Never Give up Your Passion & Talents

Never Give up, and never allow others to allow you to give up.
You never need to prove yourself to anybody.
Your passion(s) and talent(s) are born with you. utilize them, and don’t waste it.

Always be you, follow your passion, do what you want to do, focus on positivity, happiness, what makes you smile and go forward in life. The right people will understand and recognize that. whether it is family, friends, your blog fans and followers, social media friends you met online.

There are some really mean and terrible people out there who discourage, putting jabs at you every chance they get, they say the worst things and hurt your feelings so much that it can and will scar you for life.

I know ignoring it is the toughest thing, but always know that you win when you ignore, you win when you keep your head up high and still follow your passion and talents.

For example, on social media we bloggers, video bloggers would always like positive feedback and kind comments and everything. Depending on what it is all about. I know that people will not always agree and there will be really mean and unkind comments, but there is a way to say things to people, and others do not care if they hurt the person’s feelings. No matter what they say. Now, that is unacceptable.  Never allow someone’s negative opinions and comments get the better of you. Somethings are better left unexplained, rather than explaining to those who will not understand you. Unfortunately, that is how life is and how some people are.

Usually, when people keep throwing jabs at you and those who are negative, really tells a whole lot about the life they are living, and they also think that they are right all the time, and everyone should be agreeing with them with whatever goes on. Those are the type of people who could be jealous and insecure about themselves, so they end up making everyone else’s lives miserable and you end up in the middle of that crossfire. Never allow others to walk all over you. Always speak up and defend yourself. When you do speak up, you will see the reaction. If it means that the person will no longer be communicating with you and everything, then so be it. Not everyone will be like you and not everyone will think like you. That is fine.

That will be a lesson to the person always putting you on the spot, throwing jabs at you.

Sometimes things happen in life that makes us open our eyes, to select our friends wisely and to find true people who will always stay by you, support you in whatever you do in your life. You create your own destiny. No matter how fast or slow and no matter what it is.

Always feel comfortable and you know when they say, you have to get out of your comfort zone? Sometimes that is true, but most of the time it is not. You have to be comfortable with however your life is and will be, and whatever you can handle.

True friends and true people will always encourage you and steer you to the right direction.

Not everyone is and will be on the same chapter of your life’s book. That is why Some people are just beginning to read the table of contents and the introduction and some have not even opened the book and already began judging it by the cover.

Don’t ever give up, be the pen of your life, and write your own life. Don’t ever let someone else hold the pen.

I want the best for everyone, may all your wishes and dreams come true, and Best wishes always.

Never Be Afraid To Ask For Help When You Need It The Most

Have you ever had the issue of being afraid to ask for help when you need it the most? Have you ever been in a middle of a situation and you hesitate and think twice about asking for a hand in something? I am sure all of us at some point have felt the embarrassment of it, but I can assure you, it is not an embarrassment or a fear. I know a lot of us want to do things on our own and be independent people without other people’s help, and a lot of people go on in life without help from other people, but never be afraid to ask for it when you need it, because there are so many dangerous things that can happen to someone if they do not ask for help. So many things can happen, such as when someone lifts something heavy and does not ask for help and then that persons back starts hurting or injures ones self badly. Don’t be ashamed to ask for help, when you do not ask for it, people will automatically think, that you’re trying to be the hero, you’re trying so hard to impress people by doing everything on your own, but you’re not doing yourself any good. You are harming your body and your health by doing that. Always think before you do something because when help is there and when there are people who ask you if you want help with things, and you say no, I can do it all on my own, then the next time you do need that help, they won’t be there and they will say, I thought you can do everything on your own?

It is not a bad thing when people are trying to be helpful to you and to give you their hands, time and energy to you. In any situation whether it is at work, home, something emotional, something physical, something that you need. If you do not ask, you won’t know the answer. Also if people ask, its great to always be polite when you ask. Always say, Hello, May I please have some assistance with this? Please and thank you, you will see that the answer will be a yes most of the time, and you will see great results. Also if someone is going through a tough emotional problem, stresses that a person needs a friend or someone to talk to, that person will say May I ask for advice on what to do in this certain situation? It’s always a May I? Not can you? Not Can I? Never stop asking for help when you need it. I know it can be something that a lot of people fear, but do not fear, help is there. You just need to ask.

Some people are so proud and so high and mighty of themselves, but deep inside, they know exactly that they need that help, but they try to do everything to not feel the humiliation of asking. It’s not an easy thing, I know, but it can be. Please and Thank you are magic words. Some people do not even say thank you to someone or people who have helped them or have done so much for that person. Please and Thank you’s are important and beautiful words. It’s very important to utilize them in every aspect. So ask for help today. Don’t be afraid. No one is perfect. We all make mistakes, we all have differences, but one thing you should know, that help is not a bad thing. for anyone or anything. Give it a try to see for yourself.

Two Faced People – A Lot Are Around These Days

It seems to me that two-faced people have been surfacing around a lot lately. I do not get how people can be so great with you to your face and be nice and forthright, but behind your back, they say some of the most nastiest and terrible things about you and then you find out about it later. It is not a pleasant thing to hear. You how they say, what goes around comes around. It is definitely true. These days finding nice, kind and a straight shooter is hard to find. You just have to be lucky to encounter that special individual who promises to be honest and real with you. This goes hand in hand with a previous blog I wrote about Fake VS. Real. It is not fair to the person who has put his/her trust into someone and who has expressed, given all the feelings to that person about a serious situation or crisis a friend is going through whether it’s for a relationship, family issues, friend issues, work issues, and very personal things that person has talked about and some people who are two face spread it and behind your back, they do not even care about you. Backstabbing someone is not a good trait to develop. It leads to lifelong struggles and it leads to a person not to trust anyone anymore about problems.

I do not understand why people do these things to others, why two-faced people always seem to concur, and people are with them, more than the person who has become victimized due to that fact. My advice to you readers out there is to stand tall and firm and do not take any of this anguish people have caused you and do not let these things hover you. I cannot stress how important it is to be yourself and to re-evaluate all the people in your life and stick with the ones whom always have your back in situations like this. Be who you are. There are people out there who appreciate you and they will not backstab you and be two-faced with other people. These certain issues of the world can cause tension and stress, but do not let is stress you out. One day someone will teach two-faced people a lesson, but of course not with violence and threats, but a civilized conversation with that person to tell them, that what they are doing is wrong and if the scenario and roles were reversed and if the two-faced person was the person who is expressing themselves and sharing personal and sensitive information, then I am sure they would stop it. Always play reverse psychology. See where you end up, but I am almost certain that those words will change that person’s attitude and the way to live honestly and real. Try it out for yourself.

A Wonderful Dream – It Was Fabulous – Was on The Late Show Jimmy Fallon

Last night and lately I have been having re-occurring dreams after I fall asleep and last night was just so interesting. I just did not want to wake up, it was so good and awesome. You know how sometimes you don’t want to wake up because a dream is just so fabulous and you don’t want to stop having that dream? Last night did it for me. It was so amazing and fabulous. I had this dream that I was flown to New York City to be part of and be on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon and we were discussing my upcoming documentary and then a movie that I will be part of, and acting with Matt Damon in a movie. It was so awesome. So then I was interviewed by Jimmy Fallon and he and I got along so well and we became great friends. So I had flown back to Canada, and a few months later Jimmy had called me and asked me to be on his show again and this time about other things and just coming by to talk about stuff about my upcoming projects and also being a guest star on Hawaii 5-0, then being on The Big Bang Theory too. So That was aired on Television.

As I was heading back to the Airport and I was heading towards my gate to get back to Canada, several people stopped me at the airport and recognized my face and said, Hey you’re Talin the woman who was on Late Night show with Jimmy Fallon and I said, yes that is me, and so then they stopped to take pictures with me, and ended up putting it on twitter and Facebook instantly and I got to keep the pictures. As soon as I had gone to my gate, even some of the workers at the airport recognized me. So I was on TMZ, and in the people, and entertainment magazines shortly after. Then after boarding my flight, coming back to Canada, I was landing at the airport and I had claimed my baggage at the baggage claim and as soon as I was coming out, other recognized me and until I went to my vehicle after being picked up, people were getting my autographs and I was being photographed with fans. It was an amazing dream and then as I went on Jimmy Fallon’s Show, I was on so many talk shows after and I started traveling more on planes heading to Los Angeles, Chicago, New York City and so many more places to do talk shows.

I just did not want to wake up from my dream. It was going so well. In reality I am a fan of Jimmy Fallon and his show. He does interesting things and I started liking him from Saturday Night Live and among his movies he has done. a Couple of my friends met him while at the Chicago Airport and they said, Jimmy is just one of the coolest guys they have met. He is so nice and very personable in person and hes a very chill and incredible person. I keep on having these dreams lately about being on these talk shows. It is crazy. Does it mean it is going to happen? Is there a meaning to all this? Because it is starting to really get to me and happily. I keep waking up with a smile. These dreams just keep on happening without my control. It feels incredible. What do you think it means always being in the spot light? What do you think about what it is? I don’t know, but it would be amazing if it really happens. I would be on cloud nine.

What dreams have you had? Have they come true? Do you have dreams that almost always come out? Would love to hear about them. Wishing you the best.

My Favourite Movies Of All Time

Yesterday on Television, on TV Tropolis, they were showing some older films and I watched Airplane and Airplane 2: The sequel, and I really love those kinds of movies with that humour. most of the actors in the movie passed away in recent years. It is still hard to believe that Leslie Neilson passed away. Anyway, I know the movie so well, that I knew exactly what they are going to say or the next scene. It was so funny and I still laugh every time. Some movies you watch and watch again and still laugh like it is your first time watching it. Some movies you just watch once or twice, but the rest you can watch several times. i just don’t like the commercials when I watch the movies. I know there is a way to delete the commercials while watching a movie, but I don’t have that feature like TiVo or something. Anyway, Here are my movie choices of all time.

The Ugly Truth, Home Alone, Home Alone 2 Lost in New York, National Lampoons Vegas Vacation, Christmas Vacation, European Vacation, Airplane, Airplane 2, Weekend At Bernie’s, Dennis the menace, Father of the Bride, Mrs Doubtfire, Forrest Gump, My Girl, Naked Gun movies, Hot shots, hot shots part deux, Babies day out, Hangover, Hangover 2, Campaign, Vince Vaughn movies, Will Ferrell, Ben Stiller, Bradley Cooper, Alex O’loughlin, and so many other actors movies and so many other movies. I am such a big movie fan, I love comedy, romantic comedy, I like the notebook, dear john, and I like to get new movies all the time, and go to the theater once in a while. It depends if it’s a really good movie. or else I just wait for the DVD or Blue Ray to come out to the stores?

What are your movie choices? What do you like to watch? What are your interests when it comes to entertainment? Soon in the coming weeks I will be doing critics on movies and what they mean to me and I will be giving my insight on them. I will be doing that soon. Stay tuned! Have a lovely day!


What Traveling Means To Me. I am Glad I can Help People In It

Hello everyone, today I am going to talk to you about what traveling means to me and how vital it is in my life. I am sure most of us love to travel and go away from civilization and reality once in a while. I am here to tell you about what it means to me and how it has shaped my life. Traveling is one of the most incredible things of life. You get to see different parts of the world, form your own opinion, give it your rating, and each travel story is an experience in itself. Last night I was talking amongst friends on my travel experiences and giving them my expertise. One person has never been on a cruise ship before and has never cruised and so I introduced her to a new world full of cruising and traveling. I must have been talking for over half an hour. It is a passion of mine and I love talking to people about travel. She said that you are an expert. I was just happy and moved by what she said to me. It is amazing what traveling can do for you. It makes you feel more independent in a way, it gives you that push into the world to get out of the city once in a while and just explore the world before your eyes. Its one of the greatest pleasures of life. I am so happy to have experienced it all, and I will continue into my journey. I am creating a new blog all about traveling and everything else Which will launch at the end of January, 2013. I am so excited about the experience to help others in all forms of travel. People told me why don’t you become a travel consultant? Although I would love to but, this is my way of travel consultation. I will not have it as career, but people tell me otherwise.

They said Talin you would be incredible on it and you have so much knowledge than a travel agent does. They said its true, you know so much more than a travel agent does. When I heard this, I said no way, they said yes way. I love it, but I just love consulting people online and personally, but not as a job/career path. I like exploring and traveling has shaped me and my outlook on life. I have seen things and I have been to villages and countries where they are not doing so well, and they don’t make much money. Like Cuba one persons salary of the month is like 15-20 pesos, and the food they get is measured by the government, and so much more. I saw this happening years and years ago when I went to Cuba for the first time back in the 90’s. It gives me time to appreciate what I have and everything I have with grocery stores that are easily reached, good clean water to drink and so much more. I am thankful for everything I have here. I have seen the way people live, and one persons house is like 300-400 square feet, and some homes are like tool sheds and 4 people live in it. They also haven’t even seen a plane or the airport, and when we showed them the airplane and pictures of them and everything, they were so surprised and they were amazed at it. This is also one of the reasons why I love traveling. I meet all different types of people, different cultures, and people of every walks of life. I love it.

I look forward to my next adventures.

Never Keep Anything Bottled Up Inside Of You. Always Bring It Out.

In My life I have learned not to keep anything bottled up inside and always spill the beans no matter what. I actually feel so much better everytime I do because if I keep anything bottled up inside of me, that makes life a lot more stressful and a big burden on your heart and it may suffocate you in the long run. Blogging takes a lot out of me as I express my feelings with writing and I talk to close people and loved ones in my life who understand my situations. If your going through rough times, or if you feel like venting out, do it. It is very good for you and it takes a big load off your mind and heart. You may not be aware of it, but you actually do make it better by speaking out about it.

People get sick, stressed, over-analyze themselves, sells ones self short, and all these terrible things can happen if all of us don’t speak out. People always tell me to never keep things inside of me unless they are secrets and things that people do not want me to tell anyone, that will always stay with me forever and I will never tell a soul, but besides that among everything else it should be said out, and they told me to never hesitate and be afraid of expressing myself. Its part of Human nature. All of us have problems, all of us have our worries so on and so forth, but its always good to say it out loud, its always good to confide in someone, if we don’t those problems will escalate and escalate and to the point like its a temperature gauge and when the mercury will explode. You do not want to get yourself to that level.

When you have a problem with someone, when you have issues you would like to discuss to someone, you tell it to their face and come up with solutions to solve that problem, or talk it over with someone, without other people interfering, and just have an open communication with whatever bothers you inside and whatever you need to express. Its super important to realize that. You may strengthen bonds with others by just doing that. You need to talk pleasantly and start the conversation by, “we need to talk about something that has been bothering me” or something along the lines of just being sincere and respectful as you confront the person, because nobody wants anyone to hound them and give them grief. Its always good to be respectful about it, rather than being hateful and rude. It sets yourself up for more problems when you want to solve it with others. You will see problems diminish and you will see that your bonds with people will be more strong if your straight forward, if you apply yourself and just let it all out. You don’t want a two faced person in front of you and a person who laughs and smiles but really they cannot stand the fact that there are problems that have not been discussed.

Some people do not realize the wrong they do, so we must make people aware of it and tell them like it is. No one likes a fake person. Its important to be real, to be nice about it and you will see how things will get better.

Life can sometimes throw obstacles to your face, so we need to talk to prevent those obstacles from contacting you. There are so many personalities, so many characters in life, different people, different mentalities, but always remember, “An Ugly Personality, Can Ruin a Pretty face” – UNKNOWN ——– So do yourself a favour, set yourself free and do not let anything get bottled up inside. You wouldn’t want to risk having a serious nervous breakdown now would you? Think about it!

Never Be Afraid To Ask For Help When You Need It Most.

Have you ever had the issue of being afraid to ask for help when you need it the most? Have you ever been in a middle of a situation and you hesitate and think twice about asking for a hand in something? I am sure all of us at some point have felt the embarrassment of it, but I can assure you, it is not an embarrassment or a fear. I know a lot of us want to do things on our own and be independent people without other people’s help, and a lot of people go on in life without help from other people, but never be afraid to ask for it when you need it, because there are so many dangerous things that can happen to someone if they do not ask for help. So many things can happen, such as when someone lifts something heavy and does not ask for help and then that persons back starts hurting or injures ones self badly. Don’t be ashamed to ask for help, when you do not ask for it, people will automatically think, that your trying to be the hero, your trying so hard to impress people by doing everything on your own, but your not doing yourself any good. You are harming your body and your health by doing that. Always think before you do something because when help is there and when there are people that ask you if you want help with things, and you say no, I can do it all on my own, then the next time you do need that help, they won’t be there and they will say, I thought you can do everything on your own?

It is not a bad thing when people are trying to be helpful to you and to give you their hands, time and energy to you. In any situation whether it is at work, home, something emotional, something physical, something that you need. If you do not ask, you won’t know the answer. Also if people ask, its great to always be polite when you ask. Always say, Hello, May I please have some assistance with this? Please and thank you, you will see that the answer will be a yes most of the time, and you will see great results. Also if someone is going through a tough emotional problem, stresses that a person needs a friend or someone to talk to, that person will say May I ask for advice on what to do in this certain situation? Its always a May I? Not can you? Not Can I? Never stop asking for help when you need it. I know it can be something that a lot of people fear, but do not fear, help is there. You just need to ask.

Some people are so proud and so high and mighty of themselves, but deep inside, they know exactly that they need that help, but they try and do everything to not feel the humiliation of asking. Its not an easy thing, I know, but it can be. Please and Thank you are magic words. Some people do not even say thank you to someone or people who have helped them or have done so much for that person. Please and Thank you’s are important and beautiful words. Its very important to utilize them in every aspect. So ask for help today. Don’t be afraid. No one is perfect. We all make mistakes, we all have differences, but one thing you should know, that help is not a bad thing. for anyone or anything. Give it a try and see for yourself.

It Is Official. I Am Going To Write A Book!

Hi Everyone! Today I am announcing that I am going to be writing my first official book! I am still undecided about the title, but I know exactly what My book will entail. It will cover everything from how Social Networking, How the Internet is so powerful to transmitting information in seconds, to how blogging changed the face of journal writing and amongst communication of personal stories and reflections in the world and most importantly targeting on important issues such as bullying, social acceptance and other important issues pertaining to society. I am going to brain storm ideas on what to put for my title. That is a hard thing to decide, but I am sure it will come naturally to mind. I have a lot of thinking to do, but it is all for great reasons. I will then get it to a publisher, then have them look over it, and then when it gets published, I will then spread it out to Amazon and other book sites. I am very serious in writing this book. I will be doing extensive research within the next 2 weeks and I will get as much ideas as possible, then I am on my way to writing and publishing my book.

I will also be targeting on etiquette and all sorts of things. It won’t necessarily be a novel book, but a chapter book with different sections and different subjects. It will also include photos of me and my life growing up until the present.

Then hopefully I will have autograph book signings at bookstores and libraries across North America and the world. This book is very important to me. I do not just want to keep blogging, I want to take my blogging further and get published. I am not a person to write fiction. I like writing about personal and true stories that has happened to me, and that I have witnessed. Fiction is okay too, but it doesn’t give it that personal feeling as opposed to writing a true story. I am so excited! Hopefully if all goes well, I will have my first book written by 2013! 🙂 — I am so happy! Today I decided! It is going to happen!

I Am Thinking About Going Back To School

Today, as I sat down, I did a lot of thinking and I am thinking about going back to school. I want to go back to school for journalism and professional writing for newspapers, magazines and hopefully, I can get on Oprah’s Magazine and write for her. I would love to write for magazines like Cosmopolitan, Flare, Chatelaine, Bride Magazines, House and Home, Kitchen Magazines, As well as Write for Ellen DeGeneres on her website, and Anderson Cooper. I am seriously thinking about also writing my very first book and compiling my blog entries into it and write about my blogging experiences. Hoping it will be a best seller in Book stores and online stores. I am so determined. I can do this! I just need to find a suitable course for me, and a good school that will help get results and quickly with finding a job and a career with these magazines or these awesome big figures in our world. Now that I think about it, I am going to give this school thing a shot. What have I got to lose? Nothing. I want to do this. I have found my passion in writing, and not only do I want to blog everyday, I also want to get out there and do something for people, to write, to try and inspire as many people as possible in this world, and to do things to help people out in this world.

Time to start searching on good schools, and get cracking on this. Lets do this Talin, Lets do this! 🙂

What Blogging Means To Me & My Life

In the past several months, that I have been on WordPress, I can say that I have such a beautiful audience and I have such incredible readers and supporters of my blog and I must say blogging is a new face of virtual journals, and diaries which can be shared amongst so many people in the world. Now, what blogging means to me is that, I like to make a difference in the world, I like to reach out to others who are depressed, who always think negative about things and who always puts themselves down. I want to assure you, you never have to feel that way. Always try to steer away from things that can upset you and make you not have a great day. My passion is to see a happy world with smiles, and nothing else in this world is more beautiful than a persons smile. That lights up the world and you have no idea how incredible a smile truly feels and when others see it, its contagious. Its a beautiful thing, so keep on doing it.

Now, I blog for so many personal reasons and one of the main things is what I listed above. I am more concerned about the quality of my posts, than quantity. for me blogging is not all about a popularity contest, to gain status, to gain those numbers and hits, to get famous and well known, that is not what I live for. Seeing that my blogs do make a good difference in ones life, and seeing people do good in life and respect and love each other is all that I ask for. I am not up for those famous, popularity things. that is not what I am after at all. I write blogs because it is a passion of mine, I write because it makes me feel so incredible inside to know that people are reading, to know people are noticing me and my writings. Now, so many people in my community, my church, my Bible study group, my friends want to know how to start up their own blog and how to get started with interesting blogs and make it appealing for others to see. Now that is such an incredible thing. Word of mouth or facebook is such a powerful tool and it gets spread around so easily and quickly…

One of the most important aspects of blogging is reaching out to others, educating others and mostly writing what you feel, writing your personal experiences. Blogging means to me so much more than just the writing itself. I feel great when I make a difference in the world and it gets me to know that when I do write those topics, that hopefully it will make a difference. Everything good you do, everything you stand for will be felt in your blogs. your readers will automatically feel it with you and that is such a beautiful thing. To my fellow bloggers, my advice to you is, never give up on blogging, never stop writing. It can be anything you like, just go with the flow, and be consistent with your blog, try to write about a different topic per day or a couple of times a week, it doesn’t matter, but you have to commit yourself to blogging, you have to give it your all. It can be tricky to come up with topics per day, but you can Google, you can find topics of interest, current events, anything you settle into. the bottom line is, its your blog, you can make it how you want it to be.

Happy blogging!


Jealousy Defined

For many years now we always hear the world Jealous, Jealousy. Jealousy is not a good trait to develop. Jealousy and that bond you once had can ruin friendships, relationships, and so much more. It is unbelievable what jealousy can do taint a persons reputation and so much more. Unfortunately there will always be jealous people out there and we cannot do anything about it. It is something that has been around for so many decades. When people start getting jealous of the other person, they do everything in their power to eliminate that persons happiness, and good nature. He or she will not stop until damage has been done. Here are a few scenarios on a person who can be jealous:

– Someone who has a golden heart, who has so many friends and supporters in life When a Jealous person who does not have all those.

– Someone who is established well at work and who is well off in life when a jealous person is not.

– Someone who doesn’t miss all the action going on and who is always there in everything, when a jealous person does not and cannot go to all of them.

– Someone who can cook and clean very well, when a jealous person cannot.

There are so many ways a person can be jealous. Everyone is not the same and do not think the same way, and some people are always out to hurt others, and to get others out there. Even if it means to destroy that person. There are people out there who are so jealous, that they take things to extreme measures, and break laws, threaten that person, and do the worst, attempting to kill that person, that there is something that extremely jealous people would do and would be capable of doing. It is unbelievable how terrible it is.

Now, sometimes Jealousy can be good by being jealous on good things, like seeing someone who has good shape, who is fit, and we look at them and say I am jealous of that persons body, maybe I should start taking care of my own body and do the same so I can look and feel healthy the way that person is, and so that I can start fitting into nice outfits and stuff. I think that sort of jealousy is fine, but do not let that jealousy get to you and do things that you would regret later in life, but I feel that we should be comfortable in our own skin and we shouldn’t let Jealousy control us, empower us and take over our lives or else a lot of problems will arise and we won’t know what would hit us.

Just be mindful and take it easy. It can save all the hassle in the long run. Be who you are and leave jealousy at the door.

Never Be Afraid To Ask For Help When You Need It Most.

Have you ever had the issue of being afraid to ask for help when you need it the most? Have you ever been in a middle of a situation and you hesitate and think twice about asking for a hand in something? I am sure all of us at some point have felt the embarrassment of it, but I can assure you, it is not an embarrassment or a fear. I know a lot of us want to do things on our own and be independent people without other people’s help, and a lot of people go on in life without help from other people, but never be afraid to ask for it when you need it, because there are so many dangerous things that can happen to someone if they do not ask for help. So many things can happen, such as when someone lifts something heavy and does not ask for help and then that persons back starts hurting or injures ones self badly. Don’t be ashamed to ask for help, when you do not ask for it, people will automatically think, that your trying to be the hero, your trying so hard to impress people by doing everything on your own, but your not doing yourself any good. You are harming your body and your health by doing that. Always think before you do something because when help is there and when there are people that ask you if you want help with things, and you say no, I can do it all on my own, then the next time you do need that help, they won’t be there and they will say, I thought you can do everything on your own?

It is not a bad thing when people are trying to be helpful to you and to give you their hands, time and energy to you. In any situation whether it is at work, home, something emotional, something physical, something that you need. If you do not ask, you won’t know the answer. Also if people ask, its great to always be polite when you ask. Always say, Hello, May I please have some assistance with this? Please and thank you, you will see that the answer will be a yes most of the time, and you will see great results. Also if someone is going through a tough emotional problem, stresses that a person needs a friend or someone to talk to, that person will say May I ask for advice on what to do in this certain situation? Its always a May I? Not can you? Not Can I? Never stop asking for help when you need it. I know it can be something that a lot of people fear, but do not fear, help is there. You just need to ask.

Some people are so proud and so high and mighty of themselves, but deep inside, they know exactly that they need that help, but they try and do everything to not feel the humiliation of asking. Its not an easy thing, I know, but it can be. Please and Thank you are magic words. Some people do not even say thank you to someone or people who have helped them or have done so much for that person. Please and Thank you’s are important and beautiful words. Its very important to utilize them in every aspect. So ask for help today. Don’t be afraid. No one is perfect. We all make mistakes, we all have differences, but one thing you should know, that help is not a bad thing. for anyone or anything. Give it a try and see for yourself.


Reader Appreciation Day!

Dear My Lovely Supporters, Readers,

I’d Like to say thank you so much for all your comments, your time reading my blog, giving me wonderful and positive feedback. I appreciate it all so much. I believe all of us have strengths, talents and the way to life and it should never be taken for granted. Blogging has become one of my priorities in my life and writing is my passion and finally I found what I really love doing and what I really am passionate about. I spent a lot of alone time and I was thinking about all the things I can do, and writing was one of them, and I instantly began to write for my Armenian Church and then it escalated from there starting my own blog in Google Blogspot, that did not pan out, so I moved to WordPress and I am loving it ever since. WordPress blogs and other bloggers have taught me a lot about life and how I am not alone in situations and I am so greatful to them all for taking the time to come to my blog and reply and giving me incredible awards, plaques, nominating me for so many different types of awards and you all carry a special place in my heart from my readers, supporters, family, friends and fans and all those websites of blogs that has my name on it, and among other websites. You all are so lovely and sweet and may you all be healthy, happy and everything else in between. All the best of the best in Life and may all your dreams come true. It is never too late to start dreaming. I LOVE you all very much and thanks again for everything.

Everyday should be Reader Appreciation Day but today I decided I dedicate it to you all.

Much Love,


Talin Orfali

Never Keep Anything Bottled Up Inside Of You. Always Bring It Out.

In My life I have learned not to keep anything bottled up inside and always spill the beans no matter what. I actually feel so much better everytime I do because if I keep anything bottled up inside of me, that makes life a lot more stressful and a big burden on your heart and it may suffocate you in the long run. Blogging takes a lot out of me as I express my feelings with writing and I talk to close people and loved ones in my life who understand my situations. If your going through rough times, or if you feel like venting out, do it. It is very good for you and it takes a big load off your mind and heart. You may not be aware of it, but you actually do make it better by speaking out about it.

People get sick, stressed, over-analyze themselves, sells ones self short, and all these terrible things can happen if all of us don’t speak out. People always tell me to never keep things inside of me unless they are secrets and things that people do not want me to tell anyone, that will always stay with me forever and I will never tell a soul, but besides that among everything else it should be said out, and they told me to never hesitate and be afraid of expressing myself. Its part of Human nature. All of us have problems, all of us have our worries so on and so forth, but its always good to say it out loud, its always good to confide in someone, if we don’t those problems will escalate and escalate and to the point like its a temperature gauge and when the mercury will explode. You do not want to get yourself to that level.

When you have a problem with someone, when you have issues you would like to discuss to someone, you tell it to their face and come up with solutions to solve that problem, or talk it over with someone, without other people interfering, and just have an open communication with whatever bothers you inside and whatever you need to express. Its super important to realize that. You may strengthen bonds with others by just doing that. You need to talk pleasantly and start the conversation by, “we need to talk about something that has been bothering me” or something along the lines of just being sincere and respectful as you confront the person, because nobody wants anyone to hound them and give them grief. Its always good to be respectful about it, rather than being hateful and rude. It sets yourself up for more problems when you want to solve it with others. You will see problems diminish and you will see that your bonds with people will be more strong if your straight forward, if you apply yourself and just let it all out. You don’t want a two faced person in front of you and a person who laughs and smiles but really they cannot stand the fact that there are problems that have not been discussed.

Some people do not realize the wrong they do, so we must make people aware of it and tell them like it is. No one likes a fake person. Its important to be real, to be nice about it and you will see how things will get better.

Life can sometimes throw obstacles to your face, so we need to talk to prevent those obstacles from contacting you. There are so many personalities, so many characters in life, different people, different mentalities, but always remember, “An Ugly Personality, Can Ruin a Pretty face” – UNKNOWN ——– So do yourself a favour, set yourself free and do not let anything get bottled up inside. You wouldn’t want to risk having a serious nervous breakdown now would you? Think about it!