Make It a Happy World – Start With Yourself

In order to make a positive, happy, and optimistic difference in the world, you first must have to make a difference within yourself to be more happy, optimistic and positive, because if you lead a negative, pessimistic, unhappy life, that is all that you will spread to the world and that will not help anybody, and it will especially not be good for you. Instead of moving forward, you will always go back. Don’t go back, you are not headed that way anyway right?

– Take time just to spend time with yourself, think of all the great qualities you have and utilize them to the world.
– On a sheet of paper, write down 10 good things about yourself and what you can do to make this world a better place, and put that somewhere visible in your home, on your Fridge door, in your room, in the room you are mostly, wherever you want. Then use those 10 good things, get out in the world and do it, once you do it, you will see the world-changing to a better place for us all.
– You have the power to make life better for you, you just need to live a little, live life to the fullest, and when you least expect it, something good will always come in front of you.
– life has unexpected twists and turns, sometimes it can be unfortunate, but in order to rise above it all, refer to the 10 things you write about yourself and go from there. You will see life in an all new light. Because things go bad for you some days, that does not mean that everyday will be bad for you. Get up, dust yourself off, and get going.
– As you go down that road of life, stop and admire its beauty, smell the beautiful flowers that blossom your life, appreciate, be thankful, show gratitude, smile, keep your head up high, be honest with others and yourself.

Be yourself always, and never ever be someone you are not. Besides everybody else is taken, so take yourself, be who you are. You are enough. Make the World happy, but start with yourself.

Being Negative on Social Media All the Time – Not a Good Idea

In the last decade or so, since I have been involved social media websites, began to view Peoples profiles, news feeds, status messages, quotes and everything these particular people post about life, about struggles, always something negative because that is all they associate themselves with, instead of making things better for them. Now, let me tell you why it is not a good idea to post negativity all the time on social media websites:

Reason being is that everybody even if you think can’t see it, they can, and it does not make you look good in other peoples eyes when you constantly update statuses and post photo quotes on very negative things. It begins to be too much and people will then start thinking, this person is seeking attention, always wants people to comment, retaliate, saying things will get better, have faith, look forward in future and everything, and it also makes that person look like their life is totally bad, that nothing good is ever coming to that person. Well, life is what you make it, and if you keep going in circles always looking for negativity, and no positive outcomes, then that is all it is going to be.

I know it is not in my business, it’s easier said than done in some case, or my place to criticize, and to bring this topic up because I may not know what is going on personally in people’s personal lives with situations like this that arise, but life is not entirely bad as people think it is. When you start thinking positively, with good thoughts, being optimistic, looking forward, smiling, and doing good things to benefit others and yourself, you will see that life is beautiful, you will then discover a whole new world of being happy with yourself and whom you are.

There comes a point in life where you need put your foot down, and say enough is enough. I cannot be depressed all my life, I cannot be unhappy, miserable and then because I am miserable, unhappy, depressed and negative, that I have to make everybody else around my circle the same way. You have to make your life and the way you want your life to be. You cannot do this to yourself. It is not good. Especially always seeking attention on social media websites. It does not lead a good impression on yourself and that is not good.

Some people will never learn and change their ways unfortunately, and I know people like that and it saddens me. In order to change your outlook on life to a more positive, optimistic approach, you gotta do everything and anything to create your own happiness, to create your own smiles to stand up on your own two feet and put your foot down and say, “Hey, why am I doing this?” You cannot blame anybody else. Your attitude on life is the biggest thing. Change your attitude and life will change. I guarantee you.

Ok once, twice, three times you post something and you need help with getting advice and everything on what to do with a certain situation is fine, but if you keep on posting the same things all the time, day in and day out about a certain subject especially on relationships, friendships and everything, people will then think, this person has not learned anything we tell them, this person just keeps going in circles with just hearing and reading our advice, but in goes one ear and out the other. Don’t waste your time writing the same negativity day in and day out and don’t waste other people’s time for them spending their time to write to you.

People do care, and want the best for you, that is why they write to you in the first place, and that is why they want you to do better, be happy and steer to the right direction. It will one day come to a point where those people will stop writing to you because you do not seem to understand anything. If you post something on social media websites, it is there for people to see, and people will retaliate, people will respond or choose not to, but they will see it. Don’t drive someone to a point where they no longer will give a care. Think long and hard before you post another status message or post something that is negative.

Empower people by posting happy thoughts, and goodness. Once you start looking for positivity, optimism and happiness, you will see how life will change, but it is totally up to you! Make the good impression on yourself. best wishes!

Life is Too Short — Keep Smiling and Be Happy

In life no matter what it throws at us, and the obstacles along the way, never ever lose hope and faith in anything. God is always there with you every step of the way and you may not realize it, but he is and among everything else. Nothing is impossible in life, because (I’m Possible) – Be positive, happy, keep smiling, let go of negativity, let go of the past and keep going forward. You will run into bad days, you will run into unfortunate things, things will not always be perfect in life, but You are not going to go back to yesterday, so look forward to the present, now, tonight, tomorrow, and future.

If you keep leading a negative, unhappy, depressed life, that is all that it is going to be for you. You will keep going around in circles with nothing new in life to look forward to. Don’t do this to yourself, and don’t spread that negativity and unhappiness to others and make everybody else miserable around you, just because you are miserable. Snap out of that. You are only doing this to yourself. Life goes on, everyday is a new day. I know it is easier said than done, but you have to. It is the only way to move forward. I know that everyone has their own personal issues to deal with, but above all that, the ball is in your court to make life better. Do not depend on anybody else for your own happiness. In the end we are all individuals, we are all one person. If we do not make the effort, and go for our own joy, happiness, positivity and optimism in life, things will always be the same, and that is why we become miserable.

Be kind, love each other, respect each other, be nice and help each other, give your hand to someone in need. This is the only way this world will go into the right direction.

Keep smiling, be joyful and look toward a bright future. It is up to you. Best wishes

Have We Become An Over-sharing Society on Social Media?

Since social media has come into today’s society for several years now, with an easy and instant way to communicate to the world about our every move, and everything that goes on in our lives. The question is, have we become an over-sharing society? Is it necessary to post every single thing that we do on a daily basis? Do we think a few times before clicking on the submit, send, post buttons? Things, that we do on a daily basis that are so common in this world, and things that we on social media platforms do not need to know about. Too much information is being transmitted through the world in an instant and some that should not even be. Once you post something, even for a few seconds and delete it, It is on the internet forever, and it very hard to delete it, because the internet has cached files and once you go on any search engine, it is very easy to see what you post. I have seen a lot of things on social media and it has become a very concerning thing.

I know we are free to post what we want, but some things should be kept private and even very personal matters in one’s life should not be shared to the world, especially when it comes to family life. I know although it is good to post to educate others on situations and everything and if you are going to post something, generalize on a topic, issue or subject, do not make it personal about you and your loved ones.

Here are examples of common things that we do that should not be shared for the billions of people around the world to see:

*****— I just went to the washroom — I just took a shower — I am now going out for a walk — I did laundry — I just cleaned the house — I did some gardening outside — I just changed the oil on my car — I took my car for a car wash — I am going out to eat with friends – *****

Those are the things I am talking about. Not just writing things online, but also photos and videos that are necessary. Nothing is kept private anymore unfortunately, but things should. I know you want to document everything in your life, you want to do everything to look back to those memories and enjoy it, but there comes times where you need to leave all technology behind and just focus on the moment and the memories to make, so you can replay them in your mind. Sometimes with technology we miss things happening in our lives with screens constantly in our faces.

There is more to life, than to post every aspect of it for the world to see on social media. Yes I am guilty of posting and doing things like that myself, but I know my limit and I am always within it. Always take responsibility, be responsible, and be smart.

Yes, there are great and positive ways to use social media and it is all in the way you use it. Always ask, do research and think before you post. Is it thoughtful, helpful, inspiring, nice and kind? Always THINK – BEFORE – YOU – POST
Enjoy your social media journey, but limit yourself, and do good things with it.

Words of Wisdom to get through Challenges of Trust & Friendship

We go through life trying to seek friends that are suitable for each and every personality trait and always want to feel the sense of belonging in the world, Some if not all of us want that in our lives, but the most important thing is to Find those whom you can be yourself with, and whom you can freely express yourself, where you can be comfortable. Once you feel and can do that, you know you have found the right people to be with. Remember it is not about the quantity of friends you have, it is the quality and the right people. Instead of having 100 pennies, keep the 4 quarters instead. Choose your circle wisely, make the right choices and never be afraid to address something that is going wrong, and work hard to fix problems and not to take the easy way out. There will be disagreements, but those problems and disagreements will be the true test to see someones true colours, to see if they will work hard to fix it or that will be the Que to walk away from something great. Sometimes people do not want to work things out, no matter what it is, so they take the easy shortcut and not give things a chance. When you keep doing that you will not get anywhere in life with anybody. So fix a problem before it gets bigger, and tell somebody like it is and do not be afraid to express yourself.

Be careful who you trust, think before you trust, analyze before you trust. The most important person to trust is yourself, the decisions you make, and the people you make them with. The ball is in your court to decide on what you want to do in your life, however you can make you decisions, but listening from those who have had experience in life, getting tips and advice does not hurt at all. It will actually help you and guide you to the right path in life. You may think you know best on how to run your life and who to spend your time with, but always remember people do care and want the best for you too. It is up to you, but listening, taking people’s words and utilizing them for your life won’t hurt either especially when they are family and very close friends. Best wishes and do and feel what is right.

Justin Bieber – Take Responsibility For Your Actions

In recent events, Justin Bieber was arrested for driving under the Influence (DUI), and Drag racing with a rented Lamborghini in Miami, Florida, and just before that He had thrown eggs at his neighbors home, causing financial damage to the property and more. Police searched his mansion and found drugs and all kinds of things, as well as he was caught urinating in a bucket in a restaurant I believe and so many other stupid things he has done in his so-called career as a star which he is anything but a star.

Hardworking ordinary citizens have 2 jobs to survive and make ends meet to provide for their families and themselves, while this Justin BIEBS Idiot spending 75,000 bucks like pocket change in a strip club, drag racing a Lamborghini, his huge mansion in LA, all his super duper expensive cars, and his spending habits, doesn’t give a crap about anybody but himself. Fans gave him all that attention, money and fame.  These teenagers and younger people take his stupidity and learn to do these things because of him and other idiots like him. That is why this craziness never ends, that is why teenagers and young adults say, if Justin Bieber is doing this stuff and getting away with it, we can do the same, and that makes it “COOL” to do stuff like that, when it really isn’t. It is so stupid, dumb and ridiculous. Stupidity will never stop when Idiots like Justin Bieber are on our TV screens. Our Society is doomed because of people like him.

Fine example, Look at the way he dresses and portrays himself. It is beyond disgusting, horrid, inappropriate and distasteful. He needs to learn manners, learn respect, learn how to be a proper human being with morals, common decency. He does not know what he doing most of the time. Yes, people make mistakes, and no one is perfect, but there is no excuse for his behavior, there is no excuse in the excuse book that can amount to anything he has done. For heaven sake, there are teenagers and little kids who look up to you, be a good example, be the bigger person, spread love, cheer, and be a good person, spread positivity, we would like to hear good things, and inspiring things . Justin must take responsibility for his actions, he needs to cut himself out from the entertainment industry and our TV screens, and really spend time and think about what he is doing and how its effecting a lot of teenagers and kids who are so vulnerable to these things.

What if when he was drag racing and doing stupid things in Miami, killed someone or injured somebody or may have caused a serious crash or something, or crashed into a business, building or something? Thank Goodness nobody got hurt during his stupidity. There is no excuse for that bad behavior to go for a joy ride in the middle a street. Its not even a race track. They are streets where everyone shares the road for heaven sake and for his father to block off the area, so he can do his stupid thing and boom getting caught. I am glad he was arrested. He needs to learn a lesson, and driving with an expired license and having his license revoked. Yeah very smart(sarcasm).  There is no excuse for drinking and driving and sitting behind the wheel of a car after heavily drinking.

He needs to see what drinking and driving does to families, and the victims of it. He needs to watch videos, he needs to get educated heavily, and for once stop his crap. I mean no offense to fans, but he really cannot sing, and his songs are just not anything special. Selena Gomez, girl you can do so much better than the biebs. I suggest those who are fans of him, stop supporting him, stop being on his side. There really is nothing good about this kid that I have seen so far. He needs to get his act together, he needs to own up to his acts and be a man, be mature, and stop this madness. . I am just so angry about this situation. I cannot believe our society is so saturated with these things.

Its not funny. This is serious stuff. Nothing to joke about at all. I am done with this Justin Bieber stuff. All I know is, that kid needs to be disciplined big time, social workers, police, put him on a curfew, house arrest, or something. This kid is out of control. Well, enough ranting. His disgusts me. Enough said.

Justin Bieber — Has Been Arrested for DUI – Anything Else?

I cannot believe I am going to spend my time writing about Justin Bieber, one of the people I absolutely despise and detest, but I have to. To spread awareness to children, teenagers and other fans realize that this kid is out of control and to warn them about stopping to give this guy attention that he is always seeking. It is getting way out of hand. Anything else Justin Bieber? He has been arrested in Miami, Florida for DUI Charges,  Drag Racing with a Lamborghini, and little did we know that his  Father orchestrated and helped him out with the racing to block off streets, then when the Police got involved, he resisted arrest, and driving with an expired and suspended license and then being bailed out for $2,500. His father should know better, and he should take his son and himself obviously and go to parenting classes teach him about better parenting and teach Justin Bieber to use his head and stop his stupidity.

So many lives have been cut short due to DUI, and someone elses poor decision, can destroy another persons life and their families forever and it seems like Justin doesn’t give a care about anybody but himself. People like Justin get away with so much because he is a celebrity and fame and fortune has got to his head. He does not realize that what he did is inexcusable. Justin should spend time in Jail and think about his actions. Normally mug shots do not involve smiling. This guy is smiling, like nothing ever happened, and then when he was listening or if he was listening to the Judge, it looked like his head was somewhere else, and then he left the court house and jumped on a Black SUV like he was leaving a concert or something. Its like ahh whatever I can do this again and get away with it. People will then say hey, since Justin is drag racing, so can I. It is beyond disgusting, he is disgusting and He needs to be disciplined big time and he needs help.

My thoughts and prayers to victims and families who have gone through this terrible ordeal of somebody elses stupidity to drink and drive while under the influence, and cut a life short because of senseless acts of another person. People like that need to go to Jail for a long long time. Lock them up and throw away the key.

He really needs to grow up. He thinks he can do whatever he wants without getting in trouble with all his immaturity. I honestly do not think what Selena Gomez saw in him, I do not know how she was so blind to have him as a boyfriend. Hes a kid who is so immature. He is the definition of immature. No offense to those who like this kid, but he needs help, Fame and Fortune got to him and he doesn’t know what he is doing 99.9% of the time. I personally have never liked this kid, and I never will. I am just venting out the way I feel about this kid. He is no adult to me. even though he is 19. He acts like he is 10 years old, but a 10 year old is better than him.

Justin Bieber needs to learn proper etiquette, manners, learn how to dress like a mature human being and like an adult and stop dressing like a slob and For Heaven sake, put your pants up and wear it like its intended to be. be proper, be a role model, be an inspiration. No wonder why these things never stop in society dressing like a slob and being of people like Justin. Teenagers and Kids will see his stupidity and do the same. Society is giving the wrong impression to the vulnerable teens and Kids. Unbelievable. This is what society has become and society learns from immature people like the biebs. DUI, Throwing Eggs at Neighbors house, urinating in a bucket, taking drugs, dressing like an idiot, going to inappropriate places and spending $75,000 like its pocket change  — YEAH Real mature!!! GROW UP JUSTIN!!! Learn lessons and just get off our TV Screens. We heard enough of you!! I think its time for you to own up to your stupidity and let go of showbiz for a while, and go to school to learn to be a better person and spend time with people who will teach him morals, respect, manners and so much more.

There will always be people supporting him, but not me. I cannot stand people like him. They will just put anybody with a mic. besides, his music stinks too, and I never liked his music or him to begin with. He is not my cup of tea and after this incident that just sealed the deal. Well, I spent more than enough time with this issue. He just needs to learn a lesson and stop being so dumb! Enough said..

Stop Hating Online – Get Educated On Social Media – StopCyberBullying

In this day in age,, we must be very careful on how we portray ourselves on social media. People of all ages use the internet from young kids all the way to seniors. Do we know what our children, teenagers and young adults post online? Do we monitor and supervise them or do we let them be free to make wise and smart choices when it comes to sharing and posting things on the internet? Whatever gets posted is there forever and many people can download, make screen shots, and do many crazy things with the content people post.

The use of mobile devices, tablets, and other forms of technology has made it so easy to communicate, post and sending out our thoughts, sharing photos, videos in an instant, where there are apps and software to alter photos and videos with Photoshop and so many other things. Most people now have mobile smartphone devices and tablets. What if those pictures, altered pictures, videos, and words are posted online and they are not very pleasant, they send out the wrong message of hate, bullying others, making threats, posting vulgar, profane language, thinking that they will never be caught when using another username?

Nowadays in schools, because of social media and how big it has gotten in our society, I think that Social Media, and Internet safety should be a course that should be implemented, and considered in schools. If not already done, but it is important that children, teens and those who are in college, should take this course, and be tested. How do we really know what our kids, teens and newly off to college teens are posting online? They think its alright to do whatever they want. They can do serious harm to others by embarrassing them, and it is not alright. take a stand, and monitor them. Have e-mails sent to you, monitor your internet browsing history and the cookies in your computer, and see what is going on with your child or teen.

Kids and teens say that they are joking around with posting photos and videos of other kids and teens in school, but on the contrary, it can hurt them, it can do serious damage to ones emotions and mental as well. It can carry out consequences, and it can do permanent damage and can hurt families. This also applies to any age, but if we do not teach our children, and teenagers now about what is right and wrong on social media, then they will think its okay to do it when they get older.

Many kids and teens feel so reluctant on getting their mobile phones, computers, and tablets taken away from them for when parents find out what they post and they stay quiet, thinking parent’s do not know what they are doing, but they can always find out and it is so easy to do that. Talk to your mobile carrier, or internet provider and ask them to get a service to monitor your child’s actions. I know that most parents trust their children, and the choices they make online or whatever, but it is vital and imperative to get involved at all times. It can ruin reputations of that family and worse, legal actions could be taken with the law. It is a good idea to have computers in a busy place in the house. Not in kids rooms. Somewhere central in the house, so that you can always view whats going on.

Get your kids together, ask them to leave their mobile devices on the kitchen counter, and get them to the living room, have the conversation, and set rules, boundaries, and time limits of using smartphones, internet usage, and explain to them the wrong and right way to use social media. It can save lives of bully victims, it can save hassle, and reputations.

Has your child or teen been a victim of cyber-bullying? Has your teen opened up to you about what he or she is feeling? Lets all work together to cut out bullying and make better choices. Get smart online, stop hating online, and start spreading cheer, happiness, kindness, inspiration, respect, love, and great things. Imagine how incredible social media can be when we all pull our weight and do whats right.  Best wishes and lets make social media fun and enjoyable like it should be intended!

Be Patient With Social Media & Networking – It Takes Time & Dedication

In this new generation and in time of social media and networking with this new age in Internet communications technology with information being transmitted in seconds all over the world with so many types of gadgets and electronic devices, I am sure business people, bloggers, advertisers, designers, web designers, those seeking employment, social marketing, promoters feel the pressure of so much competition going on around them with networking and all the time spent with promotions, making a living with billions of people on the world wide web, and As I am sure my fellow bloggers and I feel the pressure all the time. It is an interesting time we live in these days with everything simplified for us and how incredible time has changed with the new age in technology. Now although most companies want you to send an electronic mail resume and cover letter to the employer and sometimes you wonder are they deleting it or are they really reading the resume and cover letter? There maybe 200 applicants for that position. Nowadays it’s become so hard to seek employment because so many people are seeking the same things. Its become such a stressful time, but I believe that patience and getting the right networking and knowing the right people will get you there. Unfortunately it is like that now. It is not a matter of what you know anymore, it is who you know in that company or a referral.

It is just like the way it takes time to build your online profile, sometimes it takes less. It depends on how you promote yourself and how you portray yourself. It takes a lot of patience, determination, dedication to get on up there. The internet has many people, and if social networking, marketing, promotions, writing, blogging, and being a guest blogger for any company or anyone, and if it is your calling, do it, and charge people with a decent amount and do research on how much you should charge for your services, and if you are good at what you do, and how you do it, they will hire you, no problem. Hey, were all great at doing something in the world, and it is important to get yourself out there and not be afraid of taking chances and doing the best of your ability, Creating an online profile for yourself is great, a portfolio is great so that you can share your accomplishments, and when people give you blogging awards, inspirational awards, and if you are on so many peoples blog sites with ping backs, link backs, these are all a plus and when you include all this in your page, you will be praised and you will go to great lengths.

In recent weeks, I have been more interactive with my fans, and those who come to my blog and I try to reply to as many comments as I am able to. I love visiting other peoples blogs, and give them a boost. I know some people struggle to get people to come to their blogs to read what is happening in their world and what they are up to and among writing for a living and making something out of themselves. It takes a long time and I do feel what they are feeling. I started blogging in another blog provider on Google, and I was not getting anywhere and in one year I had about 5000 people only visiting my site and I felt like I was getting no where. My friend suggested WordPress and I said, let me make an account there and in no time at all, the stats kept increasing and when I began to write more and make more content, things just took off from there. I know some of my blogs require improvement on my writing style, and little bit of the grammar, but I am learning and It is never too late to learn. Social Networking is such a great tool and it will take time and effort, but working at it hard will get you to places, you wouldn’t even imagine.

Maintaining your blog, and maintaining your social networking profiles with new content, and also when you create a twitter account and know how to tweet, you will see a big difference and you will see many people and companies starting to follow you. When you are on Facebook, be mindful to know what your posting and how you are posting it. It is good to keep your standards and everything about you high. Keep your head up high, and do not write so many negative status messages and negative quotes as people pick up on it and they wouldn’t want to engage and be interested with someone who is always bringing themselves down. Bring yourself up, and always write about positivity, determination and things you are good at, and qualities that you have. It is important to put yourself out there with the right attitude, enthusiasm and mean what you say when you write positivity and when you say nice things and be kind to others, and make yourself and your reputation high, the sky is the limit and you will have so many offers and so many opportunities knocking, but it all starts with the way you portray your character and your willingness to try and do your best. You can do it, and will see how you will improve.

How you social network and how you deal with situations online will always be something people will remember and don’t be afraid to put your name out there, because your social networking profile will be like your business card and its important to put a nice and professional photo of yourself or a nice photo of you everywhere and keep that trend going. There are many websites such as facebook, twitter, pinterest, YouTube, linkedin, myspace, and more websites that will make it easy for you, but it is all up to you and in your hands on how you deal with the way you handle yourself online. When your a blogger and when your a dedicated blogger, and want to excel and do your best, engage with other authors and those who have published books in the past and contact them and ask them how its done and what is involved. The internet is the biggest research hub of the world. You can find all the tips and tricks and contact information to people. You will be amazed.

Try it out for yourself and see where you will go with life.  Enjoy the whole process and do not be afraid. All the best in your journey!

Be Patient With Social Media & Networking – It Takes Time & Dedication

In this new generation and in time of social media and networking with this new age in Internet communications technology with information being transmitted in seconds all over the world with so many types of gadgets and electronic devices, I am sure business people, bloggers, advertisers, designers, web designers, those seeking employment, social marketing, promoters feel the pressure of so much competition going on around them with networking and all the time spent with promotions, making a living with billions of people on the world wide web, and As I am sure my fellow bloggers and I feel the pressure all the time. It is an interesting time we live in these days with everything simplified for us and how incredible time has changed with the new age in technology. Now although most companies want you to send an electronic mail resume and cover letter to the employer and sometimes you wonder are they deleting it or are they really reading the resume and cover letter? There maybe 200 applicants for that position. Nowadays it’s become so hard to seek employment because so many people are seeking the same things. Its become such a stressful time, but I believe that patience and getting the right networking and knowing the right people will get you there. Unfortunately it is like that now. It is not a matter of what you know anymore, it is who you know in that company or a referral.

It is just like the way it takes time to build your online profile, sometimes it takes less. It depends on how you promote yourself and how you portray yourself. It takes a lot of patience, determination, dedication to get on up there. The internet has many people, and if social networking, marketing, promotions, writing, blogging, and being a guest blogger for any company or anyone, and if it is your calling, do it, and charge people with a decent amount and do research on how much you should charge for your services, and if you are good at what you do, and how you do it, they will hire you, no problem. Hey, were all great at doing something in the world, and it is important to get yourself out there and not be afraid of taking chances and doing the best of your ability, Creating an online profile for yourself is great, a portfolio is great so that you can share your accomplishments, and when people give you blogging awards, inspirational awards, and if you are on so many peoples blog sites with ping backs, link backs, these are all a plus and when you include all this in your page, you will be praised and you will go to great lengths.

In recent weeks, I have been more interactive with my fans, and those who come to my blog and I try to reply to as many comments as I am able to. I love visiting other peoples blogs, and give them a boost. I know some people struggle to get people to come to their blogs to read what is happening in their world and what they are up to and among writing for a living and making something out of themselves. It takes a long time and I do feel what they are feeling. I started blogging in another blog provider on Google, and I was not getting anywhere and in one year I had about 5000 people only visiting my site and I felt like I was getting no where. My friend suggested WordPress and I said, let me make an account there and in no time at all, the stats kept increasing and when I began to write more and make more content, things just took off from there. I know some of my blogs require improvement on my writing style, and little bit of the grammar, but I am learning and It is never too late to learn. Social Networking is such a great tool and it will take time and effort, but working at it hard will get you to places, you wouldn’t even imagine.

Maintaining your blog, and maintaining your social networking profiles with new content, and also when you create a twitter account and know how to tweet, you will see a big difference and you will see many people and companies starting to follow you. When you are on Facebook, be mindful to know what your posting and how you are posting it. It is good to keep your standards and everything about you high. Keep your head up high, and do not write so many negative status messages and negative quotes as people pick up on it and they wouldn’t want to engage and be interested with someone who is always bringing themselves down. Bring yourself up, and always write about positivity, determination and things you are good at, and qualities that you have. It is important to put yourself out there with the right attitude, enthusiasm and mean what you say when you write positivity and when you say nice things and be kind to others, and make yourself and your reputation high, the sky is the limit and you will have so many offers and so many opportunities knocking, but it all starts with the way you portray your character and your willingness to try and do your best. You can do it, and will see how you will improve.

How you social network and how you deal with situations online will always be something people will remember and don’t be afraid to put your name out there, because your social networking profile will be like your business card and its important to put a nice and professional photo of yourself or a nice photo of you everywhere and keep that trend going. There are many websites such as facebook, twitter, pinterest, YouTube, linkedin, myspace, and more websites that will make it easy for you, but it is all up to you and in your hands on how you deal with the way you handle yourself online. When your a blogger and when your a dedicated blogger, and want to excel and do your best, engage with other authors and those who have published books in the past and contact them and ask them how its done and what is involved. The internet is the biggest research hub of the world. You can find all the tips and tricks and contact information to people. You will be amazed.

Try it out for yourself and see where you will go with life.  Enjoy the whole process and do not be afraid. All the best in your journey!

It’s Not About Who is Real To your Face, It’s about Who Stays Real Behind Your Back

In life do you ever wonder about who is real and fake in your life? Do you ever sit back and think about all the friends you have in life, thinking that they are real to you in your face and around you, but once your not in each others presence and go on with daily life, do you ever wonder if they are being real to you behind your back? I know it is against the friendship code when friends test each other to see how loyal and real they are to each other, but sometimes testing each others loyalty isn’t such a bad thing, because this day in age, you have no other options because trust and realness is very rare and there are so many things that can happen between friends and when we tell a secret or when we share with friends about personal stories or something, we trust them and expect them not to tell secrets or share with the world with the conversations held between friends and groups of friends. Remember, whatever gets spread around and whatever happens, it always comes back around and the truth always comes out, no matter what it is, then your friendship with a person with that certain someone will be on a thin thread and any second it might snap apart and never be the same again, even if you put it back together, the same trust and the same way you look at that friend will never be the same. I believe that true friends who are loyal to you, will never say anything terrible behind your back and who won’t spread secrets and rumours about you. I truly believe in integrity and respect, and I really do not like it when people spread secrets around with others when you have told them in confidence. Its a terrible way to discover that your friend betrayed your trust and that is one of the worst things ever to go through.

It has happened to me where I would share something with friends, and then all of a sudden the world knows about it. It is not a good thing to do at all. Yes Friends may seem real to you in front of you, but are they really real behind your back? Have you thought about what they really think of you when you are not together physically? It is something that makes people think isn’t it? I know this topic I am writing about today, may question and ponder about the friendships you have with people and how you look at social relationships with others, but it is a good thing to think about, and there are ways to discover without making it obvious to friends about truthfulness behind your back…… They are just simple steps to get to know each other more, to get to understand each others perspectives on life and what you expect from each other, how you bluntly ask questions about loyalty and backing each other up during some incidences that may occur between a group of friends, group of people that you are with, when agreeing and disagreeing about certain things, what you can do to make sure that person you are spending your time with and people your spending time with are and will always have your back without gossiping to others about conversations you have, because generally speaking, people who gossip so much and talk about other people are really doing the same thing about you when you are not around…. Remember it is very important to analyze, if someone is over-talking about others and running their mouth about another persons business and life, it is time to rethink your friendship with that person. Also, another trait to watch out for are those who walk all over you and tell you what you want to hear, but it is better to let them walk, then walk all over you because that is also not great. Those who laugh at you, than with you, let them go too.

I know it is difficult to find friendship that is loyal, real, and what we imagine it to be, and I know that it is very hard to do that, but we will automatically know and our gut instincts will tell each and everyone of us, to let go or to let the friendship build up and blossom for life, because you will feel it within you and you will see the difference. Things happen for a reason, and this is a way of protecting you and your life. God works in mysterious ways, and he protects us from people who are real and not real in the end. He will help you get on board and you will see the difference it actually makes in you and your life. Honesty, Trust, Respect, Integrity, Loyalty, Love, Appreciation, Kindness, Helping, Caring are the things that make friendship stay and to blossom like a field of flowers blooming with the sunlight, but Dishonesty, Disloyal, Unappreciative, Careless, Disrespect, Lying, Manipulation, and Spreading Secrets is like a burned field of trees that the roots have died and the field of black and gray ashes spread around that makes friendship so dull is not a great thing.

Friendships are a beautiful thing, and a gift from God, don’t abuse it and keep it precious and work at it together, and be fruitful and honest with each other and make it a special time in life to share with them as they become part of your life and part of your family. This applies to relationships and friendships. It takes work and effort, but it takes two to tango all the time and when in a group, it takes effort, but working at it and making it bloom is not such a bad thing. If you work at it, everything will be fine in the end. Just be real to each other and hang onto each other. Its beautiful!

Enjoy friendships, take responsibility and all the best to you.

In General, Relying on People Are Hard to Find These days.

Trust has become minimal these days and relying on people is something so rare. The world is

changing day by day, people are changing, the society is changing, peoples attitudes and the way

life is now. It is sad to see how once people who promise to be by your side always, and promise

that they will always be there for you and all of a sudden those people whom you thought you can

rely on no longer live up to their promises. It is very hurtful to see people who make promises and

cannot keep them. Especially when you think those people are close to you and who you thought

would never abandon you.

It is especially hurtful sometimes when it comes from your own family or from best friends. I know

that everyone has their lives to live and things come up, but people should not make promises that

they cannot keep. I have learned the hard way. I have learned that when you want something

done right, when you need to get somewhere, you do it yourself. It is very important to learn who

true people are these days and its important to stand up for yourself no matter what the situation


It is especially hurtful to come to terms on how some people say that whatever you have on your

mind, or you want to express your feelings, talk about problems and they say that they will be

there to listen, give you advice, hug you and tell you its going to be ok, or they give you some

words of wisdom, then they do not follow through. Its so extremely hurtful, and they are feeling

you will never forget.

You must learn how to stand on your own two feet. I have learned that in the end the people

whom you once thought that you can depend on, you cannot anymore. It is unfortunate but this

is how reality is. Many times I have been let down and many people have put me down and its not

a good feeling at all.

I hope that nobody has to go through these issues. I am glad I have people in the last few years

that have really helped me through the worst times of my life, but then again those bad feelings

come back to haunt you and its not a good feeling at all. I have experienced so much in my life,

so much rejection, so much angst, anguish, everything. It was terrible once I stepped out of my

home. I don’t know if it was written on my forehead or this vibe toward me was not right. To this

very day, I still speculate, and wonder why I was bullied, why people treated me differently then

everyone else. I have always been belittled and picked on and now trusting people is very difficult

for me.

To those who are going through all this and people who have gone through it, your not alone. I am

in the same boat.