25 Signs that You Don’t Like Winter At All

This is for all those people who do not like winter at all, the many reasons that we can all understand with all the freezing temperatures, snowfall and well, you know the rest.

Here are 25 signs that we don’t like it at all:

1. We absolutely detest shoveling snow off our walkways and driveways

2. Cleaning the snow off the car is a problem

3. Snow, slush and salty roads lead to dirty floors, and disgusting residue that is absolutely a big task to clean and we go crazy over it — OCD and very super clean people know it especially.

4. Seeing the exterior of cars all filled with dirty slushy, saltiness – the interior, the car matts and carpet filled with disgusting winter stuff.

5. Absolutely dislike going grocery or any other type of shopping, taking bags to the car, filling up the car, taking it home, unloading in the freezing cold. Those people who walk to home too with shopping bags in their hands. Its absolutely a headache. You not only have to watch out for the bags, but you have to look on the ground to make sure you don’t slip and slide and fall all over the place.

6. Having 20 pounds of stuff on you to keep you warm. Jackets, coats, long underwear, scarfs, hats, mitts, gloves, boots, sweaters, all these uncomfortable things of winter time. Taking 10 minutes to put everything on.

7. Driving in the freezing cold when the heat in the car is on full blast.

8. having to go to a party or function dressed nicely underneath and you are freezing and sometimes you opt out of going places because you don’t want to leave your warm house.

9. Having to go to work or school in this season. Working outside in this weather and those who work in the transport industry hauling products, driving in these terrible snowy white out conditions.

10. When it gets so dark so quickly, you just want to be in bed by 7 or 8pm thinking and feeling like it is midnight already.

11. heading to the mall, other stores, restaurants, coffee shops and you walk in and the floors are like a sea of white salt and dirt from the parking lot from tires, car fumes, and well the dirt from the cement and asphalt.

12. just when you thought, you had finished shoveling or snow blowing, another 30 cm’s of snow falls the next day. You begin cursing and all the bad words start coming out. just like the line from a gangster movie (Just as I wanted to go out, they pull me back in).

13. When there is freezing rain and snow which makes it so much harder to walk and the risk of falling down on your butt is pretty high.

14. sharing the frustration and creating Hate Winter Clubs on social media is a valid thing to do and seeing that others share the same frustrations is so understandable. I created The I Hate Winter Club page on Facebook just for these points.

15. When sharing I hate winter memes and funny posts make things a little better for us who detest this season with a passion.

17. When you have to use a lot of windshield washer fluid to get rid of salt, grime, snow, and all that crap from the roads and other cars that splash all that on your windshield from driving.

18. Having to change your tires to snow tires.

19. having snow brushes and squeegees in your car.

20. When you put outdoor plans on hold for 5 to 6 months of the year.

21. When you can’t wait until March comes to welcome spring.

22. When you see others enjoying winter. saying in your mind “Are you crazy? You like this weather?” What is so good about it? Nothing can convince winter haters to start liking winter. It is not happening.

23. When you never participate in any Winter sports or activities. Ain’t nobody got time for that.

24. When flu/cold/cough season begins and you stock up on medications and tissues like no tomorrow.

25. When you see winter commercials on TV or ad’s on social media about winter, you start getting agitated.

What do you hate about winter?

What I like about winter is when it’s over.

January 2016 is Behind Us. Where did It Go?

Can you believe that January has come and gone? So quickly. It seemed just yesterday we were ringing in 2016. Tomorrow we will welcome February. I have a feeling that this year too will be flying by. I can feel it already. I don’t want it to, but I guess there is no stopping time as some of us would like. Sometimes we question and say, where did it go? Nobody knows where time goes, but all we know is, that it goes. When our lives are busy and we have so much to do and to get done, time just goes by so much quicker.

This year, we will be having a leap year. Which means that February will have 29 days instead of the 28. All in all, it has been a very pleasant winter. We have been very lucky thus far with the temperatures, snowfall and all that here in Toronto. Well, we are really not out of the woods just yet, there is still a few weeks left of winter, but from here on, I think the temperatures and the consistency of flurries we have had will stay about the same and which I have heard from the meteorologist, but then again, I do not want to speak so soon though. I do not want to jinx it either.

Weather like this in Canada is pretty unusual, and people are concerned with global warming and everything. I know it is concerning and something to be alarmed about climate change and everything, but to me this is great. Less problems on the roads and better conditions. People do want the snow and stuff, but it creates havoc on the roads, and it becomes dangerous for pedestrians, drivers and those who commute daily.

Let us continue to be thankful that we have made it past another month. Some people did not get to. I cannot believe we lost so many people in the entertainment industry this year and also unfortunate losses with loved ones, friends and all that. My condolences to all the families and friends.

Let us be grateful always and count our blessings, enjoy our days as much as we can, cherish moments and make memories.

Have a happy and healthy February and the rest of the year. 🙂 Talk to you tomorrow.

Last Post of 2015

Hello Everyone,

I’d like to say thank you for joining me this year on this journey, to my readers, followers and everyone. I wish you all a very Happy New Year 2016. I hope and wish for it to be everything you want it to be, May all your dreams and wishes come true.  I wish you health, prosperous and great days. I am going to keep this short today, but always know that I am here for everyone in the world. I will continue to strive to inspire, motivate and empower the world in 2016 and beyond.

This includes my family and friends and friends I met on Social Media

Thank you and best wishes to you all.


Talin Orfali – WordPress.

P.S Peace to all.

We Need Responsible and Great Leaders to Govern Our World.

In the last couple of days, On my Facebook newsfeed I saw something that I just can’t undo and  can’t bare the sight of seeing that little boy’s body washed up ashore. it has broken my heart to pieces. Just absolutely awful. I cannot stand seeing my newsfeed flooded with that image. So horrible. RIP to the little boy and his family who tried to get to Canada and escape from horrid conditions of the Refugee status when they tried to get away from life in the Middle East to come to North America. I just cannot fathom seeing those images any longer.
When is this going to end? When are we going to have better leaders to move the world forward in a positive, and happy way with allowing people to live and let live without greed, barbaric acts, cruelty, and disgusting inhumane actions? It has to stop. Innocent lives are at stake and many lives have been taken away for utter stupidity and for no reason at all. Actually There is no excuse in the book to kill others.
I do not think we will ever see a day when we will have genuinely good people to lead our world and to allow people to build a future, a foundation and a life in healthy, great conditions. People should never have to get into this predicament, but unfortunately it has come to that point and has been for several years now.
It is easy to want to become a leader, but a leader must possess many qualities that will help, empower, and be good role models for the citizens of our world. It is easy to promise, and say a few words during speeches in the media, however to keep promises, and to work on a better future, positive, and being serious about what you stand for is absolutely imperitive. Greed, Violence, Dictatorship will not get anybody that far in life. Trusting people these days are so scarce.
Unfortunately money talks greater than anybody or anything else in the world.
I know a lot of us if not all of us in the world, want to live in a better world, that we can all live without worry and go on about our lives without being in a limbo. A lot of the world’s problems begin with the leaders that do not show enough compassion, who do not prioritize, who worries about other countries rather than a leader that needs to take care of his/her country instead of sticking their nose into places that do not belong, they can focus and create a better country with many opportunities, finding cures for disease/illness, helping people in impoverished countries, making sure each person is well taken care of.
I just cannot understand how this world continues to go backward and not move forward to a better future. I know that my expectations of a great world is a lot with having responsible leaders to protect our people, but I do not think that is asking much at all. People wouldn’t have to work twice as hard, they would allow more family/personal time, not allowing people to be stressed out about a fast paced life, having a great leader giving more to people’s pockets, and so much more to a world that we can all live comfortably.
All I can really say is God help people in need, and punish those who kill, show bad examples to our people, our world, and who destroy our people and our world.
What kind of world would you like to see?
What are your expectations?

So Much to Do and Doing Already. 2015 started off great

It has been an incredible and beautiful start to 2015. There is so much I have in store for this year and it has already been great progress and productive results. In the past few days I have been focusing and concentrating all my energy into my loved ones like always which is a given and also becoming more successful to fulfill my dreams to make them come true. I haven’t written much in the last few days and I apologize for that. I have just been so occupied with many things, but today I found some time to do some writing, to keep everyone updated on what is happening in my world. I know I had said that I will be doing more writing, but due to some circumstances, I have not been able to, but every chance that I do get, I will be here delivering what I promise my readers.

Since the beginning of 2015, have been going through my belongings and I have opened up boxes full of things that I have kept since I was a child. The things that came to my hands brought back many memories. I kept all my travel mementos, my school homework/projects, Papers of meeting minutes of when I was part of committees, greeting cards given to me, stuffed animals that are sentimental for me and so much more. It is a great feeling to get organized and to know what I have. I love keeping things like that.

Some people if not all talk about resolutions and what we are going to do when a new year comes around, and some keep their resolutions and some give up after a couple of days into it, however for me it is the 7th day and I am still going strong. I have been looking for a new job too, with all the changes that I am making to better myself, and to make the future bright with many possibilities that can arise from having an income coming into my pockets, and all the things I want to do with it, save some for a rainy day, invest it into important things, as well as save some to places I want to travel to and making it a goal to attain them. I know money doesn’t justify anything and it should not matter, but unfortunately it is part of life.

I feel so energetic and positive about everything. I have put my head up, facing challenges head on, working on my skills, and keep going forward to making dreams into a reality. Everything we want requires hard work, determination, dedication and enthusiasm. Without that, there is no foundation as how we want to set our lives to. We are all talented and have something great to offer to our world we are in. Let us encourage and motivate each other. That is the way the world can go around. It is a beautiful thing to help each other, give each other guidance and the will to carry on ourselves.

Have you began with creating a whole new perspective on your life? Have you began to attain and achieve your resolutions and goals for 2015 and beyond? Best wishes to everyone and may all your goals, dreams and wishes come true.

Merry Christmas 2014! Best Wishes to You and Yours

Hello everyone, I would like to wish everybody a very Merry Christmas and a Joyous prosperous new year, 2015.
Christmas is a time for togetherness and being with our loved ones which one of the most important aspects during Christmas and it should not stop there. It should be everyday.

It is not about the presents, the food, the decorations, but its about Jesus and his birth.

Wishing everybody a Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy New Year 2015.
May 2015 create new beginnings, spread around goodness, being kind to one another and raising awareness on important issues of the world that we all have the power to make positive and happy changes if we all work together to empower, enrich our souls, minds and hearts with goodness all the time, everything will fall into place. God bless everyone.

2015 is about a week away, and I wish you all happiness, health, love, success and all the great things of life with a positive and optimistic attitude.

What are your expectations and what are you planning to accomplish?
Will you be attaining and achieving the goals you set out?
In what ways will you approach it?
How will you achieve them?

First Day of Winter – Days Are Going to get Longer

It is the First day of Winter. I know some complain of the snow, freezing temperatures and all the chaos from winter like me, and trust me when I say this, I despise winter a lot and have my very own Facebook page called “The I hate Winter Club”, however looking at the bigger picture in a different perspective, things can be worse. Look at it this way, It is just temporary until we see green grass, beautiful flowers blossoming, the warmth in the air, the sun and more brightness again. count our blessings, be grateful for the people in our lives and the things we have. As long as we are with the people we love, we have health, and were doing well, it is all that matters.

After today, the days start getting longer, the daylight increases by a couple of minutes per day and before we know it, it will be back to springtime. I know we have to deal with the freezing and the craziness of winter, but I am looking things into a new light.

I am blessed for all the people I have in my life. I love you all very much. I am excited to create more incredible memories with them all, no matter what season, no matter what day and time it is. Each moment we have with our loved ones is something that is important more than anything else in this world. Not material growth.

I believe that materialism is not something that I value. To me, togetherness with my loved ones is all that counts in life. Some people are just so materialistic that they get so angry if they do not receive a gift or they do not get what they want from other people. Should not work that way. It is the thought that counts. Time and energy was put in to buy that gift and people should learn to appreciate what they receive, and what they have. People in this world do not have anything. We must count our blessings and appreciate all we have. Some people have a hard time to make ends meet and can barely keep up, while some others are so materialistic and want want want, but they do not give back and they don’t acknowledge anything else.

It is not about the food, the decorations, and everything, It is about people coming together to enjoy each other and keep that bond going strong as it should be year-round.

What are your traditions? What is it about Winter you like?

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year. May 2015 be a year filled with love, health, happiness, new beginnings, and all the great things of life.

The Purpose of Blogging – Why do we do it?

In the past few blog posts with the subject of communication and along the lines of what is relative to that, the way we feel, how we get our words and points across to the world and how we do it to reach out to others, and to share with the world our points of view, opinions, suggestions, to raise awareness on issues, to advertise, promote, social issues, recipes, tips, organizational ideas, simplifying life and so much more. We all have our own perspective and our own purpose when blogging and writing about our life. The question is why do we do it? Why do we spend time with writing? Why do we post our blog entries?

To answer those questions is quite simple. We all have a voice and existence in this world and there is just so many stories, journeys, experiences, moments, memories, being helpful, useful and beneficial information about life, travel, food, the holidays, situations, issues to address to the world and things that happen to us to share, to give our insight, and so much more. We spend time writing is because it gives us a boost, and the most important thing is how we feel, and how we want to communicate to the world. Blogging is a therapeutic yet rewarding feeling. It is like writing in our diary, but a virtual diary that we want to post public. We post blog entries to contribute something, an idea and something to share with the world.

Now with this being a virtual diary, there comes responsibility and thinking before we press the post button. There are private issues and things that should not be published of real private matters in ones home, in ones personal life. back in the day and maybe until now people have a personal and private diary, and I am sure you do not want certain people to open it up and unlock your diary of real personal things that you do not want people to see, its almost like the same thing with public blogging. You do not want to post private matters for the world to see, so always be mindful and think before you post something so personal.

Never keep your blogging private. It defeats the whole purpose of writing and expressing to the world. If you want to keep some of your writings private, make a diary, and keep it for yourself in hiding, but hiding a blog is pointless. Somehow no matter how private a blog is, somehow it can always be seen in a way.

Never stop blogging, never stop writing and most importantly never lose your purpose and perspective on why you started blogging in the first place. Never give up what you enjoy doing, never ever let anybody tell you to stop doing what you are good at. Well, nobody is perfect, however that should not define anything. You are in control of your own destiny, your own goals you want to attain from blogging and writing to the world. Remember you do not have to be a perfect blogger, its how you feel and what you want to accomplish. The beauty of blogging is something that is indescribable and the future of journal writing which is now.

So, what is your purpose? Why do you do it?

Communication Style – What is your Type?

As we go through life from the moment we are born, communication is and will always be a vital asset in our day-to-day lives. We need communication when we speak to our family members, boyfriend, girlfriend, wife, husband, partners, groups, friends, colleagues, our bosses, fellow students, teachers, traveling, in social media, sending e-mails and so many different types of communication.

I attended a seminar “Inspire For Tomorrow” at my Armenian Community center and it was about communication, and I learned so much in a couple of hours. It put things into a new perspective, it gave me new light, new ways to deliver our speech, our stories, and so much more. There are several ways you can communicate, but here are 4 styles of communication, that I have observed in my life and my thoughts on it all:


The DriverSomeone who is direct, to the point, detail oriented, who speaks their mind, who produces results, attaining goals, gets into competitive situations, taking charge and being in control, wasting no time to beat around the bush.

The RelaterSomeone who cares about a situation, who can connect with others by thinking of the other person first, who’s relationships and friendships mean the world to a person, someone who is relaxed, and feel cared for, becoming silent, introspective and withdrawn, being helpful, coinciding with others, comforting others.

AnalystOne who always seeks data, second guesses people, making decisions after analyzing a situation, testing people, giving people to focus on interpersonal and communication skills, those who despise making mistakes, double-checking everything, not being able to trust situations and people until doing further research on a person.

– ExpresserSomeone who recognizes emotions, who expresses feelings, and what that person wants to say, the over sharing person who keeps on talking, and beats around the bush, making a small story into a big one, gets excited, giving feedback, boring people because of overusing communication, explaining ideas to the core then saying things out of turn which then makes it into an argument and problems can arise of sharing too much information.


All those 4 styles have good and the bad, but we must find a way to be consistent when we communicate with others, using the right tone, words, following up with someone privately about something that you feel is gone wrong, not announcing it in a public, group setting, taking up issues with the person directly, instead of involving others in the mix. People will appreciate it when someone brings the other person to the side and discuss with them a problem, situation or something going on, then finding a solution to the problem, solving whatever issue, and finding the right words, tone to express those feelings.

We must always think about how we are going to present ourselves, no matter where you are, whether it is about self-regard, being assertive, emotional self-awareness, self-actualization, independence. It could be a beautiful thing, but it is in the way we utilize it all.

Communication is a never-ending learning process, and nobody is perfect and makes mistakes, however to always learn from them and progressing to do better, to improve in relationships, friendships, is something that is imperative. If you believe you have made a mistake, do not worry, focus on the future and make it better, improve the way you speak to others, always ask for advice, always have a mentor, someone whom you can talk to a person whom you can trust if you are unsure of how to deal with a situation if you are unsure yourself. It is always good to ask, then to stay silent.

Always be confident, express your ideas to others, be in communication, always tell a person how you feel about something without offending them. There is always a way to go around it. How do you normally handle situations that are presented to you? What have you learned from it all?

Why is communicating and expressing yourself so important? Everyone has a voice, everyone has something to contribute to the world, that is why everyday in technology, and things of the world are being invented, new innovations, new concepts, context, perspectives, theories, discoveries are being made across the world, because many people communicate, and want to get out what they feel is right for the benefit of the world and its people. Each one of us can make a difference in this world, and communication is one of them and we begin just doing that. Without that everyone would not have a voice and this world cannot continue to move forward. That is exactly why Communication is key and so important in our daily life.

So no matter how we express ourselves, the most important thing is the way we do it and a way where it will not hurt others, and where we can find common ground with everything in our lives.

How do you communicate? What is important to you to get across to others? Best wishes to you in your journey. We can all do something positive, say great things and to avoid messy situations, by just changing our tone and the way we communicate.

Never Apologize for The Way You Feel

A lot of the times in life we go through many feelings, emotions, and sometimes we tend to apologize for what we are feeling and telling people our emotions. You have every right to feel what you are feeling, You never have to explain yourself to anybody. Never be ashamed of your feelings. I know they say that you have to express your feelings everytime and tell people exactly how you feel, however sometimes you cannot control feelings, you cannot explain the way you feel due to a certain situation. I know no matter what you have to tell someone how you feel, and not keep anything inside of you, but some circumstances say otherwise. It depends on the person and whom you can confide into easily.

If you keep on living your life on other peoples terms and the way they want you to feel, the way they want you to live your life always telling you what to do, forcing, commanding you to do something is not somebody you want to associate with. Find the path and the people who can relate to you, do what you feel is right for you. Sometimes you need to get out from the norm, and do what is best for you. If you keep on living your life to please others, to always try and impress others, to always keep proving yourself and working hard for other peoples approval, you are not going to get anywhere in life and all you are going to do is just live for other people.

Sometimes you need to put your foot down and say, okay enough is enough. People talk so much about you and your life, gossip, spread rumors, put words in your mouth and what you should do with your life, however sometimes people need to look at themselves in the mirror first before they point fingers, criticize and belittle you. Some people have nothing better to do, than talk smack about other people, when they need to sort out their life and what they need to do. Remember nobody full knows you and about your personal life and what you are going through, and you never have to explain yourself to nobody.

Ignore people who talk so much bogus about you, and ignore people and block them out of your life. Life is too short. Be happy, be you, live your life on your own terms and your own comfort, and do not worry about anything else. People are always going to judge and point fingers. Don’t let it affect you and your life, well-being and who you are. True, compassionate and understanding people will be there for you every step of the way without explaining yourself. Remember others opinions of you, do no matter. Its how you make an opinion of yourself that matters. As long as you feel good about yourself and bring yourself up with good thoughts, confidence, the way you are is what matters the most.

People will always do and say mean things, but never let that take control of yourself.

I have realized a lot of things in the last little while, that you cannot expect people to understand you, your feelings and be on the same page as you, not everybody will be your friend and agree with you. I recommend that people should never stop being themselves, be who you are, feel what you want to feel. In the end we are all human beings in this world, we do make mistakes, we do wrong in social issues, we tend to sometimes associate with people whom we always have to try to fit in, do things to stay in the loop, however you never need to try to fit in, try so hard, and try to stand out, because there will be people who will appreciate you for you and there will be people who will love and cherish you and the memories shared and will share in the present and the future.

Wishing you the best with everything and remember never apologize for the way you feel. Always be thankful and just go on with life. There is only so much you can do and life will never give you more than you can handle.

The Benefits of Writing and Blogging in Social Media

All of us in this life have something special and incredible to contribute to this world, and whatever it is, each and everyone of us are gifted with something great. In this day in age with social media, blogging, writing and contributing to the digital world with our thoughts, words, feelings, emotions, issues, and other things is something so fabulous and the rewarding feeling of stepping out to social media and the benefits from it all is something that some people do not realize what an impact an individual puts on other people reading and engaging into peoples blog sites.

There are people always searching for something, and it is quite easy to get to a website/blog that has the topics that person is looking for when blogs are put as public and visible to search engines which I recommend people do, because what is the point of writing a blog to keep it private? I truly believe that when you sign up to write a blog, it is imperative to post it as public. There can be people reading the blog and then offer insight, comments, recipes, interests, music, about family, friendships, world issues, topics, hobbies, health, love, organization ideas, notes, tips, travel and so much more. You just need to moderate comments coming to your blog and everything will be alright.

The benefits of writing and blogging is something that is very important to me and my life. I have been writing for 12 years now, and so many articles written for my local community, for websites, for other social media sites among my WordPress blog of course. I saw so many benefits from it from not only engaging into other peoples blogs, and following people, but it makes the world a much smaller place and easy to interact and reach out to other people.

You do not need to be the perfect writer, or have the most perfect blog, you do not need to be 100% in your Blog writings, it is however you feel the need to write your blog and how you know it, how you want to express yourself to other people. Just make sure that your blog and what you write is something that you should always be careful and think about before pressing the submit, send, post button. Also with Social Media comes the social responsibility of the content we post, and what to post. Always use your discretion and if you are unsure about posting something, do not post it.

Enjoy your blogging journey, take in the benefits. You never know who stops by your blog, it can be someone famous, professors, preachers, and whoever is looking for information, inspiration, positivity, or whatever their heart desires. It is an amazing journey to go through. Even if you cannot blog everyday, no matter how many times you write, its amazing. There is no time limit or rules. Besides you make your own rules when it comes to your blog, but like I said use disrection and make wise decisions on what to post, and you will see the benefits soaring and you will see a whole new world to social media and blogging.

We are all in this together, we all have something to contribute and to share around the world. We all have different perspectives, opinions, suggestions, advice, feelings, emotions and so much more to give. Once we join social media, blogging, and the virtual/digital world, we can always do something fabulous with it, make a difference in this world and making everyone welcome to it. It is the way we handle it and the way we control it.

Blogging is a beautiful and incredible thing. Thank you to my fans, supporters, family, friends and so many others. Without my readers, blogging would not be possible. So again I say thank you.

Just have fun with it, do what you do, and enjoy the benefits of your social media journey through blogging and much more. many best wishes to you all.

The Dream to Meet Mark Zuckerberg – Founder of Facebook

Recently in the last 10 years or so, social media has been booming and blossoming like wild flowers. It is incredible how social media is such a viral and powerful tool in our lives which many of us use it for our businesses, ourselves, to communicate with friends, family and colleagues, and Mark Zuckerberg made that possible with Facebook. Mark is the founder and creator of the giant social media outlet and now more than a billion users are on the website.

All of a sudden A few weeks ago, as I was sleeping, I had this dream that I had met with Mark Zuckerberg and we teamed up to build another social media and networking outlet called “SocialCore” which went viral in seconds, which then millions of people joined our launched website within the week. I remember in my dream, I had flown to California in San Francisco, then Chicago, New York, Boston, Seattle, Vancouver, Montreal and other places to brand, market and do many interviews with Mark Zuckerberg to Television, YouTube and other media outlets in Newspapers and more. Then it went global to other continents of the world. It was something so incredible. It was quite the exciting dream, that I didn’t want to wake up, and just keep letting it happen.

Now, with all that said, I really want to meet the King of Facebook, and have dinner with him, and discuss about the leading industry of our world, and pick his brain about this awesome trend of social media going on. Mark and I are only a year and 14 days apart.  It is quite amazing to communicate to people across the world and send e-mails, messages, pictures, videos, likes, groups and other things in an instant. Without this industry, I wouldn’t have met most of my friends whom are so close to me now, I would not have had such beautiful and great fans who support me and my blog, and so much more like they are my family which they are part of my family which I am ever so grateful for Facebook and the journey I am going through now and will never stop. Thank you Mark Zuckerberg. I can hug you a thousand, million times. I appreciate it very much.

Happy 10th Birthday Facebook! Taking Social Media To A New Level

It was 8 years ago that I joined this social media website to stay in touch with family, friends, people in relative to me and people I have met through my travels and beyond. Little did I know, that the circle would get bigger. I met some incredible, beautiful, lovely people from this social media website that I began to meet some of them in person a few years later, which made the world a smaller place. I have yet to meet a few people who I so badly want to meet that I met from other friends on Facebook by merely commenting on a picture or status message and we automatically grew fond of each other, so we added each other and our friendships have blossomed since then.We have become like a family and its an amazing feeling to know that you can take time away from life’s busy schedule and converse and keep updated with your Facebook Family online.

Facebook unites many people around the world. Its incredible on how things fall into place, and see how many people are interested in the same things you are by just joining groups, pages and fan pages of a famous personality, idol, or other miscellaneous things.

Facebook definitely makes the world smaller and in seconds a lot of photos, videos, links, news, sending wishes for birthdays, baby, wedding, engagement, graduation, university announcements, invitations to events and parties, status messages, comments, messages, likes, groups, pages, businesses, food, restaurants, menus, recipes, radio stations, entertainment, movies and other things gets transmitted throughout the world. Sometimes all you need is Facebook to get all your news and information with the help of Links of course. I love Facebook because it’s a website that I am so grateful for and for Mark Zuckerberg who created this so that our communication becomes easier with the world and encountering many people on all walks of life.

Thank you Facebook for Connecting me to the world and to people I would never have met if it wasn’t for you. I am so blessed to have you all on my list and I love you all very much! Mind you, I am very careful with my selections on who I choose to add-on my friends list. I have been around on the Internet since 1997 and I am very well-educated when it comes to social media moguls and everything else.

If anybody has anything bad to say about Facebook, it’s because of the way you use it, Some use it carelessly, some use it to do bad things, some use it to do stupid things. As long as you use Facebook wisely and know what you are doing, and what you are sharing, posting and who you have on your Facebook account, that is good, but do not post every single aspect of your life as it can be misinterpreted. So the bottom line is, if you do not want your personal business on a social media site, do not post it at all because somebody can see it within the second you post it. Some things have to remain private and don’t use Facebook to bully others, hurt or offend other people, Photoshopping in a bad way and making insensitive posts. Post wisely, because each thing you post does not go away, even after deleted. Especially on a Social Media website, that can be accessed by billions of people around the world. So be careful, exercise caution and use it to inspire, to be kind, to do great things with it like communicating, and enjoying it.

Do you use Facebook in a great way? Do you have an account? If so, what are your thoughts about the social media website? What do you like or not like about it? I would love to hear your opinions on it. How can you spread the awareness to use Facebook in a good manner and not use it in the wrong way?

Most about Facebook is good, incredible, and awesome and I believe that Facebook has changed the interface of communications forever. I wish FB Continued success throughout the years. Heres to strengthening communication of people from a distance, and cheers to everlasting friendships through Facebook across the many miles around the world. Happy Birthday Facebook! Heres to another 10 years and beyond!

First Step Of Being Happy With Yourself, Is To Believe In Yourself

In Life there are several things we can do to better our lives, and the first step to being happy with yourself is to believe in yourself. Sometimes we all have those days where we are not good enough, or we sell ourselves short because something didn’t work out the way as planned, and we all go through those phases in our lives where we feel the need to put ourselves down and our confidence down because of what the next person has said to you or how the person has said it and were often feel inferior because of it, but in life there are going to be 2 types of people, people who will always criticize you and who will appreciate you and who will be someone who supports you, but never lose yourself over what other people say. It is you in the end who needs to believe in yourself and when you believe in yourself, that is all you need because in order to be happy with yourself and how you are, believing in yourself and your abilities is something a lot more special and great. We must always have faith in everything. I know sometimes we run out of faith, we run out of believing ourselves because something happened, but use whatever discouragement you had into encouragement and encourage yourself, and have self-confidence, that when the going gets tough, keep going and you will find yourself with the path to believing in yourself no matter what happens.

This world has become a tough battle to live in and we have so many personality traits, that we can tolerate and we cannot tolerate, but life is very beautiful and when you look past all the negativity this world has brought to you and when you look past on unfortunate situations, always know that you can be happy again, you can reach for the stars, but you cannot do that until you move forward with life and be happy individuals, live life to the fullest and get going onto bigger better things in life. Everything happens for a reason, everything in life has its purpose. We all in this world have our own paths to walk, we all have our own voyage and journey of how each and everyone of our life stories has an author and you are your own author of life. You need to make your life story and spread it around. Spread around believing in yourself, and then everyone else will follow. Do yourself a favour and spread around belief and make life beautiful for you and for others. Nothing is as special as that. I am sure all of us are criticized for everything no matter what we do. whether its good or bad, but of course we will be judged accordingly no matter what and some will talk when they have no idea of your situation. There are so many things to put into factor when you deal with people all the time, and when you have to make these vital decisions in life. Always know that I believe in you and you matter to the world, no matter how you come into this world. All the best and never stop your path to happy thoughts and beliefs.

Facebook Made The World Smaller – So Thankful

Hi everyone, In the past few days I have been thinking a lot about this subject on how Facebook changed my life and in great and positive ways which I will never forget in my life. In the last 4-5 years that I have been actively on Facebook, I started by actively joining groups and pages of which my circle of friends grew bigger especially in the Armenian Community when I joined RADIO AGA which is now Armenian Voice. AGA Stands for Armenian Greek Arabic, and including other pages but with great people of course. I could automatically feel how nice and great those people are by just the way they write, respond and the way they portray themselves on Facebook. I have that sense to know who is real and who is fake.

In the last 3-4 years I have met many of my Facebook friends in many places, events, and Just one on one as well. Its been a great journey with them and its so special to me when we get together. Minutes, seconds and hours count when you are with people you meet from so many places and when you come together its something so incredible. I am ever so grateful for those times spent, although they are short, but they leave an everlasting great impression. It felt great, their voice, their touch, their facial expressions, it is almost identical to what and how they are online, but nothing compares to real togetherness offline and in person. That is how I felt every time. This past weekend I met many people from Facebook for the first time and a few of them I met before in the last few years and it feels incredible. Probably one of the best feelings ever. Facebook has become a special social network for me. I connected with great people whom I can relate to, whom I can easily converse with, whom I can share who I am and not be afraid of anything.

When you make arrangements to meet with Facebook Friends with planning that moment, the anticipation, and being so impatient to look forward to that moment where you first lock eyes, and see each other and know how you both look and that moment is so amazing that you never want to let go of that moment and treasure, cherish and keep it in your heart forever. There have been many times this has happened to me when I met someone from Facebook for the first time. I can’t even put it into words on how precious those moments were for me. I am such a happy person because I love being social, I accept people into my life, but good people though. I automatically feel it. It’s that first gut instinct that puts a great perspective. Another thing is that I do not just add anybody to my Facebook account. I must have been talking to someone for a while to add them.

I am rich beyond compare because I have great and beautiful people in my life. Material things do not do justice to me and my life.

I really dislike the part where you know you have to part again, the time when you are in mixed emotions that make you cry which happens to me, but I know I will meet them and see them again, and until then we can communicate on Facebook all over again. I am ever so grateful and thankful to my Facebook friends whom now I call my brothers and sisters and who are a big part of my family and consider them as part of it. There is just so much to say. Thank you for brightening up my world, thank you for giving me hope when I thought there was none for me, thank you all for giving me that boost, for keeping a smile on my face, for everything. I dedicate a large portion of my life to them. When I was bullied heavily back in the day in school and everything those are the thing of the past, and my Friends now have made me forget those times and those times will never return again. I know it. I am excited for life, happy, and feeling pretty darn well amazing. Blessings to my Friends Brothers/Sisters. I salute, cheers to you all.