Feeling Very Nostalgic Today

Today during the morning hours as I was listening to music from the past on my iTunes playlist which was Adiss Harmandian and International Vatche who are Armenians who sing a variety type of songs, I felt very nostalgic. It also brought back many emotions and happy thoughts as I was remembering highway 401 East and a cottage we used to have in Eastern, Ontario, Canada, a town named Tweed and the countless amounts of times we would drive to Montreal and a couple of times I drove on my own.

Now, you are probably wondering why the music is involved in this, is because they were the artists that we would listen to in the stereo in the car when we would drive down. It never missed. These singers would always be involved and included in our road trips to the Cottage, Montreal and abroad.

The Nostalgia was kicking in even more when I was scouring through the internet for images of the town, the cottage we used to own, highway 401 East, and it went as far as the service centres and things we would see on the way like The Big Apple on the south side of the 401 on exit 497, Percy St. Do not confuse it with The Big Apple in New York City.

I know you are also wondering why I am having nostalgia over a highway. Well, Highway 401 East from Toronto all the way to Quebec has a sentimental place in my life and in my heart and it will always be a special place to remind me of the great drives we have had, and I was crazy at one point in driving in the worst possible snow storm which took over 7 and a half hours to get to Montreal, where on a normal day, would take about 4 and a half hours. In Montreal, I have plenty of friends and I would go and hang out with them every 2-3 weeks. I went about 35 times in one year, and that does not even cover the rest of the years.

So, today all those thoughts and memories came back to my mind and it was a great feeling. It has been about 3 and a half years, I have not been back to Montreal. Just that life got a whole lot busier, a lot of work, and I have traveled quite a lot as well to so many destinations, that I have lost count and now, I am so occupied with my work in Social Media Marketing, and also being a professional in it.

The Nostalgic feeling will never go away, and I will always remember the good times. I am going to make a trip to Montreal and Tweed, Ontario once the winter goes away and spring comes. I definitely need to make a trip there. I just want to drive and I just want to see my beautiful people there and go back to where my Cottage used to be and relax by lake Stoco.

I have written Articles about Tweed, Ontario, the Highway 401 and more… To read, them simply search my blog on the top right side of my blog page above my Facebook Fan Page. Thank you.

Have you had a great nostalgic moment in your life?

Would love to hear from you.

All the best.

Is 2015 Really Almost Over? Can’t Believe it.

Yesterday, when I woke up, It was a brand new month in 2015. I can’t believe October is here already. To me, when October comes it means that the year is almost over. 3 Months to go until 2016. Where did this year go? It was an absolute busy year for me and so much more until December 31st. I already see Christmas merchandise in the stores, Halloween, Thanksgiving things. The only thing about these months until April is that it is the Fall, its cold, freezing and Winter that I absolutely despise.
What are your plans for Thanksgiving, Halloween and Christmas?
I am excited to go on my 13th trip to Cuba soon. I absolutely love Cuba a lot. I go all over the place. I don’t just go to one destination.
Was 2015 good to you? Mine was, and I ended up doing quite a bit of traveling to Los Angeles, California, Niagara Falls, Ottawa, and among many other places, but there were some unfortunate things that did happen in my year, but everything turned out well in the end. Well, lets see what the next 3 months of 2015 has in store for me.
I wish you all the best for the rest of 2015 and beyond.

Spring Forward – Excited about More Daylight

After a long, depressing, freezing cold winter, I am excited, anticipating, anxious and thrilled about more daylight. I Can’t wait to hear the birds to start coming out and chirp, when the sun comes out early in the morning and sets after 9pm, the beautiful flowers start blooming, the trees become green once again, the warmth in the air, the beautiful colours of spring and summer. With Spring just around the corner, I feel so good with that transition from a long harsh winter. I love to wear lighter colour clothing, and just enjoying the beauty of this season and more. Just to enjoy life, stopping to smell the roses, and just enjoy the beauty of a vibrant season.

I want to take up walking and go to the malls a lot more, visiting friends and family a lot more, being outdoors all day, finding activities to do, probably go camping and enjoying nature.

I have many plans for the spring and summer months. I have already ironed out some of the places I want to go as well as of course hanging out with my family, friends and just going out and getting fresh air that we really do need. We are so cooped up indoors from all the freezing weather, and snow we endured since Beginning of November and now that we are approaching half way into March, I am excited to be opening up windows, and breathing outdoor air. It feels incredible. I do not plan to stay home and try to go out and do a lot of things.

I absolutely love giving water to the flowers, washing the cars from all the snow, salt and winter debris that is left on it, as well as washing down all the salt left on the car mats and so much more. I am jumping for joy. I have never liked winter and I never will. That is how excited I am.

What do you like about transitioning to spring and warmer temperatures? Have you planned your days yet? What do you enjoy most about it all?

Bring on the daylight savings time and lets spring forward shall we?

***Remember to turn your clocks forward 1 hour March 8, 2015 at 2am in the morning, so before you go to sleep to change the clocks***


Have a wonderful season and best wishes.

Spring Is Almost Here! Excited For That. Are You?

After the many months of winter, this is the moment I always wait for, I really like this time of year when it becomes Mid March, I really enjoy it when our weather gets warmer, and when the winter is behind us in a way and almost time when the trees start growing its leaves again, when the grass gets greener, the roads are washing away from the salt and snow, when everywhere gets thawed out, mild temperatures start and increase by day, when the flowers start to grow again, colour and life comes back after the cold, dark, wintry days, the tulip and other spring  flowers blooming, the spring air and smell of mud, dandelions start to grow, the smell of top soil, garden centers open, outdoor furniture, barbecues, outdoor equipment starts coming back into the stores, spring colours, clothing and bright vibrant colours come back on our store shelves,  the sunlight shines, birds start chirping, animals come out of hibernation, the geese fly back north. I just love this time of year when life comes back. I am so tired of winter, snow and having to bundle up every time I go out. I’d love to go somewhere for 5-6 months of the year and not see snow and be part of the cold freezing weather and not wear layers outside.

I also like spring because it gives me a time to wash the cars and I love washing my car, washing the car mats, detailing and getting rid of the winters salt and sand they put on the streets, and taking care of it. I also like to wash out my driveway and clean up my garage, having to put the shovels away, and just enjoying the whole process of getting rid of winter. It is my favourite.  I am a person who loves vibrant colours, who loves warmer weather, the beautiful sun shining, and among when the days get longer. I really didn’t enjoy when the days get shorter and it would be dark before 5pm. I really enjoy it when time and daylight time increases. In June and July it is still sunlight after  8:30 and you would still see a bit of light after 9pm too. those are the days I love, plus you don’t feel that the night is dragging on so long and plus it gets brighter earlier in the morning and its so refreshing and you start your day earlier and you appreciate the daylight and days. I also like getting rid of the boots and jackets I wear and pack them up for 5-6 months of the year.

I really enjoy sitting on the patio, I like driving with my windows down, listening to vibrant music, going camping, and I enjoy leisure time away too.

What season do you like? Do you also enjoy spring and summer months? What do you mostly enjoy when the weather starts getting warmer? What activities do you like doing outdoors? Would love to hear form you. Happy Spring!

Loving The Outdoors…

It is that time of year again, where people get out from the winter hibernation and go out to explore nature and go outside to enjoy the weather and everything else. I cannot wait to go to my first lake front relaxation with my friends. Its going to be an incredible night I feel it. I will still dress a little warmly, but I just love the outdoors and everything. Once May Hits, I am usually out and about and traveling, driving more, and enjoying the much needed warm weather we need. Living in Canada is great though. I cannot complain, but I love the weather when it becomes April, May all the way to October. I have been an outdoors person since I was a kid and I couldn’t wait for picnics, camping, fishing, Yes I love to fish and haven’t in such a long time. I know some people are probably wondering, a girl liking to fish? Yes I love to catch fish. Its relaxing, yet fun and also among going to the beach, lake front, just chilling and walking around. I am now doing exercise and when the weather is warmer now, I plan not to do it on my treadmill, I plan on going outside to do my workouts. I will feel it more because the inclines and the levels on the street is a lot different than on the treadmill. You will feel the burn pain a lot more than the treadmill too. I get so excited this time of year after my birthday which passed on Monday and summer and spring makes me feel more cheery and happy.

Winter not so much. I am excited for my first official outdoor outing! yay!