A Bad Attitude Is Like A Flat Tire, You Can’t Go Anywhere Until You Change It

Recently, I read this quote from somewhere and it really stuck to me. I believe that attitude is something so important in life and how we approach situations. When we have attitude problems and were always giving attitude to people is not a good thing to develop. When your car has a flat tire, you can’t go anywhere in life right? well, with a bad attitude and a negative attitude you won’t go anywhere. I believe that when someone has a good attitude and good behavior, there will be lots of open doors and there will always be opportunities for you. Having a bad attitude and not treating people with respect and dignity is a recipe for disaster. Everything you do, always strive to have a good attitude. Everyone can develop it. I know sometimes there are days where things go sour and things do not work out every time, but it is something that when you have a good attitude on life and when your always good to people, you can turn sour days into sweet days where life can be lived without attitude.

Approaching things with a good and positive attitude will get you places in life. I know all of us have great qualities, and we have to learn to utilize them and show them to the world. There is no shame in showing people your qualities in the world and people will understand it as things go along. We all can have great attitudes, we just have to work on it. Were not perfect people, were not always going to be happy and in a good mood all the time and things happen beyond our control and things can be tough and life too and you can feel like a tire that goes flat. I know and have experienced many of those days and I have been through so much, but that does not stop me from having a great attitude in life, to have that positive attitude always. It is very important. We create beauty with our behavior, actions and attitudes. beauty is in the eye of the beholder as they say right? It is the same thing. When people understand and make life easier for them, they must learn it, and experience more.

Attitudes can be contagious, so watch out who you give it to unless they are great attitudes. just remember this and life will go awesome for you. Behavior and Attitude are major traits that are important in life. Go with the flow and never be afraid.

32 thoughts on “A Bad Attitude Is Like A Flat Tire, You Can’t Go Anywhere Until You Change It

  1. Great Blog Talin. it is so true you have to have it is so important to have the right attitude to succeed in life in work in marriage in everything. this is one thing that i always care for with people that I associate and be friends with them and that in turn will keep you positive in life and have fun when you succeed…. Great attitude Tal. LU

  2. I absolutely agree! Attitudes are contagious, and we need to be conscious of our state of mind. When we are faced with something that puts us in a bad mood, we need to have the awareness to change our focus and get ourselves out of the moods that are bringing us down. Good points!

  3. It’s so true! And it’s always funny to me how sometimes I expect my bad mood to make me feel better, it never does, but being happy for no reason always works! It is like it is hardwired into us!

  4. Your post is amazing! I agree on what you have said. Bad attitude is not the answer to all the things we need. There’s no positive thing in a bad attitude

  5. The best prescription for positivity is simply to have love in your heart. It’s ‘lovely’ to connect with you! I am a new blogger here and think you have done a beautiful job with your blog which offers much inspiration. Thank you for being an inspiration and thank you for ‘liking’ my blog as well! xxoo

  6. I really enjoyed this post. Thank you! 🙂 I strongly believe that GREAT attitude is a key component to success. Thank you Talin.

  7. I like your attitude! Especially when travelling through countries where very little is shared by way of language and culture, i find that using this approach inevitably lends me a world full of friends

  8. I’m taking with me the comment about the teacher being quiet while you’re taking the test. Good stuff.

  9. Yes, it is possible to change a bad attitude just like changing a flat tire. So the will never be any excuse to continue living with a bad attitude.

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