What Is In A Blog? Why Do We Blog?

In this day in age, social media, blogging, and networking is booming and blooming like wildflowers, a lot of places on the internet now have blogs. There are all sorts of blogs out there, some for personal use, business, hobby, interest, travel, food, recipes, pleasure, topics of the world, issues, life, advertising, writing about a product, introducing an artist and getting yourself out there for the world to know about you and who you are and what your purpose of a blog is. Blogging is such a huge thing now in our generation, in just a few clicks and writing a username and password, your on your way to making a blog. To me, blogging is therapeutic, its where I am able to write about my feelings, write about issues, introducing others, promoting someone or something. Before even starting with WordPress, I did a lot of thinking before I started this blog site, I said what will I use it for? How will I contribute to the world with my words? Will they be read? Will they be noticed? Will my content be read by so many people? Will my blog be successful? I asked myself several questions before dotting the I’s and crossing the T’s. I am glad I made the decision to say yes and start my journey in blogging. I am glad and happy on where it has taken me. The world now is filled with bloggers like us.

I have had my ups and downs in the past year and few months into my blog, but that didn’t stop me from pursuing my dreams and making a difference in peoples lives with my words with positive approach on life, to always be optimistic, happy, and enjoy life. That is one of the main reasons why I started to blog in the first place, but then as I went on, I started to post recipes of my favourite dishes, invested time in other topics, issues, and about technology, social media, and among so many other topics that came to mind. Ladies and Gentlemen, writing is a very difficult thing to do, but it doesn’t matter when it comes to blogging, how to write, the content, structure, the topic, the title, tagging your post. I know its supposed to be done well, but it really doesn’t have to. It depends on individuality, how you want your writings done, how you want your blog website to be portrayed. It is all up to you and you have the freedom to structure it the way you want to, but always make it visible, easy on the eyes and easy to comment, follow and organize your blog, so that way you get more people to come, but then again its your blog and you are entitled to make it the way you want it to.

Blogging is something very incredible. When you search for keywords on the internet on major search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Bing, and all the other ones, There are several sites that come up and your blog is included into the list. Some people prefer either Wikipedia, or right on a persons blog. Someone Somewhere will click on your blog and engage into it and if they like what they see, they will follow it and they will become a member on your site and get e-mail subscriptions, they will comment, and bookmark it, and there are all kinds of people interested in all kinds of things. There are billions of people who are online now, and the sky is the limit. You never know how many people maybe viewing your blog, you never know from where, which is why I love WordPress Stats, it tells you by country, clicks, search engines, how many peoples visited, viewed, your blog counter, and amongst who has been following your blog and so much more. I love looking at the stats. Its incredible. Blogging is such a great tool and I love it. I encourage everyone to start a blog, and I encourage everyone to get started on how great social media and networking can be. To advertise your business, and to promote yourself, a blog does wonders. You never know who is looking at you. Some people go places and get far in life just by blogging.

I remember a few weeks ago I went to a party and a friend of mine approached me and said, someone I know writes movie critics on his blog, and someone from an agency or a critic from a big movie company noticed and he was offered a career path in New York City in New York and now he is living there and making a lot of money, by just blogging. He was noticed from online and now, hes living very comfortably and hes doing so well. I am telling you, blogging is a very powerful thing now. Anybody can see what you write and if you get lucky someone big sees it, you have it made. All the best to you and your blogging journey. I know its hard, but you will get there someday, I know that for sure. Enjoy blogging, and enjoy what you do. All the best!

14 thoughts on “What Is In A Blog? Why Do We Blog?

  1. I started blogging for therapeutic reasons too and soon TheNewHappyMe became much more than I imagined, reaching thousands of readers each month. You have been doing great too Talin, I am so happy you persevered!! Now from hobby to business, there are so many opportunities for bloggers!! The reality is you need to make a revenue to continue serving the world with your message and now blogging is open to that market too! Here’s how I’ve been developing my blog http://www.empowernetwork.com/thenewhappyme

  2. “I know its [it’s] supposed to be done well, but it really doesn’t have to.” If you have any sense of pride in the work you create, and what you want people to read, or if, as you wrote, you hope to be noticed and “making a lot of money, by just blogging,” you not only need good content, your work should be polished. Plenty of people will read, and sometimes comment, on a blog, but the writer should care enough to make it the best product possible.

  3. At first my blog was my journal, primarily about my transition progress. There was definitely a therepuetic component in making such posts. And, another transwoman I knew had advised me to keep blogging as it was possible other trans people would come across it and see that transition could be done without one’s world caving in.

    And then I found out that there were other trans people following my blog, and taking inspiration from it. To know that there are folks thousands of miles away and in other countries who have benefitted from something I posted is a truly humbling experience. Words can have vast amounts power, and that hubles me.

    Though most of my blogging has been trans-related, there’s been all kinds of topics. And through the blogs of others, I’ve connected to people in a variety of places and experiences. It’s a truly amazing thing.

    – Connie

  4. I love the little glimpses of peoples’ lives – and selves – that I get while surfing the ‘Net, and blogs in particular! And I agree – blogging is a fantastic way to pursue one’s interests and passions in a fun and less intimidating way than, say, changing careers. LOL Kudos to you for putting yourself out there and speaking from your heart! 🙂

  5. What is funny to me is I read three articles today, yours included that a job could come from blogging… Never thought of it that way. I use it to help others, myself, earn and so forth. Great message friend. I like what I see 🙂 Have a good day.

  6. Blogging is either a way to express your talents and passions without having to be stopped by “burocracy” and a way to express my selfishness without hurting anyone.
    I think blogging it a wonderful medicine for the chance you get to put on paper what you think and do, this makes you able to be more sincere with yourself.
    Thanks to my foodblog I have been able to grow a huge passion for cooking and it is a possibility that it will become my future career! In the meantime I study just like a professional to be more and more skilled in what I do!
    The blog opened a huge door on a new way of living to me!

    PS please write your articles with a bit more space, it is too tight!

  7. Sometimes I think the “blogosphere” has gotten out of control.

    20 years ago where I am we had limited media vehicles compared to today such as newspapers, radio, TV, “The Big 3 networks” and cable channels no less than 60 or so. By the late 80s/early 90s cable peaked to 50% of the US homes, BTW.

    10 years later the Web came to be added more “voices”

    and now even there is what I believe are too many “voices” (thank you social media!)

    The fragmentation of the media is really not amusing at all. It’s sobering. What may be cool to one person is not the best to the other. I remember just for a few years back in my younger days how society was still monolithic. I miss those days, really do. Now like I said, the pie is so cut into so many slices, it’s basically dysfunctional. Society is dysfunctional

    I find it personally frustrating to try to compete with essentially competing with a few billion different voices, and the challenges to sustain an audience as people don’t have any attention span anymore puts a a bigger challenge. Especially when you are trying to seek feedback and the only feedback they give are the default options on the gray bar above every hosted WordPress blogs (“follow” and the hateful “like” button.)

    I’m doing web stuff, because I didn’t want to waste money to go to college to learn a career that is a dying breed (journalism or communications.)

    Thank you for following my blog (please give valuable feedback when necessary!)

    A Puzzling View on Relationships
    and Day to Day with ASD

  8. I love blogging. I started about a year-and-a-half ago. I follow about fifty blogs that I read regularly. There are so many unique, fascinating voices out there waiting to be heard. Blog on!

  9. I’m a recently bloomed blogger myself, and while I have dreams of being “discovered”, I’m enjoying writing on it as an exercise in self indulgence, with the smallest possibility that someone out there will find something I’ve written almost educational.
    I just wanted to say thanks for following. You’re officially my 99th follower!

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