My Back Pain Has Been Ruled Out To Be Sciatic Nerve

I went to visit my doctor the other day and I told him that, my lower back pain is unbearable and its an aching pain which is hitting all the way to my toes. He checked it out and he said that I have sciatic nerve and he said my back isn’t fully straight. I started to freak out a lot and I just got scared about it. So my doctor is going to send me to a chiropractor and I am going for massages for my lower back. I am so happy they approved it for me to go have these massages done. It is unbearable. When I stand up or lay flat, nothing happens and It is good and I don’t feel pain, but as soon as I sit down, The pain just rushes down to my toes and sometimes Its so painful that I end up sleeping it off. After 10-15 minutes of sitting, the pain starts again. The pain is hitting my abdomen pelvic area. I do have UTI (urinary tract infection), but I am going for an ultrasound and Cat Scan to see what is going on and to further it. I just need to get to the bottom of all this. I can’t do much when I have this pain and its terrible. I want to be able to not feel pain anymore. Its a chronic pain that keeps coming back. my thighs, my feet, my toes. all hurt as a result for lower back. I need to relax today and lay flat… I will see with what happens from here.

Feeling A Lot Better. Thank You For The Wishes

Hello All, I would like to inform you, that today I am feeling much better and my back pain is all gone. I am so happy and thrilled. I took some much needed relaxation and some much needed sleep and that helped a lot. I can not breathe and enjoy life again. I want to thank each and everyone of you for your well wishes and giving me advice about what to do. I am truly humbled and touched by everyone who was concerned about me. I love you all very much. It was a miracle. I woke up feeling no pain what so ever and now that its gone I will be filling up my suitcase soon and onto my travels without worry. I just need to take it easy until then and everything will be great. I need to really relax and start preparing. Anyway, today I am going to keep it short and sweet. I have a lot of things I need to accomplish today that I didn’t this week due to my back being out of commission. Thanks again everyone. It is much appreciated and I wish you all the best in everything. Time to get up and get things done. lol 🙂