People Need To Stop Being So Hard On Themselves and Move Forward

Hey All, I know it is easier said than done when it comes to people being hard on themselves because of a situation that person has been into and along with the emotional and mental chaos that has come with it. I know that we all in this world have our own problems and things that happen in life that we do not like or something went wrong in life and sometimes things do not go as planned, but people need to stop being so hard on themselves. It is so easy to put ones self down, but people need to learn that, things happen and sometimes we cannot control it, but that doesn’t mean that someone has to be so hard on themselves and to stop saying there is no hope, it is never going to happen, good things will never happen to me, I won’t get into a relationship, and then give up and say crazy things. You are only setting yourself up for more disappointment, and you are only hurting yourself when you think negatively and hurt yourself with the words you use among yourself. Don’t do that to yourself. I know sometimes it is easy to talk about it, but where is the action? Take action, do happy things for you, make happy decisions of course with thinking, and do things that will benefit you in the long run.

If you keep on doing this to yourself and if you do not move forward, there can be consequences and you do not want to go through them. What is wrong with who you are? Nothing. Everyone is special in their own ways, but people will never know that because that particular person in your life is always being hard on themselves, and crying, and saying depressive things all the time. Time to snap out of it and time to move forward in life. The past is the past and people should stop being pessimists and start on happy adventures in life. Where do we draw the line? I know sometimes it is hard and there have been terrible times in ones life that can never be the same again, but you can make it the same again with good thoughts about yourself and putting yourself up with people and never telling people you’re not good enough, and that you’re not up to par with anything and that you will never find someone. You will and you will succeed in life, you will do the goodness in your life. You just need to boost yourself with self-confidence, self-esteem and the willingness to move on.

You can’t move on if your always ashamed, if your always in your own world and your own bubble stressing about things that are not even worth your time anymore. You have come this far for a reason and that reason is that life continues, and life goes on. You can’t bring the past back and you can’t turn back time, so might as well as make your time worth while right? Making your life better, happier and doing positive things in life will be the best gift you can ever give yourself. It may take some time, but nothing ever happens overnight. In order to work for your happiness and good things in life, is your willingness to try, give it your best, and you will see the difference in change. Change is good, and life is good, you just haven’t discovered it yet, but you will. You can’t make a colourful happy rainbow without a little rain, and you can’t have sunshine without darkness. Dark times teach us lessons in life and that will turn into sunlight only if you try to do your best to move forward. Move it and move on. Nobody is perfect and nothing is ever a guarantee, which is why you live your life now, and make the best of it because nothing is permanent. We all have to stand up on our own feet and we must strive to be happy always and keep smiling. The world is a better place with you in it and the world is a better place with smiles.

Loving yourself is the best thing you can do, and when you love yourself, everything is possible. Love yourself, Smile, and stop with whatever you are doing to make your life a dark rain storm. After a rainstorm there is sun and life again. Be in the sun and shine bright. Have a positive attitude and go with the flow. All the best!

You Are Beautiful, It is The Society That Is Ugly

I do not even know where to begin with this. This is something that makes my blood boil and which gets me so angry. The society is an evil one with media and everything else that make-up makes girls and women beautiful and the society defines that, they are not good enough the way they are. It really gets on my nerves. These cosmetic companies are there to make money and they keep telling girls to keep wearing make-up, to keep up with the new trends of foundation, lipsticks, and everything and they get something embedded in girls, and women’s minds that they have to keep going to the local store to buy make-up and people dish out hundreds of dollars for these things. The society is what is making girls and women ugly and the society is ugly, the media is ugly, not women and girls. Everyone is beautiful and make-up should never define real beauty.

Yes I wear make-up but not everyday. Once in a while when I am at a party or something, but Make-up is something that I don’t really use. Real beauty comes from ourselves, our inner spirit, our inner selves. Women and girls are so beautiful and never forget that. All those chemicals, all those things you put on your face is something that is a concern. yes Make-up is fun, its fun to put on, and its one of the girly woman thing to do when with girlfriends, but don’t ever let that define who you are, don’t ever convince yourself of these make-up ads, that you’re not good enough and you have to look like those models who wear it. Photoshop, Airbrushed ad’s are so ridiculous. Everyone has a unique look to them, everyone is beautiful in their own ways. The society is making us believe that were not and that we have to keep putting this stuff on. All they care about is money and money unfortunately speaks louder, and they do not care about real beauty. No matter what they think and try to cover up (literally) their tracks and saying no it’s not true, were not trying to take away real women and girls beauty, but on the contrary, they are.

This is a really big issue and a lot of women and girls are faced with this challenge everyday and it makes me sad to see them not feeling good about themselves, not feeling like they are worth it, not feeling like they are not good enough. It pains me to see it and hear it happen, it really upsets me so much. I start to cry when people put themselves down, and calls oneself ugly, and hideous, and all these negative thoughts that render into their minds. It is all in their minds, but they should get rid of all those thoughts and feelings, your great just the way you are. YOU ARE!!! Cosmetics are evil. I am telling you. I have always encountered people especially teenagers that think make up is the best, but it is not to be honest with you. Make up should be worn on special occasions, and Halloween.

I am not trying to put these companies down, but it’s about time, that girls and women look in the mirror without make-up and look at themselves really closely and say in the mirror, I am beautiful. I do not need these chemicals on my face. A little lip gloss or lip balm and to keep the face clean and moisturizer is the way to go. Do me a favor ladies. Do not let the society, media, commercials, ads, magazine ads, define you and don’t let them control your feelings, don’t let them walk all over you, don’t let them tell you otherwise. Your beautiful and that is final!

Never Be Afraid To Ask For Help When You Need It The Most

Have you ever had the issue of being afraid to ask for help when you need it the most? Have you ever been in a middle of a situation and you hesitate and think twice about asking for a hand in something? I am sure all of us at some point have felt the embarrassment of it, but I can assure you, it is not an embarrassment or a fear. I know a lot of us want to do things on our own and be independent people without other people’s help, and a lot of people go on in life without help from other people, but never be afraid to ask for it when you need it, because there are so many dangerous things that can happen to someone if they do not ask for help. So many things can happen, such as when someone lifts something heavy and does not ask for help and then that persons back starts hurting or injures ones self badly. Don’t be ashamed to ask for help, when you do not ask for it, people will automatically think, that you’re trying to be the hero, you’re trying so hard to impress people by doing everything on your own, but you’re not doing yourself any good. You are harming your body and your health by doing that. Always think before you do something because when help is there and when there are people who ask you if you want help with things, and you say no, I can do it all on my own, then the next time you do need that help, they won’t be there and they will say, I thought you can do everything on your own?

It is not a bad thing when people are trying to be helpful to you and to give you their hands, time and energy to you. In any situation whether it is at work, home, something emotional, something physical, something that you need. If you do not ask, you won’t know the answer. Also if people ask, its great to always be polite when you ask. Always say, Hello, May I please have some assistance with this? Please and thank you, you will see that the answer will be a yes most of the time, and you will see great results. Also if someone is going through a tough emotional problem, stresses that a person needs a friend or someone to talk to, that person will say May I ask for advice on what to do in this certain situation? It’s always a May I? Not can you? Not Can I? Never stop asking for help when you need it. I know it can be something that a lot of people fear, but do not fear, help is there. You just need to ask.

Some people are so proud and so high and mighty of themselves, but deep inside, they know exactly that they need that help, but they try to do everything to not feel the humiliation of asking. It’s not an easy thing, I know, but it can be. Please and Thank you are magic words. Some people do not even say thank you to someone or people who have helped them or have done so much for that person. Please and Thank you’s are important and beautiful words. It’s very important to utilize them in every aspect. So ask for help today. Don’t be afraid. No one is perfect. We all make mistakes, we all have differences, but one thing you should know, that help is not a bad thing. for anyone or anything. Give it a try to see for yourself.

Never Put Yourself Down – No Matter What Life Throws At You

Well hello February! I want to start off the month with something that has been a course of concern for me and I have been witnessing and experiencing this from other people and I am not liking it at all. It is really bothering me of how some people can say bad things and put themselves down and that is something that I am not happy with. I’ve heard people put themselves down because they failed in something in life, they feel like they look a certain way that makes people not like them, how people insult themselves and their ability to do something. Its not a good thing to do. No matter what life throws at you, you shouldn’t put yourself down. Life is unpredictable, anything can happen, but never lose your self worth, never lose your sense and always know that we are all able to do something in our lives. One may be great at doing something and one may be good at doing another thing. It is the way our life cycle works. We all have a purpose in life, and it just hurts me to see people selling themselves short.

Life can be such a battle, life can be difficult, Yes we all go through problems, issues and personal things that sometimes puts us in a predicament, life can change at any moment, things can happen that are unexpected, but never lose yourself and make fun of yourself because something is not going the way you planned it to be at that moment in time. Things always have a way of working out and everything happens for a reason. You just have to trust yourself, put yourself up, always think with positivity, optimism and always know that life will get better. Sometimes life gets tricky, sometimes we end up doing things were not proud of, we make mistakes, were human after all right? So lighten up a little, don’t insult yourself and tell yourself you are not good enough, that you are not all that, because you are all that. You don’t need to try so hard to impress others. Just be yourself, and don’t ever succumb into negative feelings. I know sometimes you cannot help being sad and sad is a part of life, but don’t let it overpower you.

You are special in your own way, you have your talents, skills, abilities and so much potential that you can share with the world. Just because something doesn’t happen for you right now, doesn’t mean it never will. Just give yourself some time, just stop and breath and just relax. Everything will happen when you least expect it No matter what life throws. We do have somethings to offer to the world, but sometimes were afraid to express it, some people are really self conscious about things and do not want to perform and do not want to get out there. Everyone has an ability. Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, its about learning how to dance in the rain. I have learned that in my life. Just take it easy and learn. It is never late to learn new things, you learn new things about the world, you learn new things about you, you are always learning, even though you do not realize it. It always comes out to be in the end.

Just learn to trust yourself, give yourself that push, the poise, confidence, optimistic and happy approach to everything or else if you keep putting yourself down, you will not get anywhere in life. So keep going, pick yourself up, smile and face the world and what it throws at you. Life is beautiful. It is up to you to make it beautiful. Enjoy life, Live a little, let loose, and take sometime to take care of you and to do things for you.

All the best to you all.

Never Be Afraid To Ask For Help When You Need It Most.

Have you ever had the issue of being afraid to ask for help when you need it the most? Have you ever been in a middle of a situation and you hesitate and think twice about asking for a hand in something? I am sure all of us at some point have felt the embarrassment of it, but I can assure you, it is not an embarrassment or a fear. I know a lot of us want to do things on our own and be independent people without other people’s help, and a lot of people go on in life without help from other people, but never be afraid to ask for it when you need it, because there are so many dangerous things that can happen to someone if they do not ask for help. So many things can happen, such as when someone lifts something heavy and does not ask for help and then that persons back starts hurting or injures ones self badly. Don’t be ashamed to ask for help, when you do not ask for it, people will automatically think, that your trying to be the hero, your trying so hard to impress people by doing everything on your own, but your not doing yourself any good. You are harming your body and your health by doing that. Always think before you do something because when help is there and when there are people that ask you if you want help with things, and you say no, I can do it all on my own, then the next time you do need that help, they won’t be there and they will say, I thought you can do everything on your own?

It is not a bad thing when people are trying to be helpful to you and to give you their hands, time and energy to you. In any situation whether it is at work, home, something emotional, something physical, something that you need. If you do not ask, you won’t know the answer. Also if people ask, its great to always be polite when you ask. Always say, Hello, May I please have some assistance with this? Please and thank you, you will see that the answer will be a yes most of the time, and you will see great results. Also if someone is going through a tough emotional problem, stresses that a person needs a friend or someone to talk to, that person will say May I ask for advice on what to do in this certain situation? Its always a May I? Not can you? Not Can I? Never stop asking for help when you need it. I know it can be something that a lot of people fear, but do not fear, help is there. You just need to ask.

Some people are so proud and so high and mighty of themselves, but deep inside, they know exactly that they need that help, but they try and do everything to not feel the humiliation of asking. Its not an easy thing, I know, but it can be. Please and Thank you are magic words. Some people do not even say thank you to someone or people who have helped them or have done so much for that person. Please and Thank you’s are important and beautiful words. Its very important to utilize them in every aspect. So ask for help today. Don’t be afraid. No one is perfect. We all make mistakes, we all have differences, but one thing you should know, that help is not a bad thing. for anyone or anything. Give it a try and see for yourself.

Never Be Afraid To Ask For Help When You Need It Most.

Have you ever had the issue of being afraid to ask for help when you need it the most? Have you ever been in a middle of a situation and you hesitate and think twice about asking for a hand in something? I am sure all of us at some point have felt the embarrassment of it, but I can assure you, it is not an embarrassment or a fear. I know a lot of us want to do things on our own and be independent people without other people’s help, and a lot of people go on in life without help from other people, but never be afraid to ask for it when you need it, because there are so many dangerous things that can happen to someone if they do not ask for help. So many things can happen, such as when someone lifts something heavy and does not ask for help and then that persons back starts hurting or injures ones self badly. Don’t be ashamed to ask for help, when you do not ask for it, people will automatically think, that your trying to be the hero, your trying so hard to impress people by doing everything on your own, but your not doing yourself any good. You are harming your body and your health by doing that. Always think before you do something because when help is there and when there are people that ask you if you want help with things, and you say no, I can do it all on my own, then the next time you do need that help, they won’t be there and they will say, I thought you can do everything on your own?

It is not a bad thing when people are trying to be helpful to you and to give you their hands, time and energy to you. In any situation whether it is at work, home, something emotional, something physical, something that you need. If you do not ask, you won’t know the answer. Also if people ask, its great to always be polite when you ask. Always say, Hello, May I please have some assistance with this? Please and thank you, you will see that the answer will be a yes most of the time, and you will see great results. Also if someone is going through a tough emotional problem, stresses that a person needs a friend or someone to talk to, that person will say May I ask for advice on what to do in this certain situation? Its always a May I? Not can you? Not Can I? Never stop asking for help when you need it. I know it can be something that a lot of people fear, but do not fear, help is there. You just need to ask.

Some people are so proud and so high and mighty of themselves, but deep inside, they know exactly that they need that help, but they try and do everything to not feel the humiliation of asking. Its not an easy thing, I know, but it can be. Please and Thank you are magic words. Some people do not even say thank you to someone or people who have helped them or have done so much for that person. Please and Thank you’s are important and beautiful words. Its very important to utilize them in every aspect. So ask for help today. Don’t be afraid. No one is perfect. We all make mistakes, we all have differences, but one thing you should know, that help is not a bad thing. for anyone or anything. Give it a try and see for yourself.


You Are Beautiful, It is The Society That Is Ugly

I do not even know where to begin with this. This is something that makes my blood boil and which gets me so angry. The society is an evil one with media and everything else that make-up makes girls and women beautiful and the society defines that, they are not good enough the way they are. It really gets on my nerves. These cosmetic companies are there to make money and they keep telling girls to keep wearing make-up, to keep up with the new trends of foundation, lipsticks, and everything and they get something embedded in girls, and women’s minds that they have to keep going to the local store to buy make-up and people dish out hundreds of dollars for these things. The society is what is making girls and women ugly and the society is ugly, the media is ugly, not women and girls. Everyone is beautiful and make-up should never define real beauty.

Yes I wear make-up but not everyday. Once in a while when I am at a party or something, but Make-up is something that I don’t really use. Real beauty comes from ourselves, our inner spirit, our inner selves. Women and girls are so beautiful and never forget that. All those chemicals, all those things you put on your face is something that is a concern. yes Make-up is fun, its fun to put on, and its one of the girly woman thing to do when with girlfriends, but don’t ever ever let that define who you are, don’t ever convince yourself of these make-up ads, that your not good enough and you have to look like those models who wear it. Photoshop, Airbrushed ad’s are so ridiculous. Everyone has a unique look to them, everyone is beautiful in their own ways. The society is making us believe that were not and that we have to keep putting this stuff on. All they care about is money and money unfortunately speaks louder, and they do not care about real beauty. No matter what they think and try to cover up (literally) their tracks and saying no its not true, were not trying to take away real women and girls beauty, but on the contrary, they are.

This is a really big issue and a lot of women and girls are faced with this challenge everyday and it makes me sad to see them not feeling good about themselves, not feeling like they are worth it, not feeling like they are not good enough. It pains me to see it and hear it happen, it really upsets me so much. I start to cry when people put themselves down, and calls oneself ugly, and hideous, and all these negative thoughts that render into their minds. It is all in their minds, but they should get rid of all those thoughts and feelings, your great just the way you are. YOU ARE!!! Cosmetics are evil. I am telling you. I have always encountered people especially teenagers that think make up is the best, but it is not to be honest with you. Make up should be worn on special occasions, and Halloween.

I am not trying to put these companies down, but its about time, that girls and women look in the mirror without make-up and look at themselves really closely and say in the mirror, I am beautiful. I do not need these chemicals on my face. A little lip gloss or lip balm and to keep the face clean and moisturized is the way to go. Do me a favor ladies. Do not let the society, media, commercials, ads, magazine ads, define you and don’t let them control your feelings, don’t let them walk all over you, don’t let them tell you otherwise. Your beautiful and that is final!