Never Give up Your Passion & Talents

Never Give up, and never allow others to allow you to give up.
You never need to prove yourself to anybody.
Your passion(s) and talent(s) are born with you. utilize them, and don’t waste it.

Always be you, follow your passion, do what you want to do, focus on positivity, happiness, what makes you smile and go forward in life. The right people will understand and recognize that. whether it is family, friends, your blog fans and followers, social media friends you met online.

There are some really mean and terrible people out there who discourage, putting jabs at you every chance they get, they say the worst things and hurt your feelings so much that it can and will scar you for life.

I know ignoring it is the toughest thing, but always know that you win when you ignore, you win when you keep your head up high and still follow your passion and talents.

For example, on social media we bloggers, video bloggers would always like positive feedback and kind comments and everything. Depending on what it is all about. I know that people will not always agree and there will be really mean and unkind comments, but there is a way to say things to people, and others do not care if they hurt the person’s feelings. No matter what they say. Now, that is unacceptable.  Never allow someone’s negative opinions and comments get the better of you. Somethings are better left unexplained, rather than explaining to those who will not understand you. Unfortunately, that is how life is and how some people are.

Usually, when people keep throwing jabs at you and those who are negative, really tells a whole lot about the life they are living, and they also think that they are right all the time, and everyone should be agreeing with them with whatever goes on. Those are the type of people who could be jealous and insecure about themselves, so they end up making everyone else’s lives miserable and you end up in the middle of that crossfire. Never allow others to walk all over you. Always speak up and defend yourself. When you do speak up, you will see the reaction. If it means that the person will no longer be communicating with you and everything, then so be it. Not everyone will be like you and not everyone will think like you. That is fine.

That will be a lesson to the person always putting you on the spot, throwing jabs at you.

Sometimes things happen in life that makes us open our eyes, to select our friends wisely and to find true people who will always stay by you, support you in whatever you do in your life. You create your own destiny. No matter how fast or slow and no matter what it is.

Always feel comfortable and you know when they say, you have to get out of your comfort zone? Sometimes that is true, but most of the time it is not. You have to be comfortable with however your life is and will be, and whatever you can handle.

True friends and true people will always encourage you and steer you to the right direction.

Not everyone is and will be on the same chapter of your life’s book. That is why Some people are just beginning to read the table of contents and the introduction and some have not even opened the book and already began judging it by the cover.

Don’t ever give up, be the pen of your life, and write your own life. Don’t ever let someone else hold the pen.

I want the best for everyone, may all your wishes and dreams come true, and Best wishes always.

A Writers Passion

In life all of us, if not most of us in this world have a passion and something or somethings that we are good at, and we should always share that passion with the world. I have a passion and that is writing, telling a story, sharing my experiences, my education, my knowledge, and all the while recognizing, acknowledging things that are happening in the world and that have happened.
I have so much to contribute, write about and do so much for the world in inspiring, sharing, and during that process to being happy and also with what I do and get noticed in the entertainment capital of Los Angeles. I just hope that one day I will catch my big break into that. I am working so hard to reach my goals, to circulate my writings to people in Los Angeles.

Writing is definitely a skill that is so challenging, overwhelming sometimes and also developing writers block where there is a road blockage into rendering more thoughts and fresh ideas. It does happen, but then again a writer always gets out of that road block and gets on the road to write once again. Some write without a rough draft, and some write with brainstorming, outlining and jotting down ideas. For me, I do not need a rough draft. I just write naturally as the thoughts come through my mind and my soul.


If I was residing in Los Angeles, California I would definitely be in the entertainment industry with writing for the big directors, movie companies, soap operas, TV shows, and so much more. I know now with technology and communication that you can sit at home and transmit information to the entertainment industry in Los Angeles, but it is a lot different to sit behind a computer screen and actually being there in the action up close and personal.
It is not about being famous and being popular. It is not about that at all, but merely putting my name out there, to make a legacy for myself, to leave a mark in this world that will have a positive, incredible and wonderful impact that I will have for the citizens of this world of now, tomorrow and future.
As you may or may not know, blogs, social media, article writing, and a lot more important to me. I am so dedicated to my passion and it is a big part of my life and will forever be. It is very hard work and I absolutely love it so much and hopefully people will appreciate that hard work that it takes to write, contribute, distribute, and share to the world.

Bloggers are just as Important as Journalists

In recent years now, technology, social media and ways to communicate with the world have advanced so much. Today writers, journalists, and bloggers have discovered a way to get our feelings, points, experiences, current events, society and education across the world. That is sharing a virtual journal and diary so the world of people can read what we write. I am sure there are still people in this world that do have a hand written journal and keep contributing to it.

Now, I have come across some statuses on Facebook and other means of social media that what bloggers say is not as important as an educated journalist says that has been published in major newsletter and newspaper publications, news broadcasting sites and more. I find that to be very offensive, and so terribly rude of them to even have the audacity to write those things.

Some of us bloggers and those who contribute to social media may not be educated in journalism or some sort of writing programs, but that does not necessarily mean that we do not have a voice and that we do not matter. We are as important as a professional journalist. We also have the right to write what we feel, and nobody is better than the next person. We all have our writing styles, our abilities to share our words, thoughts, experiences, society, news, and updates about our lives and what influences us.

We also have that right to be published in major newspapers when we submit our craft to them. Just because a person has a diploma, certificate that only gets accepted in them doesn’t mean that they are more important than a person who does not possess them. When I e-mail some newspaper publications, they will not even look at me, but then I say you know what? It is their loss for not giving me that chance.

It is not about being famous, putting my name on the map of the world that people will recognize, it is mostly about getting my word across, and feeling great about it that I made someone’s day, that I inspired, educated and gave insight to somebody else who looks for a certain type of information whether it be about a school project, generalizing, and even educating one’s self about anything their heart desires to look up.

Bloggers somehow seem to have a bad rap because we tend to get more personal with our craft and that a blog is not a writing style, but merely an article that is meant for grade school and high school level that English teachers give to students to complete a creative writing assignment.

I am not saying that journalists with a diploma do not have a talent and who are not great at what they do, That is not my intention to say at all. I am saying that we bloggers and of course, journalists all have something to give out and have worked hard to get up there in the world and success is always under construction and improving, and getting up on that ladder will never end. Bloggers too! Even those who just joined the writing and blogging world. No matter how new or advanced we are, we still matter and what we do as well.

Not a lot of people can do what we do, not a lot of people can put words, sentences and phrases like we can, and they look up to us and want to read, get insight, and want us to contribute to their lives and what they are feeling or thinking about at the moment, but do not have the means to share it in writing.

I think that out of the many people who do write blogs on a daily, weekly or monthly basis have a talent, and we must utilize it. We do not have to prove to anyone anything in our craft, but just to shine what has been instilled in us. We all have a talent that we need to shine through and contribute to the world, and if writing and blogging your talent, and if you feel accomplished and good about yourself at the end of the day, then you have done your job. Never give up your passion and never let others rain on your parade. Best wishes to you on your important blogging journey.

Feeling Very Nostalgic Today

Today during the morning hours as I was listening to music from the past on my iTunes playlist which was Adiss Harmandian and International Vatche who are Armenians who sing a variety type of songs, I felt very nostalgic. It also brought back many emotions and happy thoughts as I was remembering highway 401 East and a cottage we used to have in Eastern, Ontario, Canada, a town named Tweed and the countless amounts of times we would drive to Montreal and a couple of times I drove on my own.

Now, you are probably wondering why the music is involved in this, is because they were the artists that we would listen to in the stereo in the car when we would drive down. It never missed. These singers would always be involved and included in our road trips to the Cottage, Montreal and abroad.

The Nostalgia was kicking in even more when I was scouring through the internet for images of the town, the cottage we used to own, highway 401 East, and it went as far as the service centres and things we would see on the way like The Big Apple on the south side of the 401 on exit 497, Percy St. Do not confuse it with The Big Apple in New York City.

I know you are also wondering why I am having nostalgia over a highway. Well, Highway 401 East from Toronto all the way to Quebec has a sentimental place in my life and in my heart and it will always be a special place to remind me of the great drives we have had, and I was crazy at one point in driving in the worst possible snow storm which took over 7 and a half hours to get to Montreal, where on a normal day, would take about 4 and a half hours. In Montreal, I have plenty of friends and I would go and hang out with them every 2-3 weeks. I went about 35 times in one year, and that does not even cover the rest of the years.

So, today all those thoughts and memories came back to my mind and it was a great feeling. It has been about 3 and a half years, I have not been back to Montreal. Just that life got a whole lot busier, a lot of work, and I have traveled quite a lot as well to so many destinations, that I have lost count and now, I am so occupied with my work in Social Media Marketing, and also being a professional in it.

The Nostalgic feeling will never go away, and I will always remember the good times. I am going to make a trip to Montreal and Tweed, Ontario once the winter goes away and spring comes. I definitely need to make a trip there. I just want to drive and I just want to see my beautiful people there and go back to where my Cottage used to be and relax by lake Stoco.

I have written Articles about Tweed, Ontario, the Highway 401 and more… To read, them simply search my blog on the top right side of my blog page above my Facebook Fan Page. Thank you.

Have you had a great nostalgic moment in your life?

Would love to hear from you.

All the best.

Understanding Social Media – Twitter

Since April, 2007, Twitter launched its social media website to the world. Twitter’s headquarters is located in San Francisco, California, where then eventually many offices were open in the United States, as well as the world. Millions of people have now created accounts since its launch. Twitter is a social media website where people share instantly without barriers of create ideas, advertising ones own business, as well as promoting events, causes, raising awareness on issues of the world, trending the news, popular words, phrases, currents events and more with 140 Characters or less.

In August of 2007, Chris Messina had incorporated the Hashtag “#” sign which is the number sign, which makes it easier and what will attract the world with certain keywords used to promote, advertise and make something popular with the hopes that it will begin to trend. For example, when you create hashtags such as #People #SocialMedia #Life #Love #Travel – and then if another person decides to write the same Hashtags, it will come up on the same page, and it will be like a chat room where people can communicate with each other, as well as if something is found to be interesting, they will add someones tweet to their favourites and re-tweet it on their page.

You will then receive notifications, that what you post on where it is and who has posted it on their pages. When people find something or someone interesting, they may or may not start following them and adding them on their list.
I know you are probably thinking, what can I write and share in 140 Characters or less? Well, there is a lot you can do in that limit. There is always something somebody is searching for and Twitter has made it easier to share it with the world. You can post photos, links, personal websites, and so much more which of course with obeying Twitters terms of service. Twitter also has a short link generator, which you can find the twitter short link generator and save space in the status message you are about to share. You can find it on a search engine site of your choice.

Introducing you the Executive Team:

Dick Costolo, Chief Executive Officer
Adam Bain, President of Global Revenue
Alex Roetter, Vice President of Engineering
Anthony Noto, Chief Financial Officer
Kevin Weil, Vice President of Product
Luca Baratta, Vice President of Finance
Vijaya Gadde, General Counsel
Adam Messinger, Chief Technology Officer
Gabriel Stricker, Chief Communications Officer
Brian “Skip” Schipper, Vice President of Human Resources

Board of Directors:

Jack Dorsey (Chairman)
Co-Founder, Twitter, and CEO, Square

Dick Costolo
CEO, Twitter

Peter Chernin
Founder and Chairman,
Chernin Entertainment and The Chernin Group

Peter Currie
President, Currie Capital

Peter Fenton
General Partner, Benchmark Capital

David Rosenblatt
CEO,, Inc.

Marjorie Scardino
Chairman, MacArthur Foundation

Evan Williams
CEO, Medium; CEO, Obvious Corp.

There are quite a few people that have told me, what is twitter? How can I understand it? why did it become so popular? Well, it is a social media website that has blossomed like wild flowers in the world. Like I said in my previous articles, people will search for anything, and when it comes on the news about a new website, and they begin to advertise so much on Media outlets, it will be a huge hit and sensation in the world. Twitter still is after 8 years.

I am so happy with Twitter. I feel that it has gotten so much easier to raise awareness about certain topics and issues of the world, and to address important subjects to our society. Thank you Twitter for giving us all an opportunity to get out there, to achieve, and to do what our hearts desire to the world. If you do not have an account with twitter, make one, it will make it so much easier to share blogs, ideas and so much more that you want to contribute to the world.

I wish Twitter and its staff all the best and many more years of trending, re-tweeting, tweeting, sharing and more. Thanks twitter.

The Social Media Information Overload

In the life and times of the society we are in, We keep hearing about Social Media and the many websites and how technology has changed so much with communication and how the internet is the biggest information/communication hub of the world now and I know in the last few posts, I have written about it, however this is such a thing as Social Media Information Overload, however that should never deter you from putting yourself, your ideas, suggestions, experiences, stories and more out there. There are many people in this world who want to look for different types of information in different context and there is always some type of information out there for everyone.

I know Social media is a huge topic and starting out and beginning your journey is something that can be frustrating and so intimidating, that you just want to give up quickly and not give it a chance. When I began blogging, writing and putting myself out there in the public eye, I never thought that I would get this far. I read many blogs, and tutorials on social media and how to get myself out there and I began following those instructions, then gradually I began getting so much feedback and so much more out of it. At first, I thought this is such a waste of time, and I won’t get anywhere, but then I gave it a chance, and everything fell into place. You just need to give it the green light.

I know some people are probably thinking, how of hundreds and thousands of blogs, twitter posts and all the writings, articles of the world, how someone can get to my site, and see my posts and things that I put out there to see? Well, it is very easy with over 3 Billion people who use the internet, it is very easy for so many people out of those billions of people who want to search for something that interests them and they will go through many sites to find it and they will get onto your site. It is pretty neat to be shown on Search Engine sites, and with searching for a topic or something is easy. People will sift through many search engine pages and when they see a blog or something that interests them, they will click on your site and see the content they want, then they might share it amongst their family and friends, and then will share it on their social media sites.

Some tips to take note of and a word of advice when beginning your social media journey:

– Be Patient
– Engage, Discover, Deliver
– Read Social Media Tutorials
– Get on Social Media Marketing websites and receive e-mails on articles
– Keep writing, Posting material
– Give yourself and your social media journey a chance
– Get on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook
– When you are on twitter hashtags like this #hashtags #blogs #socialmedia is important to spread out with whatever topics you want to share in 140 Characters or less.
– Never take take take – Give as well.

When you are in social media, do not make it a competition of “Oh I am better than everyone else” approach “My material is the best” attitude. People automatically feel the way things are written online, and if people feel that someone is complimenting themselves so much and becoming a center of attention, it becomes less interesting to engage into that persons website. Never make someone feel that their material and what they write is something that is not good or don’t make people feel that what they have to say isn’t important. We are all important, and what we all have to say is something that is good to read. Never slander and insult somebody because of it. We all have something incredible and wonderful to contribute to in the world.

All in all, Social Media is a great thing to be in. It is a communication of information that can be beneficial for everyone. So take the chance and see where it takes you. Have fun and best wishes!

My Vision of Empowerment of Social Media

Since social media has been a big trend on the internet and the world, We all have different outlooks and perspectives toward the vision of empowerment and communications that social media has that a lot of people are in, however my vision for social media and what I want to get out of it is to inspire, share my views/opinions and to educate others in the life experiences I have had and will continue to have. My vision is to raise awareness on certain issues that have me deeply interested in and to make a difference one person and many people at a time.

Some people create blogs, and become active on social media to see where things will take each and everyone of us and the purpose we have to get to that point. Still, I think the traditional word of mouth is something much more powerful, however with this new age in technology, with communication that has gotten a lot easier than years ago, information gets sent instantly on the other side of the world with just a click of a button. It is incredible where inventions, technology has led us to a new realm of today, tomorrow and the future.

Social media has different levels of how we look at it, some always want it to be fun with posting funny jokes, memes, and doing funny things all the time, some post inspirational quotes, some post photos of themselves and/or with friends/family, postings about so many things.

Advertising has become a lot easier with posting events, flyers, sharing it on twitter, on Facebook news feeds, walls, inviting people to pages, fan pages, groups, also making it easy to RSVP to events, people post up greeting cards, Photoshopping, and all kinds of interesting and neat things. Social media is a huge thing in the world right now and it is getting more popular as time goes by.

A few people have messaged me in the last few years and have asked me “What are you getting out of social media”? My answer is simple, to empower, to communicate, to keep in touch, to meet new people, inspire, and with the hopes of changing the world and the perspective on life with my words and to spread love, happiness, joy and smiles across the globe. Once someone posts something, it is out there for the world to see.

We all understand social media in different context and ways and what we define our vision of it is. Some use social media to communicate with family and friends, some use it for business/commercial use and as well as many other things. No matter how we look at social media, we must always be very careful of the information we transmit and not post anything and everything that goes on in our lives for the world to see.

The biggest vision of mine is to communicate to the world through my eyes, my words, and my thoughts to the world as much as possible.

Why Do We Write? What is the Sole Purpose?

In life as human beings in the world, we are all good at something or multiple things and we are blessed with being gifted and talented in whatever that is instilled in you. We all have a purpose in life and it is never late to find out what it is. One of them being is that a lot of people choose to write. Now in social media, and blog sites where it is easy to transmit information and being able to write more easier and quicker so that many people can see instantly rather than waiting for a book to be published. The world can see what you have posted. I began writing in 2002 and even maybe even before 2002. I cannot really remember, but I have been writing for a long time. I began by writing for my church and the events it had, I became a communications director and secretary for committees where I wrote meeting minutes and e-mailed them out to fellow committee members, then eventually when it came time for social media to come around, I began writing for the community of the world.

My Sole purpose of writing is to get my points across. I want to inspire, uplift and make a persons day. I mostly 99.9% of the time like to write about positivity, happy thoughts, optimism and instilling people in giving them confidence, and so much more. I want to make a person smile, to feel good about themselves, to know that there are people who care about every individual around the world, because I care about the human race, and everybody who is on-board in this planet we live in. We are only on this earth for a limited time. We must learn to help each other, give each other a hand, inspire one another, to care, love and appreciate one another without violence, and all the other negative things in the world that are going on right now.

There are so many reasons why people write and the sole purpose of writing is to share experiences in all walks of life, to share ideas from writing news stories, articles, writing poetry, lyrics, short stories, fiction, true stories, sentimental stories, scripture, about movies, music, novels, traveling, children’s books, food recipes, organizational ideas, giving advice, tips, and suggestions about things and places in the world. There are many perspectives that lead to writing. Writing skills are important when you get your points across, but it does not have to be perfect. I know writing is a task that we bloggers know and sometimes we get writers block where it is absolutely difficult to think of fresh new ideas and a topic to write about which is totally in the norm. Even I get days where my mind cannot come up with new ideas, so I resort to reading online, brainstorming subjects to write about and make it into my own words.

Lets put it this way, writing can be anything you want it to be, but to make it in ways where it does not offend anybody, or directly or indirectly to point fingers to someone to prove a point. It is always best to take up personal issues and problems you have with an individual right to their face to confront and come clean about a situation, rather than posting it on social media where thousands and millions of people can see and involving everybody else. It is you, your business and the other persons. It sends out the wrong message. It is best to leave very personal issues off the internet. Not everything should be published and posted. Not when it comes to issues with others. It can really ruin friendships and relationships. Trust me, I have learned that lesson and in a hard way, which is why I do not do it anymore. I am speaking from personal experience. It is not fair for the other person and not fair for yourself as well. It can cause a lot of trouble.

Now to ask you, what is the sole purpose of writing? Why did you start to write and contribute to the world? I know some people will not have all the answers and it is hard to answer this question, but would love to hear and read about how you discovered about writing and what is does to you. Best wishes to you in your writing journey. If you can write or contribute to the world with your words, you can make a difference in the world. It all starts with the outlook that you do have. All the best. 🙂

The Purpose of Blogging – Why do we do it?

In the past few blog posts with the subject of communication and along the lines of what is relative to that, the way we feel, how we get our words and points across to the world and how we do it to reach out to others, and to share with the world our points of view, opinions, suggestions, to raise awareness on issues, to advertise, promote, social issues, recipes, tips, organizational ideas, simplifying life and so much more. We all have our own perspective and our own purpose when blogging and writing about our life. The question is why do we do it? Why do we spend time with writing? Why do we post our blog entries?

To answer those questions is quite simple. We all have a voice and existence in this world and there is just so many stories, journeys, experiences, moments, memories, being helpful, useful and beneficial information about life, travel, food, the holidays, situations, issues to address to the world and things that happen to us to share, to give our insight, and so much more. We spend time writing is because it gives us a boost, and the most important thing is how we feel, and how we want to communicate to the world. Blogging is a therapeutic yet rewarding feeling. It is like writing in our diary, but a virtual diary that we want to post public. We post blog entries to contribute something, an idea and something to share with the world.

Now with this being a virtual diary, there comes responsibility and thinking before we press the post button. There are private issues and things that should not be published of real private matters in ones home, in ones personal life. back in the day and maybe until now people have a personal and private diary, and I am sure you do not want certain people to open it up and unlock your diary of real personal things that you do not want people to see, its almost like the same thing with public blogging. You do not want to post private matters for the world to see, so always be mindful and think before you post something so personal.

Never keep your blogging private. It defeats the whole purpose of writing and expressing to the world. If you want to keep some of your writings private, make a diary, and keep it for yourself in hiding, but hiding a blog is pointless. Somehow no matter how private a blog is, somehow it can always be seen in a way.

Never stop blogging, never stop writing and most importantly never lose your purpose and perspective on why you started blogging in the first place. Never give up what you enjoy doing, never ever let anybody tell you to stop doing what you are good at. Well, nobody is perfect, however that should not define anything. You are in control of your own destiny, your own goals you want to attain from blogging and writing to the world. Remember you do not have to be a perfect blogger, its how you feel and what you want to accomplish. The beauty of blogging is something that is indescribable and the future of journal writing which is now.

So, what is your purpose? Why do you do it?

Communication Style – What is your Type?

As we go through life from the moment we are born, communication is and will always be a vital asset in our day-to-day lives. We need communication when we speak to our family members, boyfriend, girlfriend, wife, husband, partners, groups, friends, colleagues, our bosses, fellow students, teachers, traveling, in social media, sending e-mails and so many different types of communication.

I attended a seminar “Inspire For Tomorrow” at my Armenian Community center and it was about communication, and I learned so much in a couple of hours. It put things into a new perspective, it gave me new light, new ways to deliver our speech, our stories, and so much more. There are several ways you can communicate, but here are 4 styles of communication, that I have observed in my life and my thoughts on it all:


The DriverSomeone who is direct, to the point, detail oriented, who speaks their mind, who produces results, attaining goals, gets into competitive situations, taking charge and being in control, wasting no time to beat around the bush.

The RelaterSomeone who cares about a situation, who can connect with others by thinking of the other person first, who’s relationships and friendships mean the world to a person, someone who is relaxed, and feel cared for, becoming silent, introspective and withdrawn, being helpful, coinciding with others, comforting others.

AnalystOne who always seeks data, second guesses people, making decisions after analyzing a situation, testing people, giving people to focus on interpersonal and communication skills, those who despise making mistakes, double-checking everything, not being able to trust situations and people until doing further research on a person.

– ExpresserSomeone who recognizes emotions, who expresses feelings, and what that person wants to say, the over sharing person who keeps on talking, and beats around the bush, making a small story into a big one, gets excited, giving feedback, boring people because of overusing communication, explaining ideas to the core then saying things out of turn which then makes it into an argument and problems can arise of sharing too much information.


All those 4 styles have good and the bad, but we must find a way to be consistent when we communicate with others, using the right tone, words, following up with someone privately about something that you feel is gone wrong, not announcing it in a public, group setting, taking up issues with the person directly, instead of involving others in the mix. People will appreciate it when someone brings the other person to the side and discuss with them a problem, situation or something going on, then finding a solution to the problem, solving whatever issue, and finding the right words, tone to express those feelings.

We must always think about how we are going to present ourselves, no matter where you are, whether it is about self-regard, being assertive, emotional self-awareness, self-actualization, independence. It could be a beautiful thing, but it is in the way we utilize it all.

Communication is a never-ending learning process, and nobody is perfect and makes mistakes, however to always learn from them and progressing to do better, to improve in relationships, friendships, is something that is imperative. If you believe you have made a mistake, do not worry, focus on the future and make it better, improve the way you speak to others, always ask for advice, always have a mentor, someone whom you can talk to a person whom you can trust if you are unsure of how to deal with a situation if you are unsure yourself. It is always good to ask, then to stay silent.

Always be confident, express your ideas to others, be in communication, always tell a person how you feel about something without offending them. There is always a way to go around it. How do you normally handle situations that are presented to you? What have you learned from it all?

Why is communicating and expressing yourself so important? Everyone has a voice, everyone has something to contribute to the world, that is why everyday in technology, and things of the world are being invented, new innovations, new concepts, context, perspectives, theories, discoveries are being made across the world, because many people communicate, and want to get out what they feel is right for the benefit of the world and its people. Each one of us can make a difference in this world, and communication is one of them and we begin just doing that. Without that everyone would not have a voice and this world cannot continue to move forward. That is exactly why Communication is key and so important in our daily life.

So no matter how we express ourselves, the most important thing is the way we do it and a way where it will not hurt others, and where we can find common ground with everything in our lives.

How do you communicate? What is important to you to get across to others? Best wishes to you in your journey. We can all do something positive, say great things and to avoid messy situations, by just changing our tone and the way we communicate.

Never Apologize for The Way You Feel

A lot of the times in life we go through many feelings, emotions, and sometimes we tend to apologize for what we are feeling and telling people our emotions. You have every right to feel what you are feeling, You never have to explain yourself to anybody. Never be ashamed of your feelings. I know they say that you have to express your feelings everytime and tell people exactly how you feel, however sometimes you cannot control feelings, you cannot explain the way you feel due to a certain situation. I know no matter what you have to tell someone how you feel, and not keep anything inside of you, but some circumstances say otherwise. It depends on the person and whom you can confide into easily.

If you keep on living your life on other peoples terms and the way they want you to feel, the way they want you to live your life always telling you what to do, forcing, commanding you to do something is not somebody you want to associate with. Find the path and the people who can relate to you, do what you feel is right for you. Sometimes you need to get out from the norm, and do what is best for you. If you keep on living your life to please others, to always try and impress others, to always keep proving yourself and working hard for other peoples approval, you are not going to get anywhere in life and all you are going to do is just live for other people.

Sometimes you need to put your foot down and say, okay enough is enough. People talk so much about you and your life, gossip, spread rumors, put words in your mouth and what you should do with your life, however sometimes people need to look at themselves in the mirror first before they point fingers, criticize and belittle you. Some people have nothing better to do, than talk smack about other people, when they need to sort out their life and what they need to do. Remember nobody full knows you and about your personal life and what you are going through, and you never have to explain yourself to nobody.

Ignore people who talk so much bogus about you, and ignore people and block them out of your life. Life is too short. Be happy, be you, live your life on your own terms and your own comfort, and do not worry about anything else. People are always going to judge and point fingers. Don’t let it affect you and your life, well-being and who you are. True, compassionate and understanding people will be there for you every step of the way without explaining yourself. Remember others opinions of you, do no matter. Its how you make an opinion of yourself that matters. As long as you feel good about yourself and bring yourself up with good thoughts, confidence, the way you are is what matters the most.

People will always do and say mean things, but never let that take control of yourself.

I have realized a lot of things in the last little while, that you cannot expect people to understand you, your feelings and be on the same page as you, not everybody will be your friend and agree with you. I recommend that people should never stop being themselves, be who you are, feel what you want to feel. In the end we are all human beings in this world, we do make mistakes, we do wrong in social issues, we tend to sometimes associate with people whom we always have to try to fit in, do things to stay in the loop, however you never need to try to fit in, try so hard, and try to stand out, because there will be people who will appreciate you for you and there will be people who will love and cherish you and the memories shared and will share in the present and the future.

Wishing you the best with everything and remember never apologize for the way you feel. Always be thankful and just go on with life. There is only so much you can do and life will never give you more than you can handle.

The Benefits of Writing and Blogging in Social Media

All of us in this life have something special and incredible to contribute to this world, and whatever it is, each and everyone of us are gifted with something great. In this day in age with social media, blogging, writing and contributing to the digital world with our thoughts, words, feelings, emotions, issues, and other things is something so fabulous and the rewarding feeling of stepping out to social media and the benefits from it all is something that some people do not realize what an impact an individual puts on other people reading and engaging into peoples blog sites.

There are people always searching for something, and it is quite easy to get to a website/blog that has the topics that person is looking for when blogs are put as public and visible to search engines which I recommend people do, because what is the point of writing a blog to keep it private? I truly believe that when you sign up to write a blog, it is imperative to post it as public. There can be people reading the blog and then offer insight, comments, recipes, interests, music, about family, friendships, world issues, topics, hobbies, health, love, organization ideas, notes, tips, travel and so much more. You just need to moderate comments coming to your blog and everything will be alright.

The benefits of writing and blogging is something that is very important to me and my life. I have been writing for 12 years now, and so many articles written for my local community, for websites, for other social media sites among my WordPress blog of course. I saw so many benefits from it from not only engaging into other peoples blogs, and following people, but it makes the world a much smaller place and easy to interact and reach out to other people.

You do not need to be the perfect writer, or have the most perfect blog, you do not need to be 100% in your Blog writings, it is however you feel the need to write your blog and how you know it, how you want to express yourself to other people. Just make sure that your blog and what you write is something that you should always be careful and think about before pressing the submit, send, post button. Also with Social Media comes the social responsibility of the content we post, and what to post. Always use your discretion and if you are unsure about posting something, do not post it.

Enjoy your blogging journey, take in the benefits. You never know who stops by your blog, it can be someone famous, professors, preachers, and whoever is looking for information, inspiration, positivity, or whatever their heart desires. It is an amazing journey to go through. Even if you cannot blog everyday, no matter how many times you write, its amazing. There is no time limit or rules. Besides you make your own rules when it comes to your blog, but like I said use disrection and make wise decisions on what to post, and you will see the benefits soaring and you will see a whole new world to social media and blogging.

We are all in this together, we all have something to contribute and to share around the world. We all have different perspectives, opinions, suggestions, advice, feelings, emotions and so much more to give. Once we join social media, blogging, and the virtual/digital world, we can always do something fabulous with it, make a difference in this world and making everyone welcome to it. It is the way we handle it and the way we control it.

Blogging is a beautiful and incredible thing. Thank you to my fans, supporters, family, friends and so many others. Without my readers, blogging would not be possible. So again I say thank you.

Just have fun with it, do what you do, and enjoy the benefits of your social media journey through blogging and much more. many best wishes to you all.

Back to Blogging — Back in Action

Hello everyone,

It has been a while since I last posted on my blog. It has been a super busy and very productive few weeks. I have done some traveling and between that with so much running around. Going to be doing some more traveling in the coming months as well. As a matter of fact going to be heading to NYC (New York City) area this weekend.  I just want to let you know that I have not disappeared. I have just been missing in action. Hope all is going well. I am going to be blogging quite more frequently now and I am going to try my best not to miss a day of writing of course when I am not traveling and when I can get a few minutes through the day to write and keep in touch with my readers/viewers fans and more.

I have missed all of you and hopefully life is great for you all.

I will write more tomorrow.

Have a lovely day and evening!

Have We Become An Over-sharing Society on Social Media?

Since social media has come into today’s society for several years now, with an easy and instant way to communicate to the world about our every move, and everything that goes on in our lives. The question is, have we become an over-sharing society? Is it necessary to post every single thing that we do on a daily basis? Do we think a few times before clicking on the submit, send, post buttons? Things, that we do on a daily basis that are so common in this world, and things that we on social media platforms do not need to know about. Too much information is being transmitted through the world in an instant and some that should not even be. Once you post something, even for a few seconds and delete it, It is on the internet forever, and it very hard to delete it, because the internet has cached files and once you go on any search engine, it is very easy to see what you post. I have seen a lot of things on social media and it has become a very concerning thing.

I know we are free to post what we want, but some things should be kept private and even very personal matters in one’s life should not be shared to the world, especially when it comes to family life. I know although it is good to post to educate others on situations and everything and if you are going to post something, generalize on a topic, issue or subject, do not make it personal about you and your loved ones.

Here are examples of common things that we do that should not be shared for the billions of people around the world to see:

*****— I just went to the washroom — I just took a shower — I am now going out for a walk — I did laundry — I just cleaned the house — I did some gardening outside — I just changed the oil on my car — I took my car for a car wash — I am going out to eat with friends – *****

Those are the things I am talking about. Not just writing things online, but also photos and videos that are necessary. Nothing is kept private anymore unfortunately, but things should. I know you want to document everything in your life, you want to do everything to look back to those memories and enjoy it, but there comes times where you need to leave all technology behind and just focus on the moment and the memories to make, so you can replay them in your mind. Sometimes with technology we miss things happening in our lives with screens constantly in our faces.

There is more to life, than to post every aspect of it for the world to see on social media. Yes I am guilty of posting and doing things like that myself, but I know my limit and I am always within it. Always take responsibility, be responsible, and be smart.

Yes, there are great and positive ways to use social media and it is all in the way you use it. Always ask, do research and think before you post. Is it thoughtful, helpful, inspiring, nice and kind? Always THINK – BEFORE – YOU – POST
Enjoy your social media journey, but limit yourself, and do good things with it.

Justin Bieber – Take Responsibility For Your Actions

In recent events, Justin Bieber was arrested for driving under the Influence (DUI), and Drag racing with a rented Lamborghini in Miami, Florida, and just before that He had thrown eggs at his neighbors home, causing financial damage to the property and more. Police searched his mansion and found drugs and all kinds of things, as well as he was caught urinating in a bucket in a restaurant I believe and so many other stupid things he has done in his so-called career as a star which he is anything but a star.

Hardworking ordinary citizens have 2 jobs to survive and make ends meet to provide for their families and themselves, while this Justin BIEBS Idiot spending 75,000 bucks like pocket change in a strip club, drag racing a Lamborghini, his huge mansion in LA, all his super duper expensive cars, and his spending habits, doesn’t give a crap about anybody but himself. Fans gave him all that attention, money and fame.  These teenagers and younger people take his stupidity and learn to do these things because of him and other idiots like him. That is why this craziness never ends, that is why teenagers and young adults say, if Justin Bieber is doing this stuff and getting away with it, we can do the same, and that makes it “COOL” to do stuff like that, when it really isn’t. It is so stupid, dumb and ridiculous. Stupidity will never stop when Idiots like Justin Bieber are on our TV screens. Our Society is doomed because of people like him.

Fine example, Look at the way he dresses and portrays himself. It is beyond disgusting, horrid, inappropriate and distasteful. He needs to learn manners, learn respect, learn how to be a proper human being with morals, common decency. He does not know what he doing most of the time. Yes, people make mistakes, and no one is perfect, but there is no excuse for his behavior, there is no excuse in the excuse book that can amount to anything he has done. For heaven sake, there are teenagers and little kids who look up to you, be a good example, be the bigger person, spread love, cheer, and be a good person, spread positivity, we would like to hear good things, and inspiring things . Justin must take responsibility for his actions, he needs to cut himself out from the entertainment industry and our TV screens, and really spend time and think about what he is doing and how its effecting a lot of teenagers and kids who are so vulnerable to these things.

What if when he was drag racing and doing stupid things in Miami, killed someone or injured somebody or may have caused a serious crash or something, or crashed into a business, building or something? Thank Goodness nobody got hurt during his stupidity. There is no excuse for that bad behavior to go for a joy ride in the middle a street. Its not even a race track. They are streets where everyone shares the road for heaven sake and for his father to block off the area, so he can do his stupid thing and boom getting caught. I am glad he was arrested. He needs to learn a lesson, and driving with an expired license and having his license revoked. Yeah very smart(sarcasm).  There is no excuse for drinking and driving and sitting behind the wheel of a car after heavily drinking.

He needs to see what drinking and driving does to families, and the victims of it. He needs to watch videos, he needs to get educated heavily, and for once stop his crap. I mean no offense to fans, but he really cannot sing, and his songs are just not anything special. Selena Gomez, girl you can do so much better than the biebs. I suggest those who are fans of him, stop supporting him, stop being on his side. There really is nothing good about this kid that I have seen so far. He needs to get his act together, he needs to own up to his acts and be a man, be mature, and stop this madness. . I am just so angry about this situation. I cannot believe our society is so saturated with these things.

Its not funny. This is serious stuff. Nothing to joke about at all. I am done with this Justin Bieber stuff. All I know is, that kid needs to be disciplined big time, social workers, police, put him on a curfew, house arrest, or something. This kid is out of control. Well, enough ranting. His disgusts me. Enough said.