123 thoughts on “Testimonials

      • hai, talin. Thank you for visiting my blog and follow me. Yours is also great. I wish i could write many thoughts and reflection in lives just like you do. and, i am trying to write it in english as well. 🙂

    • HI Talin, thanks for the “Like” @ Resurrection Cake. Your blog is terrific – well thought out, relevant, affirming and inspirational. Keep up the good work!

  1. Dear Talin, Thank you for becoming a follower of my Blog: barrypaulhartley.wordpress.com
    I’ve only been blogging for 8 weeks now, but have already drawn quite an interest. By next September I will hopefully have attained my Masters MA in Automotive Journalism. Coventry, my home city, which has an automotive history akin to Detroit, is the only place in the UK to offer this degree.

    If you are a journalist yourself, you may wish to to try to apply to register with newspress. I use it for press releases from car companies. But it has other categories which may be applicable to your field, such as politics.

    Regards, Barry.

  2. Thank you for the follow ….. Wow, you are a beautiful young lady, inside and out. It shows through each and every one of your posts! I wish you well and will continue to read your thoughts and words!

    ~ D

  3. Talin, Thank you for becoming a follower of my new blog. I love how when someone “follows” it allows me the opportunity to discover new sites and new people to follow in return. I look forward to getting to know you and hope that I don’t disappoint you… your work really is inspirational.

  4. Thanks so much for visiting and following my blog. It has been a pleasure to become acquainted with your writing. The best to you in your blogging efforts!

  5. Talin, thank you for visiting and following my blogging site, I think it’s incredible that my site has reasched into Canada! Your blog on 2012 hit home with me about exercising and loosing weight, I need all the encouragement I can get, maybe we can encourage each other. I have added my address to your list of followers and am goinjg to put your address as a link to my page. Thanks again.

  6. Thank you for following my blog ( http://pappuman.wordpress.com/ ). It is very encouraging to me and also now, makes me a little more conscious while blogging so that I dont make errors.

    My first read on your blog was “Today’s Society and What has become of it…”. Thats exactly what I feel when I watch Tv. Be it entertainment or News, its filled with vulgarity, show off and intrusion.

    People care less on war in Iraq or Afghan but bloat with messages and condolences when Steve Jobs died. ROFL!!

  7. Talin

    I’m glad you liked the post. I hope you return to find more interesting content. You can like my facebook page as well and follow me on twitter if you wish. When you return checkout my blogroll you might find those blogs to be of interest as well. Anyhow, I’m checking out your blog now see ya!

  8. Hai Talin, thanks for following my blog, meandsinpalumbo.wordpress.com
    I quite surprise you follow me cause mostly I use my own language, Indonesia (like English is my third language hehe)in my blog, but thanks, and I love your blog, it’s full of interesting and great content.

    best regards from me and my daughter Ava Adore, Indonesia 🙂

  9. Thank you for following my blog. I hope you enjoy reading it and the recipes for the holidays. I am going to check your out now! Stay positive!

  10. Thank you for visiting my blog and following it! I have not been at this long, however I am enjoying it very much! I love signing on and checking out how many people have visited my blog! I am crazy happy when somebody comments, I know, I know but it is the little things in life that make me happy! I just want to study, learn more about God and share him with others. I love your blog keep up the good work!

  11. Hi Talin, thanks for hitting the ‘like’ button on our blog! Yours is great, a good example for starting bloggers like myself. I’m curious how you found our blog The Styledistrict (google?). Could you please let me know? Thanks and I wish you all the best for your blog ofcourse!

  12. hi talin! that was very sweet of you to like my blog SociallyUnattractive.com (i am socially unattractive for good reason you know) – and im thoroughly enjoying your blog as well. im a big fan of recipes and you may like the recipes for moms link on my blog. you are a wonderful writer talin with much wisdom to give. if its still ok (and after you’ve read further into my blog lol) let me know if you would like me to put your blog up on my fav’s list! i would be very happy to do so, i have a wide variety of likes!


  13. Thank you so much for liking and following my blog! It really means a lot to me when someone I don’t personally know actually reads something of mine 🙂 Your site looks splendid and by reaching out and following/liking someone’s blog and just shooting out great, inspiring messages, I would not be shocked if your blog has saved a life.

  14. Hi! Thank you for following my blog and liking my posts! I really appreciate it. Makes me want to write a lot more and better! God bless you! 🙂 Keep up the nice blog 🙂

  15. Thanks for being the first human being to visit my blog. I’m new to all this so it’s nice to hear words of encouragement from new and different places. Looks like you have good thing going here 🙂 Keep inspiring peeps!

  16. Thank you for being the my first follower (well aside from my husband, but he doesn’t really count)!. I’m brand new to Word Press so I’d love to hear your (or anyone else’s) thoughts on good blogs to follow, particularly writers.

  17. Thank you for visiting our blog and liking our post! Nice blog you have here too – especially loved the You are Special! Never forget it! post you wrote – Had to share that with our readers 🙂

  18. Thanks for checking out my blog. Love the message on your blog about not changing to please someone else! The pasta recipe also looks super yummy. Looking forward to checking back, seeing more recipes and learning more about you. Cheers!

  19. Hi Talin,
    Thank you for the ‘like’ on my In Safe Hands and for following my photography blog. I have just enjoyed reading about you and your blog and looking forward to reading more.

    Take care


  20. Thanks for liking some of my posts though it’s a mere personal journal which I don’t see much that would benefit others. 🙂 I’m doing it just so I would be able to build a habit of blogging and improve my writing skills since I’m not good in this you know. 🙂 God bless you.

  21. Hi talin, thank you for following my blog,
    I just finished reading your latest post on Cuba visit. I really like your writing, keep up the good work.

  22. Hey Talin, thank you so much for following my blog! I love reading your blogs as well! I’m so new into blogging and learning as I move along. All the best to you and your blog! Take care, blessings and love & light!!!

  23. Thank you following my blog, the Santa Cruz Daily Muse! and I do enjoy your stories. Visiting Cuba is a travel destination dream of ours!

  24. Thanks for following Linghamans Log. It really resonates when I get writers like yourself giving it the thumbs up. It is intimate and personal stuff; I appreciate that it has attracted a following of people like you who likewise appreciate it for its sensitive expression.


  25. Hello Talin,
    Thank you for liking my post, Online Love. I did not expect that someone will like it in less than 24 hours since I posted it… in fact, i did not really expect that someone would read it.. 🙂
    Thank you for following marsyah73, as a first-time blogger it means a lot to me..
    Thank you sooo much….

  26. Hi Talin,
    Your posts are amazing and I hope one day my blog can develop to be as popular as yours. Please take a bit of time to check out my site and I would love it if you gave me any sort of tips and advice. Thanks 🙂

  27. Thanks for subscribing to my blog! You make subscriber #12! I see you have had a lot of success here at WordPress, and wanted to wish you continued success. I’ll be rummaging around your blog to get caught up. Again, thanks for stopping by my site.

  28. Thanks for stopping by, liking, and even following our blog! We’re still getting our feet wet around here, so the support helps. 🙂 I’m going to check around your blog – sounds like interesting stuff!
    Be blessed!

  29. Thanks for visiting and following my blog. I hope future writings continue to receive your likes. I am now following your blog. I am interested in all of your writings and insight on topics. 🙂

  30. HEY HEY,

    Thank you for liking my blog. I’m new to the blog arena and trying to find my niche of personal expression. I like the honest and motivational approach I gleaned from your blog this morning!!!! I am up for any guidance you can lend.


  31. Talin dear, you are amazing! I wanted to stop by and thank you for the extremely inspiring connection. In review of your post and the entire blog, its “safe” to say that you are needed and above all treasured. Stay glorious. Love All-ways Tiffany (Rachannis)

  32. Hi there,
    I wanted to thank you for popping by and following my blog. Though I’ve been at this for a little over a year, I find I’m still new to this whole “scene” and am working my way around all the social media sites, etc… (lol). Anyway, thank you again, and I look forward to reading more of what your have to say.
    Happy New year to you!

  33. Dear Talin, Thank you so much for checking out The Low Fat Diva blog site. I”m glad that you are enjoying the recipes I put on the site. I look forward to reading your comments and I will definitely be watching your blog also.
    I wish you the best in 2012 and hope the year brings everything you want it to.
    Low Fat Diva

  34. Hey Talin,

    Thanks so much for following Zhartvystan! I’m always excited to see a new follower, because in some weird way, it helps me to remember that only 5 years ago, I couldn’t name a single country in Central Asia. See you there! 🙂

  35. Talin:

    Thanks for being a follower of Linghamans Log; this erotic journey I am on is an amazing thing. It means alot to me that people whose writing I respect value my blog. I am a big fan of your blog particularly loved your post of January 10!!!! It is a theme that I repeat to my kids and those that I mentor. Love your writing!!!!!


  36. You’re a powerful storyteller, who brings adventures from “on the road” and a smile to my more-or-less housebound life. I always enjoy your blog entries 🙂

  37. Hi Talin– thanks for following Moonbeam McQueen. I like your direct, no-nonsense approach to writing, as well as your choice of topics. I wish you shiploads of success in all your endeavors.

  38. Hello Talin, hope you are doing well. I am Saurav, admin of ”http://mywebcom.wordpress.com/”. You have liked one of my post “http://mywebcom.wordpress.com/2012/05/25/affiliate-marketing/”, thanks for like this. I am looking for your mail id to mail you personally & pay the thanks, but I didn’t get your id. So I am passing my views. I am a professional webmaster, currently active on web marketing strategy like SEO, SMO, SEM, SMM, Affiliate Marketing & so on. If you have any web marketing campaign, I am happy to assist you.


  39. There is one thing talents and gifts have that other persons who do the same thing as you do, it is called Grace and favor truly your blog is all an embodiment of Grace cos i marvel at the marvelous writings on your blog. keep up this gift and the idea…..nice blog…. recommending it to everyone who want to live a better life!

  40. Hi Talin! Thank you for following my site. Blogging is pretty new to me which is why your mere visit to my page is a big inspiration. I also admire the content of your page. Your time and effort are well spent in motivating people and the lessons you share about life. Keep up the good work! 🙂


  41. Hello Talin: Thank you so much for dropping by my blog, liking my most recent post, and deciding to follow my blog on “True Leadership.” I took time to read through much of your material, and I really like your positive and encouraging attitude.

    I know you enjoy writing. I do as well, which is why I served as the senior editor on a newly published book titled: So Far to Run (http://sofartorun.com).

    Keep up your writing, and your encouragement of others.

    Allen Stalvey

  42. Hi Talin! I like the idea of “testimonials” page.. 🙂 Thanks for liking my post

    God bless!

  43. Hi Talin,

    What’s your opinion of gay rights? You talk about bullying all the time, and I was bullied in school for being gay. Now, many people say that it is wrong to bully people because they are gay…but is it alright to say that AND to say that it is wrong for people to be gay? That hurts to and feels just like bullying. I would like to see your view as you are an anti-bullying activist and a religious person.

    I look forward to your reply or blog post

  44. Thanks for being a source of encouragement to your fellow bloggers including myself, I look forward to following your blog!

  45. Thank you for following my blog dear, I appricate your like and wish you the best in our mission as human being for bring constructive changes in the world.

  46. Hi there

    I was just reading your blog on ‘Honesty is the Best Policy’ having done a Google search re. honestly. I’ve recently been let down by a friend by text re. a weekend away I had arranged for part of her 60th birthday celebrations. I rang her and told her I was angry and disappointed. I really take exception to receiving texts in such a cavalier fashion. I’m feeling a bit convicted as I haven’t spoken to her since but I still stand by what I said and would rather things are out in the open but it seems I’m surrounded by friends who will do anything to avoid confrontation. My husband thinks its flakey to say the least! Any ideas re. the way forward? Thanks Barbara

  47. Your blogs are really interesting Talin. Before you continue blogging and writing which is your hobby, please take english classes and correct your grammer. You have too many run-on sentences and don’t use any punctuations. I’m not trying to be rude i’m just trying to help you so that one day you if become famous, people actually hire you. All the best.

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