About Myself

Hello, I am Talin and I reside in Canada. Writing has been a passion of mine in the last 18+ years and I have done a whole lot of writing and publishing articles for my Armenian community and church, on Facebook, and other websites. My family and my friends told me that I am a wonderful writer who has a great gift to put words together, to really move people with my thoughts. A friend of mine who is also a blogger like myself said to me, that “With Our words, we can move mountains”. I will never ever forget those words and I will never forget how that made me feel. I know all of us in this world has a talent or has a strength. I believe in not throwing your talent and your gifts away, and I believe that we can all make a difference in our world and really spend time with just yourself and think about your strengths, talents and so much more. develop a strong relationship with yourself and you will be surprised on what you will discover. Well, now you all can discover me and my world of words.

When you work hard at something, when you want something bad enough, you will get it, but first you must earn it. Things do not happen overnight. You must reach your goal by working at it. My passions are mostly revolved around writing. I love to blog, I love to write and somehow, someone, people, somewhere, a celebrity, a talk show host, a huge public figure will pick up on it and hopefully my writings and my messages will benefit people out there for their own good. I care about people very much and these issues around the world and its my goal to send out these messages to everybody. I am going to keep working at it and I will not give up!

909 thoughts on “About Myself

  1. Hi Talin you are brilliant such a nice person . Im glad i read your blog very interesting .Your theory in life is fantastic and very proud to know you . Take care and good luck with your venture

  2. hi thanks for following me. it was hard to find your site and the About page keeps disappearing. However, I am impressed that you’ve managed to get Twitter and Facebook on your site. I still can’t work that out! Lots of things I still can’t work out. I will try and follow you, if i can work it out?

    • Jenny, if you have any problems with WordPress that you can’t figure out just email their support people. They have helped me out more times than I can remember.

      Sandra Branum

  3. You’re my first follower! Thank you! Feels like I’m actually starting something worthwhile. Tried and failed before to maintain my blog so getting an actual follower gives me motivation to do so! You’re blog looks fantastic and from what I’ve read you’re a really talented writer, keep it up 🙂

  4. Hi Talin,

    I like the way you persevere and wish you all the best in your writing endeavors! Thanks so much for subscribing and visiting my blog. I hope you enjoy my poetry and I have also subscribed!

  5. Thank you for following me! Your posts are full of life and high spirits–very uplifting and inspirational!

    Keep fighting, never give in. Do what you love and those mountains will move as you grow!

    God Bless.

  6. I like the cut of your jib. I also enjoy writing, but photography has become my passion. Thank you for taking a look at my photography blog. It really means a lot to me. I look forward to reading your future posts!

  7. Hi Talin! It must be a strange coincidence that you came across my cartoon work, for through those I too am trying to achieve my dreams Thank you for the “like” and the inspiring posts! Best of luck!

  8. Howdy Talin –

    Just wanted to thank you for stopping by my blog. From what I’ve read here on your blog, I’m going to enjoy reading your posts.

  9. Howdy, Talin! I appreciate you following me. And may I say, your posts are marvelous! Your last 8 years of writing and publishing articles really gave you much experience. Looking forward to more of your posts in the future. 😀

  10. You have started head on with the process of moving mountains…. keep it going. Waiting to read more of you.

    P.S. Am not much of a comment person, but I will read your blog a lot, that’s a promise.


  11. Thank you for liking my blog. I hope you will visit often and follow me there and on twitter. Good luck with your writing. I look forward to reading your posts

  12. What a lovely post, Talin. I understand exactly what you mean about the imperative to share your gifts — if you’ve got a lamp, you don’t hide it under your bed. You use it to light the way for others 🙂

  13. Big thanks Talin for visiting my blog. We’re oceans apart, me in the Philippines, you in Canada, but its such a small world now we can follow through this new-found friendship. Best wishes for the holidays.

  14. Hi Talin, thanks for visiting my blog. Keep on blogging. Love with words shall never be wasted. Here is wishing you fun and satisfaction of being able to express yourself and making yourself understood.

  15. Hi Talin. So nice to see you have subscribed to my blog today. I am honored that someone with your writing talent would follow my blog. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do writing it. I will follow your blog too and look forward to receiving your posts. Wishing you success in all you do.

  16. Hi Talin,

    Thanks for following my blog. I’m really honoured. I truly agree with you about working hard to achieve our dreams. Goodluck. I look forward to reading more of your work.



  17. Hi Talin!

    I see that you are Armenian. I have many Armenian friends, and they say that all Armenian last names end in -ian or -yan….why is yours not like this?

  18. Your blog looks so interesting an I think Il know where to come if I need a spirit uplift with all your positive and inspirational posts! Thanks for following me and liking my opening blog! Much appreciated! Happy Blogging! Nicola xx

  19. Thank you for following my Video Blog! Feel free to leave comments on any postings you feel inspiring or give you something to speak up about. It is based in a project for my graduate class, so it will really help in my reflections, etc. I have also followed you back, great blog posts!

  20. Hi Talin! Thank you very much for following our blog. Yay our first follower! 🙂 I do have to warn you though that we’re currently posting our large back catalog of articles so you’ll be flooded with alerts 😦

  21. i like the way you say you will not give up. and i especially love you say “With Our words, we can move mountains”. that’s a GREAT and FABULOUS faith!! (although writing or blogging is not my passion, lool)

  22. Thank you for following me. I hardly posted anything and a succesful and experienced writer/blogger is already my first follower. It gives one the courage and inspiration to continue. Thank you very much.

  23. Hello Talin, My name is Wayne. I wanted to thank you for taking the time to visit my blog, and I hope you enjoyed yourself. I’ll be coming back to visit again. Take care and best wishes. Wayne

  24. Talin,

    Thank you so much for taking the time to swing by our blog and like AND follow us! We’re really grateful for the support, and have really enjoyed checking out your site. Take good care!


  25. My mom a writer told me writers should always right about what they know The life experience that you have had and will have Can & will help to change things I think you are awesome writer and I will hope everything goes well for you in this venture and life !

  26. Hello!!

    Whether you have been reading my blog for a while or if this was your first time and you enjoyed it enough to subscribe. I would just like to thank you personally. It means the world to me to feel like I’m not just talking to the inter-web. (: I hope your day is well.

    In Christ and with love,

    Sarah Moog

  27. How wonderful that you are following your passion and seeing where it takes you! That is all *any* of us could hope to do. I will gladly keep working my way forward, and it’s an enormous encouragement to know that there are others out here like you, like us, doing what we do out of passion and joy and hoping that the passion and joy will spread. And they do! Onward, my friend!

  28. Talin! Thanks so much for checking out my blog. It means a lot to know people out there are reading. All the best and I’ll look forward to more great reading on your site!

  29. “When you work hard with something, when you want something bad enough, you will get it.” Yep I believe that, anyway, my final examination is coming. Thank you Talin.

  30. Hi

    While I am searching for an article on Global warming when I reached your blog. What can i say, words got lost (Believe me they were right there in my mind but suddenly when I read your article they vanished :P).

    Well apart from joke, I must say that you are doing a marvellous job by spreading your thoughts in your way. I may not be able to discover your whole blog, as I am from karachi, Pakistan and in any minute our power will be failed… :P… but I do read your article about infomertials… wow… you know when ever i saw those stupid irritating commercials I always thought am i that uneducated or am I from Roman empires??? when I was reading that article, I wont just reading your article but I was reading my thoughts too.. and i think that one good quality must exist in you that u know the thinking of layman.

    Well whooooooshh….. My house power just gone and now the next turn will be of my UPS :P… so i may hurry and must say best of luck in your writings and may Allah fullfil all your good thoughts 🙂


    Ahmad Ladhani

  31. Hi Talin. Nice to meet you. Rebs from itsy bitsy here.
    we’d just like to thank you for visiting our site and following us especially since you have such a popular site yourself! your support is much appreciated.
    fantastic outlook on life.
    what’s your favourite thing to write about?

  32. Talin,
    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I’m re-inspired to blog by your “about” section. I too have been encouraged to write by my friends and hope to help others with my words. I would love to move a few mountains with my words. Heck, I’d be happy just to inspire or uplift a few people.

    Keep on writing and encouraging others.

  33. thanks for following my blog, I’m glad to find your blog through it 😀 I agree that you are a great writer. I really enjoy reading your posts especially the one about bullying, doing good deeds for people and the importance of saying thank you.

  34. Thanks for following my blog. I really enjoyed reading your blog as well and you have a very wonderful message. Don’t forget that even if high profile people do not read your writings, its the little people that matter the most. If you encourage just one person to help another, and they in turn help another, you have impacted three. Just imagine the progression of hope you are spreading!

    “Never, never, never give up!” ~ Winston Churchill

  35. Pingback: Such a Positive Reaction! « ☮ ♥ ΩΦΑ

  36. Hi Talin! Thanks for following my blog. I’m looking forward to reading your posts, seems like you have a great mission. From what I just saw, you want to get on Ellen, which is totally cool! I hope you achieve that goal 🙂

  37. So happy you found my blog because now I found you! I love what you said in your ‘About Me’ – so true. We must work hard and our words WILL affect people (hopefully positively). Keep on writing and inspiring us all, including myself. 🙂

  38. Hello Talin! Thanks for following me. I hope we can be good friends….please do not hesitate to stop by in my blog….coz I think we would understand each other’s feelings….since I am a writer myself – though I’m still amateur! ^_^

  39. What a great attitude and inspiring message of courage and hope you bring. Glad to follow your blog and thank you for stopping by mine. We have similar dreams and visions. All the best to you, FaithDream

  40. Hi Talin!

    Thanks like the others, thank you very much for stopping by my blog, liking a post, and choosing to follow me.

    Echoing the last commenter, I think you have more comments here on your About page than I have received on all of my posts and pages combined over two years!

    Well, ok, I exaggerate, but looking over the content of your blog, it’s easy to see why you get such a response. What goes around come around, and you put out a lot of great positive thoughts and ideas.


  41. Talin, thanks for stopping by my blog today! I love your name! I’m looking forward to browsing through your site. I’m always interested in what other writer’s have to say! Stop by anytime!

  42. Hi Talin,
    Thank you for stopping by to read my post and ‘like’ the same! 🙂
    It was a pleasure to know you enjoyed reading it and I look forward to reading some of your posts.

    Take care!

  43. Thanks for checking out my blog. I can see you have put in a lot of hard work on your blog. Keep it up, it looks amazing and is definitly a great read.

  44. thank you for the likes, follows (and less selfishly and more importantly) for the positive, uplifting messages of your blog. we need more love, trust, honesty, respect, integrity, etc.

  45. Thank you so much for sharing your motivation for writing. I really love the idea of words “moving mountains”. You are absolutely right! Best wishes.

  46. Thank you for the follow! I too, am believing and feeling of the highest positive frequency that my art will reach someone that finds me interesting enough to have me join them on stage and screen somewhere VERY SOON! Good intentions to you my lady!!!

  47. Thank you for the “like,” there will more posts about the work I am doing in the Dominican republic up soon. I have read some of your work and enjoy the way your sentences flow without any disruption of thought. 🙂 keep sharing the light and never for get balance of mind and body so you spirit will flow naturally.

  48. Thanks for liking Her Joyful Noise — I’m a fan of the 401 too — I grew up in Eastern Ontario and learned to drive on it.

  49. I am glad you are writing this wonderful blog and that you took the time to find something favorable in mine. Prayers and best wishes to you.
    Cyprian Bluemood

  50. Good morning, Talin! Thank you for your visit to Poetic Bloomings. I’m not sure how you found us, but I’m glad you did.

    You have a beautiful, upbeat, inspiring blog here. Hoping we can inspire you as well. That’s what it is all about, isn’t it?

    Smiles to you.
    Marie Elena

  51. Good Morning Talin, Thanks for visiting and deciding to follow me at Enjoying The Journeys. After reading your about me, I can tell we share very similar interests, hopes, and passions. It’s nice to “meet” you. I look forward to reading your blog.

    Be well. ~ Kristi

  52. Hello Talin! It’s a pleasure to meet you! You do write beautifully, and your words ring true. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to meet you by visiting my blog, and thank you for inspiring me with your wonderful talents as a wordsmith!

    (JayVee Media Link)

  53. You do seem to have a way with words. I read your post about everyone being special and it was indeed encouraging and motivating. It made me want to go out and use my talents to help someone else and to stop getting down on myself because I cannot do a certain thing someone else can do. Thank you so much for the follow. Keep writing your heart out!

  54. Thanks for following my blog. I spent 7.5 years in Northwestern Ontario! I like your blog comment about changing or not changing.

  55. Hello Talin, thanks for following my blog and encouraging a “new blogger”. How very kind of you and nice blog you have! We are quite a distance between Canada and Austria – hope we can get to know one another better and inspire each other. Renate

  56. Thanks for following my blog, Talin! I love your “About Me” page, it looks like you have a really great blog! I look forward to seeing what you have to say. 🙂

  57. Hi Talin, Thanks for following my blog…I enjoyed reading about you and you do write beautifully! I am glad you are strong and courageous. An excellent role model for women and girls everywhere.

  58. Hi Talin, thanks for following me. I like your blog a lot and I am looking forward to receive notifications of your new entries. I like to write too and your blog posts are great. I enjoy reading them. Thanks!
    Elke Houghton

  59. Hi Talin! Thanks for your blog & thanks for following mine! I’m new at this so hopefully this is coming through from CrudMyKidsSay & not my original & not-sure-of-I’m-keeping blog, LifeLoveRetail. Keep on!

  60. Thanks Talin for the Follow and staying positive in your messages. As a newbie Blogger it’s always great to have someone spend a few minutes reading something you’ve written. Keep pedaling!

  61. Hi Talin, thanks for following my blog. You have a great story, never give up on your passion.

    It’s almost fate that I ran into you. I am the Director of Content Development & Business affairs for The Social Writers, a brand new free social community for Independent writers such as yourself (website under construction).

    In the digital era with E-Books, blogs, and other outlets, it’s become easier for an independent writer to get noticed, but there really isn’t a single cost effective outlet for a writers to provide support for each other. I’ve found a few out there, but they require some kind of membership fee, or they have a “stuffy” feel to them and seem like they are for the upper echelon of writers sitting around the fire sipping wine and writing by candle light (yes, I actually picture that when I see some of the sites out there believe it or not).

    So I wanted to make a place for people to come, chat, talk about writing,bounce ideas around, support each others work, and maybe have some fun competition around it for free, with no pressure. The goal is community support, and collaborative writing contests.

    The website is currently under construction with a projection of being live mid January, but I welcome you, your community, and anyone you know that likes to write to come be a part of The Social Writers community. You can reach us at http://www.thesocialwriters.com or follow us on Twitter @TSWriters.

    Thanks for following my blog, i’ll do the same for you, and please keep rowing forward and continue to do what you do best.

  62. Stopping by to meet you – thanks for following. Glad you liked my post “A Story for All Seasons”. Great photo above. Cute photo on the side “you are special”. And, beautiful background and header (nice looking blog in other words). I like the layout out-tabbed dates. Pretty cool. Enjoyed visiting and hope to be back to look around in more detail. Thanks again!

    • Thanks for the follow….I used to follow you when I was half heartedly blogging before so it is great to find you again now that I have started again. I look forward to getting your posts.

  63. Hey there ! You’re soooo popular, I just like it !
    And it’s so wonderful.. I am listening to you on Youtube right now :-).
    So much positive thoughs… great.
    Nice to meet you, and btw, thanks for the “Like” ! You have now a new follower : Me.
    Best Wishes,

  64. I’m glad you are writing because you are gifted at it and I enjoyed reading your profile and other thoughts like McDonald’s v Tim Hortons!!! Keep it up and I hope to read more of your blog.

  65. oh hey thanks for following my blog. i must also say that i admire your effort in really telling the world what you have in mind. way to go! people as determined as you are pretty rare.

  66. Hi Talin, I wanted to thank you for liking my post! I just read about you on your blog site
    and must say I am very impressed! So many followers and awards! I am just starting out blogging, I began the middle of October and so far have about 20 followers, I would love to see my blog grow and would appreciate any advice you may have since you seem to do so well. I hope you have a blessed day! Leigh

  67. Thank you for following my blog, it’s great to find like minds here in the blogosphere. I love to write and like many others hope to one day cross the “get published” line off of my bucket list.

  68. Hi Talin
    It makes writing just that little bit more worthwhile when someone likes your blog enough to follow it, so many thanks for following mine. I like your words and your thoughts and will definitely read more of your blog.

  69. Thanks for reading.
    Its always satisfying when you discover there are others out there who like what you do.
    Take care.

  70. Thank you Talin for your positive feedback! Please have a great day/week and continue to put out great posts! Aloha from Hawaii, Wes

  71. Thank you for encouraging me Talin. It was very kind of you to reach out and be my first follower! Your spirit shines through your words. I wish all the best for you as you change the world through your writing.

  72. HI Talin, I like that you write without giving up, knowing the results will come in time. I’ve decided to start paying stats far less attention and just writing because I love to do it and someone somewhere will get something out of it. Thanks for the follow.

  73. Thank you for visiting my corner of the blogosphere. I’m glad to meet you, Talin! My blog is less than a year old. A wise friend told me to write, and the people who need to read it will find you. So keep writing and believing! Elizabeth

  74. Thanks for the like. Even though we’re mainly focused on business in our SMBMatters blog, we try to take good living and lifestyle issues into consideration as well, so we’re glad to connect with you on that important level. By the way, we have a huge and awesome Armenian community thriving here in Chicago!

  75. Hi Talin,
    Thank you for visiting my blog. It is very nice to meet you. I will definitely be visiting yours from now on. Love the look of your blog. Absolutely beautiful. Stay blessed in all that you do.

  76. Talin, I like to have peace in world and I was also talking to one of my friend about it lately and I felt that you too have a thought on world peace. I believe People should shed all their original thoughts and have a thought on world peace to create a better world. 🙂

  77. Hello, Talin:
    Thank you for reading my blog about Château Amboise. I agree, there is a lot of pleasure to be had and shared from writing. I’ve always enjoyed it since I was little and now I enjoy keeping a diary of my travels. Do you like travelling too? If so, where are your favourtie places?

  78. Hello there,

    Wow, 281 Comments so I’m now 282. Not to mention repetitive.

    Typing is still a bit difficult because of the stupid car door/hand thing, but I just wanted to stop by and say thank you for subscribing to my blog. I’m always very flattered when people do so. Also, I’m quite bewildered, as I wonder who would want to read it on a regular basis? What crap!

    Thanks again and take care,

  79. Talin, Such a nice intro to who you are and why you’re doing what you do. It’s so obvious that you love to write and blog; I look forward to reading more of your posts and more of your blog. Thank you for following and feel free to ask me to address issues that would interest you and your followers; no I don’t have THAT many, but it’s growing and writing science stuff takes a bit of time to make FUN AND INTERESTING!

    I look forward to reading more of your posts and will nose around now.

  80. Talin, lupus put an end to my 20+ year nursing career; THAT I LOVED. Instead of making friends with Rosie and Dr. Phil, I decided to do something productive and before long, I was published. Unleashed, like Mr.Clean! Watch out world, I’m off in a different direction.

    I LOVED your perspective of your trip to Chicago; which was my town for my nursing career an where I lived for 26 years. Isn’t this world of writing a ‘fun’ fascinating world? Full of experiences; at least for me, I didn’t grow up w/ computers, so all this blogging is self-taught and a full-time job. Would you link me?

  81. I always enjoy finding other Christians who are also artists – especially writers/authors. Too many folks don’t realize that the Arts are a Gift from God. Our role in His image as Creator.

    God’s blessings for Christmas.

  82. Wow, what a lot of followers. You should be proud. It means you have something for people to hear and people are responding.
    Thank you for visiting my blog. I’d love to know how to connect to other blogs. I don’t know the steps.

  83. Thanks for the follow – and for then helping me find yours! I’ve liked what I’ve read so far especially the post about You Are Beautiful, No Matter What Anybody Says”. Great stuff!!

  84. Thank you for the follow. Your blog is an inspiration for me to develop my blog in a way that it will inspire others as yours does. Your writing is lovely, and I can’t wait to try some of your recipes. The ingredients will be on my next grocery list! Have a wonderful weekend.
    Ann Arbor, MI

  85. Keep on writing and doing what you love! Passion is a wonderful drive, a written word is a gift and the drive to fulfill a talent is a blessing! May the days ahead be bright and filled with promise!
    thank you for stopping by my blog as well!

  86. Hello Talin!
    I like your blogs, especially the quote that you used at your header there, very true and inspiring! I like beautiful articles,like those that your have wrote. Though i am not a good writer but I am learning to be one! I think I will be able to learn a lot. thanks for dropping by my site and make this connection happened! =D Nice to meet you, short intro of myself, I am Yyne from Malaysia, currently studying in Hong Kong!

  87. Hi Maam! Am Stunned by seeing Your Fans…Wow! You are Great!It shows your great Values and passion on writing. i too likes your blog.Thanks a lot for subscribing my Blog. it made me happy. Keep on Writing. Good Luck!

  88. Talin, thanks for following my blog. I so agree with what you said about not throwing away our talents. In fact, that concept is a main motivator for me as a writer. I’m looking forward to following your post.

  89. Talin,
    Thanks for stopping by to check out my blog. I struggle at writing, so I am honored that you, a clearly gifted and talented and dedicated writer – have chosen to come hang out at my site upon occasion. AS I said yesterday – writing gets easier the more i do it, but i still struggle. So you can be my muse.

    Shalom & Namaste
    Diana Bonyhadi

  90. Talin! Thank you for liking my post and following my blog! I really enjoyed reading a few of your post, especially about keeping memories. I always keep things from travels, activities/events that are special to me though i’m trying to figure out how to best hold these memories without the stuff taking over my home. For me, some things have become clutter. It definitely takes some organization and self-control. Looking forward to keeping up with your blog. =)

  91. Hello! Wanted to say thanks for finding my blog as well. It’s wonderful that you enjoyed my post on loving others, “To Uncle Scrooge!”, this holiday season. Like you, I love to write and believe that talents should not be wasted and that we can see good things over time, God willing. Best of luck to you and keep up the good work!

    Take care,
    Something 2 Write About

  92. Thanks for popping in on my blog today. I’m somewhat new to this whole blogging thing, and it means a lot that you took the time to read my words. Also, I have a special fondness for Northern Ontario. I can see how you could be in love with a highway up there.

  93. Hi

    Thank you for the like of my latest post “Ten ways to beat redundancy blues at Christmas.”

    Also thank you for clicking ‘Like’.

    I, like you, am a keen writer. I am also a great believer in positive thinking and self belief as the key to achieving your dreams. You may enjoy reading my post “Be positive, get help, get a job!”

    I loved your post. Keep up the positive work. You are an inspiration to us all.

    From Sandra Bellamy beatredundancyblues.wordpress.com

  94. Your positivity and commitment are tangible in your writing. Thank you for following my blog, and introducing me to yours. Best wishes to you on your journey to good health and personal happiness!

  95. Hi, Talin. Thank you for subscribing to my blog. Yours is so interesting and I’m going to subscribe to it as well. We writers need to nourish and nurture our passion, feed the fire, and share with others. I love a vibrant writing community.

  96. Hi Talin,

    I like your enthusiasm and your positive attitude. I often find I could use a little more of both. Anyway, thanks for visiting 20 Lines A Day and taking the time to give a liking to my First Impressions.

  97. Hello Talin, thank you for taking the time to stop by my blog , and not only stop by but like it . What a special person you are . I returned to thank you and I saw your following, I am so touched that you stopped to encourage a newbie like me. I hope I can get back to my blog because I can’t stop reading yours. I feel your spirit through your words , the joy the wonderment , you totally immersed me with your words. Thank you for enlarging my world.

  98. Thanks for the like for Love4Gambia! I look forward to trying some of your recipes to fuel up for my training runs in preparation to run across the Gambia.

  99. Hi there, I’m the blogger ‘Petulantchild’, and thanks for liking my post “Check Out The New Malls”, and following my blog. Out of curiousity, how come you like the post? I didn’t think it was very compelling and in fact I consider it a filler because I want my blog to be updated regularly, and couldn’t find something really interesting to write about.

  100. Great to learn about your passion for writing.
    I went to hear my neighbor sing last night.
    He has been at it for more than 40 years (of course his music was frozen in the late 60’s).
    But he did not miss a beat, nor a day of performing.
    I came away thinking, how enduring was his: eye, ear, vocal and finger coordination.
    Just the 7 notes. And here we are, with a string of Alphabet. More challenging and infinite choice.!

  101. Thanks for coming by my blog.
    We all start somewhere right?
    It’s so important that we do what we’re gifted to do.
    We never know which words of ours will be a Significant Encounter for others!

  102. hi talin, thanks for visiting my site. 🙂 may i ask, when is your birthday? mine is october 22, i sometimes believe in astrology 🙂 carpe diem! im from the philippines and when i was a youngster, i love celine dion very much who is from your country. i also want to learn french soon. 🙂

  103. Hi Talin,

    Thank you for following my blog and like. Seeing that you’re a write it inspires me to write even more. A journal is not complete without ones wisdom and experiences and your description of life leaves a mark on me.

  104. Thanks, Talin, for visiting and following my blog as well. Imagine how pleased I was to jot over to your blog and find a recipe for lemon cake – it sounds marvelous. Thanks again!


  105. Hi Talin, It’s very nice to meet you and come across your blog. It’s wonderful that you want to share your positive attitude around the world. I do, too, and if we can get more people to start spreading that, what a difference we will make.

  106. Hi Talin,
    You are an inspiration. I can see how much you love to write. I find writing very therapeutic and I love to read other’s stories and share some of my own. Thank you for reading my blog! Keep on writing!

  107. If I hadn’t said it already on one of your posts, I’m so glad you found my blog so that I found yours! I’m so happy to be involved with a great community of writers here on WordPress (and I’m now writing with a group in life too!) Cheers, Talin, and I hope you have lovely holidays! Jerri 🙂

  108. Hello, Talin. Thanks for visiting my blog. I was pleasantly surprised to find recipes in yours. I will try the vegetarian pasta dish, for sure! Keep on blogging, Talin. Tell us your experiences so we can live vicariously through them. I hope it’s not too cold in Montreal. It has finally cooled here in San Francisco, although I’m sure it’s nowhere as cold where you are now. I used to live in Toronto, for more than 13 years. Loved the city. Loved the people. I still like to visit. So I felt very nostalgic when you talked about thanking the OPP and their R.I.D.E. program or how you love the Hwy 401 Eastbound. These brought me back to those days when we used to live in T.O. Have a good holiday!

  109. Hello…thank you for following my blog at Faith1st Ministry. I hope it has and will continue to be a major blessing in your life as you continue to write and blog. Please continue with us on this journey and remember to have Faith 1st.

  110. Thank you very much for following our blog. I have read a few of your blogs and have enjoyed them very much! I look forward to reading more of your blogs in the future. This whole blogging experience is new to us and has been quite an adventure!!

  111. Hi Talin,

    Thanks for following my blog! I’ve only read your “about me” so far and love it. My blog is very new and I have big aspirations, so your follow made me feel great. You keep up the good work and I will, too!

  112. It’s taken me a while to get here and I have no clue why… probably because when you first followed me I was getting to know the site and not navigating aorund too well- never the less, better late than never and sincere all the same.. This is a thank you for following my blog and visting my posts. I am very grateful and your follow is sincerely appreciated. I wish you and yours a lovely week and weekend and hope that this note finds you well and in good spirits.

  113. Talin, you are my first “like” and follow on my first blog ever and I extend my gratitude to you. This is what a blogging family is all about: supporting our common love for sharing what we love with others. This is why I finally began my blog journey and I will support yours as well. I hope many others follow your example and God bless you & your family!! 🙂

  114. Talin, I must say you got me from your Tagline (Don’t ever change yourself to impress someone…). Your “about page” is inspirational and I hope you the best, someday I will read you in print. I’m sure.

  115. Thank you for your comments, Talin. I appreciate you taking an interest in my writing. I am perusing yours, as well…and will comment on your individual posts.

    Write of a life well lived, and always live a life worth writing.

  116. Thanks for following my blog. I’ve read some of your blog and I’ve enjoyed it. I’ve been cooking more lately and hope to use some of your recipes. Your writing is so passionate. I really admire this. 🙂

  117. Hi Talin…congratulations on your success and thank yyou for following Today In Tango….we are looking for someone to help us research and write Today In Tango…do you know someone in your church community who might be interested….a retired journalist would be ideal…they could of course do it from their home…in return we could offer them room and board on an eventual visit to Rome which really is the most beautiful city in the world…thanks…have a nice day….oscar

  118. Talin,

    Thanks for visiting and following my blog. Hope you have wonderful holidays and that the New Year will be filled with promise for you! Keep on writing!!


  119. Talin, hello to you and thank you for stopping by my blog. I’m fairly new to this but I have discovered that I get so much out of blogging and I’m determined to stick with it. I’m pleased I found you and I look forward to reading more of your wonderful writing.


  120. Thanks for following “Words of Life” Talin. In Sydney Australia at present the weather is cold, unusual for the Christmas season here. I trust you will have a great Christmas. God bless you in the challenges and blessings of this coming year.

  121. Thanks for following my blog, Talin.

    My best, and only friend, in Jacksonville is Armenian.

    You seem to have the right attitude toward writing. Work hard at it and success is sure to follow.

    Best wishes.

  122. “When you work hard at something, when you want something bad enough, you will get it, but first you must earn it.”

    True and it helps to write step-by-step goals and achieve those goals one step at a time. Sometimes adjustements to those goals are needed. However, the dream sometimes doesn’t pay the bills, so we find a job that supports our dream and in our freetime at night, on weekends, on vacation, we work at achieving the step-by-step goals of our dream one at a time.

    Those that give up, don’t.

  123. Good day Talin. Thank you for checking and following my blog. I look forward to reading yours in return :). Keep up the good work.

  124. TALINORFALI; Thank you for subscribing to my blog. I visited your blog and I like it. I will continue to follow you. May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. romans 15:13 Ricklee

  125. Hi Talin

    Thank you for subscribing to my blog. Your blog is very inspiring and from the heart. I wish you luck with your quest to get on the Ellen De Generes show. Bullying is despicable.
    Re. Armenia – one of my all-time favourite singers is Janis Ian, another lady whose lyrics spoke from the heart, especially Seventeen.

    Keep up the writing – it is your gift and as much a part of you as your lovely face.
    If ever I can advise you on that side of things, don’t hesistate to contact me. My websites is http://www.taramoore.com. I am also on Twitter as TaraMoore2 and Facebook too.

    Beannacht De Leat (Irish blessing) – means God be with you.

    Tara x

  126. Thanks for your likes….you have an interesting blog yourself….

    Some good advice I once got re: writing > write something every day….even about something you may not know much about….by doing so you learn more about something new and about yourself….then when you write about something you do know about you will have even more passion in your writing….

    Follow your dream….and keep on writing….

  127. Thank you for stopping by my blog. It is definitely NEW territory for me and will be ever evolving. It is very generous of you to do so! (No wonder you have so many shout outs!) I have enjoyed reading many of your posts so far. I hope you get on Ellen!

  128. Hi talin, I love every bit of the things you said about yourself. I can see the passion. I can feel it. Maybe it’s not by accident that you’re following by blog. I’m here for a reason. To show the world a platform upon which they can earn a living while expressing their passion. From the way you sound you’re a perfect match for fanbox. They have developed a platform that enables you to earn money while blogging. You’ll do those things you mentioned in your profile but in addition to doing them you earn extra income. I don’t know whether you’re already making money from this your blog through Google adsense or Adword? If not, then I ask you of either of these two things:

    Follow this link http://fanbox.com/c9b12 and sign up at fanbox. Thereafter, import your blog into fanbox and start making money. No attachments!

    If you don’t like the first option, give me the permission to import your blog into fanbox and when you start seeing you fanbox bank account grow you’ll take over its management.

  129. How exciting to have you follow my blog. I’ll definitely sign up to follow your beautiful site. Love your outlook on life and on writing. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you and the Ellen show. I got to attend a live Ellen show in Vegas a couple (three?) years ago when my daughter-in-law sent in for tickets! Pink and Bette Midler were guests. It was awesome 😉 Best of luck and again, thank you.

  130. Hi Talin………..your post has inspired me to continue to develop my writing and to use it as a gift to positively impact others…………thanks for signing up to follow my blog “Unwalled” and blessings to you from the Sunny Bahamas………..Kim

  131. Hi there Tailin,
    Thanks for following my blog. You’re very inspiring! I can’t wait to read more of your posts.
    Olive Sundays x

    p.s I hope you get on the Ellen show.

  132. Talin, thank you for visiting my blog! I don’t know if English is your origainl language- you mentioned your Armenian community- but you do have a lovely voice and style here. Keep on writing!

  133. Hi Talin, thanks for the follow! I’ve reciprocated and very much look forward to reading more from you. I like the approach you are taking to achieving your goals and wish you well in your endeavours. Keep on writing and inspiring 🙂

  134. Thanks so much for following me. I’m glad you are trying to raise awareness about bullying like I am; you’re doing a great job at it by the way 🙂 Hope you get on Ellen too; I watch her show from time to time and I love how kind and funny she is.

  135. Hi Talin,

    Thanks once again for dropping by today and “liking” my stories. I hope I didn’t block up your email too much – I was trying to get all of my stories together in one place and I am never that organised!
    Anyway – all the evry best to you and yours at the holidays season.
    Brian in Scotland.

  136. Yours friends are write, you are wonderful writer..!!

    i just read some of your entries… all are superb.. Thumps up to all 🙂

  137. 453 replies here! It’s a record of how reach out and connect with other writers on WP. Thanks for following my blog and for setting a commendable example for us all.

  138. Thanks for following Anti-Film School! Stop on by anytime, grab some stale popcorn, never mind the missing film reels, make sure you hold on to your purse, and strap yourself in for a cinematic extravaganza. We’re glad to have ya!


  139. Hallo all…

    Hi Talin..,
    I’m Ariko from Jakarta – Indonesia
    [ http://KamiDariSemua(dot)WordPress(dot)Com – is my Personal Blog ]
    I’m so glad and thank you that You have visited and Following my Blog :).

    I’ve just running my Blog about two and half month ago, so everyone who comes there may found very litlle posting with a lot of ‘lack’ in spots … I’m sorry for it.
    So… have found Great and Nice Blogs like Your Blog, encouraging me to make everything Better inside my Blog.

    Now, I’m going to walk around Your Blog … it’s gonna a Nice long walk 🙂


    Happy Blogging & Keep Sharing

  140. Thanks for following my blog! I love your passion and I too, will never give up on my dream of traveling the world! Looking forward to reading more of your posts and I hope you do of mine as well…I know you’ll like what you see!

  141. Lately I have been thinking a lot about it, what is my passion, what is my goal, what am I good at? Everybody says that once you find it, you will be able to do it… but how to find it? I think and think about what are the things I like but get confused and scared in the way… I am very happy you found your way and I will continue trying to find mine, any words of advice?

    And by the way, thanks for following my blog: http://ilustradoradeprincesas.wordpress.com/!
    I will check yours in more detail!

  142. Hi Talin,
    Thank you for following my Crown Of Grace blog. I’m really excited to have the opportunity to share the message of our lord God with the world. I’m a ministry leader with Celebrate Recovery and working on a pastoral degree in the central Arkansas area . This blog site is new and I’ll be posting alot of awesome things to come in the very near future . I hope to have a great future with you in the days to come ! May God bless you and give you peace in all you do !
    Steven Meyers
    ” I can do ALL things through Christ who strenghtens me ” Philippians 4:13

  143. Hi Talin! It’s always nice to meet a new fellow writer! Your blog and posts are really cute. Oh, I’m a girly girl so I love, love, love the pink background! Keep writing and sharing with the world because I can’t wait to see what you write next 🙂 Thanks for following Chick Under Construction! Smooches!

  144. Heys Talin.. Thanks for following my blog! I understand the passion on writing, I have the same passion but can hardly write as well as u! Your blog is very informative and interesting. Keep it up! 🙂

  145. Keep writing! I have just started myself, I noticed you visited my blog. Thanks. I too hope that people enjoy my written thoughts, it takes a while (or it did for me) to get up the courage to blog. I’ll be checking back on your site. Best wishes.

  146. Thank you so much for following my blog. It’s really nice to know that somebody out there read my blog (even though it`s in Indonesian). Come visit mine again. I`ll really appreciate that 🙂
    Warm regards from Indonesia 😀

  147. Ahh… stories.

    Lots of us can’t get enough of them; and, apparently, you’ve been gifted with that talent.

    And, yes, absolutely. You and purple are a terrific match!

    Merry Christmas… and God’s finest blessings in the new year ahead, Talin!

  148. Thanks for checking out my blog! I look forward to reading more on yours and you are totally right, you should never change for someone else 🙂

  149. Thankyou for visiting my blog and following. I’ve really enjoyed my look around your blog and I admire your determination to reach your goals.
    I wish you much success for the future.


  150. Heyy there

    looks like your tearing it up with your blog, good stuff !! its nice to see someone trying to making a difference . Im going to make a difference too someday !!!
    check out my website, maybe youll see how??
    same site……..
    its the future for people to be creative and invent there ideas and products.
    everyone has the power to make something good but no one uses it ??? sad if you ask me.
    it will change !!! once i show them how its done !!!!
    you know what everyones problem is MONEY its never enough for people, and i dont think it ever will be, no one does anything anymore if its not profitable, dont do it for the money, do it to be great !!

  151. thank you for stopping by my blog! i had hand armenian co-worker once. nice folks 🙂 i will stop by your blog also. lots of time on my hand when i try to evade new year’s eve this year 🙂

  152. Pingback: Liebster and Candle Lighter Blogs « Kweschn!

  153. Thank you for another great post. I would love to chat when you have a chance. I have something for your blog that you just may enjoy.
    S. Meyers
    Web Video Depot.Com

  154. Hey there Talin!
    Letting you know that my blog (www.LetHopeRise2011.wordpress.com) has MOVED! The new URL is http://LetHopeRise.wordpress.com (no 2011) – whilst the previous site redirects to the new site, to ensure you do not miss any posts you will need to FOLLOW the new blog.
    Many thanks for follow in 2011 – looking forward to your support and comments in 2012!

  155. Thank you for choosing to follow our Blog–The Third Cross Congregation of Jesus Our Christ, we are happy to have you as a member of our family and growing international congregation. Please do not give up on your writing, it is a gift of God. This world needs every positive contributors we can muster. Best wishes for your continuing success, let me know if I can be of assistance. Sincerely, Minister G

  156. Thank you for following me and Sorry for my busy cleaning days in Bangkok. Your writing tells your sincere and lovely personality just like a young girl. My writing got published in Thai when I was 12 but I have brought it back as a tool to make a change for about this 4 years. So, my aim is to stimulate rather than to write that they may too strong sometimes. Hopefully, I didn’t scare you to death with my stories.

    Well, I have a kind of creative writing in the concept of short, sharp words or less for more to show you. I dream a better societies and the better world.

    Take care and Happy New Year,

  157. Thank you for stopping by and following my blog! I hope you’ll like what you see and keep coming back for more! 🙂

  158. Loving your blog! It’s nice to see someone who’s as passionate about writing as I am. Thanks for following my blog and sorry I’ve not commented sooner on your blog. Keep up the great work and have a great day!

    Yours truly,
    Donna Unica

  159. Hi Talin!

    So nice to have discovered your lovely blog. Thanks very much for signing up to follow mine in November. (I apologize for the lateness of this note, but I’m still trying to get caught up on a backlog of blog correspondence.)

    Hope you’re enjoying the posts and recipes!

    All best wishes,

  160. Hi Talin thank you for stopping by SimplyStudded.com. Your “like” was really appreciated. Your friend is very right! With our words, we can move mountains. Jesus said it as well. Keep up the great work and continue to encourage, bring healing, wisdom, and laughter to others with the words God has given you to share….Hershey

  161. I was referred here by a new friend of mine, Nate, and I am glad he gave me the link to your blog! It seems to me that you and I share the passion for writing. But, I am impressed how you have articulated your talents in contrast to mine. You are much more expressive than I am and I enjoy the depth of your posts. I will return to continue reading! Glad I found you!

    And since my school recently announced it is “Do something nice for someone else” week, I feel obliged to be honest with you: You are beautiful both body and soul. Don’t ever let go of that and don’t let anyone change your mind about it!

  162. Talin, hi! I wanted to thank you for being one of my early followers. I just went over 200 and I am personally thanking all my very early followers. Thanks!

  163. Hi, I really like your Blog and how positive you are. I also totally agree about working hard to reach your goals. I am going to add you to my BlogRoll.

  164. Keep inspiring. If you can inspire, you’ve discovered yourself truly. Keep blogging; keep inspiring.

  165. Hi Talin, I’m a fledgling blogger and I love it when I get an email to say a fellow blogger has stoped by, especially someone as established as you! So thank you for following my blog!

  166. Good Morning,
    I wanted to take a moment and thank you for finding my little blog and following along on my travels. My hope is that my stories are educational and funny at times and that my opinions don’t offend, well not too much. Never the less, I am looking forward to seeing you again soon.


  167. hi
    thanks for joining my blog. Hope you find other posts of interest or inspiration which may help you in some small way along your own life journey. Look forward to exploring your blog as well. 🙂
    with love light and JOY

  168. Thanks for your follow and your likes with regards to my last posts.
    Have just checked your blog and you really seem to have a lot to tell to the world 🙂

    Ofcourse I have returned the favour and started following your blog as well 🙂


  169. Hello Talin,
    You are a successful blogger and really you are tarented. I am glad you visted my site and shown me yours through the like you provided. I have to learn alot from you and I have added this site to my favourites Bar.
    Nice to meet you dear….!

  170. LOVE the quote at the top. Exactly what I needed to hear (read?) this week. Also love that you are pursuing your passion … keep up the great work 🙂

  171. Thank you for liking my post and following my blog.

    Your site is very inspirational and you are a talented blogger and writer. I love the quote you have in your sidebar because it couldn’t be more true. I look forward to all of your posts.

  172. Hi Talin. 🙂 Thank you for visiting and following my blog. 🙂 I am so pleased to meet you. I am more than glad to read your posts.
    My best regards,

  173. Hello Talin! You have a lovely name 🙂 Just wanted to thank you for following my “Delightful Local Repast” blog. Your blog is thoughtful…very nice ~ Cheers, Rose

  174. Many thanks for following and liking my recent post. It takes great courage to open the doors to one’s personal world of words. I wish you all the best in your endeavors. Continue to embrace the inspiration to inspire others!

  175. Thanks for checking out what was “Round the bend, following my blog and allowing me to find yours. I look forward to lerning more about you through your writing.

  176. Hey there Talin! That is definatly an unusual name 🙂 I have been to Tallinn in Estonia before which is lovely, and so is your blog!
    Thank you for joining my followers list! I’m not sure how frequent I’ll be during this summer, but we shall see what happens 🙂

  177. Thanks so much for the follow and the like. I’ve really enjoyed your blog too! There’s so much good stuff to share!

  178. Easy to decide whether to follow or not! Love the positive thinking all over the place on your blog. Thanks for following Fish Tank Mom. I have started a non parenting blog called Prairie Girl On Fire. If you read the Whats This All About you will feel an extra bit of gratitude for your cheerleaders. It is so nice to have the encouragement of others though as you say one can find that inner voice that will always do the same! hmmm http://prairiegirlonfire.wordpress.com I have never put a link in a comment – hope you do not mind!

  179. Hi Talin,
    Thank you so much for taking your time to read my blog and to also follow my blog. I have read some of your posts today and you truely are positive and inspirational through your words that you share with the world. I look forward to reading more of your uplifting posts 🙂

    Best of luck in all that you do!

    Love Meera

  180. Thanks for all the “likes” on my blog. I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate it and my daughter will be extra pleased that you liked her Father’s Day craft! ♥

  181. Thanks for the positive feedback. Positive people are a real blessing in one’s life. Thank you for being one of those people. From one writer to another, if you get the opportunity, check out my new book on Kindle. Although the title is: Parenting: A View from the Therapist’s Chair it is about so much more than parenting. Wishing you all the best! Jerry

  182. Talin, thanks for stopping by and visiting my mtnslamgrass.wordpress.com site. Thank you for liking my Listening: Part II. post. Please pass this on so that we can fullfill Joseph’s dream.

  183. Hi Talin,

    Glad you enjoyed reading my post, “Stop hiding, we need to see YOU!”. Feel free to stop by again soon, comment, and like on Twitter or Facebook (blatant hinting!) 🙂

    Until next time.

  184. Hello Talin,
    Lovely name, lovely lady. Thank you for subscribing to my adventure. That means a lot. Thank you for posting the airport tips. I love to travel and I love the excitement and possibilities of an airport…and I want it to stay that way! haha
    A Multitude of Gratitude,
    Leilani, The Clyde Woman

  185. Thank you for noticing my blog and taking the step to actually follow it. I appreciate your love of writing and what it can do – my daughter has been one of those gifted with the ability to create pictures from words and I’ve always admired that ability in others. Keep feeling and writing – we could always use more.

  186. Thanks for visiting & following my blog. I like blog and particularly blessed by the quote above ‘… the teacher is always quiet during a test’. Thanks.

  187. Yes, you are good with your words, a lovely poetic quality, pleasing to the eyes as they read. Do you know what else is great – while your wisdom and words are being shared with others, the viewers, in return, give something back to you, as your commenters so excellently portray! Most excellent don’t you think?

  188. Sorry it’s taken me a few months to say it, but I wanted to thank you for following my blog- it means a lot to me! P.S. Keep up your passion, you’ve got a great and evident voice in all your posts!

  189. Hello Talina! I believe that one of your passions is anti-bullying. I came across this and I remembered you. I thought it might be of interst to you. It will be held in New York and it says participants include “Abuse & Bullying Survivors and advocates.” Blessings! ~Nadine Marie~

  190. Hi Talin,

    I agree that, “Things do not happen overnight. You must reach your goal by working at it.” With enough passion and determination, all things are possible =)

    Thanks for following my blog. I wish you all the best in pursuing your dreams!


  191. I do believe all the ideas you’ve presented to your post. They are really convincing and can certainly work. Still, the posts are very brief for starters. May just you please prolong them a little from subsequent time? Thanks for the post.

  192. Hello, I noticed that you visited my web site, so I came to return the favour, reciprocal traffic is always nice. I am always looking to improve my site and you’ve given me some great ideas. Thanks! Ok, time for me to head back to this Brazilian paradise on the beach!

  193. Hi Talin I truly relate to you when your friend really touched your heart when he said that with your writing, you can move mountains. Yesterday, I went with my friend Ravi who’s become my best friend here in India. He knows I am working hard as a writer and he told me Jonathan, when it’s hard and when times come when you feel there’s no one on the other end reading, always remember that: “each and every time you write, some thing in the world changes… however small this change may be, something does change.” I think I’ll always keep these words with me. Keep it coming 🙂


  195. I wanted to come and thank you for following my blog and I hope I don’t disappoint you. I wish you good fortune on your career into writing and I would much love to hear some more from you soon.

  196. I started blogging so that I can improve my speech and communication skills. I also believe that with words you can touch a million hearts! 🙂 I hope to be good at it someday. Keep up the good work.

  197. I must first say thanks, Talin for following me, Thanks, too, for sharing your passion with me as someone worthy of your philosophy about life as we never can nor should stop learning.

    Your recipe for success are worthy of emulation: keep an open mind, work hard to earn success, and do not mope or remain angry as these detract from our happiness.

    With every good wish for this New Year.

  198. I simply want to mention I’m beginner to weblog and actually savored this web blog. Most likely I’m going to bookmark your blog . You surely have incredible well written articles. Many thanks for sharing your web-site.

  199. Nice blog! Keep it up, and keep writing. It is very therapeutic, and the world can always use another good writer who cares 🙂 Nice layout too.

  200. Hi Talin! Thanks so much for taking the time to visit and follow my blog, so that now I’ve had the benefit of learning about your inspiring work! Thank you for sharing your work as an inspiration to us!

  201. Thanks for following my blog and the “like” on my post – “Happy”. I think the theme of your blog is fairly similar to mine, also I admire your dedication making a post everyday. Best with everything and I hope you continue to enjoy my blog.

  202. thanks for checking out the pasta paulie site T and liking the modern times posting. i wouldn’t have thought my grumpiness would attract you but hey, just shows you. thanks again

  203. Like you, I want to make a difference in the world. I want to leave it better than it was before I came along. I’ve often said to myself, that if I helped just one person through my writing, I would consider it the evidence I needed to assure myself that *this* is what God put me on this earth to do. And with this calling, I shall continue to write!

  204. Hi.. thank you for following my blog..and to be frank, I just love your blog,It is filled with so much positive energy.. Even I write, which happened accidently and still learning on the process. Even I love to make a difference to the world with what I write. I really love the way you have put matters here..

  205. Pingback: Blog Of The Year 2012 Award « Cooks and Facts

  206. Hello Talin Orfali,

    I have felt your touch previously so I wonder if this message (cut and pasted below) is for you. I feel like I reached the end of my caregiver advocacy days.

    The goal here is to get the maximum number of Comments so these will EQUAL OR EXCEED the number of visitors. If you are willing to participate then please follow this link (http://mlbergcarefreehighway.wordpress.com/2013/01/18/one-to-one-best-ever-views-to-comments-ratio/), open the post, and cast your comment upon the page (sort-of like graffitti).

    Good luck to us all.


  207. I absolutely love your passion! That’s right..the power of words is…incredible! I’ve formed so many friendships through my blog with people I’ve never met simply through words. Keep up the good work ;). Thank you for following me as well

  208. Hi Talin

    Thanks for visiting soulsnet and now I have followed you here. Good to meet you. You are right we all have our unique gifts and talents, given for free and ours to share or hoard. And how lucky we are that the internet and the blogging world give us a chance to reach out to one another, a platform for our words to be heard.

    And we can support each other, sharing our experience, strength and hope with each other. Greetings from a damp and dreary UK. But that’s just today. Tomorrow the sun may shine. Nothing stays the same, everything changes and that is the glory of life

  209. Hi, you followed me at themorrowgirls.wordpress.com. I’m moving the site to dbryantsimmons.bravebirdpublishing.com. There will still be all sorts of goodies about The Morrow Girls Series. We actually just started a giveaway you might be interested in. I hope you’ll follow the new site 🙂

  210. Thank you for the follow and taking an interest in my blog, it’s much appreciated. Now following back and looking forward to reading your posts. Take care 🙂

  211. Hello!
    Thank you so much for checking out my blog, I quite appreciate that.
    I find your about page quite interesting and I look forward reading your future posts!
    Have a great day 🙂

  212. Talin, thank you for writing to me on ‘Water for the Soul’…good blog you have been working on…I like the thought processes you have…I follow so few blogs, but I am willing to take another look at yours. You seem to want to write about those things (and people) which touch you…that’s the best part of life….

  213. Thanks for your like and follow. Your blog seems to have very good intentions, and you obviously work hard at blogging and Twitter to spread your words and thoughts. Regrettably, I am not religious, and will never be so. However, I send you my best wishes from England, for continued health and happiness. regards, Pete.

  214. As one of my beloved followers, I would like to extend my sincere thanks and gratitude by sharing with you my exciting news of becoming a newly published author! And, of course, I wanted you to be among the very first to get a chance to read the rest of my debut novel, The Legacy of Blood, now available in e-book format.

    (No worries if you don’t have a Kindle or other e-reader device, they have free ones to download on your computer. I went on Amazon and downloaded their “Kindle for PC” absolutely free! Love it! Here’s the link if you need it: http://www.amazon.com/gp/kindle/pc/download .)

    Again, I want to thank you kindly for all the support. And you never know, as some of my followers have told me, you could say you’ve had a big hand in helping make Shelby Westland a household name! 😛

    The Legacy of Blood on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Legacy-Blood-Sanguivore-Saga-ebook/dp/B00C5J7V2E/
    Other e-reader retailers to follow soon!


  215. Talin, I meant to comment awhile ago, but school tends to suck away my life. I really love the message you are trying to put out there, keep it going strong! And Thank you so much for following CestLaJu! 😀

  216. Hi Talin! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I too love the networking and social interactions that come with writing and blogging. Loved what your friend told you “with our words we can move mountains”. It’s why we write…

  217. Thanks for stopping by “Compelled” and liking my latest post about fish lessons, and for following me. I appreciate it! Hope to hear from you more either here or there :-). Blessings.

  218. Thanks for dropping by and following my blog! Sometimes, you just can’t help but write about your thoughts. If in the process we touch somebody else’s life, it’s all for the better. Cheers! 😀

  219. Hello Talin! Thank you for following my blog (Black Hole). Indeed, words can move mountains even those that are oceans/continents away. Keep writing beautiful words. All the best~ 🙂

  220. Talin, Thank you for finding and following my blog. I look forward to reading your posts and hope you enjoy the stories of my family prior to and during World War II.

  221. Hi..thank you so much for stopping by my blog…!! Its really nice to come across your wonderful posts here. Glad to meet u here on blogosphere..Keep Posting..!!

  222. Pingback: Welcome to a new friend: talinorfali | Hey Sweetheart, Get Me Rewrite!

  223. Thank you for following my blog (fromfivetofifty) and liking the post about my father. It means a lot to me. Your blog is great. I’m glad to meet you here.

  224. Thanks for the follow and good luck to you. Your blog is lovely – I shall have a look around. Namaste.

  225. I wanted to thank you for stopping by my blog and also to let you know that I think you’re a wonderfully optimistic lady. It really shows in your writing, in your honesty and your beliefs. Write on, Talin! 🙂

  226. Hi Talin. Thank you so much for following me. It allowed me to discover your wonderful blog. I really sense the passion you have for writing and it’s inspiring. 🙂

  227. You seem like a lovely person Talin, keep up the writing and keep on inspiring people with your wonderful, thoughtful, honest words. God bless you! Looking forward to reading more! 🙂 x

  228. Hi Talin, Thanks for stopping by and reading some of my blog. I’ve been perusing your blog and it is very relaxed. I like your style…Vickie

  229. You were or are following a blog called opt4 whose goal was to prevent domestic violence and promote nonviolence. My name is Chad Herman, Visionary/Motivational speaker and I was writing that blog for over 3 years. Everything you saw on that blog was my creation…and I hope you liked it. Unfortunately, because of federal budget cuts, I no longer am able to keep up that blog. I hope that others will in my absence, but I don’t know. With that said: I have my own blog, motivatingforpositivechange.wordpress.com dedicated to the idea that “if we all did something to help a cause we truly believe in, we could change the world.” I still write about gender equality and nonviolence, in addition to multiple otrher causes and ways to continue creating positive change.Please check out motivatingforpositivecghange.wordpress,com. I promise you won’t be dissapointed!

  230. Thank you so much for following my blog! It’s new, so I’m so happy that someone’s reading it! You made my day 🙂 I look forward to reading your blog too!

    Allie @ callmesassafras.wordpress.com

  231. Pingback: 20,000 Views: 20,000 Thanks | Carl Weber Consulting

  232. I had to wade through over 700 comments to make my own. Being a wordcrafter is one of the most rewarding things we can do as bloggers. I enjoyed your thoughts, I noticed that you are of Armenian descent. Ever since I read the “The Happiest People on Earth” I’ve had a great respect for it’s culture. Currently I craft my words from Russia, but my heart is for the world. I will continue to follow your blog, Thanks for following mine.

  233. Hi Talin, thanks for stopping by my blog and following. Doing the same for you 🙂 Look forward to reading your posts!

  234. My about page is here:
    I’ve been writing for over 4 decades. Haven’t been discovered yet, well except by wonderful folks like you. It takes work to get to be a recognized author. Agents for poets do not exist unless you are already famous. And frankly I just enjoy playing with words too much to want to make it ‘work’.
    Continued success in your writing adventure.

    I’ll be bookmarking your place so I can visit again 🙂

  235. Thank you for stopping by my blog! You have a wonderful blog here yourself, I look forward to coming back to read and learn more. I love connecting with other writers. Oh hey! I live in Canada too. Woot 🙂

    All the best,

  236. Hi there, I know it’s half a year later but thank you for following Sneakers, Socks and Soju. I always enjoy reading your posts and I am so keen to try out some of those recipes. Have a good 2014.

  237. Hi Talin,
    Many thanks for visiting my blog and following me. I have read some of your blogs with interest. I haven’t done a lot of travelling (yet) but have done a little and as you say preparation is the key. Looking forward to reading more of your hunts and tips for travelling.
    Susan x

  238. Hi! Thanks for liking my post on FaithFamilyandFocaccia. I appreciate your commitment to the power of words – that’s how I feel too. There are so many words out there doing harm, so I ‘m always happy to encourage words aimed at doing good. Keep writing!

  239. Great “About me”. I understand the happiness you feel when you can make others happy. I am glad that you checked my blog 🙂 Keep writing on your lovely blog.

  240. Great about! Pleased to hear you are exploring your talent… Me too!! Thanks for your visit to my blog and your follow. Do hope you enjoy my writings and they touch heart and soul! 🙂 Take care… Rob

  241. Thank you for following my blog (Converse with Kurti)! Your writing is inspiring and I look forward to sample more of it 😀

  242. Thanks so much for following the Jenn stories. Also, I really like “the teacher is always quiet during a test.” Why did I never think of that? Is that your own, or did you hear/read it somewhere?

  243. Wanted to thank you for visiting and liking The Vision of Poets. You’ve done so much with your site… It’s well presented, great subject matter and extremely insightful. Thanks for introducing me to it.

  244. I love the concept of “moving mountains with our words “! Praise God for this blog. I can’t wait to read more of your work! Bless you…

  245. Hi, thanks for following my blog and when it’s not so late I will have to take time to read through your posts, I especially want to take in the one about People come in your life as a blessing.

  246. Hi Talin – Thank you, for reading my blog. It is appreciated! I wish you much success with your blogging goals and your life goals. May you continue to be blessed and a blessing to those around you.

  247. Hi Talin! Thank you so much for following my blog! I look forward to exploring your blog and I wish you luck! I really believe in the fact that we can ‘move mountains’ with our words. And by the way, I really love the quote in your header 🙂

  248. Hi, love!
    I just wanted to thank you for following my blog. Thanks also for sharing your heart through writing. It takes a lot of courage to be transparent with perfect strangers. Many blessings on your blog!
    P.S. I have a secret wish to be discovered too 😉
    – Jess

  249. Hello Talin…

    I was recently ‘told off’ by a blogger (not a follower I might add), who said my style of ‘welcome’ note was very much against blogging etiquette. Hmm, well I hope not to cause offence, but as you volunteered to become a follower of Uncle Spike’s Adventures, I just wanted to catch up and say “thank you, and that I appreciate your ‘follow’ as there are so many interesting and entertaining blogs out there.

    Blogging since June 2013, my aim is to deliver an eclectic offering of posts, from my ‘point n shoot’ attempts at basic photography, to the sharing of my travel adventures over the decades, as well as day to day happenings here on our farm in Turkey. Oh, plus a few observations, opinions and lighter-hearted stuff thrown in for good measure.

    I normally keep to a couple of posts a day, maybe 3-4 at weekends if I have something special to share. But if you are at a loose end one day, maybe you’ll enjoy trawling through some of my older stuff too. I have added plenty of categories to help in said digging process. That’s not me trying to be pushy or ‘spamming’, but just want you to know what I’m all about.

    Thanks again and hope you have a great day…

  250. Thanks for the follow on my blog A Joyful Process. I have been reading your posts, they always come from a good place…again, thanks. Looking forward to seeing more of your work in the days ahead.

  251. Very nicely written blog keep up ….Thank you
    In Persian we say
    Augur tu me Khoi Ka bashi Kush navise
    Me navise me navise tu me navise

    If you want to be a good writer
    Keep writing keep writing keep writing

  252. Thank you for the follow, what a beautiful tag line you have. I often wonder where God is and why He is quiet. Now I know it is a test. Thank you.

  253. You do have a gift with words. Thank you blessing the world with your talents. I look forward to reading more of your work Talin. Thank you for liking my posts! Happy Thanksgiving 🙂

  254. Thank you for coming by and following my blog. I will be looking forward to reading your posts when I return to blogging. I very much agree with what you said here. Hugs!

  255. Thank you for the like and the follow! It is my first time writing a blog, and I’m happy that you took notice of it!
    You write wonderful on your own blog as well, I’ll stick around and read some more 🙂
    Have a merry christmas!

  256. Pingback: Well Let’s Have Fun With It, Shall We? | A Difficult Mind

  257. Thanks for following my little blog I appreciate it. Following yours for more inspiring words. I wish you continued success. God Bless.

  258. Hiya Talin! Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and for your follow – it is much appreciated! I shall be happy to take a look around yours – and apologize for my late reply on this! December was a nightmare, then we went on holiday…. long story short, I’ve been swamped! But here we are now… I look forward to looking at what youve got to say! xx Mother Hen

  259. You’re such a beautiful and amazing person Talin. We need more people like you in the world who’s paying it forward with motivation rather than money. Stay true, thank YOU! 🙂

    • Thank you so much for those beautiful words. I appreciate it. You are very sweet. Knowing that i can make a difference in someones life. That is payment enough 🙂

  260. Hi Talin, lovely to find your blog and thanks so much for following me. I look forward to reading more of your posts, I feel already that you and your blog resonates with me.

  261. Pingback: Are We Missing out on Life’s Experiences With Screens? | Chimaeral

  262. Pingback: The Black Cat Blue Sea Award ♥ – Annebella & Kate

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