Make It a Happy World – Start With Yourself

In order to make a positive, happy, and optimistic difference in the world, you first must have to make a difference within yourself to be more happy, optimistic and positive, because if you lead a negative, pessimistic, unhappy life, that is all that you will spread to the world and that will not help anybody, and it will especially not be good for you. Instead of moving forward, you will always go back. Don’t go back, you are not headed that way anyway right?

– Take time just to spend time with yourself, think of all the great qualities you have and utilize them to the world.
– On a sheet of paper, write down 10 good things about yourself and what you can do to make this world a better place, and put that somewhere visible in your home, on your Fridge door, in your room, in the room you are mostly, wherever you want. Then use those 10 good things, get out in the world and do it, once you do it, you will see the world-changing to a better place for us all.
– You have the power to make life better for you, you just need to live a little, live life to the fullest, and when you least expect it, something good will always come in front of you.
– life has unexpected twists and turns, sometimes it can be unfortunate, but in order to rise above it all, refer to the 10 things you write about yourself and go from there. You will see life in an all new light. Because things go bad for you some days, that does not mean that everyday will be bad for you. Get up, dust yourself off, and get going.
– As you go down that road of life, stop and admire its beauty, smell the beautiful flowers that blossom your life, appreciate, be thankful, show gratitude, smile, keep your head up high, be honest with others and yourself.

Be yourself always, and never ever be someone you are not. Besides everybody else is taken, so take yourself, be who you are. You are enough. Make the World happy, but start with yourself.

Being Negative on Social Media All the Time – Not a Good Idea

In the last decade or so, since I have been involved social media websites, began to view Peoples profiles, news feeds, status messages, quotes and everything these particular people post about life, about struggles, always something negative because that is all they associate themselves with, instead of making things better for them. Now, let me tell you why it is not a good idea to post negativity all the time on social media websites:

Reason being is that everybody even if you think can’t see it, they can, and it does not make you look good in other peoples eyes when you constantly update statuses and post photo quotes on very negative things. It begins to be too much and people will then start thinking, this person is seeking attention, always wants people to comment, retaliate, saying things will get better, have faith, look forward in future and everything, and it also makes that person look like their life is totally bad, that nothing good is ever coming to that person. Well, life is what you make it, and if you keep going in circles always looking for negativity, and no positive outcomes, then that is all it is going to be.

I know it is not in my business, it’s easier said than done in some case, or my place to criticize, and to bring this topic up because I may not know what is going on personally in people’s personal lives with situations like this that arise, but life is not entirely bad as people think it is. When you start thinking positively, with good thoughts, being optimistic, looking forward, smiling, and doing good things to benefit others and yourself, you will see that life is beautiful, you will then discover a whole new world of being happy with yourself and whom you are.

There comes a point in life where you need put your foot down, and say enough is enough. I cannot be depressed all my life, I cannot be unhappy, miserable and then because I am miserable, unhappy, depressed and negative, that I have to make everybody else around my circle the same way. You have to make your life and the way you want your life to be. You cannot do this to yourself. It is not good. Especially always seeking attention on social media websites. It does not lead a good impression on yourself and that is not good.

Some people will never learn and change their ways unfortunately, and I know people like that and it saddens me. In order to change your outlook on life to a more positive, optimistic approach, you gotta do everything and anything to create your own happiness, to create your own smiles to stand up on your own two feet and put your foot down and say, “Hey, why am I doing this?” You cannot blame anybody else. Your attitude on life is the biggest thing. Change your attitude and life will change. I guarantee you.

Ok once, twice, three times you post something and you need help with getting advice and everything on what to do with a certain situation is fine, but if you keep on posting the same things all the time, day in and day out about a certain subject especially on relationships, friendships and everything, people will then think, this person has not learned anything we tell them, this person just keeps going in circles with just hearing and reading our advice, but in goes one ear and out the other. Don’t waste your time writing the same negativity day in and day out and don’t waste other people’s time for them spending their time to write to you.

People do care, and want the best for you, that is why they write to you in the first place, and that is why they want you to do better, be happy and steer to the right direction. It will one day come to a point where those people will stop writing to you because you do not seem to understand anything. If you post something on social media websites, it is there for people to see, and people will retaliate, people will respond or choose not to, but they will see it. Don’t drive someone to a point where they no longer will give a care. Think long and hard before you post another status message or post something that is negative.

Empower people by posting happy thoughts, and goodness. Once you start looking for positivity, optimism and happiness, you will see how life will change, but it is totally up to you! Make the good impression on yourself. best wishes!

Life is Too Short — Keep Smiling and Be Happy

In life no matter what it throws at us, and the obstacles along the way, never ever lose hope and faith in anything. God is always there with you every step of the way and you may not realize it, but he is and among everything else. Nothing is impossible in life, because (I’m Possible) – Be positive, happy, keep smiling, let go of negativity, let go of the past and keep going forward. You will run into bad days, you will run into unfortunate things, things will not always be perfect in life, but You are not going to go back to yesterday, so look forward to the present, now, tonight, tomorrow, and future.

If you keep leading a negative, unhappy, depressed life, that is all that it is going to be for you. You will keep going around in circles with nothing new in life to look forward to. Don’t do this to yourself, and don’t spread that negativity and unhappiness to others and make everybody else miserable around you, just because you are miserable. Snap out of that. You are only doing this to yourself. Life goes on, everyday is a new day. I know it is easier said than done, but you have to. It is the only way to move forward. I know that everyone has their own personal issues to deal with, but above all that, the ball is in your court to make life better. Do not depend on anybody else for your own happiness. In the end we are all individuals, we are all one person. If we do not make the effort, and go for our own joy, happiness, positivity and optimism in life, things will always be the same, and that is why we become miserable.

Be kind, love each other, respect each other, be nice and help each other, give your hand to someone in need. This is the only way this world will go into the right direction.

Keep smiling, be joyful and look toward a bright future. It is up to you. Best wishes

Never Let Others Put Words In Your Mouth & Dictate You

Have you ever been in a situation or several of them where there are people in your life that put words in your mouth, that dictate you and your every move and whatever you say? Do some people in ones life tend to assume all the time about you, about what you are feeling, what you are or not interested in and who to speak to, who not to talk to, who to accept as a friend, who not to accept as a friend. I am sure in one point in our lives it has happened, and sometimes you cannot control it and sometimes you can be afraid to retaliate. In my life, I have had several people do that to me, they make my decisions for me, they decide what I have to say, what I have to do, who to be friends with, who not to be friends with. I mean we all have personal issues behind closed doors to deal with and what human being doesn’t have problems? I am sure we all do, and there are people that do not accept that and end up dictating your life because you have such a soft heart, always accepting of everyone, regardless of anything.

People then assume that you are not interested in something, where you are interested, then people start putting words in your mouth and then you are stuck in the middle and confused about it. I have been through this many times and I said this is the last time I will let anybody make my decisions for me. I am an adult now, and old enough to do that, and I will not let anybody else tell me what to feel, tell me what to do, tell me what to say, and then again I fall for it, and then at the end I suffer for it. Well, this time it is iron clad, I will not be letting others walk all over me. Yes although sometimes it is great to assist people, and care about what people do in their lives and how they live their lives, and who they talk to, or whatever, and it is great to see people genuinely care and everything which is awesome, but then again you shouldn’t let people overpower you all the time. You are an individual, and there is going to come a time where ultimately the decisions that you make you have to do it yourself. You have to develop independence, you have to develop a self of being just you, and you making whatever decision that reflects you.

Sometimes we make choices in life that we are not proud of and we all make mistakes, we all sometimes get vulnerable in certain situations, but if it is something that you don’t learn from and you keep making the same mistakes day in and day out, then that is a course of concern. Stand up for yourself, even if it means standing alone. When you are deciding something as a group, when its something that is a mutual agreement, mutual understanding, and mutual decisions or decisions as a team and if you all are on the same page on something than that is great, but then when you are not on the same page, and you know in your heart its not such a great decision made, then that means that you should speak up and be heard. If it means that you lose those friends, that means they weren’t your true friends to begin with, so I would rather stand alone then have people make decisions for me.

Assumptions are a big hazard and it can destroy friendships, relationships and bonds and you have to be very careful when you assume things on other people, it can backfire on you and you will not have a great outcome on it. The next time someone decides to dictate you and what you have to say about something or acting on something, just tell them kindly, you know I appreciate your willingness, and your strong personality and telling me what to do, and what to say, and being forced into things, but I am going to have to disagree with you and tell you my feelings and my thoughts on this certain situation. the point I am trying to make is that don’t let others force you into things that your heart and mind are not into, and don’t let others force you how to feel, what to say, what to do. Ultimately it is your life and how to deal with it, and don’t let others ever govern your life. Stay away from people like that. You will know who your true friends are and you will know who sticks behind you 100% when that happens. Just think about it, and go with the flow.

I am always here for everyone, and I am always here to help you on your journey, give advice, and hopefully give great advice that you will take with you in your life span. All the best to you and remember, you are you, and don’t let others tell you otherwise. I wish you all the best.

Never Let Others Put Words In Your Mouth & Dictate You

Have you ever been in a situation or several of them where there are people in your life that put words in your mouth, that dictate you and your every move and whatever you say? Do some people in one’s life tend to assume all the time about you, about what you are feeling, what you are or not interested in and who to speak to, who not to talk to, who to accept as a friend, who not to accept as a friend. I am sure in one point in our lives it has happened, and sometimes you cannot control it and sometimes you can be afraid to retaliate. In my life, I have had several people do that to me, they make my decisions for me, they decide what I have to say, what I have to do, who to be friends with, who not to be friends with. I mean we all have personal issues behind closed doors to deal with and what human being doesn’t have problems? I am sure we all do, and there are people who do not accept that and end up dictating your life because you have such a soft heart, always accepting of everyone, regardless of anything.

People then assume that you are not interested in something, where you are interested, then people start putting words in your mouth and then you are stuck in the middle and confused about it. I have been through this many times and I said this is the last time I will let anybody make my decisions for me. I am an adult now, and old enough to do that, and I will not let anybody else tell me what to feel, tell me what to do, tell me what to say, and then again I fall for it, and then at the end I suffer for it. Well, this time it is iron clad, I will not be letting others walk all over me. Yes although sometimes it is great to assist people, and care about what people do in their lives and how they live their lives, and who they talk to, or whatever, and it is great to see people genuinely care and everything which is awesome, but then again you shouldn’t let people overpower you all the time. You are an individual, and there is going to come a time where ultimately the decisions that you make you have to do it yourself. You have to develop independence, you have to develop a self of being just you, and you making whatever decision that reflects you.

Sometimes we make choices in life that we are not proud of and we all make mistakes, we all sometimes get vulnerable in certain situations, but if it is something that you don’t learn from and you keep making the same mistakes day in and day out, then that is a course of concern. Stand up for yourself, even if it means standing alone. When you are deciding something as a group, when its something that is a mutual agreement, mutual understanding, and mutual decisions or decisions as a team and if you all are on the same page on something than that is great, but then when you are not on the same page, and you know in your heart it’s not such a great decision made, then that means that you should speak up and be heard. If it means that you lose those friends, that means they weren’t your true friends to begin with, so I would rather stand alone then have people make decisions for me.

Assumptions are a big hazard and it can destroy friendships, relationships and bonds and you have to be very careful when you assume things on other people, it can backfire on you and you will not have a great outcome on it. The next time someone decides to dictate you and what you have to say about something or acting on something, just tell them kindly, you know I appreciate your willingness, and your strong personality and telling me what to do, and what to say, and being forced into things, but I am going to have to disagree with you and tell you my feelings and my thoughts on this certain situation. the point I am trying to make is that don’t let others force you into things that your heart and mind are not into, and don’t let others force you how to feel, what to say, what to do. Ultimately it is your life and how to deal with it, and don’t let others ever govern your life. Stay away from people like that. You will know who your true friends are and you will know who sticks behind you 100% when that happens. Just think about it, and go with the flow.

I am always here for everyone, and I am always here to help you on your journey, give advice, and hopefully give great advice that you will take with you in your life span. All the best to you and remember, you are you, and don’t let others tell you otherwise. I wish you all the best.

Never Let Others Put Words In Your Mouth & Dictate You

Have you ever been in a situation or several of them where there are people in your life that put words in your mouth, that dictate you and your every move and whatever you say? Do some people in one’s life tend to assume all the time about you, about what you are feeling, what you are or not interested in and who to speak to, who not to talk to, who to accept as a friend, who not to accept as a friend. I am sure in one point in our lives it has happened, and sometimes you cannot control it and sometimes you can be afraid to retaliate. In my life, I have had several people do that to me, they make my decisions for me, they decide what I have to say, what I have to do, who to be friends with, who not to be friends with. I mean we all have personal issues behind closed doors to deal with and what human being doesn’t have problems? I am sure we all do, and there are people who do not accept that and end up dictating your life because you have such a soft heart, always accepting of everyone, regardless of anything.

People then assume that you are not interested in something, where you are interested, then people start putting words in your mouth and then you are stuck in the middle and confused about it. I have been through this many times and I said this is the last time I will let anybody make my decisions for me. I am an adult now, and old enough to do that, and I will not let anybody else tell me what to feel, tell me what to do, tell me what to say, and then again I fall for it, and then at the end I suffer for it. Well, this time it is iron clad, I will not be letting others walk all over me. Yes although sometimes it is great to assist people, and care about what people do in their lives and how they live their lives, and who they talk to, or whatever, and it is great to see people genuinely care and everything which is awesome, but then again you shouldn’t let people overpower you all the time. You are an individual, and there is going to come a time where ultimately the decisions that you make you have to do it yourself. You have to develop independence, you have to develop a self of being just you, and you making whatever decision that reflects you.

Sometimes we make choices in life that we are not proud of and we all make mistakes, we all sometimes get vulnerable in certain situations, but if it is something that you don’t learn from and you keep making the same mistakes day in and day out, then that is a course of concern. Stand up for yourself, even if it means standing alone. When you are deciding something as a group, when its something that is a mutual agreement, mutual understanding, and mutual decisions or decisions as a team and if you all are on the same page on something than that is great, but then when you are not on the same page, and you know in your heart it’s not such a great decision made, then that means that you should speak up and be heard. If it means that you lose those friends, that means they weren’t your true friends to begin with, so I would rather stand alone then have people make decisions for me.

Assumptions are a big hazard and it can destroy friendships, relationships and bonds and you have to be very careful when you assume things on other people, it can backfire on you and you will not have a great outcome on it. The next time someone decides to dictate you and what you have to say about something or acting on something, just tell them kindly, you know I appreciate your willingness, and your strong personality and telling me what to do, and what to say, and being forced into things, but I am going to have to disagree with you and tell you my feelings and my thoughts on this certain situation. the point I am trying to make is that don’t let others force you into things that your heart and mind are not into, and don’t let others force you how to feel, what to say, what to do. Ultimately it is your life and how to deal with it, and don’t let others ever govern your life. Stay away from people like that. You will know who your true friends are and you will know who sticks behind you 100% when that happens. Just think about it, and go with the flow.

I am always here for everyone, and I am always here to help you on your journey, give advice, and hopefully give great advice that you will take with you in your life span. All the best to you and remember, you are you, and don’t let others tell you otherwise. I wish you all the best.

Never Let Others Put Words In Your Mouth & Dictate You

Have you ever been in a situation or several of them where there are people in your life that put words in your mouth, that dictate you and your every move and whatever you say? Do some people in one’s life tend to assume all the time about you, about what you are feeling, what you are or not interested in and who to speak to, who not to talk to, who to accept as a friend, who not to accept as a friend. I am sure in one point in our lives it has happened, and sometimes you cannot control it and sometimes you can be afraid to retaliate. In my life, I have had several people do that to me, they make my decisions for me, they decide what I have to say, what I have to do, who to be friends with, who not to be friends with. I mean we all have personal issues behind closed doors to deal with and what human being doesn’t have problems? I am sure we all do, and there are people who do not accept that and end up dictating your life because you have such a soft heart, always accepting of everyone, regardless of anything.

People then assume that you are not interested in something, where you are interested, then people start putting words in your mouth and then you are stuck in the middle and confused about it. I have been through this many times and I said this is the last time I will let anybody make my decisions for me. I am an adult now, and old enough to do that, and I will not let anybody else tell me what to feel, tell me what to do, tell me what to say, and then again I fall for it, and then at the end I suffer for it. Well, this time it is iron clad, I will not be letting others walk all over me. Yes although sometimes it is great to assist people, and care about what people do in their lives and how they live their lives, and who they talk to, or whatever, and it is great to see people genuinely care and everything which is awesome, but then again you shouldn’t let people overpower you all the time. You are an individual, and there is going to come a time where ultimately the decisions that you make you have to do it yourself. You have to develop independence, you have to develop a self of being just you, and you making whatever decision that reflects you.

Sometimes we make choices in life that we are not proud of and we all make mistakes, we all sometimes get vulnerable in certain situations, but if it is something that you don’t learn from and you keep making the same mistakes day in and day out, then that is a course of concern. Stand up for yourself, even if it means standing alone. When you are deciding something as a group, when its something that is a mutual agreement, mutual understanding, and mutual decisions or decisions as a team and if you all are on the same page on something than that is great, but then when you are not on the same page, and you know in your heart it’s not such a great decision made, then that means that you should speak up and be heard. If it means that you lose those friends, that means they weren’t your true friends to begin with, so I would rather stand alone then have people make decisions for me.

Assumptions are a big hazard and it can destroy friendships, relationships and bonds and you have to be very careful when you assume things on other people, it can backfire on you and you will not have a great outcome on it. The next time someone decides to dictate you and what you have to say about something or acting on something, just tell them kindly, you know I appreciate your willingness, and your strong personality and telling me what to do, and what to say, and being forced into things, but I am going to have to disagree with you and tell you my feelings and my thoughts on this certain situation. the point I am trying to make is that don’t let others force you into things that your heart and mind are not into, and don’t let others force you how to feel, what to say, what to do. Ultimately it is your life and how to deal with it, and don’t let others ever govern your life. Stay away from people like that. You will know who your true friends are and you will know who sticks behind you 100% when that happens. Just think about it, and go with the flow.

I am always here for everyone, and I am always here to help you on your journey, give advice, and hopefully give great advice that you will take with you in your life span. All the best to you and remember, you are you, and don’t let others tell you otherwise. I wish you all the best.

It Is Not About The Quantity Of Friends, Its About The Quality

In life we will come across so many people in our lives, and some think that the more friends you have the more popular you will be and the more better you will be, and that is wrong. You can have so many friends, you can hundreds of people being your friend and some people will be more concerned about having quantity instead of quality, well, that should not be. I’d rather have a few friends who will be by my side, to back me up, and to support, love and appreciate me for who I am. Everything should be mutual when it comes to friends. It takes two to tango and it takes both to be the backbone that keeps the friendships up. Also, don’t trust people so quickly, don’t give in so easily. Ask yourself a few questions, will they be loyal to you? will they back you up? How will they treat you? Will they use you? Unfortunately in society these days, you need to double triple check before you make friends with people and this day in age, trust has become so rare and there are people of all walks of life. Do you really want to put yourself in a predicament of hanging out with someone who will back stab, betray and use you?

In this life we live in now, we need to analyze people very well before we give our all, before we share our most personal stories and our life’s journey with them. It does take time to get to know someone, and friendships and good friendships take time to build. So you build your trust in accordance to how someone is, their actions, words, kindness, their honesty, their loyalty and the way they are to you and how they treat you. When you are out with friends at a restaurant, take a good look and observe, if they are rude to the waiter or waitress, or if they are rude to any other person, it makes you think and question, will they be like that toward me? Will they burst at me like that someday? Actions do speak a lot louder than words and then words and action play hand in hand with each other.

We must open up our eyes a bit more, be more observant, and not to trust people so easily. Take your time to get to know someone before you give it your all. You will know the quality and the friends you have, by just the way they are, you will know what to do whether to pursue the friendship or not. Disrespectful people who do not know how good they have it and take advantage of ones goodness, good heart, and those who do not care, and those who use you, those who spread rumours and share whatever happens to the world, is not a true friend. Some people do not even know the definition of a friend and that is so unfortunate. Take your time, don’t rush into friendships so quickly because you will be burned if you don’t choose your friends wisely and you can be hurt. I do not want anybody hurt.

My family, friends, fans, readers and all my other supporters, I want the best for everyone, and I am speaking through experience. I’ve been burned so many times from fake people, I’ve been hurt so many times, but all it takes is opening up your eyes, being more assertive, being more aware, being more observant of people’s actions, eye language, facial reactions, body language and more. It is so important to take a look at all of that. It will save the hassle in the long run and it will make you decide if they are the right friends for you and if you should continue it or not. It all depends on a person’s personality and the type of friends to choose, but in the end look out for you. Don’t put everyone in one basket, balance it and don’t give in too quickly.

Just take your time. There is no rush to friendships. You will find the suitable people for you. It will take time and effort, but never ever think friendship will never happen for you. Just be patient and go with the flow.  You would not want to go through havoc and trouble. Just believe in yourself and know that there are types of people for you that are suitable. Just relax and take it easy. I’d rather have only a few friends I can trust, depend on and share stories and things with, rather than having hundreds, that will only be their part time and not full time. So just go with your gut instinct and I wish you all the best.

Being Yourself Is The Best Thing You Can Wear

Today, I was having a conversation with myself and usually I have conversations with myself from time to time when I am busy with cleaning the house, cooking, doing laundry, and just taking time for myself and discovering new things, new thoughts about myself, and I came to a discovery about something very clever and something to think about. I have always told people to always be themselves, and there is nothing better than being who you are and not being somebody you aren’t.There is nothing in the world more rewarding than that. People sometimes get distracted, discouraged to being who they are and things happen in life to them that make them feel that being ones self is something they don’t want to do because of something they have been through, a traumatic experience, but let me assure you, being yourself is something that you should only possess. If you possess anybody else personality, then where do you stand in the world? You were born to stand out and lead. If you keep on being like everybody else, then there is nothing new to see.

Don’t try so hard to fit in, don’t try so hard to impress others. Look in the mirror everyday and smile. Say I am me, I am who I am, and I came to this world like this and I am proud and happy of me. Don’t let others dictate your life and who you are, don’t let others tell you what to be, don’t let others make your life decisions for you, don’t let others pressure you into doing things you do not want to do. We all have a voice, we all have a choice, but being yourself should always be your first and only choice. Have people in your life that will appreciate you for you, and have people in your life that will support you and your decisions, who will back you up, who will guide you through, but at the same time not keep telling you what to do. You can only do so much for people, but in the end everyone has their own lives to live. Some people may take longer than others to adapt into society, some people may take longer or shorter time to do things, and to get things going in life, but in the end you are you, and everyone has their own journey of life. You have to be patient with people. Sometimes you may not know the path they are walking and what they have been through to get to those paths and walking in their shoes.

It is easy to talk and put so many things in other people’s minds and tell them and advise them, but sometimes you have to let someone discover things on their own. You can only tell someone so much, but then after the ball is in their court and its up to them how they want to control that field, but always be yourself in the process, and always dress for success. When you are yourself, when you are honest, and don’t lie to yourself or anybody else, that is the best way to dress for life. Dressing to be yourself is the best outfit you can ever wear more than anything else in the world.

Today, I came with a new twist on this topic and I was also thinking about a movie I watched with Hillary Duff, Regina King, and a few other actors in the movie, but I forgot what the movie was called. Anyway, when at the end of the movie Hillary Duff asked her friend, what are you wearing today? Her friend said, Myself. That was something that has been on my mind today and I decided to write about it today. It is true what was said is to always wear who you are 24/7 365 days a year and never letting negative influence deter you away from who you are. So I had a conversation similar to the movie I watched last night. It goes a little something like this:

Person #1: What are you dressed as today?
Person #2: Myself
Person #1: Well, that is the best thing you can wear.
Person #2: There is nothing better than being myself
Person #1: I totally agree. I really like that look on you.
Person #2: Thanks. I will wear it everyday 24/7 365 days a year.

I really believe in that and so should everybody else. Be yourself, and you will see the difference the world makes. Smile, be happy with you and don’t try to be someone you aren’t. All the best to you.

Never Let Others Put Words In Your Mouth & Dictate You

Have you ever been in a situation or several of them where there are people in your life that put words in your mouth, that dictate you and your every move and whatever you say? Do some people in ones life tend to assume all the time about you, about what you are feeling, what you are or not interested in and who to speak to, who not to talk to, who to accept as a friend, who not to accept as a friend. I am sure in one point in our lives it has happened, and sometimes you cannot control it and sometimes you can be afraid to retaliate. In my life, I have had several people do that to me, they make my decisions for me, they decide what I have to say, what I have to do, who to be friends with, who not to be friends with. I mean we all have personal issues behind closed doors to deal with and what human being doesn’t have problems? I am sure we all do, and there are people that do not accept that and end up dictating your life because you have such a soft heart, always accepting of everyone, regardless of anything.

People then assume that you are not interested in something, where you are interested, then people start putting words in your mouth and then you are stuck in the middle and confused about it. I have been through this many times and I said this is the last time I will let anybody make my decisions for me. I am an adult now, and old enough to do that, and I will not let anybody else tell me what to feel, tell me what to do, tell me what to say, and then again I fall for it, and then at the end I suffer for it. Well, this time it is iron clad, I will not be letting others walk all over me. Yes although sometimes it is great to assist people, and care about what people do in their lives and how they live their lives, and who they talk to, or whatever, and it is great to see people genuinely care and everything which is awesome, but then again you shouldn’t let people overpower you all the time. You are an individual, and there is going to come a time where ultimately the decisions that you make you have to do it yourself. You have to develop independence, you have to develop a self of being just you, and you making whatever decision that reflects you.

Sometimes we make choices in life that we are not proud of and we all make mistakes, we all sometimes get vulnerable in certain situations, but if it is something that you don’t learn from and you keep making the same mistakes day in and day out, then that is a course of concern. Stand up for yourself, even if it means standing alone. When you are deciding something as a group, when its something that is a mutual agreement, mutual understanding, and mutual decisions or decisions as a team and if you all are on the same page on something than that is great, but then when you are not on the same page, and you know in your heart its not such a great decision made, then that means that you should speak up and be heard. If it means that you lose those friends, that means they weren’t your true friends to begin with, so I would rather stand alone then have people make decisions for me.

Assumptions are a big hazard and it can destroy friendships, relationships and bonds and you have to be very careful when you assume things on other people, it can backfire on you and you will not have a great outcome on it. The next time someone decides to dictate you and what you have to say about something or acting on something, just tell them kindly, you know I appreciate your willingness, and your strong personality and telling me what to do, and what to say, and being forced into things, but I am going to have to disagree with you and tell you my feelings and my thoughts on this certain situation. the point I am trying to make is that don’t let others force you into things that your heart and mind are not into, and don’t let others force you how to feel, what to say, what to do. Ultimately it is your life and how to deal with it, and don’t let others ever govern your life. Stay away from people like that. You will know who your true friends are and you will know who sticks behind you 100% when that happens. Just think about it, and go with the flow.

I am always here for everyone, and I am always here to help you on your journey, give advice, and hopefully give great advice that you will take with you in your life span. All the best to you and remember, you are you, and don’t let others tell you otherwise. I wish you all the best.

Being Yourself Is The Best Thing You Can Wear

Today, I was having a conversation with myself and usually I have conversations with myself from time to time when I am busy with cleaning the house, cooking, doing laundry, and just taking time for myself and discovering new things, new thoughts about myself, and I came to a discovery about something very clever and something to think about. I have always told people to always be themselves, and there is nothing better than being who you are and not being somebody you aren’t.There is nothing in the world more rewarding than that. People sometimes get distracted, discouraged to being who they are and things happen in life to them that make them feel that being ones self is something they don’t want to do because of something they have been through, a traumatic experience, but let me assure you, being yourself is something that you should only possess. If you possess anybody else personality, then where do you stand in the world? You were born to stand out and lead. If you keep on being like everybody else, then there is nothing new to see.

Don’t try so hard to fit in, don’t try so hard to impress others. Look in the mirror everyday and smile. Say I am me, I am who I am, and I came to this world like this and I am proud and happy of me. Don’t let others dictate your life and who you are, don’t let others tell you what to be, don’t let others make your life decisions for you, don’t let others pressure you into doing things you do not want to do. We all have a voice, we all have a choice, but being yourself should always be your first and only choice. Have people in your life that will appreciate you for you, and have people in your life that will support you and your decisions, who will back you up, who will guide you through, but at the same time not keep telling you what to do. You can only do so much for people, but in the end everyone has their own lives to live. Some people may take longer than others to adapt into society, some people may take longer or shorter time to do things, and to get things going in life, but in the end you are you, and everyone has their own journey of life. You have to be patient with people. Sometimes you may not know the path they are walking and what they have been through to get to those paths and walking in their shoes.

It is easy to talk and put so many things in other peoples minds and tell them and advise them, but sometimes you have to let someone discover things on their own. You can only tell someone so much, but then after the ball is in their court and its up to them how they want to control that field, but always be yourself in the process, and always dress for success. When you are yourself, when you are honest, and don’t lie to yourself or anybody else, that is the best way to dress for life. Dressing to be yourself is the best outfit you can ever wear more than anything else in the world.

Today, I came with a new twist on this topic and I was also thinking about a movie I watched with Hillary Duff, Regina King, and a few other actors in the movie, but I forgot what the movie was called. Anyway, when at the end of the movie Hillary Duff asked her friend, what are you wearing today? Her friend said, Myself. That was something that has been on my mind today and I decided to write about it today. It is true what was said is to always wear who you are 24/7 365 days a year and never letting negative influence deter you away from who you are. So I had a conversation similar to the movie I watched last night. It goes a little something like this:

Person #1: What are you dressed as today?
Person #2: Myself
Person #1: Well, that is the best thing you can wear.
Person #2: There is nothing better than being myself
Person #1: I totally agree. I really like that look on you.
Person #2: Thanks. I will wear it everyday 24/7 365 days a year.

I really believe in that and so should everybody else. Be yourself, and you will see the difference the world makes. Smile, be happy with you and don’t try and be someone you aren’t. All the best to you.

It Is Not About The Quantity Of Friends, Its About The Quality

In life we will come across so many people in our lives, and some think that the more friends you have the more popular you will be and the more better you will be, and that is wrong. You can have so many friends, you can hundreds of people being your friend and some people will be more concerned about having quantity instead of quality, well, that should not be. I’d rather have a few friends who will be by my side, to back me up, and to support, love and appreciate me for who I am. Everything should be mutual when it comes to friends. It takes two to tango and it takes both to be the backbone that keeps the friendships up. Also, don’t trust people so quickly, don’t give in so easily. Ask yourself a few questions, will they be loyal to you? will they back you up? How will they treat you? Will they use you? Unfortunately in society these days, you need to double triple check before you make friends with people and this day in age, trust has become so rare and there are people of all walks of life. Do you really want to put yourself in a predicament of hanging out with someone who will back stab, betray and use you?

In this life we live in now, we need to analyze people very well before we give our all, before we share our most personal stories and our life’s journey with them. It does take time to get to know someone, and friendships and good friendships take time to build. So you build your trust in accordance to how someone is, their actions, words, kindness, their honesty, their loyalty and the way they are to you and how they treat you. When you are out with friends at a restaurant, take a good look and observe, if they are rude to the waiter or waitress, or if they are rude to any other person, it makes you think and question, will they be like that toward me? Will they burst at me like that someday? Actions do speak a lot louder than words and then words and action play hand in hand with each other.

We must open up our eyes a bit more, be more observant, and not to trust people so easily. Take your time to get to know someone before you give it your all. You will know the quality and the friends you have, by just the way they are, you will know what to do whether to pursue the friendship or not. Disrespectful people who do not know how good they have it and take advantage of ones goodness, good heart, and those who do not care, and those who use you, those who spread rumours and share whatever happens to the world, is not a true friend. Some people do not even know the definition of a friend and that is so unfortunate. Take your time, don’t rush into friendships so quickly because you will be burned if you don’t choose your friends wisely and you can be hurt. I do not want anybody hurt.

My family, friends, fans, readers and all my other supporters, I want the best for everyone, and I am speaking through experience. I’ve been burned so many times from fake people, I’ve been hurt so many times, but all it takes is opening up your eyes, being more assertive, being more aware, being more observant of peoples actions, eye language, facial reactions, body language and more. It is so important to take a look at all of that. It will save the hassle in the long run and it will make you decide if they are the right friends for you and if you should continue it or not. It all depends on a persons personality and the type of friends to choose, but in the end look out for you. Don’t put everyone in one basket, balance it and don’t give in too quickly.

Just take your time. There is no rush to friendships. You will find the suitable people for you. It will take time and effort, but never ever think friendship will never happen for you. Just be patient and go with the flow.  You would not want to go through havoc and trouble. Just believe in yourself and know that there are types of people for you that are suitable. Just relax and take it easy. I’d rather have only a few friends I can trust, depend on and share stories and things with, rather than having hundreds, that will only be there part time and not full time. So just go with your gut instinct and I wish you all the best.