Looking At Pictures from The Past & Into the Present

Ever sit down one day or evening and think about opening up your photo albums shelf, drawer or wherever you store your photos, and just think about all the memories shared, the family and friends in pictures? Some of those people can still be with us, and unfortunately, some people may not be due to the passing of loved ones or those who are not part of our lives anymore. Whatever the situation can be.

In my photo albums, There have been family members and friends we have lost due to passing away and all we have are memories of pictures of them to look at which makes looking at pictures from the past bittersweet for a lot of us. It can be such an emotional moment. Those pictures become sentimental because it makes you think that, these people in my family or family friends used to be with us.

We also look at pictures from happy moments such as birthdays, weddings, engagement, travels, graduation, births, children, and so many other events in our life to capture and document them.

Nowadays, a lot of people seem to upload their memories on social media, as well as on their computers. There are people who still go out to develop photos to keep outside of technology and to me looking at photos that way seem all the more personal and a great feeling without the usage of a screen. I think the traditional method is the greatest. You know what they say, a Pictures says a thousand words and it definitely does. Sometimes you become speechless and just admire the moment that you do see the picture. In present time pictures get sent instantly within seconds.

I became a sentimental person a long time ago since I was about 5-6. My parents always taught me the importance of keeping things that are greeting cards, to gifts, and so many other things. Not to the point where it clutters my space, but super important things, and even things I have kept from my travels from airline boarding passes, airline tickets, baggage tags, and even shampoo bottles and logos of resorts or hotels in the room or around my travels.

Do you still go to get your photos developed?

Canadian Politics – Political Party Competition of Canada

In life most of us if not all of us want great leaders to lead our country with no strings attached, those who really value our life, giving back to hard working individuals, and being fair to us all. I really think that there should not be any political parties or any caucus. There should not be any politics when it comes to leading a country. Take the NDP, Liberal, Conservative, Green Party or whatever else out. Many people are so focused on all that on who is the best and who is the worst. The main and important thing is to not go to any side. It should be the side that is right and who will be responsible, who will keep promises, be good examples of our citizens in our country of Canada and really put a stop of this constant immaturity of pointing fingers and being childish. In the end whatever decisions are made really impact the rest of us who reside in Canada.

I really want to see change for the better, putting positivity, faith and encouragement back into the people of Canada. I don’t want to feel like the people who want to be the next Prime Minister of our country to go back and forth and compete. These political parties should all be taken out. I just cannot fathom it any longer.

To me, it seems more like a competition of a beauty pageant or another type of competitive show of he says, she says type of thing. There should be One Caucus, and One Canada. Only! Those who are serious, dedicated, spends money on things that matter and are important for our well-being, demonstrates quality instead of quantity, who demonstrates compassion and who really cares about us Citizen’s, Residents of Canada that really should be leading our country.

Academics VS Life and Personality

In our lifetime, some people respect others a lot due to their academic, education standards in which they bring top marks all the time, being straight A Students, bringing over 90-95 or more average in their report cards, however many people misconstrued intelligence with education/academic standards. Yes being educated in the books and the class is a key component to life, but academics should not be everything in life. — The most important thing about life is to have a great personality, be a sociable person, developing people skills, having street smarts, to be thoughtful, and not always revolving your life with academics.

Everything has a limit, but some people go way overboard about it when it comes to education. Never confuse education with intelligence. A lot of people seem to be doing that. Some people do not even look at you if you do not have top notch degrees, PHD, and high academic standards and that is so wrong. Somebody who has struggled in school or did not become as successful are always looked down and treated like they do not know better than the above average person and that is so wrong. Nobody is better than the other person just because their academic standards are a lot higher than anybody else.

Some people do not even look at a person because of that and it is not only wrong, but very insulting. A lot of people become successful even without high grades in education. People spend thousands of dollars, take out student loans and so many things to get a top notch education, studies, exams and whatever else and then when it comes time to look for employment after graduation, people end up working in retail and fast food places where it is totally different than what they were anticipating and that is just terrible.

People who work for retail, fast food places, and other occupations, doesn’t make it any better than those who are in high places.

I am all for education and everything, but that should not be everything. When you think about it, having people and actual life skills are the most important things in life and should be a priority more than anything else in life. A lot of people go to school for so many years after high school to become something, to venture out, make big bucks and stuff, but the key to life is to be a people person more than anything else.

Yes school teaches us a lot about life, struggles, hard work and determination to get up there, but that should not be everything. Those who are highly educated should not belittle, look down at everybody else, brag so much about their academic journey and make the rest of the people look and feel bad about themselves. That is not good. I mean yes, its a good thing to tell people your good news and everything, but there is a limit, and people go way overboard about it. Not a good trait to develop.

People skills, communication is far more important than what a piece of paper says about our academic journey through life. Think about it.

Time is Valuable – Courtesy and Punctuality Matter

In life, whether were invited to a restaurant gathering, parties, get togethers, catching a flight out,  even for school, work, a job interview, or anything that it could be, even a date, meeting up for coffee, punctuality and being early is very important. I know sometimes due to unforeseen circumstances it happens where people are late, or get caught up on something, the best thing to do is let others know who you will be meeting that you are running late. It is common courtesy and respectful. Your time is as valuable as the other peoples time. So it goes both ways.

Tips and Advice on how to manage time, to be early and punctual.

— Say you get invited to a restaurant for dinner at 7:30 and reservations have been made and you are there at 7 7:15, which is good to be early to respect other peoples time, then you see other arriving at 7:30 right on the dot, then you see late people arriving an hour later at 8:30. People are munching on Appetizers already because they waited long enough. — Respecting time is important and especially respecting other people in the process.

— Say you go to the airport and you arrive there at 3pm and your flight is at 6:30pm, which is great to be there 3 and a half hours before, but some people decide to show up at 4:30 or 5pm and flight is at 6:30, they think that they can be allowed boarding and they think that their luggage will make it to the plane. I do not think so. Respect the time given to be at the airport prior to departure and make it to your plane on time so others do not have to wait for that one or two people who decide to play around and not get to the gate on time.

— Never leave things to the last minute to get ready, to shower, to allow time to get ready after the shower. do it in advanced and start getting ready an hour or two before a party and also take into factor how long it will take to get to the venue from your place and get ready accordingly. You do not want to be one of those people who arrive to a party at 10 at night, when a party starts at 7. No matter what it is, its important to value time, manage time well, and do important things first then allocate enough time to do what is necessary. Be courteous no matter what it is.

— Job interviews, going to school and work on time is very important. Especially when you are going for a job interview. Be there about half an hour before or an hour before. get yourself prepared, and gather your thoughts. Always look at the time and get to places on time. It is very crucial to be punctual in everything in life.

— When you are invited to someones place at say 4pm on a Saturday, and agree to go, be there right at 4pm or about 10 minutes before. Every minute counts and they count on you to be on time. It is not nice to not show up at someones house at 6pm, without letting them know you will be late or something is going on that you cannot make it right at 4.

— A simple I cannot be there on time, or I have some things to take care of, or got pre-occupied with things should be mentioned to those waiting for you, they have every right to know. Time is of the essence. Calling, texting, e-mailing and always communicating is so imperative.

— Do not be a last minute RSVP person — If you get an invitation to a party, wedding, engagement, shower or other events 2-3 or 4 months in advanced, or just 2 months in advanced, and say the Card says shower is on July 31st, but your RSVP Reservation with the amount of persons in attendance must be due by July 10 or July 15th — but then have someone say they are attending on July 27th or 28th, just couple of days before is so wrong. You had all that time to decide. Do not just leave it as last minute. RESPOND as soon as possible —- It is money, and time were talking here. These people need to prepare and get numbers into the banquet halls or create the tables and how many plates to add… Be respectful. They did a great thing by including you, Help them in the process.

Some Quotes Found online in relative to this post:

“Arriving late is a way of saying that your own time is valuable than the time of the person who waited for you” — Karen Joy Fowler

“If you CANNOT be on time, Then be EARLY” — Unknown

“punctuality is the Art of Waiting for the careless people: – Unknown

“Punctuality – Be there an hour early, then a minute too late – Time is valuable” — unknown

“Punctuality is the soul of Business” — Thomas Chandler Haliburton

“Punctuality is the politeness of kings & the duty of gentle people EVERYWHERE” — Unknown

“Life is getting up early in the morning to live a couple of hours more” — Unknown


Have you been a victim of a person who has stood you up? Have you been someone who is the one to always wait for others to be on time? Have people contacted you to say they will be late? Are you always the early one to arrive well in advanced because you have been taught to respect time and ones who have proper etiquette? It is always good to be like that.


Do you have bad habits when it comes to procrastination? Do you have bad habits of being late because you had to do your hair and make-up? Do you have the bad habit to show up to a party 2-3 hours later knowing that everyone has already eaten, so you get the cold food after or they are going to have to make an extra batch for you to heat your food up, or have missed the beginning speeches or whatever it is? Change your bad habits, work on being courteous and on time. It saves a lot of problems with people depending on you.

Also do not say you will be there, and then not show up..

Punctuality is key to success in business, relationships, friendships which then builds trust and common decency. Best wishes and to better time management!

The Dream to Meet Mark Zuckerberg – Founder of Facebook

Recently in the last 10 years or so, social media has been booming and blossoming like wild flowers. It is incredible how social media is such a viral and powerful tool in our lives which many of us use it for our businesses, ourselves, to communicate with friends, family and colleagues, and Mark Zuckerberg made that possible with Facebook. Mark is the founder and creator of the giant social media outlet and now more than a billion users are on the website.

All of a sudden A few weeks ago, as I was sleeping, I had this dream that I had met with Mark Zuckerberg and we teamed up to build another social media and networking outlet called “SocialCore” which went viral in seconds, which then millions of people joined our launched website within the week. I remember in my dream, I had flown to California in San Francisco, then Chicago, New York, Boston, Seattle, Vancouver, Montreal and other places to brand, market and do many interviews with Mark Zuckerberg to Television, YouTube and other media outlets in Newspapers and more. Then it went global to other continents of the world. It was something so incredible. It was quite the exciting dream, that I didn’t want to wake up, and just keep letting it happen.

Now, with all that said, I really want to meet the King of Facebook, and have dinner with him, and discuss about the leading industry of our world, and pick his brain about this awesome trend of social media going on. Mark and I are only a year and 14 days apart.  It is quite amazing to communicate to people across the world and send e-mails, messages, pictures, videos, likes, groups and other things in an instant. Without this industry, I wouldn’t have met most of my friends whom are so close to me now, I would not have had such beautiful and great fans who support me and my blog, and so much more like they are my family which they are part of my family which I am ever so grateful for Facebook and the journey I am going through now and will never stop. Thank you Mark Zuckerberg. I can hug you a thousand, million times. I appreciate it very much.

Happy 10th Birthday Facebook! Taking Social Media To A New Level

It was 8 years ago that I joined this social media website to stay in touch with family, friends, people in relative to me and people I have met through my travels and beyond. Little did I know, that the circle would get bigger. I met some incredible, beautiful, lovely people from this social media website that I began to meet some of them in person a few years later, which made the world a smaller place. I have yet to meet a few people who I so badly want to meet that I met from other friends on Facebook by merely commenting on a picture or status message and we automatically grew fond of each other, so we added each other and our friendships have blossomed since then.We have become like a family and its an amazing feeling to know that you can take time away from life’s busy schedule and converse and keep updated with your Facebook Family online.

Facebook unites many people around the world. Its incredible on how things fall into place, and see how many people are interested in the same things you are by just joining groups, pages and fan pages of a famous personality, idol, or other miscellaneous things.

Facebook definitely makes the world smaller and in seconds a lot of photos, videos, links, news, sending wishes for birthdays, baby, wedding, engagement, graduation, university announcements, invitations to events and parties, status messages, comments, messages, likes, groups, pages, businesses, food, restaurants, menus, recipes, radio stations, entertainment, movies and other things gets transmitted throughout the world. Sometimes all you need is Facebook to get all your news and information with the help of Links of course. I love Facebook because it’s a website that I am so grateful for and for Mark Zuckerberg who created this so that our communication becomes easier with the world and encountering many people on all walks of life.

Thank you Facebook for Connecting me to the world and to people I would never have met if it wasn’t for you. I am so blessed to have you all on my list and I love you all very much! Mind you, I am very careful with my selections on who I choose to add-on my friends list. I have been around on the Internet since 1997 and I am very well-educated when it comes to social media moguls and everything else.

If anybody has anything bad to say about Facebook, it’s because of the way you use it, Some use it carelessly, some use it to do bad things, some use it to do stupid things. As long as you use Facebook wisely and know what you are doing, and what you are sharing, posting and who you have on your Facebook account, that is good, but do not post every single aspect of your life as it can be misinterpreted. So the bottom line is, if you do not want your personal business on a social media site, do not post it at all because somebody can see it within the second you post it. Some things have to remain private and don’t use Facebook to bully others, hurt or offend other people, Photoshopping in a bad way and making insensitive posts. Post wisely, because each thing you post does not go away, even after deleted. Especially on a Social Media website, that can be accessed by billions of people around the world. So be careful, exercise caution and use it to inspire, to be kind, to do great things with it like communicating, and enjoying it.

Do you use Facebook in a great way? Do you have an account? If so, what are your thoughts about the social media website? What do you like or not like about it? I would love to hear your opinions on it. How can you spread the awareness to use Facebook in a good manner and not use it in the wrong way?

Most about Facebook is good, incredible, and awesome and I believe that Facebook has changed the interface of communications forever. I wish FB Continued success throughout the years. Heres to strengthening communication of people from a distance, and cheers to everlasting friendships through Facebook across the many miles around the world. Happy Birthday Facebook! Heres to another 10 years and beyond!

Never Give Up On Your Passion – Keep Reaching For The Stars

In My life, I have been so passionate about many things, and one of them is to write. I have been doing that for 11+ years now, and I am not stopping on what I am passionate about. Not only does writing interest me and what has been instilled in my life for more than a decade now, but I know I have so many other great skills and talents I want to utilize in this limited life. I want to make a difference in this world, I want to shine, I want to get to where I have always dreamed of. In the last little while, I have been walking like I am on the red carpet of an award show, and holding something that resembles an award and pretending that I am accepting that award and thanking everyone, and being so grateful. Well, I do not want to pretend anymore.

I want to make it a reality, and I want to one day feel that feeling of so many people being proud of me, and my accomplishments. No dream is unrealistic, and no dream is too big and out of reach. When you are passionate about something and feel so incredible, amazing, and wonderful about, you got to try your best, you got to reach for the stars and I know that it will not be an easy task to do so, but eventually you will get there. I know I cannot just sit behind a computer screen and write and write. I must get out there to shine and head out to where I can make my dreams a reality. God has a plan for you. Maybe not now, but in the near future or someday. I am just so happy that I have discovered my God given skills and talents, that someday I will represent All Armenians in the community and basically the community of the world of all nationalities, all walks of life and do my best in this life.

I know I must do this on my own, and nobody will walk in my journey to get there and reach for the stars as I must stand on my own two feet, I can’t just keep talking and writing about it like I am now,  but I do believe that the more people that get my name out there, the more people that know of me and about me and my purpose, the more better it will be. Somebody in the entertainment industry, an idol of many people, a famous personality will see my blog. I want to clarify, that I am not just doing this to get myself famous for the sake of getting famous and getting the publicity I want, but its to make a difference, its to do something fulfilling to reach to many people as I am a people lover, and I am a people person, even in my local community, and surroundings.

I just love to write, I love to get my feelings, my words and myself out there for the world to see me and who I am. I know I have a lot to give out to the world, and I know I can do this. I will not let negative, jealous and those who do not believe in me that I can’t do it, that I can’t get there, because I can, and I will.

God bless you all and Thank you to those who believe in me. Your support means so much more. I love you all!

Talin’s Journey to Hollywood – My Vow To Fans

In the past 11 and a half years, I have taken this journey into writing for my Armenian community newsletters, writing scripts for my drama class back in high school, getting great marks in English class, always writing speeches for my Armenian community, where I had the pleasure of having the opportunity to conduct public speeches, where I got so excited to do, and I had standing ovations after my speeches and soon after I would have many people greet me throughout the event, where people would compliment me on a job well done. After a few years writing for my Armenian Community, I resorted to online posting since Facebook was established, and soon after I began the wonderful world of Blogging and engaging into social media a lot more, where I can put my thoughts, feelings, and the way I see things into light.

Having said all of that, Writing has been a passion of mine for so long now and I plan to utilize my skills, talent and my enthusiasm to fulfill my dreams of writing for big productions in Hollywood, California in Los Angeles, where I can grow and adapt and make my writing journey one that will mean so much to me. I know in Hollywood there is a lot of competition, there are thousands of people who want to be in that position where they want to make a name out of themselves in the public eye and for everyone to know that person. I know you are probably wondering what I can bring to the entertainment industry? That is a simple question to answer, simply by saying that, I know I can bring fresh new ideas to the productions, and big television and movie corporations and especially making the fans my #1 priority, as that should matter in the end as that is the main reason why the entertainment industry survives today, as many Actors, Actresses, Directors and Producers have said at award shows and interviews on television.

In the past month and a half, I have encountered and met many new friends online from many places in the world and sharing with them my views, their feelings, emotions and opinions on the whole Michael Muhney and Billy Miller Case of being Let go from The Young And The Restless Soap Opera on Television, and so much more that caused a major blowout with many fans being disappointed with the outcome, and thousands and thousands of fans took it to social media websites, magazines, newspapers, and other news outlets to share their emotions, and those fans are serious about not watching the show after January 30th, 2014 when it will be the last time we see Michael Muhney or Billy Miller and it is sad to see them go with the poor writing and story-lines that have been airing lately and fans are working so hard to get the actors that we love on the show back and bring great quality writers who can render and work their great craft, where fans can finally be happy, satisfied with the outcome and mainly make us smile and wait impatiently to come home from work or school to tune into our favorite show, to PVR pre-record the show, so that the fans can watch it. If things are not dealt with in a proper fashion, Fans maybe lost for good, and they can tune into other soap operas and they can do something else with their time.

Also, with that being said, I want to get to Los Angeles, I want to be able to look at that Hollywood sign on the hills everyday, and say I made it, I want to wake up everyday with those big tall palm trees of California and say, I made it, and I want to get that satisfaction, that pleasure into know that I made fans smile, that I made them feel important because they are important to me, and I promise and make that vow to my fans, that whatever I do, and will do, it is for the great benefit of you and I will one day get on the Movie Critics Awards, Golden Globe Awards, Screen Actors Guild Awards, The Oscars, The Academy Awards, Peoples Choice Awards, Emmy Awards, Prime-time and Daytime, and when and if I win those awards, I will dedicate it to the fans firstly, and I will say, without Fans, our careers will not be where it is, and it would never exist. Thank you fans. It is all about making priorities, It is all about putting people first. I want to know that what I have or will do will blossom the entertainment industry and how incredible life can be for those who depend, who dedicate their lives to our craft and what we do.

If I can one day get this chance, if I can one day get to where I want to be, I will work so hard, accept and take on many challenges, and I will be prepared for whatever comes my way. I know it is easy to say it now, and it is easy to talk, but where I stand, there will be not that much talking, and there will be action taken with every vow I take for my fans, and for every single person whom I will work with or work for and create a family in the entertainment world. I am so excited and ready for this phase of my life. I cannot do it without you all and without your help to send me there. Thank you to those who believe in me and thank you so much for the sweet and lovely comments. I appreciate that so much. This is for you!

Why Do Good Soft Hearted People Always Get Knocked Down?

Recently, in life there have been some unpleasant things going on in general that I am not liking whatsoever. For example, when you are so great with what you do, and who you are as a person in your job like, and when so many people who are fans and supporters of that actor/actress on a TV show or Soap Opera, people high up always tend to ruin a good thing and they do not even realize that many fans and supporters hearts will be broken from a good hearted and soft hearted person getting let go from the excellent work that they do. It really is terrible knowing that you are just a number and can be replaced like your nothing when your time is up or not. They need to realize that, messing with fans emotions and feelings and taking fans for a ride is not a laughing and joking matter. It is quite serious and that is losing and betraying the trust of all of us who are/were supporters. These people controlling and making decisions seem like they do not even care. Its very sad and disgusting.

Its like ordinary people in daily general life. In the world people take advantage of you, and do not even care about you and your feelings and the outcome of it all, because they know that they can keep asking you, and counting on you to do things and you never say no and they know that they can get anything from that person, they know they can run and walk all over you because they know how to get things done, and they do not care who gets hurt from it all.

Its something that I cannot make sense of at all and I just need to ask why Good and Soft-Hearted people are often the ones who get knocked down, get mistreated and shafted when not needed anymore? It is so unfair, life is so unfair, especially to the good people, Easily being replaced or looking for another person to do the same thing to. I just cannot understand it at all, and I am trying to look for answers, that I cannot even look for.

In this life, sometimes being a soft-hearted, good hearted, person does not work in some cases. Learning to speak up,  being tough, putting your foot down, standing up for yourself and your rights and saying no once in a while does not  hurt, it just puts others to the ultimate test to see if they are real and good friends to you and to see if those people are walking all over you. Sometimes there are people who take others for a ride all if not most of the time and the Soft and Good hearted person does not see it and will do anything and everything for other people, but when it comes to that individual, and when you ask the same from others its always a struggle to get things in return. I know some do things all the time from people without asking anything in return, but its nice to be acknowledged once in a while and having others do nice things for you.

Some realize that what they are doing is wrong, and they still do it because they do not even have an ounce of decency in them and they do not care who they hurt in the process, unfortunately they always run to the good and soft people because they know that they can play with that persons heart, and emotions. It is sickening. I am just so frustrated because I have been there, I have been through so much with always saying yes, I have been naive, I have been blinded by being used, with people always putting me to the side when not needed anymore, and a lot of fake people are around and this society has become that. Fake people hurt others like crazy, and It puts a scar in your life, because no matter what you do, its like Damn if you do, Damn if you don’t. Now, from your perspective, what do you think of this? What do you do when this issue arises?

In the meantime, Do not worry, keep up being great, soft-hearted people in this world, they are great traits, keep it up, As for those fake people, and those who take others for a ride, someday, I hope that they will realize and sit down and think long and hard and say what I am doing is wrong, and I should stop it, apologize to people and make better choices in society with socializing with others. It will make the world a better, friendlier and nicer place. I hope that I will see that day.

Have you learned to be more tough in this life? How have you handled it? Would like to hear from you.

My Hollywood Dream – My Big Break – My Journey to LA

In life we all dream of something we want to do, want to be, and where we want our life to be, who we want to meet, what we wish for, and not letting others rain on your parade and not letting others put you down on what you feel and what you dream of and what you want to work so hard for, and watching the Golden Globe Awards last night, made me realize that it is possible to reach that point and its my dream to one day wear a great dress, to have my name announced to get up on stage to receive this prestigious and incredible award for great achievement.

When I visited Hollywood and Los Angeles area in October, 2012, My emotions were running high and did a lot of thinking and reflection atop of The Griffith Observatory, and said I will get there someday and I too will be on top of that Hollywood Hills looking down at Los Angeles where the stars are, and I too will get my big break.

There is no such thing as an unrealistic dream. Everyone has the right and is entitled to dream whatever they want to dream, everyone has a purpose in life. I know sometimes some dreams take a while for it to come true, some dreams do come true and some do not, but do not lose hope in your dreams, do not lose faith in whatever you want to do, see, and discover. The sky is the limit.

I am working so hard with my writing, writing everyday, spending countless hours on social media, social networking, tweeting, having my Facebook Fan page, enrolling myself to entertainment outlets in Hollywood and other places like movies, soap operas, mini series, Television series, but with the amount of e-mail these people receive have been staggering and sometimes I do not even know if they read everything which gets me a little discouraged, but I am not giving up in getting myself out there to get noticed and hopefully to fulfill my dreams, working my butt off to make my dreams a reality.

I know you may think that I am trying to seek attention, but I am not.  I know I can do this, I will not let negative people put my dreams down, I will not let jealous people get in the way of my happiness and my hopes and dreams as nobody should do that to anybody, but to encourage them and give them that push and positivity in life..

I cannot do this without you my family, friends and fans.  I cannot do this without those connected somehow to the Entertainment industry, and to get my name out to Hollywood would mean so much to me. You have no idea how important this is to me. I have found my calling and I plan to utilize my energy and my enthusiasm to make it in this world and make each and everyone of you my family, friends, fans proud.

My #1 priority will be the people (my fans) and those who will engage into my career which I hope will take off and I will do great things and I will make the entertainment industry shine even more. I love you all, and thank you to my supporters. This ones for you!

Without Fans, The Entertainment Industry Is Nothing

In life, most of us if not all of us in this world enjoy the entertainment industry, Some of us like all aspects of entertainment, and some enjoy only one kind, and many Television, Music, Movie, Soap Operas, Radio shows, Talk Shows, and other Entertainment Personalities get discovered, and some by luck, and some by just walking in to audition for a part, and some just get lucky naturally, but they are extremely lucky to have fans like us to support the entertainment industry. It is the fans who spend so much money to go see movies, to go to concerts to watch our favorite singers, to watch television shows, to go to events where our favorite celebrities will be there, Fans spend money to fly or drive for countless hours to go see their admired celebs in the entertainment industry. Some fans buy merchandise, posters and other things to decorate their personal space with them all. This industry plays a huge role in our life, and the pleasures we receive from it all.

Now, the bottom line is that how would these celebrities, big Television, movie, Corporations, Broadcasting companies and people get all this money to spend like it is nothing to  live with luxurious homes, mansions, villas, cars, boats, yachts, private planes, who dine in classy restaurants, who shop for expensive fashion, who live the life, that some if not all of us dream of having without the support of Fans? They need to be thankful to us all the time, and getting to meet our favorite actors and actresses and other famous people should not be complicated at all. Signing autographs, taking pictures with fans, and including them as much as possible is so important. Some do not realize how important it is. I some people are crazy for their Entertainment personalities, and I know security can be tightened, but Hypothetically speaking if I were to be a famous entertainment celebrity, Fans will be my #1 priority and they will be above anything else, because without them the Entertainment industry will be nothing.

These award shows where celebrities always thank the fans, which is very sweet and thoughtful of them to mention that and It is very important to always acknowledge fans. Fans dedicate most of their lives to entertainment, some create websites for their favorite personalities, some create message boards, they take themselves to social media and create fan pages for people to join in and share with each other how fans feel, and have fun together and making friends with other fans.

These broadcasting corporations, and television companies think it’s a good thing to change a TV personality from a show that we have gotten used to, but it should not happen, Unless the TV personality is not able to perform due to health reasons, very personal family reasons, that is okay, but do not change somebody for the sake or changing them. It is not good for fans, it is not good for the show. Ratings will go down, and fluctuate up and down, and sometimes it can put permanent damage to the show, that is why a lot of shows do not last, and some get cancelled, because there is not quality content in some. Nowadays Television rarely has great quality shows, and most of which get cancelled before the end of the Television series season. I hope these big TV and Movie companies make good decisions and hire great people to do the work and for us to enjoy

The bottom line is to never mess with fans feelings, emotions and their dedication to an aspect of any entertainment genre. It is wrong, and it is important to always put fans first, besides were the ones putting bread and butter on tables, and were the reason why these entertainment personnel live such luxurious lifestyles. So, they need to think about us and what we want out of it all and ask us if it is okay. What do you think about this? I would love to hear what you have to say. Thanks, and look forward to hearing some opinions. Best wishes.

It’s The Little Things In Life, That is Big For Someone. I have a lot of those Little Things.

One day and several days that followed, I sat down in deep thought to myself, what little things are a big deal for me, what little things in this life that makes me happy, what things that make me feel incredible.  I thought about how important it is to me. I thought of different, scenarios, are people going to think it is strange? Are people going make judgements, comments and talk about me behind my back? But I took two steps back and I just do not care about those negative comments and distasteful things, that I do not need in my life. Its either someone appreciates me for who I am and what I like and supports me with it, or they can leave, but I believe people are free in what they are interested in and what they like, that people would talk about my likes and interests. I am sentimental, and I know the value of things around me and I am so thankful for it.  It is all based on individuality and our hobbies, interests, and things that we like.

Now, this may sound bizarre, but I just can’t get over myself in loving Highway 401 East  in Ontario, Canada. Your probably thinking, a highway? it’s just asphalt and a road to drive on to get to different destinations. To me, it is a lot more than that. There have been incredible memories on the Highway 401 East going toward Montreal from Toronto. It’s such a great feeling. At times I was by myself driving and it was the best feeling ever and just the car, the music that gets me in the right state of mind, the road and myself. It’s an experience I will never forget. I remember when I took my first alone driving trip. It was awesome. I went half way to Montreal which is Kingston, Ontario and there was an Armenian Youth Camping trip and it was an incredible time. Driving alone makes me feel so awesome and it takes my mind off of certain things. Taking trips and just getting away from the city and just exploring is so great. My memories on the 401 started when I was so young. Until now. This is one of the biggest things that is so valuable to me. The Highway 401 East direction is my favorite and it will always remain my favorite. I have had beautiful memories, fun times, and just seeing my favorite objects and places on the 401 on the north and south sides. I would see my favorite signs, and symbols, I memorized all the curves, twists, turns, the signs, the exit numbers, the towns. You name it. I have grown a sense of connection with the highway that takes me to my happy place Montreal. Even my wallpaper on my desktop computer has a Highway 401 East picture. It’s a beautiful thing once you discover what is a big deal for me.

So take these little things in life. Someday it will be worth a lot to you and it will give a sentimental meaning as life goes on and you look back on everything you have been through and things you have had in life. The important thing is to discover it. Take sometime for yourself and figure all this out. I am sure you have little things that are such a big deal for you.

Give it a shot!

My Biggest Emotional & Mental Fear

Have you ever been in a situation where you fear about what happens when you communicate with best friends or good friends everyday and you tell each other everything and never keep anything from each other, then all of a sudden that everyday communication, hanging out, and that togetherness stops? I cannot even begin to tell you how many times that has happened to me. In the past year, it has happened to me with a few people and this is my biggest emotional and mental fear when people you talk to on a daily basis and tell you everything and I tell them everything and all of a sudden the communication stops. That petrifies me so much. I love my friends so much, I love who they are, appreciate who they are and what they stand for, and I enjoy communicating with them, and I enjoy everything. I just do not understand how it can just stop just like that. Sometimes It is mutual and sometimes people stop talking to each other because there maybe nothing else to share in life, it can be due to people getting bored of each other. You never know what the case maybe. You never know what can happen in another persons life in their family life, or something may have happened to them that they don’t talk to anybody anymore. There can be a lot of factors in it.When I have always been nice and helpful, when I always give that person attention and have them talk about life and what happens, and I always try to give it my all and I always try to give time to my friends, but I guess it is not enough time isn’t it?

I always say people will come and go in life, but it is the true ones that stay in the end. This is one of my biggest emotional and mental fears in life. I have never been so scared about anything else in my life than this. I am looking forward to the new chapter in my life and I am looking forward to new experiences and new friends who don’t stop communicating and who are true and pure. I’d like to thank those people actually, they made me a stronger individual and they made me realize big things in life which taught me valuable lessons in life not to put my trust in every person I meet, to get to know people very well before I can put my trust in them, and not everyone will be my friend. Those are very important factors in life and I am so glad to have learned all that. It is very important. I am thankful to people whom have been lessons in life. Some people come into your life as blessings, some come as lessons to learn in life and that is one awesome thing to do. Live and learn as they say right? It is the same thing bottom line. Life is a never ending learning process between differentiating people, and learning about things in life and educating yourself with types of people. It is very important to know these things. What are your fears? All the best to you all!

My Sentimental Value Toward Highway 401 East, Ontario, Canada

Hello everyone, I know this topic has come up on many of my blogs stating about the Highway 401 East in Ontario, Canada and How big of an impact it’s had on me and my life. It is a sentimental value to me. The Highway 401 has brought a lot of memories for me from when I was a child up til this point. I am very happy to have this connection with a highway I love driving on, and going to my Happy Place Montreal. I love Highway 401 East because It its a corridor to Montreal and to Autoroute 20 in Quebec. I am such a sentimental person that even a highway is special to me. I know it sounds odd and a little strange, but I know that in all of us we have a sentimental thing that may not be a big deal to another person, but it can be a big deal to one person. Its like one persons junk is another person’s treasure to sort of speak. It is something that I have a strong bond with. I know you maybe thinking a strong bond with a highway? Sounds silly doesn’t it? Well, it is not silly to some people. I have encountered many others who feel the same way I feel about it. I am a super driving nut. I love to drive and especially passing by the big trucks and big rigs on the 401. I love it so much. I am a huge fan of those big transport trucks and I know a lot about them and when I have conversations with people on the type of truck it is, or the make, people say wow, you are so knowledgeable about it. I like to learn a lot of new things and live to tell about it. So moving on, when I go to OnRoute Service centers when I take a break on the 401, You never realize how fast you go until you stop at a service center and see these cars, vans, transport trucks zoom right by and its amazing to know that, that is how fast were going.

Anyway, I am very happy to share this sentimental value with everyone. I believe in blogging, you can write about anything and open your heart out on everything. I believe I feel better when I blog and share my stories with the world and with different people. It is what makes the world go around hearing stories, different opinions, suggestions, and stories such as this one. I have written about this a few times, but I just can’t get over how much of a value it has in my life. I am so glad to have had the opportunity to share this with everyone. Its amazing what this blogging world has become, so many people write, so many people are in the same criteria, genre as I and I like that so much. reading peoples opinions, reading peoples stories. Its very nice to read.

Thank you all for sharing your stories, thank you all for having the guts to write about things. It takes a lot out of someone to put it all out for the world to see. Everyone should pat themselves on the shoulder. Blogging and sharing is a beautiful thing. So glad so many are doing it.

Life Is A Never Ending Learning Process, It Comes From Experience

In Life as I was growing up, and getting out of my childhood, teenage years, one of the biggest and most important, valuable things I have been taught from my family, teachers and others in my life is that it is a never ending learning process. I truly believe in that statement so much. I believe that each thing we learn in life, and each person or thing that comes into our lives, is a journey of learning. We learn about all types of people in our life, we learn about all kinds of things, and interesting as well. We learn to get through certain situations in our lives. Everything in life is an experience. The more experience we have in life, the better educated we are about it. A lot of people have the gift of always wanting to learn, always asking questions, doing research, trying new things, doing new things, changing who they associate with if they don’t end up who they say they are in the beginning. Learning and being educated, not only through school, but through real life lessons is something so incredibly important and the more we go out in society and the more we get to know different people, is so beneficial for ones self, and that will give someone a better understanding of people, people can start to be great judges of character on the spot. Some people do not know people and cannot read people very well, its because they don’t have enough people skills and interpersonal skills to know the difference between the right and wrong person and the more were out there, the better it is for us in future.

Life is full of discoveries, life is full of things that is there to learn, to try to absorb as much information in our minds as possible and that makes our minds more active, ourselves more vibrant, and when were out with people you can have so many conversations about so many things in life, you can make a random subject into such an interesting one that people will listen in and they will be educated too. The more you read, the more you know about the world, current events, and live through experiences and live to tell about it, is something so surreal and so incredible. You will be amazed to how many people will be interested. Each new day are new learning experiences and without learning, you won’t have experience. It comes hand in hand and they are very similar in defining life, and defining the true meaning behind it. All this depends on the person. Everyone is different, and has different perspectives on life and how they want to live it and how they have that certain outlook on it. It is a complicated situation, but once you engage into conversation and get different people’s point of view of things, you will see the magic and the true beauty of human life, you will see how humans interact with one another. Everyone is different and there are 7 billion people worldwide and all these people have a purpose in life and why they are here. Over half of these people want to learn, want to be educated in life.

Life is given to us and we need to experience life fully and without experience, we will never learn how beautiful life truly is. We need to sometimes get out of our own personal bubble and our own personal lives, to get out there and discover something new, and do new things instead of the same old routine were so immune to. Being center of a attention and selfish is not a way to go through life. If were always seeking attention and if were always making everyone about that certain person, that person has a lack of learning new things, a lack of thinking about other people, other peoples opinions, suggestions, and their trains of thought. We cannot always be me, myself, and I, we need to get others point of view about things and we need to include them in too. Its not a good thing to be selfish and self-centered. Not a great trait to develop. There is nothing wrong with learning, there is nothing wrong with experiencing. Be happy about it all, be positive, and optimistic, but at the same time be enthusiastic about what you want to learn and when those key elements of greatness are involved. everything else will fall into place, everything else will settle into what it is. We have to really be thankful for all the learning and education we have. It prepares us for future and no matter how old we get, the learning process and experience never stops. Just keep going and don’t stop now.