the end.