Chores are Development of Responsibility & Life Skills

As we are born and become children, majority of our parents/grandparents/guardians have taught us about responsibility, doing chores around the house and to gain experience and knowledge on to keep clean, tidy, and organized. Also teaches kids to obey, and prioritize life to do what is important first, and then make time for fun and play after.

When children wake up in the morning, they teach them on the importance of getting up to make the bed, brush the teeth, groom themselves, wash up and shower for good hygiene, and then they teach them how to eat, and then venture off to school with the grandparents/parents/guardian or with a school bus.

During school, the teachers and other staff of the school teach kids on importance of learning about the world, how to read, write, to learn about many subjects such as sciences, music, gym, dance, language classes, mathematics, chemistry, and the most important thing to teach children to be kind to other classmates, develop group skills during group work, also leadership.

When school is over and the children are on their way home, that skill to teach them about sharing, kindness, respecting others should also be implemented at home, so as they can continue that outside of school. The children come home, and the importance to wash hands, and change out of their clothes, and to start homework if they have homework that day and teach them to do homework first before they play with toys, tablets, colour and all that.

When it is time to make dinner and set the table, it is always a good idea to get your child involved in cooking, helping set the table with plates, cutlery, and then children should start to develop skills on washing dishes, and after dinner to help clean the table with a cloth, taking the dishes to the sink, and make the parents/guardian/grandparents life easier and for the children to help them out. This also teaches them for the future when they have greater responsibility when they get older.

Nowadays, it is so difficult to teach children these life skills because of the screens, video gaming consoles and technology that has taken over. Nowadays children always want to feel that sense of entitlement to do whatever they want, whenever they want without having to listen to their parents/guardians/grandparents. They feel the need to always want to be on their screens and not develop skills that will benefit them in the future. some Kids these days are immune to technology and less hands on skills, not having manners, not respecting and being kind to others, talking back to adults and also rude gestures and mannerisms. Some children are so spoiled and tend to have an answer for everything. We should never allow it for it to get that far.

Children see everything, they are observant, they listen to everything that goes on in the house. start them early, influence them in such a way where it becomes easier to ask them to do chores. Tell them to do things in such a way where they won’t feel threatened. Give them conditions that if they do not help clean, or do simple things like washing hands or whatever, tell them that they will not have a birthday party, tell them that they will not be allowed TV Time or play time if they do not eat, or listen to do things around the house. Also, nowadays children do not have an idea of responsibility and helping out family. They need to learn that.

Nowadays, children are untouchable, and if heaven forbid, you really yell at them and give them discipline, they will use it against you and they may involve teachers and other authorities. These days, showing children how to do chores, and get them off of their bums to help around the house, and develop these important skills is a chore and a very difficult task in itself. These screens, smartphones and devices are like a magnet to them.

As adults teach their children that it is bedtime, that means washing up again, brushing teeth, undoing the bed, getting clothes and everything ready for the next school day or whatever else, making their lunches, and everything.

Then the days that children are at home, it is important to teach them how to vacuum, wipe and mop the floors, dust the furniture, clean doorknobs, clean the kitchen counters and the table, take out the garbage, help wash the car and everything. Of course it is important to give them time to play, and do fun stuff as well. I am not saying that they should always be doing chores and everything, but they need to learn balance, time management and everything. There is a limit and time for it all.

It is the time now, and to be strict with children. strict in such a way that will not intimidate them, but to put them on track. Set rules, guidelines, time limits to screen time, and monitor what they look at and supervise them to make sure they are making good decisions while on the computer and so much more. That is the important thing.

When you see they are trying and everything and doing great work at school, and at home, give them gifts, or surprise them to a movie, take them out to an amusement park, take them to play in the park, when they obey and do good, give them an allowance of whatever amount you wish, teach them the value of a dollar when they do get allowances and teach them about spending accordingly.

One day when I have children of my own, all these things will be taught to them and I will not allow them to do whatever they want all the time. Not going to happen. they need to be taught lessons of life and develop skills.

If you have children and/or take care of them such as being a guardian, babysitter, or grandparents. What skills and what things do you teach them?

Social Media Spam & Fake Accounts Beware

In the last few years, as technology of communication across the world has become a lot easier with transmitting information instantly across the world with just a single submit, post, or publish button. The world has come a long way with all that and it is incredibly amazing where technology has taken us. Some for the good, and some for the bad. The bad part about social media, e-mails and accounts are spam and fake ones.

I am sure some of us or if not all of us have encountered people saying “If you follow me, you can get instant thousands of followers back”, and then you see these accounts with fake usernames with so many numbers and a name with it like “Joy34342432456” or profile’s with suspicious fake photos, and then they try to add you as a friend, but you don’t even know them. After they send you e-mails saying “Hey, I saw your profile, you look great, and I want to get to know you and some sort of stuff” I am just getting so tired of all these bot’s and fake accounts that are circulating the internet.

I think the most important priority for these social media website creators, and those who work for these social media companies especially the IT, Security and safety teams, should really begin to clean out fake profiles. I know it is easier said than done and sometimes these fake profiles, hackers and everything made it so complicated to tell, but I can tell right away if it is a fake account.

So many things to look at when dealing with a spammer and fake account holder. here is my list:

– They only have 1 photo of themselves or they don’t have a profile photo and they put a picture of a unicorn or something. That becomes suspicious

– When they do not post anything on their profile pages.

– When you hashtag *#* or write about a certain thing on Twitter, an automatic bot will detect people’s status messages and retweet, like and follow you.

– They spam people to look at adult content videos

– They tag you in potential virus content that will mess up the security of your computer that will steal your passwords, and personal information.

– When they say, follow me and you get thousands of followers

– when there are e-mails that are like this “”

and so much more.

You must be so careful on what you add, who you add on your social media accounts.

I am going to begin to set up a petition online for these social media, and e-mail companies to really start cracking down on fake accounts, bots, and spammers to delete, remove and clean up the internet. Instead of focusing on new layouts, exciting new features and updates on these social media outlets, They should really be focusing on and managing security and safety of all the other users, by making it a little harder in the beginning when signing up for an account to ask several questions, to “I’m Not a Robot” or some sort of captcha, number to type down before creating a site, and go through extra steps to ensure safety and security of us all.

We should also be helping out these social media outlets. If you do see something that is not right or if you feel that you are being followed by robots or whatever, tell your social media outlet, report it, send an e-mail or whatever the case maybe, and they will investigate it and deal with it. There are millions and millions of accounts on these social media outlets and Facebook has over 1 billion people worldwide using it, so it can be quite difficult to combat all these accounts, so we as account holders should help them out and report these fake people or IF we can even call them that to them. It is so important.

Do not be discouraged of joining the social media world, just because of these things that are happening. Social Media outlets are awesome and it can be a fun, enjoyable and great place to keep in touch with loved ones, share photos, status messages and everything. I am not deterring anybody from this age in technology, I am just merely suggesting and advising people to really be so careful on who you add, and everything. If you do feel that it is suspicious, please report the account and delete and block it.

Have you been a victim of social media spam? What have you encountered?

Best wishes always, and remember to make wise decisions when Spammers and Bots come to you. best thing to do is to ignore, delete, report and then block. The social media outlet will see that it happened, as everything is on file at their end. Just be safe and enjoy social media.

The World Is A Beautiful Place, We Need It

The World is Beautiful place to be and to live, and, of course we need it to go on about our day to day life  however, Some people take a lot of things for granted, some people take advantage of others, who are never grateful for those around them or the things they have, some people are so materialistic.

Some people have learned to hate, do and think negative things in life, greediness, selfishness, and who are surrounded by negativity, hate, killing, disrespect and lack of love, dignity and who have pessimistic attitudes. We need to change that, and we need to change that now.

We need to pray,
We need God,
We need people,
We need health,
We need togetherness,
We need more kindness,
We need more love,
We need more respect,
We need more inspiration,
We need more attention to goodness,
We need to accept each other,
We need to stop racism,
We need to be selfless,
We need to feel and be appreciated,
We need to be thankful,
We need to be thoughtful,
We need to spread more good news and good cheer,
We need to support each other,
We need to help each other,
We need to be around positivity,
We need to stand up for one another,
We need to be honest,
We need to be reliable,
We need to smile,
We need to be optimistic,
We need to follow the right path,
We need motivation,
We need fun times,
We need to enjoy.

We are blessed with many people and things in our lives, we just need to recognize, acknowledge and be well aware of that.

We are all special, beautiful and great in our own ways, we are also unique. We should always count our blessings and be who we are in the process.

What are you doing to better your world and everybody and everything around you?

My Love for Candy Crush Saga & Soda Saga

Creators by King:

Just over 2-3 years ago, maybe more, I was looking around Facebook and all of a sudden, I see a section of games you can play to pass some time, so curiosity sparked and I decided to click on Candy Crush Saga. You may have heard about this game by now. It was created by King. Now, as I began to play the levels, it kept me highly entertained and more interested in finishing more levels.

Now, Candy Crush Saga consists of many levels where you have to bring down the ingredients such as cherries and some other tree nut, some of the levels you have to clear the jelly, eat the chocolate, remove candy bombs in time, some you have to get so many points within a time limit, and all levels have a certain amount of moves where you have to finish the level in between them before having 0 moves left. With the candies, if you get four beside each other it makes a striped candy. If you get candies that look like a cross or an L shape, you can make a wrapped candy. When you put the strip and the wrapped candy together, it clears a partial section of the board and new candies fall down so you can have a chance to finish the level. when you see that you can put 5 candies together, it makes a sprinkled candy where you can clear the whole board if you put both together or just a colour, and so much more.

So, after the Original Candy Crush Saga, I migrated myself to play Soda Saga, where you can find bears, eat the honey and save the bears, make fish when you match a colour like a square, where you can pop the bottles, and everything in the Saga one, is the same concept, getting the bears in a bubble above the string candy, but I find that you can do a lot more with the Soda Saga. Now, I am quite up there in levels. I tell you, it gets more difficult as you go along. Some levels take one-two times to finish the level, some take quite a lot of lives to finish it, and some take days to do it and finish the level.

Now, with all that, People give these games a bad rep, and some request that they don’t want to receive any game requests. That is fine and I respect some peoples decisions, but Candy Crush Saga and Soda Saga are games that make you think about your next move, strategy, how to make smart moves that gets you to pass a level. It is a lot of mind exercise, it keeps your brain working, it also keeps you motivated, dedicated and gives you the confidence to say “Hey, I can do this level, and I will not give up”. King creators have made this an app as well where you can access and play from your smartphones, tablets, and of course the computer.

There are some people that are so into it, that they purchase more lives, more boosters, so that they can beat levels quicker and advanced to unlocking more episodes and segments of the game. To this day, there have been millions of downloads and millions of people playing this game worldwide. It has also become the talk in social media, creating memes, seeing people obsess over the game, and now there is a chatroom beside the candy crush game where you can interact with other players and offer some insight and share the love of the game and it can sometimes be frustrating as the levels get challenging, but it is all for the fun of the game and that is the beauty of it all.

You see people playing candy crush on public transportation, on a flight, at the airport, at home, office, at the malls, and other public places. It has become very popular in the world and people to this day, continue to play it. I play it all the time now and especially Soda Saga. It is the only game I play on Facebook that I thoroughly enjoy. Thank you to King and the creators of it. I am absolutely in love with the game and I recommend it to anyone and everyone. It is a great game to keep your mind going and working. I truly believe in that. Thank you for getting my mind working more and now the game has become more easier for me since I am above level 455 now and counting.

Trust me, this game is so fun and you can be on it for hours on end if you keep passing levels and you have 5 lives and then you have to wait a certain amount of time to gain more levels back if people do not send you lives right away. You can ask other Candy Crush players for more lives, and you can also send it back to them for being so generous. It is absolutely awesome.

Do you play Candy Crush Soda Saga or the Original or both?

What are your thoughts about it?

If you have not got into the Candy Crush world, and would like to, join in on the fun and level up as you go. 🙂

SodaLicious! Divine! Sweet! Soda Crush! Wonderful! Level Completed 🙂

 on Twitter

You can also find them on Facebook, Apps and more.

Don’t Believe Everything You Read Online

In the last couple of days, we may or may not have seen the status posts about Facebook, its privacy notice and all that. Here is that status message.

“Now it’s official! It has been published in the media. Facebook has just released the entry price: £5.99 ($9.10) to keep the subscription of your status to be set to “private.” If you paste this message on your page, it will be offered free (I said paste not share) if not tomorrow, all your posts can become public. Even the messages that have been deleted or the photos not allowed. After all, it does not cost anything for a simple copy and paste.”

Or this one

“As of September 28th , 2015 at 10:50p.m. Eastern standard time, I do not give Facebook or any entities associated with Facebook permission to use my pictures, information, or posts, both past and future. By this statement, I give notice to Facebook it is strictly forbidden to disclose, copy, distribute, or take any other action against me based on this profile and/or its contents. The content of this profile is private and confidential information. The violation of privacy can be punished by law (UCC 1-308- 1 1 308-103 and the Rome Statute). NOTE: Facebook is now a public entity. All members must post a note like this. If you prefer, you can copy and paste this version. If you do not publish a statement at least once it will be tactically allowing the use of your photos, as well as the information contained in the profile status updates.”

If Facebook were to start charging for its services or if an update were to arise, they would post an official message right on top of the News Feed and they would send you an official e-mail from Facebook stating the changes made to the account settings/privacy. This is definitely a hoax and you can tell the way it has been written. Not very professionally might I add, and Facebook will not post like that.

It is somebody that has way too much time on their hands, and wanting to start trouble. People really need to do more productive, inspiring and thoughtful things on the internet, instead of playing around and doing ridiculous things. People need to think about what they post and do online. It is very important to stop doing these things. It is absolutely ridiculous. I just want to tell you that, do not believe everything you see and read on the internet. Don’t fall for the trends. If you have posted these messages on your statuses, please remove them immediately, and share amongst your family, friends, co-workers, classmates as well and if they have posted it as well. Please tell them to remove.

This also goes for any suspicious e-mails that go to your inbox or Junk mail. If you are unsure of an e-mail, please contact me, do a screen shot of it or delete it right away. Also, do not get tricked in sending an e-mail where it asks you for your name, birth date, account information, and all that. It is fraudulent and can lead to identity theft, viruses and much more and can result in an unfortunate hassle, which can lead to a headache of draining your bank account, and your name and existence.

The internet is a fun and wonderful place full of information and research on your favourite actor, actress, movies, facts, recipes, watching videos, social media and e-mail which you can connect, communicate with your loved ones, co-workers, and make new friends. Ultimately, it is how you utilize the internet that makes it all the fun and awesome.

Just because everybody is concentrating and involved in a trend online, it doesn’t mean that you have to do the same. Don’t fall for it. It is common sense. Be careful. Prevention is key to a safe, fun, and educational environment.

So, think about it.

Have you been tricked online before?

What advice do you have for issues like this?

Would like to hear from you.

Driving on Two-Lane Highways – It Feels Awesome

As you may or may not know, one of the most therapeutic things for me in life is to drive and I like it very much. I especially love to drive on major Highway/Freeway Arteries, big and small, long and short. When I drive, it is very relaxing to me. I remember when I got my G2 drivers licence, I began driving on highways in Ontario, Canada, especially the Highway 401 going back and forth to Montreal from Toronto, and when I used to go up to my cottage in Tweed, Ontario on Highway 37 which is a two-lane highway in some parts. Then after I got my full G licence, it felt awesome taking control and having that experience to drive all on my own from Montreal to Toronto, which is about a 5 hours drive. I loved it. Listening to the radio/cd’s, Myself, my car and the road. It was so peaceful and incredible.

With that being said, I absolutely love driving on two-lane highways as well. I feel like I am driving out in the country, different lifestyle, seeing farmers, pick-up trucks, old cars, overlooking trees, scenery, farmland, agriculture, fruit and veggie farms, animals, a house or 2 within a few km’s away from each other, followed by passing pick up trucks, big trucks/rigs on opposite side of the highway, then seeing solid lines, then broken lines for cars that are able to pass at that moment, say if there is a very slow moving vehicle in front of you, then quickly merging back into your lane, of course when it is safely to do so. I love road-trips like that, and I have to be the driver, but I am not the one who can stay in a car for more than 8-10 hours. That is my maximum limit. Anymore than that, I would rather fly somewhere.

I know sometimes driving in rural country/county township highways take longer to get to places, depends on where you are going, but it feels incredible to see greenery more and to get up close and personal with nature as you drive along.

Do you usually drive in the family or when you are amongst your friends? Or do you like being a passenger a lot more? I am in the mix between both, but I am the one who likes to usually drive. I cannot sit in a backseat of a car. I feel uncomfortable. I have to either drive or sit in the front.

Do you have a driving memory or story?

Interviewing Myself About My Social Media Journey

A few people have been asking me questions lately about my Social Media journey, and what empowered me to start being active in this whole new way of communicating to the world instantly. Well, here are questions that I am going to be interviewing myself with:

1. How many years have you been active in Social Media?

In May of 2000, I joined, Black Planet, Migente all around that time. Which is about 15 years and almost 2 months, that I have been active, then couple of years later, I joined Myspace.

2. How did you educate yourself in Social Media?

When I began to be educated on what Social Media really is. I began writing, changing my layout of my pages in Asian Avenue, Migente, Black Planet and Myspace. I had hours of fun changing pictures, writing short stories, shout-outs to people, putting avatars, symbols HTML, Style CSS codes. That is when I began to really enjoy myself, and then that is where I launched myself into the Internet world.

3. What was your very first Blog Site to write in? (+ Other sites)

LiveJournal was my first website that I started to write in, then I went to Blogger from Google. Now in present day, I have been on WordPress the longest.

4. What have you been through to get this far to Social Media today?

Well, as a lot of people in Social Media and blogging begin to think in the beginning, ask a lot of questions and inquire on How are people going to engage into my postings? How Can I get out there to be noticed? What do I need to do to be successful? Well, I went through so much to get to where I am today. I began to do extensive research online about how to attract readers, and amongst how to get through the challenging aspects of it all. I then began to learn to tag my posts, so it can be seen by so many people, then I began asking questions and getting feedback from others who are in the same boat as me and who have gone through it all. Soon after I began to get comfortable with it all, I was in a whole new world of communication. It was not easy. For months I did not receive any comments, readers, and those who were engaging into my site. So I put it into action and began to make friends all over the internet, and then my journey officially began.

5. What would you say was the most struggling aspect of your Social Media Journey. Does it still apply to you in present day?

Well, the most struggling aspect of social media, is that right now there is just so many bloggers, so many people in social media and they all want practically the same thing. To be noticed, for people to engage, share, like, and comment on posts. I must say the getting noticed part is the most difficult aspect of it all and which audience you want your content to be available to.

6. Does your family and friends support you in your journey through Social Media?

Yes, definitely. Without the support, foundation from my family and friends, I wouldn’t be where I am today, and I wouldn’t be here conducting this interview for myself. I thank them very much for standing behind in what I love to do, what I am pursuing in all of this, and as well as inspiring the world with my writings, talents and so much more.

7. What do you like to write about?

I like to write about various things such as travel, tips, advice, inspiring stories, stories that have happened to me, promoting others, recipes, causes, and much more.

8. Did you ever have writers block?

Yes, several times. Sometimes as a writer, My mind freezes up and do not have anymore capacity in my brain to come up with new topics, and what to do next. Then after a few days go by, things start coming back to me, and begin to write again.

9. What advice do you have for aspiring and up and coming social media activists?

Just to take your time with social media. Do not rush into getting so much viewership, and engaged readers. It takes time to establish yourself. Well, not all the time. Also to always make sure your site is searchable, to add keywords, tag posts and engage in other peoples social media journey as well.



High Heels and Parties – The Logic of Shoe Removal

In our lives a lot of us if not some, we tend to care so much about how our appearance looks when we go to parties, gatherings and other functions. Well, that is important, but one thing that doesn’t make sense is that some wear really uncomfortable high heels and some are so high that you see people not able to walk, but they will suffer the pain, anguish and discomfort just to make a statement and then take their shoes off almost halfway through the event. People want to look great in them and look taller.

I know high heels look so great, and its something that some value and are so into, however wearing high heels can pose dangers to posture, health of the legs, back and also strains. Especially when women who are pregnant and wear extremely high heels and I have seen it and I just think to myself. That is not right. Comfort should be #1 when When looking for footwear. It is so important to feel comfortable. I mean if you can pull off wearing heels and you are committed to wearing them, by all means go ahead, but in the long run, comfort rules everything else.

Why go to parties and bring extra footwear, and bring extra stuff you do not need, or bringing flip flops and flats to wear when from the beginning if you wear comfortable shoes, you do not have to worry about changing your shoes and you can be carefree all night. I am not telling you not to wear heels. You are free to do and wear whatever, but just looking out for your best interest.

When I get married hopefully someday, I will be wearing flats as a bride and my bridesmaids will also be wearing flats, because we will be up on our feet almost all day and I want my bridesmaids, maid of honor to be as comfortable as possible and enjoy the day and have one less thing to worry about when they say, My feet are killing me, I want to change into flip flops or flats. Do not want any of my girls to be uncomfortable. Who cares about Heels? If some brides are so worried about the shoes to be high, you have to think about the whole day process during the wedding ceremony, taking photos, standing a lot and dancing at the reception party, then also getting dressed and stuff in the beginning of the day. Its so important to be comfortable always and not put unnecessary strain on the body. Especially when you are part of a wedding party and when you are participating in standing up a lot.

This also means for conventions, and businesses as well. Also actresses and filming movies and TV Shows. I do not see anything wrong with wearing flats or small heels.

I myself, cannot wear heels. It has to be completely flat or just a small heel of a couple of centimeters in length, but I cannot believe people can wear 3-4-5-6 inch heels and a lot more higher. It is crazy. My back and my legs hurt by just looking at others walk in them. My feet hurt with just wearing an inch or less sometimes..

When I was a teenager and graduating grade 8 and 12th grade in High school, during my prom, I wore huge heels and at 17-18 years old, I began to feel uncomfortable. I said to myself, why should I suffer in pain and discomfort? I began to wear flats after that age. I just cannot stand wearing heels. Not going to damage my body, my health, my posture for the sake of wearing them.

Do you wear heels? Are you against wearing them? or do you love wearing them? Would love to hear what you have to say as well.

Over Sharing on Social Media Really Needs to Stop – Furious 7 Movie

2 days ago when I was observing my News feeds and amongst other social media websites, something really began to bother me in so many ways. One that hit close to home and one that I just cannot believe. I know that the social media has boomed and has become one of the most biggest information hubs of the world, and I never knew how some people can just post anything without thinking until a couple of days ago. I just cannot believe it. It is too much. I mean enough is enough. This really pushed my buttons this time. I cannot endure that disrespectful acts from people. Just because a film just came into theaters it does not mean that you have to right away ruin it for people, and post every single darn thing. It is not cool at all.

With all due respect of the Late Paul Walker and his memory who died in 2013, November..  To all those who were close to him, his loved ones, his Fast family, the fans, I find it very disrespectful and wrong of people who are spoiling, over sharing the movie and taking parts of the movie and putting it out there, spending all that time with creating gif’s, memes, and video posts already on social media sites. This is not good to do, especially when there are such highly devoted Fans of the Furious 7 family and dishonoring Paul’s memory that way. I see people already spoiling the ending and everything and showcasing it to the world to see. It is not fair. People really need to stop that. I do not find it to be amusing at all.

Film Makers, Actors, Actresses, and everyone involved in movies work so hard, the production is hard work, very hard. Some people do not realize how much work, time, tons of money and effort is involved in making these films shine, and for them to make to our local movie theaters, then we have people who copy and use their smart phones or whatever device, to record the movie, to blab it out for everybody else is just so insensitive and down right disgraceful to those people involved in that production and directing.

There is no excuse in the book. It is never right to copy, re-produce something without written consent and permission from the intellectual owner/s of that production or whatever the case maybe. Not just in movies, but in our general life. If something is not yours and if you want it, ask for it, get written permission, do whatever you can to get things in writing before sharing somebody elses work. It is the right thing to do.

Just because it is social media, it does not mean that we have to post everything and anything we hear about, see, and do. Some things are meant to be private.

Furious 7 has not even been a week yet since the April 3rd, 2015 release and I keep seeing all these videos of the movie, and most importantly the best highlights, especially the ending part. I mean seriously? Is this a way some people want to honor and Respect Paul Walker and his cast-mates and film makers?

I saw it on Sunday April 5th, 2015 and I have not given anything away, as should be, but people do not think, people blab everything and it is not very good. Go see it in the theaters or wait to buy the movie, but don’t spoil and ruin it for everyone else who has not seen it yet. I just find that to be really terrible and thoughtless.

So enough is enough… Over Sharing needs to stop. It is really ridiculous having to spoil something for people whom have been looking forward to seeing the movie Furious 7. Instead of keeping people in suspense, and their eagerness to go to the movie theaters or the anticipation of seeing it on DVD in your own homes when the movie comes out. It ruins the fun, it ruins the curiosity. Thanks for understanding my view-point, because it is just craziness.


RIP Paul Walker — I Love you so much.

Social Media Mistakes We Should Not Make

In the last few years, communication, transmitting information instantly has become a whole lot easier with social media on the rise, and the way some people use social media is great, positive, empowering ways to help others, to inspire and use it wisely, however today I am here to talk to you about the social media mistakes that some people are making, and have made. Some do not even realize the mistakes they make because they think it is socially acceptable in society today, but I am going to decipher them to assist people on making the right choices in social media.

Here are the mistakes of Social Media:

1. Do not get so personal

Do not overshare your personal life with everybody. Nobody needs to know what you are doing constantly, where you are going 24 hours, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Some things are meant to be kept private. Do not share passwords, credit card information, address, your financial history, amongst what happens in your family, you do not need to share that you are doing laundry, cleaning, eating, having a beverage, when you go to bed, when you shower, and those common things. That is an open invitation to the world to your home and your life. Keep that off the internet.

2. Ridiculously time-wasting trends online.

Just because so many people are trending a ridiculous and derogatory trend, does not mean you have to join in on it. It is like if someone jumps off a cliff, don’t go and do the same thing for the sake of doing it to get out there to get your name noticed. Just don’t fall into that trap. It is a waste of time. Focus on more important trends that actually does make sense in the world.

3. Bringing personal issues that arise amongst friends

Never bring your personal issues with your friends onto social media. Whatever problems and concerns you have with your friend or friends, it is a good idea to take it up with them and not post it on social media and send out negative waves to everyone else. Some may not put peoples name onto it, but people will always put two and two together and decipher who it is, so do not bring personal matters on the internet. Solve problems face to face, be honest and tell each other the truth. Friends will appreciate that. You can lose friends and bonds with people and you do not want that. Do not be an open book and post everything. Things are always meant to be private.

4. Not delivering what you promise your readers

When you say you will be writing an article, or bringing up a particular issue about a certain subject and don’t write about it and do not post it, people will anticipate that article or story and then give up and won’t come back to your site because you are not delivering what you say you will write about. You lose your viewership and followers that way.

5. Not being original and not being yourself.

Do not go with the norm of the internet and make yourself into the common category. There is so much each of us can contribute to social media and the internet in different ways. Be yourself and do not copy everybody else. People can detect a phony and you do not want that type of reputation made against you. Come up with your own content, your style and how you want to portray yourself. If you are going to copy someone, give them full credit, the sources the information came from, who it is from, and try to contact them if you are able to that you are using their content on your website. Not crediting can get you into trouble.

6. Not Optimizing your social media efforts fully.

We all want to succeed and make a name of ourselves in social media, however with each social media site comes settings, layouts and how to keep your social media sites up to date. Look at your stats, followers, engagement to your site, look at different templates, make your social media site eye-catchy, use captions and headlines that grab people’s attention. Go behind the scenes and discover what you can do with social media outlets.

I keep hearing people say, “I do not know how to use certain features, how to get there“, so on and so forth. Well, of course, if you do not do the proper research and play and tweak with all the settings, you won’t know. Give them a try, if you need help, do not hesitate to ask, also each social media site has tutorials, help guides and directions on how to get to certain settings that you want. Don’t be afraid to try new things.

7. Not make yourself searchable on Search engines and social media sites.

When people say that, how come people are not coming to my site? How come people are not liking my posts and commenting? Well, it is because you do not have your site searchable, and because you have to add as much content as possible about a certain issue or whatever you want to address. When you are in social media, it means that you are not private anymore, it means that whatever you post can be searched, and you signed up to be on a social media site, so making stuff private is not so private. If you want a successful engagement to your site, then lift the restrictions in your settings.

8. Never spam and force people.

One mistake made by some people is that, they spam the internet everywhere, every group page, every website imagined, people post their websites, social media articles and content and force people to come by a website, and especially spam every persons news feed and repeat tweets about something thinking oh someone cannot see what I post, well, they can. Less is more. Always remember that. Never force people to engage into your social media sites. That there can lead to a red flag and people won’t want to come back and then those people will tell others not to come to your site, and then you will see your viewership decline. Let your viewership increase naturally. Don’t go overboard.

9. Never use people to share your content when you have never spoken to them or haven’t spoken to them in a while.

Oh there is a petition going around, there is a contest going around, there is an issue going around or simply just sharing what you have to contribute. Do not private message people you have not spoken with at all or for a while and ask them to sign a petition, or share a contest so that person can win or whatever and issues that need to be raised awareness of. It is using people and that is very wrong. don’t be direct by just sharing whatever you have with them. Do not talk to a person just for the sake of talking to them and then putting them on the spot to share something, to buy something or whatever it is. Not very polite and nice.

That is about it, All the best and make the wise decisions when it comes to social media. If you are unsure of posting something, then it probably should not be on the internet. If you have any other ideas and other mistakes of social media that you have seen in your social media journey, feel free to add it in the comments section.

Thank you. If you have any other questions, concerns, do not hesitate to contact me.

Best wishes on your journey through social media. Lets grow together and make social media a positive, inspiring and wonderful journey through communication.

Setting A Good Example In Social Media Outlets

In recent years, technologists, entrepreneurs, creators of social media outlets have made it very easy to communicate with friends, family, co-workers, keeping in touch and as well as making new friends. When we are on the internet, we are automatically in a social media world. No matter how and why we use it for. We are all in this now.

Unfortunately we share social media with people who hide behind their computer screens that cause trouble and use social media to slander, to use social media in negative ways, calling people names, insulting and creating negative and offending memes that attack, bully and hurt somebody is something that is and should be uncalled for as well as unacceptable. A lot of these individuals/groups think that they cannot be caught, but they can be. Whatever is posted on social media is there forever and can never be deleted even if you press on the delete and remove buttons. People who hide behind the computer screen think they are superior and better then everybody else and think that Oh I can swear and, insult and hurt people and it is okay, but really it isn’t. You make a fool out of yourself.

People can get into serious trouble with posts if taken to authorities and have things investigated. It is so very easy to detect where and who these posts came from.

There are some website articles and photos I have seen and I have read some really nasty posts, rude, offensive, distasteful, cursing, snide remarks and comments and I wonder to myself how these people have been raised, why they have to do this, why they need to resort to this type of attitude where and how they can be so thoughtless and write things without thinking about it before clicking on that post, submit buttons. It is beyond me on how some people are allowed and be tolerated to demonstrate that kind of behavior online. No matter what it is, people do have a choice on what to post. If you really have nothing nice to say to somebody, please do not say it at all and do not post it on social media where everybody else can see. People of all ages are on the internet. The bottom line always comes down to choice.

I sometimes ponder to myself on what is coming to this world? Why does negativity, useless, pointless and utter stupidity of some people get so much attention, whereas great, positivity and good things people do go unnoticed on the internet and in our day to day lives? I mean yes they get so many viewers and become famous, however there are people who do something so terrible to get attention and when it gets posted, it becomes a trend within the hour or 2. Instantly the world knows about it and then it becomes a sensation. It is beyond me on why people spend so much time making memes, jokes on things that are so ridiculous.

Instead of spending time with uselessness, take a few moments to think about what to do before posting it. It saves a lot of hassle and ridicule. Also utilize your time better with positive, happy, inspiring and beautiful things that can change our world for the better instead of downgrading and pulling society down lower.

Some people have forgotten and do not know the purpose of social media. It means to keep in touch and communicate, as well as inspiring people, being thoughtful, to be kind, to be nice and to empower the world with our words to make this world wide web and the people in it a better place, to make someones day better. We all come to the internet in whatever we desire and to de-stress ourselves to read positive and great things, to have fun and be productive in what we do. As long as it is something that is a good example to contribute to our world, then it is all good.

Respect each other, and help each other out.

We have the choice to change the world to make it better and it all starts with what we choose. There is nothing and no excuse to say that you have “No Choice,” Because you do have “A Choice“. Think and use your time wisely on social media sites. Whatever is going on in your personal life, does not have to be broadcasted on social media. All the best and make the right decisions. It will impact you, your future and the social media world. Think before you submit.

My Sweet 16 Birthday that Never happened

When I was in high school and about to turn 16, I have heard about the sweet 16’s birthday parties and the fun those people had, and planned their birthdays that it was perfect, the people who had gone to those parties, the decorations, the planning all kicked off perfectly.

Even though I did not have friends back in the day, and those who I thought were somehow, I decided to throw a sweet 16 birthday party for me. As I had invited 20 people from my school. So now when it came toward the last couple of days to my birthday, I assured people to ask if they are going to be attending my birthday and they said yes we will be there. I got so excited. I remember it was April 28, 2001, on a Saturday and Monday is my real birthday on the 30th, and decided to have it 2 days early because of School on the right day.

As I had begun decorating, and had ordered the cake and the food, as well has putting some games so people can play. As the time was nearing for people to come, I got so excited that I stood by the door to wait for them to come, my anticipation was growing deeper. As I looked at the time again and it was 2pm where the time said on the invitations, I look at the clock and it said 2:15. I said ok its ok, they are running late. Then one person came around 2:30, I welcome her into the house and she decided to wait with me. then it became almost 4pm, and it was just her and I was devastated, humiliated, embarrassed, and crying so much.

That one girl who came to my party wiped my tears away and said it will be ok. Don’t worry, I am here. lets enjoy together. Who cares about the rest that stood you up? I said yeah you are right. So we enjoyed the food, and desert and cake and watched a couple of movies until it was time for her to go home. She hugged me and said, Talin, do not worry about anybody else, they are cowards. God is watching them. Then she left as her mom came and picked her up. My heart shattered to pieces. It was a feeling that I never wish on anybody else.

After her leaving, I let out a huge cry. I said, I cannot believe this happened to me and my mom comforted me and told me, don’t worry God will punish them. So Monday came and I was still crying and devastated. I did not enjoy my real 16th birthday, but I did go out to dinner with my family, which made everything better. I actually skipped school for a couple of days and just stood home. I just didn’t feel like seeing anybody. Then I decided to go to school on the Wednesday, and none of them said I am sorry and did not bother to give me an explanation as to why they did that. All the planning, food and everything went to waste, however we kept the food and ate it throughout the week.

From then on, I didn’t care about interacting with anybody and I just went about and studied, did my homework, attended all my classes, and then once school was finished, I’d never waste another second and just go home. I was so disgusted. That one girl changed schools the year after because her family had moved somewhere further, and that really made me even cry more. She was the only one who really cared. It was so nice of her. I still have the give she gave me 14-15 years later.

As I reached another milestone this year. At the end of April on the 30th of 2015, I will be celebrating my champagne birthday turning 30 on 30 and it is coming up so quickly. As I almost say Goodbye to my 20’s, I am truly hoping that I can have a sweet 30th birthday that will make up for the sweet 16th birthday I never had. I know it is not good to expect it, but when you’ve never had a birthday party reaching a milestone, it makes you wonder how and what might have been. I just want to have a great time with my lovely and beautiful loved ones I have in my life which really matter to me more than anything else.

Have you experienced a disappointing turnout at a party or function you have had? I am sure you felt humiliated and distraught. Have you had a similar situation where people didn’t bother to show up and not telling you why and not having the common decency to call and explain? If you have, I am so sorry to hear that. I know exactly how you feel. It is not a good feeling at all.

Hopefully nobody has to go through what I went through. Best wishes to you and may your dreams come true, because everyday is our birthday and celebrate it by the gift of breathing and living through another day. We are blessed and that is what matters the most.

My Internet and Social Media Favourites

In the last little while, I have ventured off in the internet and social media sites in particular Facebook, Pinterest, Tumblr, and I have found some really funny places on the internet. When I am having a bad day, and sometimes when I just feel like looking for some funny websites with memes and funny sayings and everything, I look for Some of these:

– The Grumpy Cat
– The Oatmeal
– The Chive
– The Onion
– I don’t always, but when I do Memes from Dos Equis
– Relatable
– Brace Yourselves Memes
– Funny Quotes
– Buzzfeed
– Aunty Acid
– Funny Ecards
– Rotten Ecards
– Funny youtube Videos, Vines, Small Clips
– Some Ecards
Others, but It can’t come to my mind right now, however Whatever comes to my mind at that time I want to find, It always makes my day. I love it. I really enjoy those sites. I always look at what makes me laugh. Do you enjoy looking at them yourself, or do you like to enjoy looking at them with family and friends? I love it when I am alone sometimes and with people too.

What are your favourites?

Has Television lost its way?

In the last little while I have not tuned into watching television much and somehow it doesn’t interest me anymore like it used to. So many years back I was glued to it, watching so many different shows and everything else, however recently, something is preventing me from touching the remote control and resorting to social media and getting my news from the internet, communicating online, as well as how busy my life has become outside the virtual world.

Now the question is, has television lost its way? I seem to think so. Nowadays, there isn’t quality content like there used to be. Before this whole stream of reality shows, violence, adult content, coarse language, discretion advised warnings and the string of nothing but bad news has been broadcasted and I just cannot seem to watch anymore of it. I probably spend about an hour or 2 a week watching television with the exception of a few special shows which make me tune in a bit longer, however after that it becomes boring, repetitive and then my TV is shut off. A lot of bad influences come from television and the shows being produced now. Things that teens, children, youth and young adults are tuning in and that is where it becomes dangerous. They think and see it on television, so they thing its alright to do it in real life.

Back before even the 70’s, 80’s, early 90’s, you’d see great quality family values always being implemented, you’d see clean and very well thought of shows that you never got bored of, people were entertained for hours watching their favourite icons play their part, you’d see appropriate clothing, appropriate topics discussed and teaching life lessons to people of all walks of life, things that never offended or hurt anyone, shows that are still discussed up until today from people who grew up in those years.

There is just a couple of good things that are on television now, like the game shows and a few of those sitcoms, award shows, and special events. That is all I tune into. Do you think that TV has certainly changed in the last 20-25 years? I think so. I think it is getting worse and not better. I am glad the TV show reruns are showing at least.

Do you give yourself a time limit to watch?

I’d rather do something more productive like writing, communicating with friends and family, going out, cleaning, cooking, going out to the malls, going out seeing people, doing more hands on crafts, reading, being on the internet and learning so many new things, making new friends online, and so much more.

Do you watch television much? Do you tend to stay away from it?
What are your thoughts?

The Expert Travel Packer – As I am Known To Be

for the last 22+ years of traveling to many destinations, and the countless amounts of times of packing a suitcase has really become nothing for me now. I have another title now, which is “The Expert Travel Packer”. I really enjoy packing and it is one of my favourite things to do to believe it or not. I am known to be organized very well with everything, so packing comes very easy for me. I learned how to pack my own suitcase when I was 7-8 years old. It was fun to do with the supervision of my mom of course, and then after a couple of travels, I began to do it all on my own without the help of anybody, from then I learned how to do everything.

With air travel sometimes there can be this odor in the luggage that seeps in from the baggage storage areas and transporting the baggage to the aircraft, so I buy fabric softener nice smelling sheets, and I scatter them around the baggage, underneath, in the middle of the clothes and a little bit on the top. You open it up and your whole luggage smells nice and fresh, then you can pack some dryer sheets in a small plastic lock bag and then use new ones upon your return.

There is nothing to packing. It does take some practice and a little ingenuity, but everything is quite simple to do.

A couple of days ago a great family friend asked me for packing and travel advice, so I went over to pack suitcases and saved a lot of space and made sure everything is packed neatly, tightly and organized. I did all the packing within an hour. not even. If you have any questions and ideas of how to pack your suitcase with everything that you want to know, especially when it comes to toiletries and bottles with liquids in it and you do not want them to spill out or anything, please do not hesitate to ask me on tips and tricks and I will gladly explain it to you.