Getting A Great Nights Sleep For A While Now – I am Happy

So many blogs ago, I had wrote about how difficult it was for me to fall asleep and tossing and turning in bed and not being able to wake up fresh, and for a few weeks now, I have been having a great nights sleep. I am so happy and thrilled about that. Before it would take me over an hour to fall asleep now it takes me about 10-15 minutes. It has improved so much. I guess because of my exercising and eating well and getting healthy is the case. I haven’t felt this energetic in a long time. I owe it all to healthy eating and exercise. I feel so great, and I feel the weight coming off and I have already lost about an inch or 2 off my waist and tummy area since I have been doing my pullie 250 times every morning, plus drinking a lot of water, and eating small portions rather than large portions. I am so relieved that things are working out for me and my social life is getting better, I feel more confident about myself, and I feel like I am on my way to a new body, and this time I am sticking to it because I found a painless way to exercise and its working very well for me.

Last night I got emotional and started to cry a bit because I feel like I have lost a whole lot of my young life with wearing dresses, and outfits that I should have started wearing at age 20, but now at 27, It is still not too late and I can still wear the dresses, outfits and go out in style without having to worry about wearing outfits bigger than my age. I saw this wedding dress in a dress boutique on the weekend and It had my name written all over it. It was the perfect dress and I would have said yes to the dress, but I do not have a boyfriend to begin with and that will come soon too. I feel it. I guess all my worry and stress is finally being lifted off and sleep is improving and my life is improving with making all these positive and happy changes in my life to feel good, to be healthy and to have better outlook on life. I am happy! πŸ™‚


4 thoughts on “Getting A Great Nights Sleep For A While Now – I am Happy

  1. It sounds like you are doing all the right things to get healthy, Talin. That’s a great way to start anything. The rest–like wedding gowns–seem to happen when you’re not looking too hard for them. Best of luck. Sweet dreams!

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