Littering Makes My Blood Boil

There is something, that I need to get off of my chest which makes my blood boil and gets on my last nerve. For the life of me, I am just so appalled by what I see and what I find that is not acceptable at all, and it is called littering. I find littering is a big problem and when I  am driving and see other people driving, they think its okay to toss out their tissue, gum and other things out the window and see it fly all over the place, and sometimes hitting the windshield of the person behind or on the sides. I see so much litter getting off the Highway 401 and on the grass and the sides, I would see a pile of trash everywhere, coffee cups, food bags from Mcdonalds, Tim Horton’s, and other places. I see coke cups, gum wrappers and cartons, candy and chocolate wrappers. You name it, its all there. I just don’t like it when I see this. Whatever happened to caring for the environment and preventing pollution from this garbage going around and harming where animals live and it goes into our waters, lakes, streams and rivers where fish and other animals live. I don’t think it is right to litter at all. I know that pollution also happens from Gas and all those cars and everything, but the more serious issue is trash. I see a lot of it. I mean when I say a lot, I am saying all the time.

There are Garbage Cans for a reason and for people to stop being lazy about throwing garbage in it’s place and not throw it anywhere they please. Its not a good thing and it doesn’t look so good for the city and for our health. A lot of germs are in the air because people fail to put trash where it belongs. If we do not take care of our earth by doing these simple things like not littering and everything, then our earth will not take care of us. Which is the honest truth. If you see someone deliberately and purposely littering, do not hesitate and be afraid to tell them in their face and say, Hi sir or Ma’am please pick up your garbage and put it in the trash can, thank you. It doesn’t matter of the reaction, you just did your job and your duty to take care of the earth and everything else.

Littering is terrible. I hope people will be more aware of what they do. Our earth is beautiful, but were making the earth ugly by littering and not taking care of it. Lets stand on littering and make it a thing of the past and look for a cleaner earth tomorrow. Don’t take advantage of the earth, we all live on. Lets help each other out, by eliminating litter.