The Days Are Getting Closer To My Travels – I Am So Excited

I cannot believe how quick the days are approaching to my travels to California and Las Vegas. It will be my first time in both places. I cannot wait until I see Welcome to the fabulous Las Vegas and Welcome to California.  I will be visiting Hoover Dam and Grand Canyon as well. Since were right there. All those Western, and all those other types of movies on the desert will be on my mind as I travel from Vegas to California,to name a few such as the Griswolds of National Lampoons Vegas Trip, or those movies where they would be on the desert. Traveling is a big deal in my life and I love to see so many places. I’d like to give a big recognition and thank you to my father for getting me on the way and seeing the world. I have to thank him very much. If it wasn’t for him, I wouldn’t be going to half the places, I would be going to all my life. Traveling is precious to me. I love going to different places in the world and getting out of my city.

You know when some people say when I retire, I will travel, but sometimes when people retire, they start having pains in their body and then won’t be able to travel anymore. My dad always says, go live life to the fullest, your not going to take anything with you. Might as well as invest that money and go away and travel, and enjoy, see the world, You come with nothing and go with nothing. Yes although saving money is important on a rainy day and if something happens or whatever, but if your the type that likes to travel, do it. and go for it.

I love knowing and experiencing different places. I know there is the internet and encyclopedia’s to learn about different countries and such, but it is a lot different when you go there physically and experience it up close and personal. I am so fortunate like I said for my father to have taken me to all these places, and when he sent me to Armenia with my grade 8 Armenian School Graduating class. I was 14 years old when I went to Armenia the first time in summer of 1999. I saw my Armenia Motherland and that was ultimately one of the most beautiful trips I had gone to with touring Paris, France first before getting on the plane to Armenia.

Well, Anyway, I am super excited! Counting down the days. 🙂