Francis Libermann Catholic High School 40th Anniversary

By: Talin Orfali – Student Alumni – Fall 1999 to 2003.

40 Years ago in 1977, Francis Libermann Catholic High School opened its doors to teachers, students and administrative staff, and this year in 2018, on June 3rd, we had the anniversary and reunion. Many past and present teachers, and alumni students were present.

A couple of months ago, I had opened up my Facebook, and on my news feed, I see an event from Francis Libermann of which a fellow classmate of mine from my time, invited me to it, I definitely said, I am going. At first, I had mixed feelings about it, and I was hesitant at first because my high school life wasn’t what I had expected it to be, but I toughed it out for 4 years. It wasn’t perfect and there were good times and bad times, but nothing really is perfect.

We envision high school to be perfect where everyone gets along, but that is not the case, however, I forgive those who have bullied me and belittled me throughout those times. I realize now that when you are a teenager going to school, all these emotions run high, going through the puberty stages where sometimes teens just don’t know what they are doing, plus getting through school with studies and everything else with making friends whereas some others don’t get so lucky about that. It’s a huge phase that kids go through before venturing out to college/university and maybe not and just going right to work or whatever the case may be.

Anyway, when I saw about 90% of the teachers at the reunion and anniversary, they all automatically remembered me even though 15 years have passed since I took my last walk out of those doors. I never visited back since then, but I feel like I really never left yesterday. I was so sad to hear about my favourite principal back in the day had passed away a few years ago from cancer. I was so devastated and cried. I truly know how to appreciate teachers and administrative staff for all the hard work and sacrifices they make and made to make sure we are educated and well looked after.

Some of the teacher’s names I had forgotten about and some that are still fresh in my mind, but they remembered me and some of the teachers said that they think about me from time to time. One of them said to me yesterday, Talin, you were my favourite student and I think about you all the time. I am so happy to be seeing you here today and in return, she was really one of my favourite teachers at the school. One of them always knew I was going to get into some sort of writing and when I spoke to her and told her what I do now, she got so excited to hear that I am doing what she thought I would do.

Anyway, I did a walk-through the school and I familiarized myself with the lockers I used to have, the classes I went to, the hallways that I walked around, familiar smells of the halls and classes, the gym, the library, and the staircases that was used to go up to the 2nd, and 3rd floors. The memories just came to me and some have faded and some have stayed with me. The washrooms and everything are also the same as I remembered where the washroom stalls are smaller.

I remember being part of teen voices, and other outreach programs. I was never really a sports person and I had joined into more interactive committees and creative writing.

I remember when I used to seldom take public transit home from school. I used to hate taking public transit up to now. That hasn’t changed. I remember getting a sign of relief when I saw I was being picked up by my dad or my brother and one of the teachers pointed that out to me yesterday, saying she remembers that I used to hate taking the bus and she remembers me being picked up. I said to her, nothing has changed on that front. LOL, and the only difference is that I drive now.

The 40th anniversary of Francis Libermann Catholic High School was definitely an eye-opener for me, which has overwhelmed me because time is flying and these are the moments of our lives that we will never get back and it teaches us to be grateful for each moment, even though they weren’t perfect and our expectations weren’t what we wanted, but we are getting older now and it truly makes you appreciate that little time you have in high school. Time never waits for you. You truly have to cherish life and the phases.

I was in tears while walking through the halls and I am in tears now as I write this now. I really miss high school a lot and I miss being a teenager. My advice to teenagers going to high school now, is to never waste a second of it, don’t take this time for granted. Even though it may not be a positive and good time for you, but also I want you to realize that high school is temporary and things do eventually get better and they will. It has for me. 4 years go by so quickly that you don’t even realize once you graduate and have your prom and then life changes right away. Well, it did for me.

2003 for me seems like yesterday, but in other ways, it does feel like its a long time. It really hit me hard yesterday and I just want to say how truly grateful I am for having a school to go to and getting to know many people of whom I am still in touch with. We didn’t really get along in high school, but we do now and that is what counts. Life and our personalities change and it’s absolutely amazing. You never truly learn to appreciate something until after the fact.

Thank you and congratulations to Francis Libermann and here is to another 40 years and beyond. I am super glad to be part of 4 years of it. All the best and may what happens between those walls be educational, fruitful filled with knowledge, respect, and getting closer with God in his teachings while learning valuable life lessons to take with you when you take your last walk out those doors. God bless Francis Libermann Catholic High School and all those in it.

Time is Flying – It Doesn’t Wait For You

Already time is flying. The 4th day of the year of 2018. Always live life to the fullest, enjoy, be happy, keep smiling and remember to always be grateful, love, appreciate and cherish the moments you spend with your family and friends. Time is ticking. One day you will look up and see the moments you spend with your loved ones will become a memory.

Always Say I love you,
Always say thank you,
Always be who you are,
Always make time for friends and family.
Always spend time with friends and family,

Some family and friends can be in different cities and countries and so much time goes by without seeing them. As we age, and months and even years go by without seeing each other, They can have children, they have all these special moments in their lives, gatherings and it is absolutely heartbreaking to see time go by and they grow, they live their lives in their own different places with different life dynamics and we miss so much of it because distance and not being able to connect with family and friends all the time is something that makes you think about so many things in life and how we miss this valuable time.

Sometimes due to financial reasons people cannot travel to see family members, time constraints from work and school or other reasons can arise, but life is passing by and there is no stop button. You need to enjoy your life too. You can’t just commit yourself to work, work, work.

When wishing that family and friends can all be in one place which would be incredibly amazing, however its not always possible. The only way to connect is by phone, social media, email, but it definitely isn’t the same without seeing each other face to face and being with one another sharing life’s moments together.

It is even difficult to get family and friends together being in the same city too. Life has definitely changed and so much happens in life with school, work, and other life’s commitments.

Circumstances puts life into perspective, it puts things into light. Sometimes life can throw us examples right in front of us.

Life is too short. Always try your best to manage time well, and do what is absolutely important in your life and prioritize. Don’t waste a second of it. Time doesn’t wait. It flies by without you even knowing. Today is Thursday already. Weeks fly by so quickly. Its so important to take each day and do whatever you can to make the most of it.

I keep hearing, people don’ like Monday’s and all that. Well I know its a day where people have to go to work, school and start the week all over again, but you know what? Its a day and we need to make most of it no matter what it is. Its something I keep seeing on social media and the memes and everything. It really has to stop. Monday is a day, we are alive and that is all that it matters. The weekend will come again. We just have to be patient.

This year, we must change our habits, and gather together and make memories and cherish them. We all can do it, it just takes time management and re-evaluating priorities.

Victoria Park & Highway 401 Tim Horton’s in Toronto

Victoria Park & Highway 401 Tim Horton’s in Toronto

Many years ago, I discovered a coffee shop nearby our Armenian Community Centre and St. Mary’s Armenian Church which is situated across the street where you can see it and right of the Highway 401 in Toronto. This particular Tim Horton’s in Toronto holds a special place in my heart. Reason being is that, I made a lot of new friends over the years and most of them are Armenian and I have met people from other cultures and walks of life.

In the past 2-3 years, I have met a lot of Armenian people who have come from Syria, Lebanon and other places and plus people who have been here in Canada for many years. These beautiful people have shared stories about how their lives were in Syria, about the walks of life and the experiences they have been through, the hardships they had to face day in and day out. I am very happy that they are here and got to meet these sweet people.

These people I have met are absolutely lovely people and we have become a close family and our Tim Hortons at 2501 Victoria Park Ave. is our home away from home. We have shared laughs, good times, also spoke about serious issues, and most importantly, the bonds we have created is and will forever be in my heart. We God Willingly will continue to share these moments together for many years to come.

Whenever I go to Victoria Park 401 Tim Horton’s, I automatically feel at home, and we spend hours there on certain nights, and our cold winters nights make it a warm, safe and happy environment. During spring and summer months, we take our coffees or beverages of choice and we go outside to talk, go to the park beside Tim Horton’s, hanging out in our cars, to enjoy the weather, the increased daylight days, and nights and we just talk and talk like we all have known each other for so many years.

Now whenever we go, the workers know us, the late night baker, Everybody knows everybody, the cars we drive and come with, and there is always somebody new that is welcome with all of us. It is very hard to leave each other and go home. Sometimes we would be there until 2-3 AM in the morning without even feeling the time go by. Time flies when you are having a good time.

This Tim Horton’s, we call it the Armenian Tim Horton’s or some people call it Tim Hortonian’s, because most of our last names end with IAN or YAN. lol. Not mine, but majority of Armenians. We call it that way is because Armenians come from the nearby Armenian Community Centre and a lot of Armenians live around the areas and some people drive from around the city to come by and enjoy. It is definitely a special place for us.

It is so important to find and feeling that sense of belonging, our place, and somewhere where everyone can relate to each other in some shape or form. Victoria Park and 401 Tim Horton’s is definitely a place where you feel welcome. Some of my friends there offer to pay for my coffee or whatever I want to get and I say no, no, but they insist and they offer me anyway, and me vise versa.

I am so happy and glad to be part of this family and I thank everyone for their welcome, respect, and their smiling faces toward me. It means so much.

I love you all and I love my VP Tim’s — The Short way to say Victoria Park Tim Hortons.


January 2016 is Behind Us. Where did It Go?

Can you believe that January has come and gone? So quickly. It seemed just yesterday we were ringing in 2016. Tomorrow we will welcome February. I have a feeling that this year too will be flying by. I can feel it already. I don’t want it to, but I guess there is no stopping time as some of us would like. Sometimes we question and say, where did it go? Nobody knows where time goes, but all we know is, that it goes. When our lives are busy and we have so much to do and to get done, time just goes by so much quicker.

This year, we will be having a leap year. Which means that February will have 29 days instead of the 28. All in all, it has been a very pleasant winter. We have been very lucky thus far with the temperatures, snowfall and all that here in Toronto. Well, we are really not out of the woods just yet, there is still a few weeks left of winter, but from here on, I think the temperatures and the consistency of flurries we have had will stay about the same and which I have heard from the meteorologist, but then again, I do not want to speak so soon though. I do not want to jinx it either.

Weather like this in Canada is pretty unusual, and people are concerned with global warming and everything. I know it is concerning and something to be alarmed about climate change and everything, but to me this is great. Less problems on the roads and better conditions. People do want the snow and stuff, but it creates havoc on the roads, and it becomes dangerous for pedestrians, drivers and those who commute daily.

Let us continue to be thankful that we have made it past another month. Some people did not get to. I cannot believe we lost so many people in the entertainment industry this year and also unfortunate losses with loved ones, friends and all that. My condolences to all the families and friends.

Let us be grateful always and count our blessings, enjoy our days as much as we can, cherish moments and make memories.

Have a happy and healthy February and the rest of the year. 🙂 Talk to you tomorrow.

Chores are Development of Responsibility & Life Skills

As we are born and become children, majority of our parents/grandparents/guardians have taught us about responsibility, doing chores around the house and to gain experience and knowledge on to keep clean, tidy, and organized. Also teaches kids to obey, and prioritize life to do what is important first, and then make time for fun and play after.

When children wake up in the morning, they teach them on the importance of getting up to make the bed, brush the teeth, groom themselves, wash up and shower for good hygiene, and then they teach them how to eat, and then venture off to school with the grandparents/parents/guardian or with a school bus.

During school, the teachers and other staff of the school teach kids on importance of learning about the world, how to read, write, to learn about many subjects such as sciences, music, gym, dance, language classes, mathematics, chemistry, and the most important thing to teach children to be kind to other classmates, develop group skills during group work, also leadership.

When school is over and the children are on their way home, that skill to teach them about sharing, kindness, respecting others should also be implemented at home, so as they can continue that outside of school. The children come home, and the importance to wash hands, and change out of their clothes, and to start homework if they have homework that day and teach them to do homework first before they play with toys, tablets, colour and all that.

When it is time to make dinner and set the table, it is always a good idea to get your child involved in cooking, helping set the table with plates, cutlery, and then children should start to develop skills on washing dishes, and after dinner to help clean the table with a cloth, taking the dishes to the sink, and make the parents/guardian/grandparents life easier and for the children to help them out. This also teaches them for the future when they have greater responsibility when they get older.

Nowadays, it is so difficult to teach children these life skills because of the screens, video gaming consoles and technology that has taken over. Nowadays children always want to feel that sense of entitlement to do whatever they want, whenever they want without having to listen to their parents/guardians/grandparents. They feel the need to always want to be on their screens and not develop skills that will benefit them in the future. some Kids these days are immune to technology and less hands on skills, not having manners, not respecting and being kind to others, talking back to adults and also rude gestures and mannerisms. Some children are so spoiled and tend to have an answer for everything. We should never allow it for it to get that far.

Children see everything, they are observant, they listen to everything that goes on in the house. start them early, influence them in such a way where it becomes easier to ask them to do chores. Tell them to do things in such a way where they won’t feel threatened. Give them conditions that if they do not help clean, or do simple things like washing hands or whatever, tell them that they will not have a birthday party, tell them that they will not be allowed TV Time or play time if they do not eat, or listen to do things around the house. Also, nowadays children do not have an idea of responsibility and helping out family. They need to learn that.

Nowadays, children are untouchable, and if heaven forbid, you really yell at them and give them discipline, they will use it against you and they may involve teachers and other authorities. These days, showing children how to do chores, and get them off of their bums to help around the house, and develop these important skills is a chore and a very difficult task in itself. These screens, smartphones and devices are like a magnet to them.

As adults teach their children that it is bedtime, that means washing up again, brushing teeth, undoing the bed, getting clothes and everything ready for the next school day or whatever else, making their lunches, and everything.

Then the days that children are at home, it is important to teach them how to vacuum, wipe and mop the floors, dust the furniture, clean doorknobs, clean the kitchen counters and the table, take out the garbage, help wash the car and everything. Of course it is important to give them time to play, and do fun stuff as well. I am not saying that they should always be doing chores and everything, but they need to learn balance, time management and everything. There is a limit and time for it all.

It is the time now, and to be strict with children. strict in such a way that will not intimidate them, but to put them on track. Set rules, guidelines, time limits to screen time, and monitor what they look at and supervise them to make sure they are making good decisions while on the computer and so much more. That is the important thing.

When you see they are trying and everything and doing great work at school, and at home, give them gifts, or surprise them to a movie, take them out to an amusement park, take them to play in the park, when they obey and do good, give them an allowance of whatever amount you wish, teach them the value of a dollar when they do get allowances and teach them about spending accordingly.

One day when I have children of my own, all these things will be taught to them and I will not allow them to do whatever they want all the time. Not going to happen. they need to be taught lessons of life and develop skills.

If you have children and/or take care of them such as being a guardian, babysitter, or grandparents. What skills and what things do you teach them?

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays

Dear All,

I would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas to all my family, friends, friends I met online/in person, my fans, my readers and everyone who celebrates Christmas. Although The Armenian Christmas is on January 6th, it is also great to celebrate on December 24/25th. Wishing everyone all the best. ❤ ❤ Hugs and Kisses to all.

I also celebrate on January 6th where its my Armenian Christmas too. This is an exciting time of the year.

Happy Holidays with great health, happiness, and great things. Best wishes always.

Cheers to you and your loved ones. 🙂


Talin Orfali

A Highlight,

This Christmas, It was my first time marinating and cooking my very first turkey…. The end result — SUCCESS!! 🙂
I usually cook chicken, and other meats, but it was my first for turkey. I am so proud of myself and I did it all on my own. 🙂 – I also cooked the whole Christmas dinner..

Feeling Very Nostalgic Today

Today during the morning hours as I was listening to music from the past on my iTunes playlist which was Adiss Harmandian and International Vatche who are Armenians who sing a variety type of songs, I felt very nostalgic. It also brought back many emotions and happy thoughts as I was remembering highway 401 East and a cottage we used to have in Eastern, Ontario, Canada, a town named Tweed and the countless amounts of times we would drive to Montreal and a couple of times I drove on my own.

Now, you are probably wondering why the music is involved in this, is because they were the artists that we would listen to in the stereo in the car when we would drive down. It never missed. These singers would always be involved and included in our road trips to the Cottage, Montreal and abroad.

The Nostalgia was kicking in even more when I was scouring through the internet for images of the town, the cottage we used to own, highway 401 East, and it went as far as the service centres and things we would see on the way like The Big Apple on the south side of the 401 on exit 497, Percy St. Do not confuse it with The Big Apple in New York City.

I know you are also wondering why I am having nostalgia over a highway. Well, Highway 401 East from Toronto all the way to Quebec has a sentimental place in my life and in my heart and it will always be a special place to remind me of the great drives we have had, and I was crazy at one point in driving in the worst possible snow storm which took over 7 and a half hours to get to Montreal, where on a normal day, would take about 4 and a half hours. In Montreal, I have plenty of friends and I would go and hang out with them every 2-3 weeks. I went about 35 times in one year, and that does not even cover the rest of the years.

So, today all those thoughts and memories came back to my mind and it was a great feeling. It has been about 3 and a half years, I have not been back to Montreal. Just that life got a whole lot busier, a lot of work, and I have traveled quite a lot as well to so many destinations, that I have lost count and now, I am so occupied with my work in Social Media Marketing, and also being a professional in it.

The Nostalgic feeling will never go away, and I will always remember the good times. I am going to make a trip to Montreal and Tweed, Ontario once the winter goes away and spring comes. I definitely need to make a trip there. I just want to drive and I just want to see my beautiful people there and go back to where my Cottage used to be and relax by lake Stoco.

I have written Articles about Tweed, Ontario, the Highway 401 and more… To read, them simply search my blog on the top right side of my blog page above my Facebook Fan Page. Thank you.

Have you had a great nostalgic moment in your life?

Would love to hear from you.

All the best.

My Love for Candy Crush Saga & Soda Saga

Creators by King:

Just over 2-3 years ago, maybe more, I was looking around Facebook and all of a sudden, I see a section of games you can play to pass some time, so curiosity sparked and I decided to click on Candy Crush Saga. You may have heard about this game by now. It was created by King. Now, as I began to play the levels, it kept me highly entertained and more interested in finishing more levels.

Now, Candy Crush Saga consists of many levels where you have to bring down the ingredients such as cherries and some other tree nut, some of the levels you have to clear the jelly, eat the chocolate, remove candy bombs in time, some you have to get so many points within a time limit, and all levels have a certain amount of moves where you have to finish the level in between them before having 0 moves left. With the candies, if you get four beside each other it makes a striped candy. If you get candies that look like a cross or an L shape, you can make a wrapped candy. When you put the strip and the wrapped candy together, it clears a partial section of the board and new candies fall down so you can have a chance to finish the level. when you see that you can put 5 candies together, it makes a sprinkled candy where you can clear the whole board if you put both together or just a colour, and so much more.

So, after the Original Candy Crush Saga, I migrated myself to play Soda Saga, where you can find bears, eat the honey and save the bears, make fish when you match a colour like a square, where you can pop the bottles, and everything in the Saga one, is the same concept, getting the bears in a bubble above the string candy, but I find that you can do a lot more with the Soda Saga. Now, I am quite up there in levels. I tell you, it gets more difficult as you go along. Some levels take one-two times to finish the level, some take quite a lot of lives to finish it, and some take days to do it and finish the level.

Now, with all that, People give these games a bad rep, and some request that they don’t want to receive any game requests. That is fine and I respect some peoples decisions, but Candy Crush Saga and Soda Saga are games that make you think about your next move, strategy, how to make smart moves that gets you to pass a level. It is a lot of mind exercise, it keeps your brain working, it also keeps you motivated, dedicated and gives you the confidence to say “Hey, I can do this level, and I will not give up”. King creators have made this an app as well where you can access and play from your smartphones, tablets, and of course the computer.

There are some people that are so into it, that they purchase more lives, more boosters, so that they can beat levels quicker and advanced to unlocking more episodes and segments of the game. To this day, there have been millions of downloads and millions of people playing this game worldwide. It has also become the talk in social media, creating memes, seeing people obsess over the game, and now there is a chatroom beside the candy crush game where you can interact with other players and offer some insight and share the love of the game and it can sometimes be frustrating as the levels get challenging, but it is all for the fun of the game and that is the beauty of it all.

You see people playing candy crush on public transportation, on a flight, at the airport, at home, office, at the malls, and other public places. It has become very popular in the world and people to this day, continue to play it. I play it all the time now and especially Soda Saga. It is the only game I play on Facebook that I thoroughly enjoy. Thank you to King and the creators of it. I am absolutely in love with the game and I recommend it to anyone and everyone. It is a great game to keep your mind going and working. I truly believe in that. Thank you for getting my mind working more and now the game has become more easier for me since I am above level 455 now and counting.

Trust me, this game is so fun and you can be on it for hours on end if you keep passing levels and you have 5 lives and then you have to wait a certain amount of time to gain more levels back if people do not send you lives right away. You can ask other Candy Crush players for more lives, and you can also send it back to them for being so generous. It is absolutely awesome.

Do you play Candy Crush Soda Saga or the Original or both?

What are your thoughts about it?

If you have not got into the Candy Crush world, and would like to, join in on the fun and level up as you go. 🙂

SodaLicious! Divine! Sweet! Soda Crush! Wonderful! Level Completed 🙂

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You can also find them on Facebook, Apps and more.

Not Knowing How To Appreciate Somebody Really Hurts

When people who do not know the definition of appreciating you (me), or even think about you (me ) and only approach you (me ) only if they need something done, or anything from you (me), do not worry, what goes around comes around. Let nature take its course.

I always say this, people who are far away are always sweeter than the ones who are near and the ones who are near always get used, get volunteered into things, and expect so much more from, thinking you have time and can do things quickly. Unfortunately that is how it is. People do not realize I have feelings too, and I have so much going on for me too.

I am not complaining about doing things for others, and going out of my way to do so, but there is only so much you can do and then not be appreciated for it is absolutely hurtful.

This past week and for a while now, I have been so hurt beyond repair, my heart is aching so badly, to the point where I think about what happened when I go to bed, when I am sleeping, when I wake up, when I am going about my day, when I babysit, during when I am working, and even during my happy moments where I try to take it out of my mind. It is still there. I cried for many days and I have been so upset, disappointed on how people can be this way to others, especially if they are your own flesh in blood or whoever they are. It absolutely hurts like crazy. I really do not want to discuss what happened, but it hurts emotionally and mentally. It killed any spirit that I have left.

Its not so much about being chosen to be part of something precious and beautiful, it is the principle behind it and something to show gratitude, but unfortunately some people are not gifted with being thoughtful, and being appreciative toward others.

Well, I am not doing it anymore. Not going to allow others take advantage of me and take me for a fool. I really do not have time and energy for it anymore. Time to look after myself and go after what makes me happy, be with those who appreciate, love me for who I am, what I am passionate about and what I love to do with my own time. I have put my foot down. I am so tired of crying and being so hurt. Enough is enough.

Residential Area’s and Fireworks. There is a place for Everything

We all know when Holiday’s approach that people venture out to buy their own fireworks to blow up and they find the thrill to do their own fire show on celebration days on their streets where there are homes, other residents, vehicles, trees or whatever else there can be. It is a fun and awesome thing.

Although Fireworks can be pretty and exciting to see, however it can also pose as a danger as well. especially in residential areas where it is unsafe and it can become that way as well. One wrong move, if the fire goes the wrong way or the spark, something serious can happen such as, damaging a home, cars, trees and even worse and ultimately can hurt/injure somebody and then having to live with the agony afterwards.

There is a place for everything, and fireworks are not meant to be blown up in residential area’s. It doesn’t matter if people have been doing it for years, and how professional someone can be with it, but I am sure there are wide open areas where you can go. I am not telling anybody what to do, but it is for your own safety and for everyone around you. It can be dangerous.

I get so petrified every single time a celebration day comes along. It should be illegal and banned from residential areas. I know some people still do it in places that it is banned. I do not understand why people know the laws and still have to do things and endanger themselves and others around them. Some people are so selfish. They only think of themselves and the thrill they seek, but it doesn’t matter if it hurts and affects other people’s well-being and they think they are the only ones on the street who live there. Things have to change. People need to look out for each other, especially when you are surrounded by other residents and homes.

I am not telling you, not to have fun, but come on, people should know better than that to not do it where its unsafe.

Please be responsible, and do it elsewhere.

Thanks and all the best.

Creator of the Armenian Alphabet – St. Mesrob Mashtots

In 362 A.D in Taron, St. Mesrob Mashtots was born and passed away in February of 440 A.D. St. Mesrob Mashtots was a theologian in Armenians, Hymnologist, as well as a linguist. In Our Armenian culture, he is best known as for inventing and creating the 38 Letter Armenian Alphabet in 405 A.D. It was an incredible step to increasing, strengthening and establishing a bond between the Armenian Statehood, Armenians Living in the empire of Byzantine and the Armenian kingdom. It also created a sense of identity and difference in the world that prospered into a beautiful language with creating words, where we are now able to read, write, speak and express ourselves in our Armenian communities, churches, in our homes, and in our day-to-day lives.

In Armenia, we have a Library called the “Madenataran“, where his Statue and the Armenian Alphabet beside him sits, and where the most important books, scriptures and important parts of our Armenian Heritage sits in the museum within the Madenataran. In 2005 Armenian Alphabet turned 1600 years old, where then as a celebration a field with all the Letters in the Alphabet was created by the Mt Aragats.

St. Mesrob Mashtots also created the Albanian, and Georgian Alphabets.

St. Mesrob came from a village in “Hatzetgatz Kyough” (HATS-EH-GATS KYOO-GH), and passed away in Vagharshapat (Vagh-are-shahpat), then he was laid to rest in the town of Oshakan. To this very day many tourists and visitors to Armenia, visit his tomb in the church to pay homage and respects to the creator. St. Mesrob Mashtots spent most of his life devoted to Christianity, and to spread the word of God. He is known to be a big icon in the world and prominent individual, which inspired many people in the Global world history and still does to this day from hearing about his biography, what he accomplished which changed our Armenian identity and put a positive and beautiful impact in our world.

Without St. Mesrob, we would not have our alphabet, our ability to read, write and communicate with the words and our beautiful language that exists in our world. This is an example of how Turkey failed to wipe Armenians off the face of this earth during the April 24, 1915, Armenian Genocide, because to this day we continue to speak, read and write our beautiful Armenian Language. Thank you to St. Mesrob Mashtots for giving us our identity. We Armenians are forever grateful and we are so blessed to have you in our life and your legacy will live on within our hearts forever.

Links of Interest:

click this link to see the Armenian Alphabet:

click this link to see the Madenataran Library in Armenia

100 Years, 100 Reasons – Armenians Are Still Here – 1915-2015

This year in 2015 on April 24th, It will be Armenian Genocide’s 100 Year Commemoration.
The Turkish Ottoman Empire failed to wipe Armenians off the Earth and here are 100 reasons why Turkey Failed. #TurkeyFailed

1. We can Still read Armenian
2. We can still speak Armenian
3. We have 38 letters in the Armenian Alphabet
4. We are the first Adopter of Christianity in 301 A.D.
5. Our Flag is Red, Blue and Orange
6. Armenians have been Around for thousands of years and will be here forever
7. We can still write in Armenian
8. We are few in the world, but will always remain Armenian
9. We have the first church built named “Sourp Etchmiadzin”
10. We have a beautiful Country
11. The Apricot, Grapes, Pomegranates are fruits of our Nation

12. William Saroyan’s Quote “I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia. See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.”

13. Our Armenia Capital is Yerevan
14. We can sing Armenian Songs
15. We can pray in Armenian
16. We have many churches across the world
17. We have many Armenian Community Centres across the world
18. 13 Million Armenians are living around the world
19. Armenia became independent in 1991 from the Soviet Union
20. St Gregory the Illuminator was our first Catholicos
21. We have Armenian Inventors, Innovators
22. We have So many Armenian Singers and Performers
23. Armenians are great at Chess
24. Mesrob Mashtotz, Creator of the Armenian Alphabet
25. Vartan Mamigonian – year 451 Vartanantz
26. Sassountzi Tavit – David of Sassoun
27. We have beautiful Armenian Scripture
28. Armenians have the rarest and most beautiful books in Madenataran – Library in Armenia
29. We have Khor Virap Church
30. Mount Ararat will always be ours even though The Turkish Ottoman Empire took it away from us
31. Hagop Oshakan, novelist, literary critic
32. Atom Egoyan who is a film director, producer
33. Isabel Bayrakdarian/Serouj Kradjian — Armenian Pianist, Singer
34. Cher Sarkissian — Singer “Cher”
35. Daniel Varoujan, lyric poet
36. Vahan Tekeyan, poet, political leader
37. Arshile Gorky, abstract painter
38. Hovhannes Shiraz, nationalistic poet
39. Paruyr Sevak, Eastern Armenian poet
40. Tigran the Great — Dikran
41. Charles Aznavour – Armenian singer
42. Kirk Kirkorian – Businessman and MGM Owner
43. Kev Orkian — actor, musician & comedian
44. Eric Bogosian, playwright and performance artist
45. Ken Davitian, actor
46. Robert Zildjian, founder of Sabian Cymbals
47. We have delicious Foods
48. Armenians have the best coffee
49. Andre Agassi — Tennis Player
50. Geghard Church
51. Garni Temple
52. Republic Square of Yerevan
53. Lake Sevan
54. Zvartnots Airport and Cathedral
55. St. Hripsime Church
56. Tatev Monastery
57. The Yerevan Opera House
58. Erebuni Museum
59. Sardarabad
60. Gyumri
61. Kohar Music School – Kohar Music
62. Shushi
63. Nagorna Gharabagh – Artsakh
64. The Armenian Dram — Armenia Money Currency
65. Dilijan
66. Talin City
67. Oshagan
68. Armenian Alphabet Field
69. Mamig Dadig Statue
70. Noravank Church
71. Beautiful Hills and Mountains
72. Our DOOF Kar — Our Armenia Rock
73. Rich and beautiful Agriculture
74. Hayasdan is Armenia
75. We have beautiful and rich history, that will always remain part of us
76. Armenians are Forever
77. We have Armenians in Sports
78. Jermuk Falls
79. Ararat Cognac
80. Yeraplur
81. Akhtamar
82. Armenian Cross Rocks — Khatchkars
83. The Gate to Armenia is Always Open – Welcome!
84. Mayr Hayasdan Statue — Mother of Armenia statue with a Sword
85. Beautiful Roads leading to beautiful cities and towns of Armenia
86. beautiful trees and nature
87. the skies, the ground, Armenia is natural
88. Armenian Communities of the world Come together to commemorate the Armenian Genocide
89. We Armenians get together in our communities
90. Armenians enjoy parties and get togethers
91. Ararat the Movie
92. My Uncle Rafael Movie
93. Musa Dagh
94. We feel great when we hear someone speaking Armenian in a store and just hear our beautiful language spoken
95. Armenian Folk dances are beautiful
96. Armenian Patriotic and National Songs are touching
97. Wedding attendances are large
98. Our Armenian Identity is special
99. Our hearts, minds, souls, body, physically, mentally and emotionally will always be Armenian
100. After all that we have been through from the Armenian Genocide and beyond, we are still here and will be forever.


There are so many other reasons.

God bless Armenia and Armenians!

Because, Turkey Failed – The Armenian Genocide 100 Year Centennial

Hashtag and Keep this going #TurkeyFailed

– We can still say our Armenian Alphabet, Because TurkeyFailed
– We can still hold our Armenia Flag high up in the air, Because TurkeyFailed
– We can still talk in our Armenian Language, Because TurkeyFailed
– We have beautiful and rich history, that will always remain part of us, Because TurkeyFailed
– Red Blue Orange, Because TurkeyFailed
– We are still here, Because TurkeyFailed
– We have our Armenian Landmarks, Churches, Community Centres, Because TurkeyFailed
– We have the greatest innovators, celebrities, musical artists, artists, and many other talents, Because TurkeyFailed
– We will always have Mount Ararat and it will be returned to us once again, Because TurkeyFailed
– Turkish Ottoman Empire wiped out more than 1.5 Million Armenians, But were still here, Because TurkeyFailed
– More than 13 Million Armenians around the world, Because TurkeyFailed
– Armenians are Forever, Because TurkeyFailed
– 100 years later, we are still here, Because TurkeyFailed

April 24, 1915, Because, TurkeyFailed


The Armenian Genocide Centennial

100 Years

Letter of Appreciation to Mrs. Amal Clooney – Human Rights Lawyer

Dear Mrs Amal Clooney,

It is with heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to bring up one of the biggest Crimes of the 20th century and more specifically about The Armenian Genocide which took place on April 24, 1915. The Turkish Ottoman Empire committed this crime against Armenians and tried to wipe Armenians off the face of the earth with Ethnic cleansing which they did not succeed. 1.5 Million Armenians were massacred, our lands were stolen, Mount Ararat was stolen from us and Thanks to you for addressing this matter to make this globally well known. I opened up the Toronto Star this morning and I happened to see the Article about You and about the Armenian Genocide, Freedom of Speech and human rights.

We Armenians in our communities across the world cannot thank you enough for your efforts. We love you and we are so proud of you for standing up to end this denial of The Armenian Genocide, to recognize, to support us and having our backs. It takes a lot of guts and I applaud you for it, and as I am sure a lot of us do. Thank you again Amal. It means so much to us. God bless you always. Mr. George Clooney definitely knows how to pick em. Love you both so much! I hope to meet you someday and offer my thanks to you in person. Thanks again!


Talin Orfali

Articles in relative to Mrs. Amal Clooney’s Representing Eloquently about The Armenians, Human Rights, Freedom of Speech and the Armenian Genocide:

Horizon Weekly

Time Magazine – Online Edition

Daily Mail UK

Thank you to Mrs. Amal Clooney for taking the stand to stand up for Armenians and Representing The Armenian Genocide.

The Expert Travel Packer – As I am Known To Be

for the last 22+ years of traveling to many destinations, and the countless amounts of times of packing a suitcase has really become nothing for me now. I have another title now, which is “The Expert Travel Packer”. I really enjoy packing and it is one of my favourite things to do to believe it or not. I am known to be organized very well with everything, so packing comes very easy for me. I learned how to pack my own suitcase when I was 7-8 years old. It was fun to do with the supervision of my mom of course, and then after a couple of travels, I began to do it all on my own without the help of anybody, from then I learned how to do everything.

With air travel sometimes there can be this odor in the luggage that seeps in from the baggage storage areas and transporting the baggage to the aircraft, so I buy fabric softener nice smelling sheets, and I scatter them around the baggage, underneath, in the middle of the clothes and a little bit on the top. You open it up and your whole luggage smells nice and fresh, then you can pack some dryer sheets in a small plastic lock bag and then use new ones upon your return.

There is nothing to packing. It does take some practice and a little ingenuity, but everything is quite simple to do.

A couple of days ago a great family friend asked me for packing and travel advice, so I went over to pack suitcases and saved a lot of space and made sure everything is packed neatly, tightly and organized. I did all the packing within an hour. not even. If you have any questions and ideas of how to pack your suitcase with everything that you want to know, especially when it comes to toiletries and bottles with liquids in it and you do not want them to spill out or anything, please do not hesitate to ask me on tips and tricks and I will gladly explain it to you.