In Honour Of The September 11, 2001 Attacks 11 Years Ago – My Prayers & Thoughts

The morning of September 11, 2001, it was a sunny day and I woke up, getting ready for high school,  It was already the second week of school, and I had come downstairs to have my breakfast, and after finishing breakfast, I had made my way to school. After 1st period of class was over, I headed to my next class which was Geography. We had began class for about 15 minutes. Our teacher then left the class for some reason we didn’t know, and there she came with a trolly and a TV. I said Oh were going to watch a movie, and then all of a sudden, she turned on the TV and the same time the same scene was on so many channels, I said Oh this must be a new movie coming out, and our teacher is showing us the preview so we can go see it as a class one day, but little did I know that it was really happening and that The Twin Towers, World Trade Center, Pentagon in Washington DC was hit and so many people had died, and buildings were blown up. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. At that moment, I started to cry so much, and so did a few of my classmates too. We were in awe and shock. So, then afterwards, there was an announcement over the PA System saying that, school has been cancelled for the rest of the day, and will resume tomorrow due to the Terror attacks in the USA. After that I went to my locker, grabbed my things and left to go home, Where I couldn’t stop crying because of what had happened.

I still remember this day like it was yesterday. I had the eery feeling and it was horrible on my way home. I was so scared to ride the public transit home, thinking something will happen while I am on the bus and thankfully I got home safe and I was just glued to the TV All day long. I still remember this day from the time I woke up and until I went to bed which was impossibly difficult to do, since my mind was in the states. After I eventually fell asleep past 2am in the morning and had to wake up at 7 for the next day of school. So I went to school and this was the topic all day and there was an assembly in the gymnasium where the principal, vice principal and teachers gave us information. This is where all the safety precautions started and everyone went to their classes and went on from there. I couldn’t believe it, but when it really happened, I just blanked out.

I just want to say my heartfelt prayers and my thoughts are with all families, friends, and to all effected by this terrible ordeal the world had to face on September 11, 2001 who lost loved ones. 11 years ago today, you all are on my mind, heart, and soul. My condolences to all the deaths that happened, and innocent lives were taken away senselessly by attacks that should not have happened. Today, I will remember all and my prayers be with you all and never let 9/11/2001 be repeated again. God bless and keep people from harms way always. Love each other and I wish for world peace amongst each other.