A Writers Passion

In life all of us, if not most of us in this world have a passion and something or somethings that we are good at, and we should always share that passion with the world. I have a passion and that is writing, telling a story, sharing my experiences, my education, my knowledge, and all the while recognizing, acknowledging things that are happening in the world and that have happened.
I have so much to contribute, write about and do so much for the world in inspiring, sharing, and during that process to being happy and also with what I do and get noticed in the entertainment capital of Los Angeles. I just hope that one day I will catch my big break into that. I am working so hard to reach my goals, to circulate my writings to people in Los Angeles.

Writing is definitely a skill that is so challenging, overwhelming sometimes and also developing writers block where there is a road blockage into rendering more thoughts and fresh ideas. It does happen, but then again a writer always gets out of that road block and gets on the road to write once again. Some write without a rough draft, and some write with brainstorming, outlining and jotting down ideas. For me, I do not need a rough draft. I just write naturally as the thoughts come through my mind and my soul.


If I was residing in Los Angeles, California I would definitely be in the entertainment industry with writing for the big directors, movie companies, soap operas, TV shows, and so much more. I know now with technology and communication that you can sit at home and transmit information to the entertainment industry in Los Angeles, but it is a lot different to sit behind a computer screen and actually being there in the action up close and personal.
It is not about being famous and being popular. It is not about that at all, but merely putting my name out there, to make a legacy for myself, to leave a mark in this world that will have a positive, incredible and wonderful impact that I will have for the citizens of this world of now, tomorrow and future.
As you may or may not know, blogs, social media, article writing, and a lot more important to me. I am so dedicated to my passion and it is a big part of my life and will forever be. It is very hard work and I absolutely love it so much and hopefully people will appreciate that hard work that it takes to write, contribute, distribute, and share to the world.