I Absolutely Love Social Media – Brings People Close Together

At Almost 11 years that I have been on Facebook, I can honestly say that I have made some great friends through this social media outlet through groups, pages, mutual friends and more. Some, I have met in person for the first time in the last 6-7 years. It was a special moment and we have created some fabulous memories and hopefully we will reunite again soon, however, there are some of my dear Facebook friends, I still have yet to meet. Sometimes I ask myself this question if I am ever going to meet them too? God willing it will happen and to finally see someone face to face instead of looking at pictures and communicating through screens. I am so blessed on great people from all over the world that has a special place in my list, my heart, mind and soul. Thank you for making the world smaller, but hopefully, it will become smaller at the moment we meet physically. I want to make this happen.

Thank you to Social Media for uniting great people to communicate with. Without social media, never knew some people existed, never knew how lovely people can be. Of course being careful all the time. You just feel that gut instinct by the way; someone communicates with you, you feel it in their tone and everything when they write, what the person posts and everything. You automatically feel this closeness or this instant comfort when you being communicating and creating bonds with people. That personality of a person shines and you feel like you have known them for so many years.

It is always good to find people you can relate to, who you have stuff in common with and those who just understand you and so much more.

However, there will always be some people who are not what they say they are and of course; you have to exercise caution at the same time, but you will know. You can sense it. Technology is great at bringing the world of people together but never forget who is near you, beside you and those who are physically with you as well and those who you share your life with. They say that the more further you are, the more sweeter you become, but don’t forget your friends and loved ones who are right there with you. That is super important to remember.

Words to Always Live By

In life, when a rainy day comes by, some people struggle in work, school, relationships, sudden sickness or other things and a lot of times people look for inspiration, positive re-enforcement, happy thoughts, encouragement, support, and comfort. It is so important to reach out to others who are having difficulty with those challenges in life. Whether it be a family member, friend, neighbor, colleague, school-mate or whoever else it maybe. It is always a good idea to remind them, to be there for them, to give positive vibes, friendly, a great gesture, and beautiful inspiring words to uplift them during the good times and the bad. People never get tired of hearing and listening to happy and good vibes sent to them in communicating and letting them know how you feel and what you contribute to their lives, Not in material ways, but in an emotional way. Trust in me as I say to you, They will appreciate it more than you will ever know.

The Expert Travel Packer – As I am Known To Be

for the last 22+ years of traveling to many destinations, and the countless amounts of times of packing a suitcase has really become nothing for me now. I have another title now, which is “The Expert Travel Packer”. I really enjoy packing and it is one of my favourite things to do to believe it or not. I am known to be organized very well with everything, so packing comes very easy for me. I learned how to pack my own suitcase when I was 7-8 years old. It was fun to do with the supervision of my mom of course, and then after a couple of travels, I began to do it all on my own without the help of anybody, from then I learned how to do everything.

With air travel sometimes there can be this odor in the luggage that seeps in from the baggage storage areas and transporting the baggage to the aircraft, so I buy fabric softener nice smelling sheets, and I scatter them around the baggage, underneath, in the middle of the clothes and a little bit on the top. You open it up and your whole luggage smells nice and fresh, then you can pack some dryer sheets in a small plastic lock bag and then use new ones upon your return.

There is nothing to packing. It does take some practice and a little ingenuity, but everything is quite simple to do.

A couple of days ago a great family friend asked me for packing and travel advice, so I went over to pack suitcases and saved a lot of space and made sure everything is packed neatly, tightly and organized. I did all the packing within an hour. not even. If you have any questions and ideas of how to pack your suitcase with everything that you want to know, especially when it comes to toiletries and bottles with liquids in it and you do not want them to spill out or anything, please do not hesitate to ask me on tips and tricks and I will gladly explain it to you.

Time is Valuable – Courtesy and Punctuality Matter

In life, whether were invited to a restaurant gathering, parties, get togethers, catching a flight out,  even for school, work, a job interview, or anything that it could be, even a date, meeting up for coffee, punctuality and being early is very important. I know sometimes due to unforeseen circumstances it happens where people are late, or get caught up on something, the best thing to do is let others know who you will be meeting that you are running late. It is common courtesy and respectful. Your time is as valuable as the other peoples time. So it goes both ways.

Tips and Advice on how to manage time, to be early and punctual.

— Say you get invited to a restaurant for dinner at 7:30 and reservations have been made and you are there at 7 7:15, which is good to be early to respect other peoples time, then you see other arriving at 7:30 right on the dot, then you see late people arriving an hour later at 8:30. People are munching on Appetizers already because they waited long enough. — Respecting time is important and especially respecting other people in the process.

— Say you go to the airport and you arrive there at 3pm and your flight is at 6:30pm, which is great to be there 3 and a half hours before, but some people decide to show up at 4:30 or 5pm and flight is at 6:30, they think that they can be allowed boarding and they think that their luggage will make it to the plane. I do not think so. Respect the time given to be at the airport prior to departure and make it to your plane on time so others do not have to wait for that one or two people who decide to play around and not get to the gate on time.

— Never leave things to the last minute to get ready, to shower, to allow time to get ready after the shower. do it in advanced and start getting ready an hour or two before a party and also take into factor how long it will take to get to the venue from your place and get ready accordingly. You do not want to be one of those people who arrive to a party at 10 at night, when a party starts at 7. No matter what it is, its important to value time, manage time well, and do important things first then allocate enough time to do what is necessary. Be courteous no matter what it is.

— Job interviews, going to school and work on time is very important. Especially when you are going for a job interview. Be there about half an hour before or an hour before. get yourself prepared, and gather your thoughts. Always look at the time and get to places on time. It is very crucial to be punctual in everything in life.

— When you are invited to someones place at say 4pm on a Saturday, and agree to go, be there right at 4pm or about 10 minutes before. Every minute counts and they count on you to be on time. It is not nice to not show up at someones house at 6pm, without letting them know you will be late or something is going on that you cannot make it right at 4.

— A simple I cannot be there on time, or I have some things to take care of, or got pre-occupied with things should be mentioned to those waiting for you, they have every right to know. Time is of the essence. Calling, texting, e-mailing and always communicating is so imperative.

— Do not be a last minute RSVP person — If you get an invitation to a party, wedding, engagement, shower or other events 2-3 or 4 months in advanced, or just 2 months in advanced, and say the Card says shower is on July 31st, but your RSVP Reservation with the amount of persons in attendance must be due by July 10 or July 15th — but then have someone say they are attending on July 27th or 28th, just couple of days before is so wrong. You had all that time to decide. Do not just leave it as last minute. RESPOND as soon as possible —- It is money, and time were talking here. These people need to prepare and get numbers into the banquet halls or create the tables and how many plates to add… Be respectful. They did a great thing by including you, Help them in the process.

Some Quotes Found online in relative to this post:

“Arriving late is a way of saying that your own time is valuable than the time of the person who waited for you” — Karen Joy Fowler

“If you CANNOT be on time, Then be EARLY” — Unknown

“punctuality is the Art of Waiting for the careless people: – Unknown

“Punctuality – Be there an hour early, then a minute too late – Time is valuable” — unknown

“Punctuality is the soul of Business” — Thomas Chandler Haliburton

“Punctuality is the politeness of kings & the duty of gentle people EVERYWHERE” — Unknown

“Life is getting up early in the morning to live a couple of hours more” — Unknown


Have you been a victim of a person who has stood you up? Have you been someone who is the one to always wait for others to be on time? Have people contacted you to say they will be late? Are you always the early one to arrive well in advanced because you have been taught to respect time and ones who have proper etiquette? It is always good to be like that.


Do you have bad habits when it comes to procrastination? Do you have bad habits of being late because you had to do your hair and make-up? Do you have the bad habit to show up to a party 2-3 hours later knowing that everyone has already eaten, so you get the cold food after or they are going to have to make an extra batch for you to heat your food up, or have missed the beginning speeches or whatever it is? Change your bad habits, work on being courteous and on time. It saves a lot of problems with people depending on you.

Also do not say you will be there, and then not show up..

Punctuality is key to success in business, relationships, friendships which then builds trust and common decency. Best wishes and to better time management!

Have We Become An Over-sharing Society on Social Media?

Since social media has come into today’s society for several years now, with an easy and instant way to communicate to the world about our every move, and everything that goes on in our lives. The question is, have we become an over-sharing society? Is it necessary to post every single thing that we do on a daily basis? Do we think a few times before clicking on the submit, send, post buttons? Things, that we do on a daily basis that are so common in this world, and things that we on social media platforms do not need to know about. Too much information is being transmitted through the world in an instant and some that should not even be. Once you post something, even for a few seconds and delete it, It is on the internet forever, and it very hard to delete it, because the internet has cached files and once you go on any search engine, it is very easy to see what you post. I have seen a lot of things on social media and it has become a very concerning thing.

I know we are free to post what we want, but some things should be kept private and even very personal matters in one’s life should not be shared to the world, especially when it comes to family life. I know although it is good to post to educate others on situations and everything and if you are going to post something, generalize on a topic, issue or subject, do not make it personal about you and your loved ones.

Here are examples of common things that we do that should not be shared for the billions of people around the world to see:

*****— I just went to the washroom — I just took a shower — I am now going out for a walk — I did laundry — I just cleaned the house — I did some gardening outside — I just changed the oil on my car — I took my car for a car wash — I am going out to eat with friends – *****

Those are the things I am talking about. Not just writing things online, but also photos and videos that are necessary. Nothing is kept private anymore unfortunately, but things should. I know you want to document everything in your life, you want to do everything to look back to those memories and enjoy it, but there comes times where you need to leave all technology behind and just focus on the moment and the memories to make, so you can replay them in your mind. Sometimes with technology we miss things happening in our lives with screens constantly in our faces.

There is more to life, than to post every aspect of it for the world to see on social media. Yes I am guilty of posting and doing things like that myself, but I know my limit and I am always within it. Always take responsibility, be responsible, and be smart.

Yes, there are great and positive ways to use social media and it is all in the way you use it. Always ask, do research and think before you post. Is it thoughtful, helpful, inspiring, nice and kind? Always THINK – BEFORE – YOU – POST
Enjoy your social media journey, but limit yourself, and do good things with it.

Justin Bieber – Take Responsibility For Your Actions

In recent events, Justin Bieber was arrested for driving under the Influence (DUI), and Drag racing with a rented Lamborghini in Miami, Florida, and just before that He had thrown eggs at his neighbors home, causing financial damage to the property and more. Police searched his mansion and found drugs and all kinds of things, as well as he was caught urinating in a bucket in a restaurant I believe and so many other stupid things he has done in his so-called career as a star which he is anything but a star.

Hardworking ordinary citizens have 2 jobs to survive and make ends meet to provide for their families and themselves, while this Justin BIEBS Idiot spending 75,000 bucks like pocket change in a strip club, drag racing a Lamborghini, his huge mansion in LA, all his super duper expensive cars, and his spending habits, doesn’t give a crap about anybody but himself. Fans gave him all that attention, money and fame.  These teenagers and younger people take his stupidity and learn to do these things because of him and other idiots like him. That is why this craziness never ends, that is why teenagers and young adults say, if Justin Bieber is doing this stuff and getting away with it, we can do the same, and that makes it “COOL” to do stuff like that, when it really isn’t. It is so stupid, dumb and ridiculous. Stupidity will never stop when Idiots like Justin Bieber are on our TV screens. Our Society is doomed because of people like him.

Fine example, Look at the way he dresses and portrays himself. It is beyond disgusting, horrid, inappropriate and distasteful. He needs to learn manners, learn respect, learn how to be a proper human being with morals, common decency. He does not know what he doing most of the time. Yes, people make mistakes, and no one is perfect, but there is no excuse for his behavior, there is no excuse in the excuse book that can amount to anything he has done. For heaven sake, there are teenagers and little kids who look up to you, be a good example, be the bigger person, spread love, cheer, and be a good person, spread positivity, we would like to hear good things, and inspiring things . Justin must take responsibility for his actions, he needs to cut himself out from the entertainment industry and our TV screens, and really spend time and think about what he is doing and how its effecting a lot of teenagers and kids who are so vulnerable to these things.

What if when he was drag racing and doing stupid things in Miami, killed someone or injured somebody or may have caused a serious crash or something, or crashed into a business, building or something? Thank Goodness nobody got hurt during his stupidity. There is no excuse for that bad behavior to go for a joy ride in the middle a street. Its not even a race track. They are streets where everyone shares the road for heaven sake and for his father to block off the area, so he can do his stupid thing and boom getting caught. I am glad he was arrested. He needs to learn a lesson, and driving with an expired license and having his license revoked. Yeah very smart(sarcasm).  There is no excuse for drinking and driving and sitting behind the wheel of a car after heavily drinking.

He needs to see what drinking and driving does to families, and the victims of it. He needs to watch videos, he needs to get educated heavily, and for once stop his crap. I mean no offense to fans, but he really cannot sing, and his songs are just not anything special. Selena Gomez, girl you can do so much better than the biebs. I suggest those who are fans of him, stop supporting him, stop being on his side. There really is nothing good about this kid that I have seen so far. He needs to get his act together, he needs to own up to his acts and be a man, be mature, and stop this madness. . I am just so angry about this situation. I cannot believe our society is so saturated with these things.

Its not funny. This is serious stuff. Nothing to joke about at all. I am done with this Justin Bieber stuff. All I know is, that kid needs to be disciplined big time, social workers, police, put him on a curfew, house arrest, or something. This kid is out of control. Well, enough ranting. His disgusts me. Enough said.

Justin Bieber — Has Been Arrested for DUI – Anything Else?

I cannot believe I am going to spend my time writing about Justin Bieber, one of the people I absolutely despise and detest, but I have to. To spread awareness to children, teenagers and other fans realize that this kid is out of control and to warn them about stopping to give this guy attention that he is always seeking. It is getting way out of hand. Anything else Justin Bieber? He has been arrested in Miami, Florida for DUI Charges,  Drag Racing with a Lamborghini, and little did we know that his  Father orchestrated and helped him out with the racing to block off streets, then when the Police got involved, he resisted arrest, and driving with an expired and suspended license and then being bailed out for $2,500. His father should know better, and he should take his son and himself obviously and go to parenting classes teach him about better parenting and teach Justin Bieber to use his head and stop his stupidity.

So many lives have been cut short due to DUI, and someone elses poor decision, can destroy another persons life and their families forever and it seems like Justin doesn’t give a care about anybody but himself. People like Justin get away with so much because he is a celebrity and fame and fortune has got to his head. He does not realize that what he did is inexcusable. Justin should spend time in Jail and think about his actions. Normally mug shots do not involve smiling. This guy is smiling, like nothing ever happened, and then when he was listening or if he was listening to the Judge, it looked like his head was somewhere else, and then he left the court house and jumped on a Black SUV like he was leaving a concert or something. Its like ahh whatever I can do this again and get away with it. People will then say hey, since Justin is drag racing, so can I. It is beyond disgusting, he is disgusting and He needs to be disciplined big time and he needs help.

My thoughts and prayers to victims and families who have gone through this terrible ordeal of somebody elses stupidity to drink and drive while under the influence, and cut a life short because of senseless acts of another person. People like that need to go to Jail for a long long time. Lock them up and throw away the key.

He really needs to grow up. He thinks he can do whatever he wants without getting in trouble with all his immaturity. I honestly do not think what Selena Gomez saw in him, I do not know how she was so blind to have him as a boyfriend. Hes a kid who is so immature. He is the definition of immature. No offense to those who like this kid, but he needs help, Fame and Fortune got to him and he doesn’t know what he is doing 99.9% of the time. I personally have never liked this kid, and I never will. I am just venting out the way I feel about this kid. He is no adult to me. even though he is 19. He acts like he is 10 years old, but a 10 year old is better than him.

Justin Bieber needs to learn proper etiquette, manners, learn how to dress like a mature human being and like an adult and stop dressing like a slob and For Heaven sake, put your pants up and wear it like its intended to be. be proper, be a role model, be an inspiration. No wonder why these things never stop in society dressing like a slob and being of people like Justin. Teenagers and Kids will see his stupidity and do the same. Society is giving the wrong impression to the vulnerable teens and Kids. Unbelievable. This is what society has become and society learns from immature people like the biebs. DUI, Throwing Eggs at Neighbors house, urinating in a bucket, taking drugs, dressing like an idiot, going to inappropriate places and spending $75,000 like its pocket change  — YEAH Real mature!!! GROW UP JUSTIN!!! Learn lessons and just get off our TV Screens. We heard enough of you!! I think its time for you to own up to your stupidity and let go of showbiz for a while, and go to school to learn to be a better person and spend time with people who will teach him morals, respect, manners and so much more.

There will always be people supporting him, but not me. I cannot stand people like him. They will just put anybody with a mic. besides, his music stinks too, and I never liked his music or him to begin with. He is not my cup of tea and after this incident that just sealed the deal. Well, I spent more than enough time with this issue. He just needs to learn a lesson and stop being so dumb! Enough said..

Stop Hating Online – Get Educated On Social Media – StopCyberBullying

In this day in age,, we must be very careful on how we portray ourselves on social media. People of all ages use the internet from young kids all the way to seniors. Do we know what our children, teenagers and young adults post online? Do we monitor and supervise them or do we let them be free to make wise and smart choices when it comes to sharing and posting things on the internet? Whatever gets posted is there forever and many people can download, make screen shots, and do many crazy things with the content people post.

The use of mobile devices, tablets, and other forms of technology has made it so easy to communicate, post and sending out our thoughts, sharing photos, videos in an instant, where there are apps and software to alter photos and videos with Photoshop and so many other things. Most people now have mobile smartphone devices and tablets. What if those pictures, altered pictures, videos, and words are posted online and they are not very pleasant, they send out the wrong message of hate, bullying others, making threats, posting vulgar, profane language, thinking that they will never be caught when using another username?

Nowadays in schools, because of social media and how big it has gotten in our society, I think that Social Media, and Internet safety should be a course that should be implemented, and considered in schools. If not already done, but it is important that children, teens and those who are in college, should take this course, and be tested. How do we really know what our kids, teens and newly off to college teens are posting online? They think its alright to do whatever they want. They can do serious harm to others by embarrassing them, and it is not alright. take a stand, and monitor them. Have e-mails sent to you, monitor your internet browsing history and the cookies in your computer, and see what is going on with your child or teen.

Kids and teens say that they are joking around with posting photos and videos of other kids and teens in school, but on the contrary, it can hurt them, it can do serious damage to ones emotions and mental as well. It can carry out consequences, and it can do permanent damage and can hurt families. This also applies to any age, but if we do not teach our children, and teenagers now about what is right and wrong on social media, then they will think its okay to do it when they get older.

Many kids and teens feel so reluctant on getting their mobile phones, computers, and tablets taken away from them for when parents find out what they post and they stay quiet, thinking parent’s do not know what they are doing, but they can always find out and it is so easy to do that. Talk to your mobile carrier, or internet provider and ask them to get a service to monitor your child’s actions. I know that most parents trust their children, and the choices they make online or whatever, but it is vital and imperative to get involved at all times. It can ruin reputations of that family and worse, legal actions could be taken with the law. It is a good idea to have computers in a busy place in the house. Not in kids rooms. Somewhere central in the house, so that you can always view whats going on.

Get your kids together, ask them to leave their mobile devices on the kitchen counter, and get them to the living room, have the conversation, and set rules, boundaries, and time limits of using smartphones, internet usage, and explain to them the wrong and right way to use social media. It can save lives of bully victims, it can save hassle, and reputations.

Has your child or teen been a victim of cyber-bullying? Has your teen opened up to you about what he or she is feeling? Lets all work together to cut out bullying and make better choices. Get smart online, stop hating online, and start spreading cheer, happiness, kindness, inspiration, respect, love, and great things. Imagine how incredible social media can be when we all pull our weight and do whats right.  Best wishes and lets make social media fun and enjoyable like it should be intended!

Social Media & Networking – How Communications Has Advanced

In Recent years the internet has become the biggest communication hub of the world and news, photos, videos, information, history, various topics, and blogs are transmitted around the world in an instant and it has advanced far more than television in itself. I am sure there are still people who get their news from the newspaper and television, but now majority of us receive e-mails, go on news websites and etc… Social Networking has been booming a lot since Myspace, Hi5, Asian Avenue, Migente, Black Planet, Bebo, were very popular, and now Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr, and all those other Social Networking websites that has given communications quite the boost with reconnecting with friends from back in the day, school mates, meeting people around the world, spending time on the internet with so many hubs of communication. In about a couple of weeks from now, I will be attending a social media, Social networking conference and discussion evening, and there will be a lot of information that is going to benefit me and my friends who will also attend. It is very good to have these discussions as now, everything almost revolves around the internet and communications, so you could really learn a lot. There will also be talks about effective blogging, how to blog, The ins and outs of social media. Networking is super important these days. Businesses use facebook, linkedin, pinterest, and twitter to advertise, and to gain customers and clients. Now a lot of companies have facebook as their official website as almost one billion people over the world are on facebook, and that is a huge number and the numbers are increasing by day. Thank you to Mark Zuckerberg and his team for giving us a great communications tool.

Every time I hear about Social Media and Networking, I get excited because it is surely my cup of tea and I really enjoy this subject very much. It has that professionalism to it and yet its a fun subject to share and raise awareness about it. Now, that blogging websites are up, now that its become easy for us all to advertise and to share with the world, who we are, what we do, and where we come from, It is nice to share with the world, and gain knowledge, understanding, and to share opinions. I know that each blogger and each person who writes has a purpose and I know everyone does something for a reason. When you are passionate about something and when you feel the need to share who you are, your strengths, your talents, and the way you portray yourself, is something so great. You don’t want to hide behind closed doors all your life and not share who you are, and what your talents are or else you will waste your talent and you will waste away the time and that is not good. Now that social networking, communications, social media, society has made is simple for people to get out there and show to the world who you are, then its time to get out there and show yourself and show who you are. I know were always afraid to overshare things, but that is what social networking is and do not be afraid to show yourself to the world, and what you are capable of doing. Social networking is a big subject and it can be summarized in so many ways. As long as you know what you’re doing and as long as you are safe about it, go ahead and do it.

Communications has advanced so much that, within seconds information is transmitted and received by so many people using the internet day in and day out. It has become part of life and growth of many things. Create a LinkedIn Profile, Create a Twitter handle, Create A Pinterest Account. Get in on the action, make some noise, make yourself heard, advance yourself in the world, make your name well-known, enjoy your blog, enjoy writing, enjoy social networking and media. It is a great thing. Thinking about it in a negative way is not so good. I know too much of it isn’t good either and nothing beats being outside in actual society to be social, but this is also great too. You can meet so many people, and the sky is the limit. When you have networking and when someone sees you online and are interested, you have it made and it is the greatest feeling ever to be discovered by so many people across all continents like it has for me. Do not be afraid to dot your I’s and cross your T’s and don’t be afraid to write what you feel, and make it a goal to write everyday or when you can, and be committed to it.

I love what I do, I love social networking, I love blogging, blogging is so therapeutic for me and every passing day I learn so many new things from people who comment, from the internet, and I learn a lot about my capabilities, abilities, and about myself and my strengths. I blog because I love it and I blog because I like making a difference in the world and I have my own purpose in life to improve everyday on my blogging and writing skills as we all are. I am learning from my mistakes and that is how you do learn. Never lose faith on Social networking and involve yourself with great things, persevere to great lengths to succeed, to make a difference, to get out there in the world and do the best you can and you will see the progress you will make. Impacting society in a positive and great way is a sign of success and a sign of happy times to come. So enjoy it and appreciate social media.

All the best and enjoy this journey.

Social Media Content Is Our Responsibility No Matter What

In today’s generation that we live in, social media is one of the biggest and most popular in our cyber world these days. Social media has its ups and downs, and I have written about the ups most of the time, but what has come to my attention about social media these days is how we use it, how we portray ourselves on the world wide web. Each one of us who are in the social networking aspect of the internet, where there are people who share everything and every single moment of their lives, and even posting pictures of everything, and being irresponsible about the content people share, and offending, terrorizing an individual or many people, posting inappropriate videos of others, posting derogatory photos that should not surface on the internet and it happens. Now, mostly everyone has the technology of digital cameras, video cameras, smartphones with cameras and video, and among other gadgets that catch peoples most vulnerable and embarrassing state, and social media can really ruin someones reputation. Technology has evolved, and advanced so much that people create, and make such tasteless photos, and Photoshop people in disgusting and thoughtless ways.

Nowadays, to seek employment take a lot of researching of that individual and when we write someones name in the search box, and find out so much about a person, and they click on links that direct them to that person who is looking for employment, for example, they see that person with an alcohol bottle in their hands, they see a drunken time, they watch a video of you being foolish and intoxicated, that persons chances of getting that job is slim to none due to one persons careless mistake by posting those things which can cost you your reputation in the employment, professional and your overall life, and say when they research for another name and they see that they do not have photos or inappropriate links and on they see great things of that person, they will automatically ask that person to come for an interview and assessment and that person will have a greater chance at finding employment and the employer will want to choose someone that will take care of their company and give that company a great name. Say your friend posted that video or someone in your community that is close to you does all that, then that means they aren’t really your friends, if they post embarrassing moments online for the world to see which can damage you for life.

Whatever we post on the internet is permanent. Even if we delete something, a website, comments, photos, videos, and other things, it never goes away. No matter how long ago you posted it. The internet can be a dangerous playground of strangers, and strange chat-rooms you enter and you see all these strange names, alias’ and other terrible things, and then what you say, do that is wrong to do, can jeopardize your life. So always think before you act and think before you press that post, send, submit, buttons, and better yet, think before you type. Some things are meant to be private and the whole world doesn’t need to know what you do every single moment, not everyone needs to know the dates you will be traveling, among so many other important things that can compromise your safety and your family’s safety. It is imperative that you always be careful before you post whether its blogging, face-booking, tweeting, and doing and saying something that later you may regret and that person you write about will find out in some way and just be shocked about what is being said and what is being seen.

The bottom line on social media is that we are responsible for the content we choose to share no matter at what angle you look at it. Even if you try to hide your identity, and put up fake names and profiles, everyone has an ISP and IP number of their computers, and smartphones are built in with their own codes, numbers that can verify who that offensive and terrible remark, photos, video or picture was posted at. Authorities and others who are really into technology and who are tech doctors can easily find everything out and you will be responsible for it. You are always caught, no matter how you try to hide it, make a run for it, the content is permanent. Social media can mean so many things to so many people, and some people use it to hate on others, do cyber bullying, find a random person and terrorize them, build websites and offend people, and some people use media in a terrible and tasteless way which to me is unacceptable and there is no excuse for behavior like that.

Always be cautious, safe and do not put something online that can cost you in the future, it can cost you your name and your reputation. Reputation is so important to upkeep and it is a difficult thing especially when you land in the wrong crowd, get influenced by the behavior in that group is something that needs to be dealt with. The internet can either make you or break you and you do not want to be broken. Responsibility is something we all need to have or else if something is posted online which shouldn’t be there can damage your credibility, and future especially the person who is on those photos, videos and Photoshopped items.

Have you been a victim? What has social media taught you? Would love to hear from you on what you think Social Media is to you? What are dangers of it? If I missed anything let me know. Thank you and much appreciated. Wishing everybody all the best and remember it is all in your hands on how you want to use social media. Take care!



What Is Social Media To You? What Is Social Media To Me?

In this day in age and in modern society, social media is at an all time high. Most of us in the world are connected through some social media website whether its twitter, Facebook, pinterest, tumblr, WordPress, Google+, Blogger, Blogspot, MySpace, Hi5, and so many more websites out there to cater our social media, communications needs. Now social media can be used to boost business, advertising ones self, giving tips, advising people, about a hobby, society, issues, subjects, technology, and so much more. We are all in an interface of social media in some form or another. E-mail is also a part of social media.

Now, what does social media mean to me? Well, social media to me means that I can share myself with the world, that I can give my points of views about certain topics and things that happen in the world, also about targeting important subjects leading to prevention of bullying, as well as other social issues that I need to address too. Were all on a social media front and it all depends on a persons individuality, feelings, freedom of expression on certain subjects, among everything else. To me, social media is such a great tool to have. You never know who might pop by your blog, you never know who is viewing your blog and it is always a mystery and if someone from a big company or somewhere sees the great work and time you put into something and if somebody sees something interesting, they will contact you to talk about it or offer you something so incredible. It’s happened to me numerous times. I love expressing myself and social media has given me such a boost to do it.

I am not afraid to share and give out my opinions as everyone is entitled to their own opinions and people should not be penalized for it, and its great to see people share different points of views on certain subjects that can be relative to them or just simply just discussing it. I love social media because I get to meet some really great people and I get to interact with so many different types of people all at once. Its incredible how social media has boomed especially the last 5-10 years. Social media sites began as far as Asian Avenue, Migente, Black Planet, Hi5, MySpace, Geocities from Yahoo, and so many other websites I can remember from back in the day and now Facebook and Twitter are on the rise. It is incredible how social media changes. Social media always has its ups and downs, but in the end were all in it, and social media is defined in so many ways and it depends on individuality on what it means to someone.

Now its all comes down to you, what does social media mean to you? What do you use it for? for communicating with loved ones? Finding different opinions from others? looking at pictures, finding information, learning, Interacting on the internet and constantly being updated with news? Do you find Social Media a rewarding and fun experience? I would love to hear from you on it.

All the best!

Social Media & Networking – How Communications Has Advanced Recently

In Recent years the internet has become the biggest communication hub of the world and news, photos, videos, information, history, various topics, and blogs are transmitted around the world in an instant and it has advanced far more than television in itself. I am sure there are still people who get their news from the newspaper and television, but now majority of us receive e-mails, go on news websites and etc… Social Networking has been booming a lot since Myspace, Hi5, Asian Avenue, Migente, Black Planet, Bebo, were very popular, and now Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr, and all those other Social Networking websites that has given communications quite the boost with reconnecting with friends from back in the day, school mates, meeting people around the world, spending time on the internet with so many hubs of communication. In about a couple of weeks from now, I will be attending a social media, Social networking conference and discussion evening, and there will be a lot of information that is going to benefit me and my friends who will also attend. It is very good to have these discussions as now, everything almost revolves around the internet and communications, so you could really learn a lot. There will also be talks about effective blogging, how to blog, The ins and outs of social media. Networking is super important these days. Businesses use facebook, linkedin, pinterest, and twitter to advertise, and to gain customers and clients. Now a lot of companies have facebook as their official website as almost one billion people over the world are on facebook, and that is a huge number and the numbers are increasing by day. Thank you to Mark Zuckerberg and his team for giving us a great communications tool.

Every time I hear about Social Media and Networking, I get excited because it is surely my cup of tea and I really enjoy this subject very much. It has that professionalism to it and yet its a fun subject to share and raise awareness about it. Now, that blogging websites are up, now that its become easy for us all to advertise and to share with the world, who we are, what we do, and where we come from, It is nice to share with the world, and gain knowledge, understanding, and to share opinions. I know that each blogger and each person who writes has a purpose and I know everyone does something for a reason. When you are passionate about something and when you feel the need to share who you are, your strengths, your talents, and the way you portray yourself, is something so great. You don’t want to hide behind closed doors all your life and not share who you are, and what your talents are or else you will waste your talent and you will waste away the time and that is not good. Now that social networking, communications, social media, society has made is simple for people to get out there and show to the world who you are, then its time to get out there and show yourself and show who you are. I know were always afraid to overshare things, but that is what social networking is and do not be afraid to show yourself to the world, and what you are capable of doing. Social networking is a big subject and it can be summarized in so many ways. As long as you know what your doing and as long as you are safe about it, go ahead and do it.

Communications has advanced so much that, within seconds information is transmitted and received by so many people using the internet day in and day out. It has become part of life and growth of many things. Create a LinkedIn Profile, Create a Twitter handle, Create A Pinterest Account. Get in on the action, make some noise, make yourself heard, advance yourself in the world, make your name well known, enjoy your blog, enjoy writing, enjoy social networking and media. It is a great thing. Thinking about it in a negative way is not so good. I know too much of it isn’t good either and nothing beats being outside in actual society to be social, but this is also great too. You can meet so many people, and the sky is the limit. When you have networking and when someone sees you online and are interested, you have it made and it is the greatest feeling ever to be discovered by so many people across all continents like it has for me. Do not be afraid to dot your I’s and cross your T’s and don’t be afraid to write what you feel, and make it a goal to write everyday or when you can, and be committed to it.

I love what I do, I love social networking, I love blogging, blogging is so therapeutic for me and every passing day I learn so many new things from people who comment, from the internet, and I learn a lot about my capabilities, abilities, and about myself and my strengths. I blog because I love it and I blog because I like making a difference in the world and I have my own purpose in life to improve everyday on my blogging and writing skills as we all are. I am learning from my mistakes and that is how you do learn. Never lose faith on Social networking and involve yourself with great things, persevere to great lengths to succeed, to make a difference, to get out there in the world and do the best you can and you will see the progress you will make. Impacting society in a positive and great way is a sign of success and a sign of happy times to come. So enjoy it and appreciate social media.

All the best and enjoy this journey.

How Dependent The Internet Has Become In Our Lives

Since 1997 when I joined the world of the internet, all I had was dial up for about a year and a half to 2 years until cable internet was introduced. I have learned so much since then on how to operate a computer and getting on the internet, doing searches on my favourite stuff, and e-mailing my family from all over the place and just having a great time. I have realized how dependent the internet has become in my life. It is a lifeline to communicate with friends, family, sharing pictures and videos together and among so many things. I love the internet, but I don’t let it control my life. Living life outdoors and socially is far better, but when communicating with friends and family from out of town, it is one beautiful tool with searching anything and everything you want. It is all on how you use it and utilize your time of course in a safe way. It has been a vital part of my life, but not to the extremes and excessively.

This is a true story that has happened to me a few times in the last few years. I must admit that when my internet goes down at home and when I cannot connect to my wireless or anything, I feel like I am cut out from the world and left out, it is one of the worst things I see on my computer internet icon with the bars. I do anything and everything to get the internet back, and I even go to extreme measures and call up the internet provider and He/she tells me to press the reset button and its back to normal again. I was so relieved. That is one thing I fear not being able to connect to friends and family online. I end up twiddling my thumbs and fingers, and then I end up forcing the internet to come back on and it does within the few minutes. I realized how important the internet is and I just go crazy when its not working. Using it wisely and smart is very important too. Don’t put all your time into the internet. It can be a health problem and so much more. Limiting yourself and setting up time limits is the way to go. A few years back I would not get off of it, and I would be yelled at for doing so, but nowadays for the past 3-4 years I made some drastic changes and it was actually a big accomplishment and I am so happy about that. It has changed my life big time. I get all my news instantly, specials and deals come to my e-mail, everything incredible.

Have you been dependent on the internet? Has it changed your life in a way?  Would love to hear from you.